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Republic of the Philippines. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION CHED MEMORANDUM ORDER No, _40 Series of _2one_ Subject: | MANUAL OF REGULATIONS FOR PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION OF 2008 Aer ece neces scence eer eess eee eeee nena eseeseeesaeeteesenseess eg x 1. Pursuant to the pertinent provisions of the 1987 Constitution, Act No. 2706 as amended by Act No. 3075, Commonwealth Act No. 180, Batas Pambansa Bilang 232, Republic Act No. 7722 and other applicable legilaons and by virtue of the _318" Commission en banc Resolution 398 - 2008 _dated _28 July 2008_, the Commission hereby adopts and promulgates this Manual of Regulations for Private Higher Education of 2008 for information, guidance and compliance of all concerned. 2. The Manual shall apply to all private higher education institutions operating under authority of the Commission. 3. It shall be the responsibility of all school officials of private higher education institutions to implement the provisions of this Manual. 4. The CHED Regional Offices shall monitor and ensure the effective implementation of this Manual. 5. This Manual of Regulations for Private Higher Education of 2008 shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation. G Pasig City, Philippines, 31, duly 2008 : For the Commission: Za ROMULO L. NERI Acting Chairman ‘S/F Upper DAP Bidg., San Migue! Avenue, Oriigas Center, Pasig City 1605 Philippines Web Site:, Tel. Nos, 633-27-13, 634-68-36, 638-58-35, 66-16-94, Fax No. 635-58-29 COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION os Wen, ‘ en a 4, . c oO 5 S : © Sere me Se Pee MISS, 0, y ee MANUAL OF REGULATIONS FOR PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION 2008 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Republic of the Philippines Manual of Regulations for Private Higher Education of 2008 TITLE Article I. Section 1 Section 2, Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Article IL. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Article HI. Section 9. Section 10, Section 11 Article IV. Section 12. Section 13. Section 14. Section 15 Section 16. Section 17 Section 18. Section 19. A. GENERAL PROVISIONS GENERAL POLICY AND APPLICATION Title Policy Coverage Application and Construction Definition of Terms B, THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM FORMAL EDUCATION Policy Objectives Levels ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS EDUCATION Policy Objectives Alternative Systems Distance Education The Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP) Ladderized Education E-Learning Open Learning C. THE COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL POWERS Composition Organization Regional Offices Supervision Over Higher Education Institutions Powers and Functions of the Commission Minimum Standards or Criteria Compliance with the Minimum Standards or Criteria: Effects and Entitlement Guarantee of Academic Freedom PAGE yaaa au meee

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