1.himanshu's DISSERTATION Quality of Work Life in Parle G 17.04.2019

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Parle Products Pvt. Ltd. engages in the manufacture and marketing of biscuits and
confectionaries. It offers glucose, milk, sweet and salted cream, wafer crème, cumin seed, and
cheese biscuits; chocolate, mint, cola, and tropical fruit flavored toffees and candies; and snacks.
The company offers its products in India, the Middle East, Africa, South East Asia, the United
States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Parle Products Pvt. Ltd. was
founded in 1929 and is based in Mumbai, India.

Parle Products Ltd. entered the snack market with the launch of Musst Chips and Musst Stix
in Maharashtra. It is selling these two new products at price points of INR 10 and INR 5 but
giving more quantity as compared to competition. The company has set up a unit in Nashik for
manufacturing the new brands. It intends to promote these two products by extending its
distribution network.

Parle Products Private Limited announced that it has launched new product-Parle 20-20.
Parle's new 20-20 cookies promised to be a combination of crunch and scrumptious delicacy.
This summer experience the richness in taste with Parle's brand new 20-20 cookies. Each biscuit
is baked to perfection and comes in two variants-Butter & Cashew Butter. Consumers especially
the young adults are looking for a tastier and crunchier variety of cookies than ever before. Parle
20-20 cookies are aimed towards young adults-the 'now' generation. This is the generation that
wants to live right now, and is in a hurry to cram a medley of experiences into life. The now
mantra of the day is 'instant gratification' which 20-20 delivers without compensating on quality
or taste.

Parle Ltd. has decided to unveil butter and cashew cookies under the 20:20 brand. The new
20:20 brand would have the baseline Choice of Champions.


Parle-G has been a strong household name across India. The great taste, high nutrition,
and the international quality, makes Parle-G a winner. No wonder, it's the undisputed leader in
the biscuit category for decades. Parle-G is consumed by people of all ages, from the rich to the
poor, living in cities & in villages. While some have it for breakfast, for others it is a complete
wholesome meal. For some it's the best accompaniment for chai, while for some it's a way of
getting charged whenever they are low on energy. Because of this, Parle-G is the world's
largest selling brand of biscuits.

Launched in the year 1939, it was one of the first brands of Parle Products. It was called
Parle Glucose Biscuits mainly to cue that it was a glucose biscuit. It was manufactured at the
Mumbai factory, Vile Parle and sold in units of half and quarter pound packs.

The incredible demand led Parle to introduce the brand in special branded packs and in
larger festive tin packs. By the year 1949, Parle Glucose biscuits were available not just in
Mumbai but also across the state. It was also sold in parts of North India. The early 50s produced
over 150 tones of biscuits produced in the Mumbai factory. Looking at the success of Parle-G, a
lot of other me-too brands were introduced in the market. And these brands had names that were
similar to Parle Glucose Biscuits so that if not by anything else, the consumer would err in
picking the brand. This forced Parle to change the name from Parle Glucose Biscuits to Parle-G.

Originally packed in the wax paper pack, today it is available in a contemporary,

premium BOPP pack with attractive side fins. The new airtight pack helps to keep the biscuits
fresh and tastier for a longer period.

Parle-G was the only biscuit brand that was always in short supply. It was heading
towards becoming an all-time great brand of biscuit. Parle-G started being advertised in the 80's.
It was advertised mainly through press ads. The communication spoke about the basic benefits of
energy and nutrition. In 1989, Parle-G released its Dadaji commercial, which went on to become
one of the most popular commercials for Parle-G. The commercial was run for a period of 6

Parle-G grew bigger by the minute. Be it the packs sold, the areas covered or
the number of consumers. It became a part of the daily lives of many Indians. It wasn't a biscuit
any more. It had become an icon. The next level of communication associated the brand with the
positive values of life like honesty, sharing and caring.

In the year 1997, Parle-G sponsored the tele-serial of the Indian superhero,
Shaktimaan that went on to become a huge success. The personality of the superhero matched
the overall superb benefits of the brand. Parle extended this association with Shaktimaan and
gave away a lot of merchandise of Shaktimaan, which was supported by POS and press
communication. The children just could not get enough of Parle-G and Shaktimaan.
In the year 2002, it was decided to bring the brand closer to the child who is a major
consumer. A national level promo - `Parle-G Mera Sapna Sach Hoga' was run for a period of 6
months. The promo was all about fulfilling the dreams of children. There were over 5 lakh
responses and of that, over 300 dreams were fulfilled.

