Lesson Plan

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Standard: Cultural changes and mass consumption: the rise of consumerism (SWBAT: discuss

and compare the rise of consumerism in the 1920s and now)

Lesson Overview:
1. Students will continue learning about cultural changes during the 1920s and partake in a
classroom discussion about consumerism in the united states. The discussion covers a
comparison over time of consumerism that started in the 1920s and now. The big idea
stemmed from consumerism taking off in the 1920s and carrying across time into
a. After learning about consumerism taking off in the 20s due to the introduction of
credit, students will be split into two groups and given discussion questions on
cards. They will read and discuss in their groups their ideas and then prepare to
share aloud
b. After discussing in their groups students will read the cards aloud (to the whole
class) and share their thoughts. The opposite side will then share their thoughts
on the topic (they haven’t seen the topic just what the other side shares).
c. The second group of students will then read their card and share their ideas, and
repeat the same format where the opposite side will share.
d. Continue until both sides run out of cards… I will also share discussion questions
with the entire class that covers similar topics that overarch both time periods
that covers ideas of credit, and the creation of a “throw away” society.

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