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Jace Oneglia

Upper School Foundations, Ms. Ma

Due date: Tuesday, 10/30/18

My Unique Life

Hello. I am Jace Oneglia. I am eleven years old. I was born at Waterbury Hospital on

June 27, 2007. I have a mom named Rhonda. I have a dad named Christopher. I have a little

brother named Cade who is nine. I have a fourteen year old Boston Terrier named Brindle, a four

year old boston terrier name Piper, and a five year old tabby cat named Allister. A fact about me

is I have lived in one house my whole life.

My favorite subject in school is probably English. That is because I am good at

remembering words and spelling them out. Also, it’s fun to learn new words so you can use them

in your everyday life. I like school overall, so I like just about every subject in school. I like math

because it’s cool to learn and again, it can help you in your everyday life. I like Earth Science

because it’s so fascinating to look at minerals and rocks and on top of that, learn all about them.

Outside of school, I do many things. One thing I do outside of school is sports. I don’t do

them all now, but I play basketball, soccer, football, baseball, tennis, floor hockey, lacrosse,

swimming, golf, mountain biking, and kayaking. I love to sing to and listen to music. Believe it

or not, I know many songs. Songs from the late 1950s to now. I also love to listen to at least

eight different genres of music. I love to play with my two dogs Brindle and Piper and my cat

Allister. I love to sit with them, play fetch with my dogs, let my cat rub me, and many more fun

pet-to-owner time activities.

I am a pretty funny person. I have a thing where I make up a joke every day or every

other day. I also like to play pranks on my family once in a while. I would like to play to play

more pranks on them, but if I did it every other day or so, it would be to obvious. A thing that

makes me smile is my family because I have a tight bond with all of them. Another thing that

makes me smile is seeing positivity and happiness being spread. I am a positive person who

gives compliments and doesn’t say mean things to others.

I sort of have a future planned out in my head that would be really cool for me to have in

the future. My idea is to be successful here at Renbrook. To go to a good high school and

college. Make it into the NBA (National Basketball Association). I would like to get a nice

house, and grow on from there. Right now in sixth grade here at Renbrook, I feel like I’m in a

good spot and would like to spend my three years here because it’s such an awesome

community. A few goals I would like to achieve at Renbrook are to at one point, make the

varsity basketball team, to get good grades in every subject, and to make people feel good and

think I’m not a bad person. I have a pretty unique life I have to admit. I’m a weird person. I’ve

had an awesome life so far and would like to keep it up.

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