Dreams that were fulfilled ranged from trips to Disneyland at Paris &
Singapore; free ride on a chartered plane; 20 scholarships worth Rs 50,000; a special cricket
coaching etc.

The year 2002 will go down as a special year in Parle-G's advertising history. A
year that saw the birth of G-Man - a new ambassador for Parle-G. Not just a hero but also a
super-hero that saves the entire world, especially children from all the evil forces. A campaign
that is not just new to the audiences but one that involves a completely new way of execution
that is loved by children all over the world – Animation

To make the brand much more interesting and exciting with children, it was decided
to launch a premium version of Parle-G called Parle-G Magix in the year 2002. Parle-G Magix
is available in two exciting tastes - ‘Cocoh’ and ‘Cashew’. The year 2002 also witnessed the
launch of Parle-G Milk Shakti, which has the nourishing combination of milk and honey,
especially launched for the southern market.

Parle-G continues to climb the stairs of success. Take a look at the global
market where it is being exported. First came the Middle East then USA followed by Africa and
then Australia. An Indian brand, that's exported to almost all parts of the world. After all that's
what you would expect from the Parle-G World's Largest Selling Biscuit.

The main vision of Parle-G to concentrate on consumer tastes and preferences, the Parle
brand has grown from strength to strength ever since its inception. For fulfilling its vision they
do every batch of biscuits and confectioneries are thoroughly checked by expert staff, using the
most modern equipment hence ensuring the same perfect quality across the nation and abroad.


Then why is it the Largest selling Biscuit brand in the India.

Hindustan Ki Taakat.”
For over 65 years, Parle G has been a part of the lives of every Indian. From the snow
capped mountains in the north to the sultry towns in the south, from frenetic cities to laid back
villages, Parle G has nourished strengthened and delighted millions. Various people have various
reasons to consume it, some consume it for the value it offers while others consume it for sheer
taste, and for some it is a meal substitute for others it is a tasty healthy nourishing snack.
Patronized by millions for all this qualities, it is much more than just a biscuit brand. Little


Parle Quality:-
Hygiene is the precursor to every process at Parle. From husking the wheat and melting the
sugar to delivering the final products to the supermarkets and store shelves nationwide, care is
taken at every step to ensure the best product of long-lasting freshness. Every batch of biscuits
and confectioneries are thoroughly checked by expert staff, using the most modern equipment
hence ensuring the same perfect quality across the nation and abroad.

Concentrating on consumer tastes and preferences, the Parle brand has grown from strength
to strength ever since its inception. The factories at Bahadurgarh in Haryana and Neemrana in
Rajasthan are the largest biscuit and confectionery plants in the country. The factory in Mumbai
was the first to be set up, followed soon by the one in Bangalore, Karnataka. Parle Products also
has 14 manufacturing units for biscuits and 5 manufacturing units for confectioneries, on


There are five mother units and thirty-one contact manufacturing units in India. The main
difference between mother units and contact units is that mother units produce more than one
product that is PARLE G, MONACO, KRACK JACK, SIXER, and HIDE AND SEEK etc.
while contact unit manufacture only Parle-G.

Mother units are as follows:-

 Mumbai (Maharashtra)

 Bahadurgarh (Haryana)

 Neemrana (Rajasthan)

 Bangalore and Kolkata













Quality of Work Life is becoming an increasingly popular concept in recent times.

It basically talks about the methods in which an organization can ensure the holistic well-being
of an employee instead of just focusing on work-related aspects.

It is a fact that an individual’s life can’t be compartmentalized and any disturbance

on the personal front will affect his/her professional life and vice-versa. Therefore, organizations
have started to focus on the overall development and happiness of the employee and reducing
his/her stress levels without jeopardizing the economic health of the company.

