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Osborne Renolds is a British scientist and mathematician was the first to distinguish the difference
between these two classification of flow by using a simple apparatus to determine the flow of fluid in
pipe that may be laminar or turbulent. For small enough flowrates, the dye steak(a steakline) will
remain as a well-defined line as it flow along, with only slight blurring due to molecular diffusion of
the dye into water surrounding. For the larger intermediate flowrate, the dye streak fluctuates in time
and space, and intermittent bursts of irregular behavior appear along the streak. However, for large
enough flowrates, the dye streak almost immediately become blurred and spreads across the entire
pipe an a random fashion. These three characteristics, denoted as laminar, transitional and turbulent


Another objective is to observed the laminar, transitional and turbulent flow. This flow can be easily
observed by applying the dye flowing through the flowing water. Speed of dye flow must be control
by adjusting the valve.

Other than that, to determine the upper and lower critical velocities at transitional flow. Speed of
transition flow is actually in between laminar and turbulent flow, so the critical velocities of upper and
lower must be determine. This can be easily determine by controlling the valve of dye flowing to
through the flowing water.

1.3 Theory
The Osborne Reynold’s demonstration apparatus is equipped with visualization tube to observe the
flow condition. The rock inside the stilling tank are to calm the inflow water so that there will not be
any turbulence to interfere with the experiment. The water inlet and outlet valve and dye injector are
utilized to generate the required flow. (Arif, 2010) Reynold number formula: R=ULv

Laminar and turbulent flow

Professor Osborne Reynolds (1842-1912) first realized that there was a ‘critical velocity’ at which the
law relating loss of pressure energy and velocity in pipe flow changed. He first demonstrated this with
his famous ‘Color Band’ (on the die-line) experiment. This consisted of injecting a line jet of dye into
the flow of water visible through a transparent pipe. At low velocities the dye-line was unbroken, but
as the velocity of the flow through the pipe was increased, the dye-line broke up and eddies were seen
to form. From this and further experiments, he came to the conclusion that there are two distinct types
of flow:-

Streamline or Laminar Flow (Latin lamina = layer of thin sheet). The fluid moves in layers without
irregular fluctuation in velocity. Laminar flow occurs at low Reynolds Numbers. (The flow of oil in
bearing is Laminar).

Turbulent flow. This results in the fluid particles moving in irregular patterns carrying an exchange of
momentum from one portion of the fluid to another.

Laminar flow- highly ordered fluid motion with smooth streamlines.

Transition flow -a flow that contains both laminar and turbulent regions.

Turbulent flow -a highly disordered fluid motion characterized by velocity and fluctuations and

According to the Reynolds`s experiment, laminar flow will occur when a thin filament of dye injected
into laminar flow appears as a single line. There is no dispersion of dye throughout the flow, except
the slow dispersion due to molecular motion. While for turbulent flow, if a dye filament injected into
a turbulent flow, it disperse quickly throughout the flow field, the lines of dye breaks into myriad
entangled threads of dye.

In this experiment we have to firstly is to observe the characteristic of the flow of the fluid in the pipe,
which may be laminar or turbulent flow by measuring the Reynolds number and the behaviour of the
flow, secondly to calculate the range for the laminar and turbulent flow and lastly to prove the
Reynolds number is dimensionless by using the Reynolds number formula.

As a conclusion, during conducting our experiment the Flow Pattern using the Reynold
Appratus , we have learnt about the Reynolds number is an important dimensionless quantity in fluid
mechanics used to help predict flow patterns in different fluid flow situations. One very common
example of Reynolds number is ,it is using the volume , time and volumetric flow rate. Hence we
have learnt on how to observe the laminar , transitional and turbulent flow using this Reynolds
number. Laminar flow generally happens when dealing with small pipes and low flow velocities.
Laminar flow can be regarded as a series of liquid cylinders in the pipe, where the innermost parts
flow the fastest, and the cylinder touching the pipe isn't moving at all. Transitional flow is a mixture
of laminar and turbulent flow, with turbulence in the center of the pipe, and laminar flow near the
edges. Each of these flows behave in different manners in terms of their frictional energy loss while
flowing and have different equations that predict their behavior. Turbulent flow occurs at high
Reynolds numbers and is dominated by inertial forces, which tend to produce
chaotic eddies, vortices and other flow instabilities.

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