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Simplified Method for Sequential Load Analysis of Tall Building

with Transfer Beam and Diagonal Bracing

Nathan Madutujuh1, Iswandi Imran2, Muslinang Moestopo3


A multistory or tall building is usually constructed floor by floor with a construction cycle typically is from 7 to
14 days. Modeling such buildings as a whole final structure will give different results than actual condition,
because in real condition, the self-weight and dead load of the building is added sequentially on a floor at a time.
This effect will be more significant for building with transfer beam and building with diagonal bracing.
Furthermore, during the construction stages, the concrete strength also increasing from its initial value fci to its
full value fc', adding more displacement compared to analysis with constant fc'. In this paper a simple and
straightforward method will be used to solve these problems.


Building 3D model, Sequential Load Analysis, Stage Construction, Static analysis, Dynamic analysis, Diagonal
Bracing, Transfer beam, Discontinued column, Concrete initial strength, Stiffness Reduction, Stiffness Assembly
Techniques, Temporary column support, Early Concrete strength

Director of ESRC, E-mail:, Web :
Professor of Civil Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung
Professor of Civil Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung
Simplified Method for Sequential Load Analysis of Tall Building
with Transfer Beam and Diagonal Bracing
Nathan Madutujuh1
Director of Engineering Software Research Centre, ESRC, Bandung, Indonesia
E-mail:, Web :


A multistory or tall building is usually constructed floor by floor with a construction cycle typically is
from 7 to 14 days depends on the construction method and whether a precast solution used for the

In typical building analysis, the building will be modeled as a final complete structure. Modeling such
buildings as a whole final structure may give different results than actual condition, because in real
condition, the self-weight and dead load of the building is added sequentially on floor at a time.

This effect will be much more significant for building with transfer beam and building with diagonal
bracing. If bracing modeled in the beginning, when self-weight and dead load acting, the already
installed bracing will carry some portion of the load due to equilibrium of joint forces at bracing

Furthermore, during the construction stages, the concrete strength also increasing from its initial value
fci to its full value fc'. This effect is seldom considered in standard analysis method, because it will be
complicated to model.

In this paper a simple and straightforward method will be used to solve the problems discussed above.

Transfer Beam Case

When a bottom column deleted to create more space, a transfer beam will be used to carry the column
from above. Modeling this condition as a complete structure without sequential analysis will give
unrealistic small transfer beam moments and forces, because in a complete structure model, all beams
above the transfer beam floor will work together as a virendel truss. This is not the actual case,
because in real case, the beam above (at least the last 2-3 floors stage) is still in their initial concrete
strength, thus they will not be able to contribute strength in early days, actually they will become
additional load to the transfer beam creating larger settlement compared to the complete structure
model analysis result.

Fig. 1. Transfer Beam Case

We can avoid this by using a temporary column support until the above floor structures have reached
their full concrete strength. Using this temporary support, the response of the transfer beam will be
closer to the complete structure model analysis result.

To avoid the use of temporary column support, a more accurate Sequential Load analysis must be
used, especially for self-weight and dead load of the structures.

Diagonal Bracing Case

When diagonal bracing modeled altogether with complete structure model, diagonal bracing will carry
a portion of total gravity load, due to the equilibrium of joint forces at bracing nodes.

In actual condition, the bracing will be left loose until the construction of the structure finished (self-
weight and dead load have been given fully), then the bracing will be straightened using tie rod.

Without Sequential Load Analysis, two separate 3D computer model will be needed to solve this

Fig. 2. Large Diagonal Axial Force due to Column Shortening in a complete 3D model

Variation of Concrete Strength during construction

Compression strength of a Cast-in place concrete will increase from zero to its full fc' value in
28 days. During initial days, the concrete strength will vary nonlinearly following the given
formula by Nawy and ACI209R-02 below:

fc = [t/(a+b*t)]*fc' (1)

fc = concrete strength at day t
fc' = concrete strength at 28 days
T = concrete age in days
a,b = coefficients, depends on curing condition and cement type
Table 1. Values for Concrete Strength Coefficients, (McGregor p.55, Nawy p.40)

Concrete Usage Moist curing Steam curing

Type a b a b
I Normal construction 4.00 0.85 1.00 0.95
II Moderate heat, sulfate resistance 4.00 0.85 1.00 0.95
III High Early Strength 2.30 0.92 0.70 0.98
IV Low Heat, Mass Concrete 4.00 0.85 1.00 0.95
V Sulfate Resistance 4.00 0.85 1.00 0.95
Note: Type IV usually replaced by Type I or II + Fly Ash

Load Condition during Construction Stage

Modeling a tall building by following the construction stage requires many 3D computer model, one
model for each stage, because the mesh and degree of freedom will be different. To avoid this
problem, a simplified method will be used to enable a single 3D model to be used for the whole
construction stages.