Quality of life is the degree of well-being felt by an individual or group of

people. Unlike standard of living, quality of life is not a tangible concept, and therefore cannot
be measured directly. Furthermore, quality of life consists of two components. The first is a
physical aspect which includes such things as health, diet, as well as protection against pain and
disease. The second component is psychological in nature. This aspect includes such things as
stress, worry, pleasure and other positive or negative emotional states. It is virtually impossible
to predict the quality of life of a specific individual, since the combination of attributes that leads
one individual to be content is rarely the same for another individual. However, one can assume
with some confidence the higher average level of diet, shelter, safety, as well as freedoms and
rights a general population has, the better overall quality of life said population experiences. This
is based on a unique methodology that links the results of subjective life-satisfaction surveys to
the objective determinants of quality of life across countries.


QWL is a process by which an organization responds to employee needs for

developing mechanisms to allow them to share fully in making the decisions that design their
lives at work.

QWL is “The degree to which members of a work organization are able to satisfy
important personnel needs through their experience in the organization”
- J Richard and J Loy.

Quality of work life is a wider concept that incorporates not only work based factors as pay
and relations at work but also reflect on life satisfaction and general feeling of well being.

Mirvis and Lower (1948) suggested that QWL was associated with:-

 Satisfaction of wages
 Hours and working conditions
 Safe working environment
 Equitable wages
 Equal employment opportunities
 Opportunities for advancement

“Quality of Work Life is the degree of which work in an organization contributes to

material and psychological well being of its members”
- Harrison


1. Adequate and fair compensation- There should be a just and equitable balance between
effort and reward. The compensation should help the employee in maintaining the
socially desirable standard of living.
2. Safe and healthy working conditions- Quality of work cannot be high unless the work
environment is free from all hazards to the health and safety of employees. Reasonable
hours of work, cleanliness, pollution free atmosphere etc. are the main elements of a good
physical environment for work.
3. Opportunity for career Growth- The work should provide career opportunities for
development of new abilities and expansion of existing skills on a continuous basis.
4. Social Integration in work force- The worker should be made feel a sense of identity
with the organization and develop a feeling of self-esteem. Openness, trust, scope for
upward mobility, equal treatment are essential for this purpose.
5. Work and Personal Life- There should be proper balance between work life and
personal life of employees. The demand of work such as late hours, frequent transfer,
quick transfer are both psychologically and socially very costly and detrimental to quality
of work life.
6. Social Relevance of work- Work should not only be a source of material and
psychological satisfaction but a means of social welfare. An organization that has greater
concern for social causes like pollution, consumer protection, national integration ,
employment etc. can improve the quality of work life.


1. The Principle of Security- Quality of work life cannot be improved until employees
are relieved of the anxiety, fear and loss of future employment. The working
conditions must be safe and fear of economic want should be eliminated. Job security
and safety against occupational hazards is an essential precondition of humanization
of work.
2. The Principle of Equity- There should be a direct and positive relation between
efforts and reward. All types of discrimination between people doing similar work
and with same level of performance must be eliminated. Equity also requires sharing
the profits of the organization.
3. The Principle of Individualism- Employees differ in terms of their attitude, skills,
potential etc. Therefore, every individuals should be provided the opportunity for
development of his personality and potential. Humanization of work requires that
employees are allowed to decide their own pace of activity and design of work
4. The Principle of Democracy- This means greater authority and responsibility of
employees. Meaningful participation in the decision-making process improves the
quality of work life.


1- Job Redesign- Narrow jobs need to be combined into large units of accomplishment.
Jobs should be redesigned to enrich them. Job enrichment helps to satisfy higher order
needs by providing interesting, stimulating and challenging work.
2- Autonomous work groups- In an autonomous work group, employees are given the
freedom of decision-making. In such a group workers themselves plan, coordinate and
control their activities. The group as a whole is accountable for success or failure.
3- Flexible work schedules- Flexible working hours, reduced work week, job sharing, part-
time employment and other types of alternative work schedules provide freedom to
employees in scheduling their work.
4- Participative Management- Employees must be participate in decision matters which
affects their lives. Therefore, Quality circle, management by objective, suggestion system
and other forms of employee participation in management helps to improve quality of
work life.
5- Job Security- Adequate security of job is a high priority of employees and should be
6- Administrative Justice- The principle of justice, fair and equity should be applied in
disciplinary, grievance procedures, promotion, transfer, leave etc.


“Systematized efforts to gain new knowledge.”

Redman and Mary

“A careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of
Advanced Learners Dictionary.

