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The General Director

Rep. No. 333 /2013 Prot. no. 2797

Date: 31st January 2013
Title III Class 9

HAVING REGARD TO the current Regulations for Administration, Finance and Accounting,
and art. 67 in particular;

HAVING REGARD TO Legislative Decree no. 68, issued on 29th March 2012, «Revisione
della normativa di principio in materia di diritto allo studio e valorizzazione dei collegi
universitari legalmente riconosciuti» [Revision of the laws governing student aid and the
valorisation of officially recognised universities] and art. 6 in particular;

HAVING REGARD TO the favourable opinion expressed by the Permanent Student

Commission, which met on 19th December 2012;

HAVING REGARD TO the resolution put forward by the Academic Senate on 21st January

HAVING REGARD TO the resolution put forward by the Board of Directors on 30th January


the issue of “Regolamento contributi straordinari per studenti in difficoltà”

[Regulations for extraordinary assistance grants for students in financial

The extraordinary assistance fund is financial help that can be given to students who are
experiencing unusual financial difficulties, which are caused by serious events that have
affected them or their families and that have compromised their ability to continue or
complete their studies. Events that are relevant to the award of an extraordinary assistance
grant include (but are not limited to):

• serious economic problems due to premature death, unemployment, redundancy,

bankruptcy, etc. that have affected one of the student’s family members;
• serious illness, accidents of any kind, rehabilitation that has/have affected the student or
one of the student’s family members;
• natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, etc.
Events that occurred during the two years preceding application will be considered worthy
of special consideration.

All the students who are enrolled in Bachelor of Science courses, Master of Science
courses, single-cycle degree courses and PhD students of the Politecnico di Milano may
apply for the extraordinary assistance grant.

Students may not apply if, in the academic year the applications are open in, they belong
to the categories below:

• students who do not complete enrolment in courses within the deadlines listed in the
academic calendar or in the calls for applications for admission to PhD courses;
• students who are enrolled in a foreign university but who are attending classes in the
Politecnico as part of international exchange agreements.

The extraordinary assistance grant is not compatible with:

• other kinds of financial assistance supplied by public and private bodies;

• other kinds of financial aid provided by the Politecnico di Milano and that expressly
forbid beneficiaries from receiving other kinds of financial assistance.


Students who wish to apply must submit a request addressed to the Rector of the
Politecnico. The form to complete is available from the university’s web site. The
application form must be submitted with all the documents explaining (and proving) the
reasons the student is requesting the assistance fund. Students who, in the two years
before submitting the request for the fund, transferred to the Politecnico from another
university, are required to provide all the documents related to their university career
before enrolment in the Politecnico when they submit their request.

The documents supplied by foreign students must be legalised by the Italian diplomatic
mission or consular authorities abroad. A translation into Italian, certified to be true to the
original and issued by the competent diplomatic mission or consulate - or by an official
translator - must be provided for all documents.

In the case of students from particularly poor countries (established in a Ministerial Decree
on a yearly basis), the financial situation of the applying student can be certified by the
Italian diplomatic mission in that country, which must state that the student does not come
from a notoriously rich and high class family. This particular certificate can also be issued
by the university of the student's country of origin if there are agreements with the
Politecnico di Milano or by Italian bodies authorised to issue financial guarantees. In this
case, the body supplying the certificate will act as guarantor that the assistance fund and
everything the student has received will be returned if the grant is withdrawn.

Stateless students or political refugees must provide the original certificate stating their
condition as stateless or political refugees, issued by the Italian Interior Ministry or the UN
Refugee Agency (Italian branch).

Applicants must also provide a copy of the ISEEU certificate requested for establishing
their contribution level in the academic year in which they are applying for the extraordinary
assistance grant. This is not necessary if the University already has their ISEEU certificate.

The requests – with all the required documents – must be addressed to the Rector of the
Politecnico di Milano and must have “istanza per contributi straordinari” [request for
extraordinary assistance grant] as subject. They must be hand delivered to Servizio
Protocollo ed Archivio del Politecnico di Milano [Protocol Service and Archive of the
Politecnico di Milano] - Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - 20133 Milan, or sent via registered
letter with advice of receipt or via PEC [Italian Certified E-mail].


The applications for extraordinary grants will be assessed by a Committee appointed by
the Rector.

The Committee will meet to assess the received requests no later than 60 days from the
day the request for the extraordinary assistance grant was submitted (with the exception of
July and August).

The Committee reserves the right to ask students for additional documents if it believes
they are needed to make a decision.

The Committee’s decision will be mainly (but not exclusively) guided by the criteria listed

- the student's family situation and financial conditions;

- academic career;
- rarity and seriousness of the event that led to requesting the extraordinary assistance
- other criteria established each time by the Committee depending on individual

Students will be informed on whether their request has been granted by e-mail (a letter will
be sent to the student's university e-mail address).


The grant’s amount will be at the Committee’s discretion and will be established according
to the criteria listed in art. 4.

In all cases, grants will not exceed:

- €2,200 for non-resident students

- €1,600 for resident and commuting students

Please read the Bando per l’assegnazione dei Benefici per il Diritto allo Studio [Call for
Applications for the Award of Student Aid Benefits] in force at the time the request was
made for the definitions of “non-resident”, “resident” and “commuting” student.

The amounts listed above are before tax and include the taxes paid by the university.
They are subject to the current tax laws. The extraordinary assistance grants will be
awarded until there are funds available in the annual fund created for this purpose by the
university’s Board of Directors.

The Committee reserves the right to award the (whole or part of the) assistance grant as
total or partial exemption from university fees or in the form of services (e.g. canteen
card, accommodation, etc.).


The Politecnico di Milano will check that the information supplied by the student is true.
Checks can be made before or after the grant has been awarded, as permitted by the
current laws and in particular art. 10 of Lgs. D. no. 68/2012, and D.P.R. no. 445/2000 art.

The grant will be withdrawn from students who have supplied false information and the
sanctions listed in articles 75 and 76 of D.P.R. no. 445/2000 and art. 10 of Lgs. D. no.
68/2012 will be applied.

This is without prejudice to the application of disciplinary sanctions and criminal laws,
should the fact be a crime.

For information please contact

Milan, 31st January 2013

The General Director

Signed by Graziano Dragoni, Engineer

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