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I , Mr. _____________ S/o Mr. _________________ having CNIC # ________________

Resident of ___________________ do hereby solemnly affirm & declare as under:

1. That the deponent is fully conversant with contents of this affidavit.

2. That my permanent address is _______________________________ since by birth.
3. My Present address is ___________________________________
4. That I declare on the oath I am not involved in any extremism religions or ethical group
and have no concerned all and also not involved in any sectarianism as well as any
political party.
5. That there is no criminal case recorded against me in any court of law.
6. That any stage if anything is found adverse I will be held responsible for that.

That the contents of this affidavit are true correct to the best of my knowledge and belief
and nothing has been concealed.

Signature: _______________
Name: __________________
CNIC # __________________

Witness # 1 _____________________ Witness # 2: _____________________

Name: _________________________ Name: _________________________
CNIC #: _________________________ CNIC #: _________________________
Address: _______________________ Address: _______________________

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