Research is the process of defining and redefining problems formulating the different
hypothesis with suggested solutions by collecting, summarizing, organizing and evaluating
different data’s by thus reaching solutions with careful testing. Research is common means
which refers to search for knowledge.
Research is scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic

“All progress for born of inquiry. Doubt is often better than over confidence for its lead to
inquiry and enquiry leads to invention.” Research methodology is a way to systematically solve
the research problem. It is the science of studying how research is done scientifically. Thus it
encompasses the research methods or techniques to solve the given problem with reliable results.

Research has its significance in solving various operational and planning problems of
Business and industry. Operational and market research along with Motivational research are
considered crucial and their result exists in more than one way in taking decisions.

Motivational Research is defining why people behave is as they do mainly concerned with
determination of motivations underlying their consumer behavior.

For a good research and proper and authentic results it plays a crucial role. The project also
covers Descriptive Research which also includes surveys and fact findings inquiries.
Research methodology refers to the various sequential steps (along with a rationale, of each
such step to adopt by a researcher in studying a problem with certain object or objectives in
view. It would be appropriate to mention that research projects are not susceptible to any one
complete and inflexible sequence of steps and type of problems to be studied will determine the
particular steps provide useful procedural guidelines so far research methodology is concerned;

1. Tentative selection of the problem
2. Initial survey of literature.
3. Defining or selecting the research problem.
4. Specification of the information required.
5. Design of the research project.
6. Sample design.
7. Collection of data or construction of questionnaire.
8. Execution of the project.
9. Analysis of data.
10. Arriving at generalization; and
11. Preparation of the report


 To find out how company do Quality of Work Life for achieving its targets.

 To find out whether the Top Management involves employees in Management Decisions.

 To find out which Technique is used by company in improving Quality of Work Life.

 To find out how Quality of Work Life of the organisation helps to improve the
productivity of employees.


 My study is based on Exploratory type of research with the main purpose of determining
how well the PARLE-G is satisfying the expectations and requirements of the employees.


The basic research design of the project thus includes

Type of study: Exploratory research

Overall design: Flexible design

Sampling design: Non probability sampling design

Statistical design: Percentage

Observational design: Structured questionnaire

Operational design: Survey


1. Type of universe: Finite universe of PARLE Employees

2. Sampling unit: The sampling unit in this project includes the Employees

3. Sampling size: The sampling size includes 100 Employees of PARLE Company

.4. Parameters of interest: To identify whether the employees are satisfied or not.

5. Budgetary constraints: Non probability sampling design is chosen to supplement the
budgetary constraints.

6. Sampling procedure: The technique being used is the convenience sampling which is one
of the types on non probability sampling.


When research problem has been defined or research plan has been chalked out the task
collection begins.
There are two types of data-
1. Primary Data.
2. Secondary Data.


Primary data for the research was collection by surveying 100 Employees of PARLE-G
Company by preparing a structured questionnaire.


Secondary source data including company profile & theory of Quality of Work Life has been
collected through the Book and the website of company.


Technically speaking, processing implies editing, coding, classification and tabulation

of collected data so that they are amenable to analysis.

Processing Operations
1. Editing: No editing is done as a survey is done through structure schedule.
2. Coding: No coding is done.
3. Classification: No as such classification was required.
4. Tabulation: tabulation was done as per requirement as there are no any fixed parameters
for all questionnaires.
5. Statistical tool: Percentage method is used.


The analysis of research is presented with the help of following tabular data:

1. Since how many years have you been working with this organization?

Number of Respondent
0-5 years 30
5-10 years 40
10-15 years 20
More than 15 years 10

Since how many years have you been working with

this organization?

0-5 Years
5-10 Years
10-15 Years
More than 15 Years


Conclusion: About 35% employees have been working with this organization for 5-10 years.

2. How is the Physical working condition in the Company?

Number of Respondent
Good 60
Average 30
Poor 10

How is the Physical Working condition in the



30% Average

Conclusion: About 60% the Physical working condition of the Company is Good

3. Do you think there are good career prospect in your Organization?

Number of Respondent
Yes 60
No 40

Do you think there are good career prospects in your



Conclusion: About 60% Employees think there are good career prospect in organization.

4. How is the Working Environment of the company?

Number of Respondent
Participative 70
Autonomy 20
Red Tapism 10

How is the Working Environment of the company?


