"Teaching Reading" - Lesson Plan

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Stage Aims What teacher What Materials Grouping Timing

activities does learners do

Pre- -To introduce The T shows a The Ss talks A video Individual
reading the topic video to attract about the about the
activity the Ss’ video topic
-to have the attention.
Sts familiar
with the
While The T asks Ss The Ss read 4
reading -to get a to read the first the first Handout Individual
general sentences of sentences of
information each each
(gist) about paragraphs and paragraph.
the topic wants them to
talk about it
While The T wants The Ss read 5
reading Ss to read the the text
-to have the text second cautiously
Ss have time and and try to Handout Individual
better complete the complete
understandin sentences the
g. according to sentences.

Vocabulary -to have the While reading The Ss

Teaching Ss the text in underline
understandin detail the the word Handout In pairs 4
g the teacher wants they do not
meaning of Ss underline know and
the words in the words they discuss it
passage do not know with their
Post To improve The T wants Ss write the -Music
activity their writing Ss to write the news for the
skills and news for the newspaper -An old In pairs 4
creativity. newspaper about the newspaper
event in the of the text
The Martians are coming!

On August 30th 1938, millions of radio listeners in the USA were convinced that
their country was being invaded by Martians. An evening music
programme was interrupted by a series of news bulletins, which
reported that a meteorite had landed on a farm in New Jersey.
Apparently, aliens “as large as bears, with black eyes and V-shaped
mouths” had emerged from inside the meteorite and were releasing
poisonous gas into the atmosphere. Further bulletins told of more
Martian landings in other parts of the USA. As the news spread,
thousands of people fled their homes to avoid the alien attack. Some
people even phoned local radio stations to say they could see a cloud of poisonous gas
approaching New York.

Of course, they needn’t have worried. What they were listening to was an
adaptation of H G Wells’s novel “The War of the Worlds” first published in 1989. The
director of the radio programme Orson Welles could broadcast any play he wanted, so
he had asked a young playwright, Howard Koch, to rewrite H G Wells’s novel as a
series of realistic news bulletins using real place names.

Once people realized that the broadcast wasn’t reporting real events, there was
a public outcry. Orson Welles was accused of deliberately causing the panic, and the
people tried to sue his company and the radio station for millions of dollars.
Fortunately, Welles was able to avoid a lengthy
court case because he had told listeners that the
broadcast was fictitious at the beginning of the

Today, most people’s reaction is that

citizens of America should have realized they
were listening to a play. Of course, they could
have listened to other radio stations to see if the
story was real, instead of fleeing their homes.
However, this type of realistic radio drama had
never been broadcast before and if hard to say
whether you or I would have reacted

Amazingly, the same thing happened when the play was broadcast in Chile in
1944. On that occasion, the governor of San Tiago even sent troops in to the streets.
Fortunately, the troops didn’t need to fight and army of Martian invaders!
 Complete the sentences according to the text.

 Most of radio listeners in the USA believed that………………………………………

 Many news bulletins said that…………………………………………..in New Jersey.
 The director of radio program……………………had wanted Howard Koch to….......
 The people in the USA should …………………………………...................................
instead of…………….
 The “aliens” going out from meteorite were as big……………………………………
 The listeners charged…………………………….with………..……….……..………..
 Many people phone some local stations from New York and they said………………
 When the people found out the broadcast was imaginary, they……………………..…..
 When the programme was broadcast in Chile, the governor of Santiago…………...…

Abdurrahman Kala
 Level of the learners: Intermediate
 Length of the lesson: 20 minutes
 The aim of the lesson: ???
 Materials: handouts, video and pictures

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