20% Participative
Red Tapism


Conclusion: About 70% the working environment of the company is Participative.

5. Which Technique is used for improving Quality of Work Life?

Number of Respondent
Job Rotation 70
Job Redesign 10
Participative 20

Which Technique is used for imporving Quality of Work



Job Rotation
10% Job Redesign


Conclusion: About 70% company use Job Rotation technique for improving Quality of Work

6. Do you think Communication and Information flow between the departments is

Number of Respondent
Yes 70
No 30

Do you think Communication and Information flow

between the departments is satisfactory?




Conclusion: About 70%Communication and Information flows between the departments is


7. Does working in the organization gives you a feeling of security and improves
your productivity?

Number of Respondent
Yes 70
No 30

Does working in the organization gives you a feeling of

security and improves your productivity?




Conclusion: About 70% of the employees think working in the organization gives a feeling of
security and improves productivity.

7. Does the Top Management involve employees in the management decisions?

Number of Respondent
Yes 60
No 40

Does the Top Management involve employees in the

management decisions?


Conclusion: About 60% Top Management involve employees in the management decisions.

8. To what extent, the benefits provided by the company satisfy you?

Number of Respondent
Highly Dissatisfied 20
Dissatisfied 10
Highly Satisfied 40
Satisfied 30

To what extent, the benefits provided by the company

satisfy you?

Highly Dissatisfied
Hignly Satisfied


Conclusion: About 40% the benefits provided by the company satisfy the employees.

9. Do you think Quality of Work Life of the organization helps to improve
your productivity?

Number of Respondent
Yes 70
No 30

Do you think Quality of Work Life of the organization

helps to improve your organization?




Conclusion: About 70% employees think that Quality of Work Life of the organization helps
to improve their productivity.


On the basis of conducted research following findings was drawn out:

1. About 35% employees have been working with this organization for 5-10 years.
2. About 60% the Physical working condition of the Company is Good.

3. About 60% Employees think there are good career prospect in organization.

4. About 70% the working environment of the company is Participative.

5. About 70% company use Job Rotation technique for improving Quality of Work Life.

6. About 70%Communication and Information flows between the departments is


7. About 70% of the employees think working in the organization gives a feeling of security
and improves productivity.

8. About 60% Top Management involve employees in the management decisions.

9. About 40% the benefits provided by the company satisfy the employees.

10. About 70% employees think that Quality of Work Life of the organization helps to
improve their productivity.


As, my research is basically aimed at finding at the Quality of Work Life following
conclusion has been drawn in this context are as follows:
 The physical working condition of the company is good.
 Employees think there are good career prospect in the company.
 The employees think working in the organization gives a feeling of security and
improve productivity.
 Employees think Quality of Work Life of the organization helps to improve their
 The benefits provided by the company satisfy the employees.


On the basis of conducted research following suggestions was drawn out:

 Company should use Job Redesign technique to improve Quality of Work Life.
 The working environment of the company should be Autonomy.
 The company should provide good career opportunities to employees.
 There should be a flexible work schedule.



NAME …………………………..

Q1- Since how many years have you been working with this organization?
a) 0-5 years
b) 5-10 years
c) 10-15 years
d) More than 15 years

Q2- How is the physical working condition in the company?

a) Good
b) Average
c) Poor

Q3- Do you think there are good career prospect in your organization?
a) Yes
b) No

Q4- How is the working environment?

a) Participative
b) Autonomy
c) Red Tapism

Q5- Which technique is used for improving the Quality of Work Life?
a) Job Rotation
b) Job Redesign
c) Participative

Q6- Do you think communication and information flow between the
Departments is satisfactory?
a) Yes
b) No

Q7- Does working in the organization gives you a feeling of security and
improves your productivity?
a) Yes
b) No

Q8- Does the Top management involve employees in the management

a) Yes
b) No

Q9- To what extent, the benefits provided by the company satisfy you?
a) Highly Dissatisfied
b) Dissatisfied
c) Highly Satisfied
d) Satisfied

Q10- Do you think Quality of Work Life of the organization helps to improve
your productivity?
a) Yes
b) No



 Aswathappa.K “Human Resource Management”

 Gupta C.V. “Human Resource Management”


 www.google.com

 www.parleproducts.com

 www.wikipedia.com

 www.parleg.co.in



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