A typical stage i of a tall building with floor number NF will have:

- Node and elements from floor 0 to floor i
- Floor and beam loads at floor i
- Self-weight of beam at floor i
- Self-weight of column directly below floor i
- There is no floor or beam load at floor below i
- There is no nodes or elements at floor above i

Fig.3. A Typical Construction Stage

Simplified Sequential Load Analysis using Stiffness Reduction Techniques

To avoid the use of several models for simulating stage construction, a simplified but accurate enough
method has been developed. The method is as follows:

1. Create a 3D model of complete final structure

2. For each stage :
- Build a new stiffness matrix using nodes and elements on and below this stage,
while elements on other future stages will still be generated by reduced by factor of
0.001 to significantly reduce their effects on the solution
- Diagonal bracing will not be included in this stage
- Build a load vector consist of self-weight of columns, beams and floor slab at this
- Do static analysis of the whole structure
- Accumulate displacement, reaction and element forces results
3. Turn-on diagonal bracing, this will not affect overall stiffness matrix skyline profile
4. Do static analysis for Live load
5. Combine results from 2 and 4 for design forces

Fig.4. Stage Construction of a Tall Building with Diagonal Bracing

Fig.5. Simplified Sequential Load Analysis by Stiffness Reduction

Using this approach, only one 3D model is needed, and existing static analysis software can be
modified easily to solve this problem.

Implementation of the Simplified Sequential Analysis Method

The above method has been implemented successfully in SANSPRO Integrated Structural
Analysis and Design Software.
Fig.6. SANSPRO Menu Option for Sequential Load Analysis and Bracing Model

Fig.7. Sample Building Model with Diagonal Bracing using Simplified Sequential Load


Building without Diagonal Bracing

To concentrate on the effect of sequential load analysis, we will study an 8-story building without
diagonal bracing.

Using Sequential Load Analysis will give a variation in distribution of column axial forces and support
reactions compared to conventional analysis method, while the total load and total reaction is the
same. The variation is about 1-5% depends on several conditions.
The support reactions of the two models are as follows:

Fig. 8. Support Reactions of 8-Story Building, Standard Analysis

Fig. 9. Support Reactions of 8-Story Building, Sequential Load Analysis

From above results, it can be seen that using sequential analysis, inner support is increased by 2% and
edge and corner support is decreased by 1-3%.

If we use time dependent concrete strength, fc', with fc' = 30 Mpa, Type I PC, Moist curing, alpha = 4,
beta = 0.85, we will get the following reactions:
Fig. 10. Concrete Time dependent parameters

Fig. 11. Support Reactions of 8-Story Building, Stage Construction, Time dependent fc' (7 days)

Reactions from time dependent fc' model is a little bit different compared to results from constant fc'.
The variation of fc' is more significant to nodal displacements and bending moment.
Fig. 12. Nodal Displacement of 8-Story Building without Stage Construction (Top floor)

Fig. 13. Nodal Displacement of 8-Story Building with Stage Construction and constant fc'

From above analysis it is found from top floor vertical displacement that the inner column will
increase about 1.7% while edge node displacement will be reduced by 0.5%.
Fig. 14. Nodal Displacement of 8-Story Building with Stage Construction and Time dependent fc'
(Using 7 days construction cycle)

At middle: There are a 4.6% increase of displacement

At edge: There are a 2.4% increase of displacement

To find out the effect of Time dependent fc', we run stage construction analysis using various
construction cycle duration of 7,14,21,28 days.

Table 2. Comparison of various construction cycle duration

Node Location (8th floor) 3 days 7 days 14 days 21 days 28 days

Edge column 0.307 0.286 0.28 0.277 0.275
Inner column 0.48 0.446 0.437 0.431 0.428
% to 28 days 12.150 4.206 2.103 0.701 0.000

From this study it is found that for normal concrete, a minimum of 7 to 14 days construction cycle will
be needed to prevent significant effect of early concrete strength.

Building with Diagonal Bracings

When comparing results from building with diagonal bracing turn on after final stage, it is found that
the bracing axial force is reduced by more than 50% because the bracing will carry only SIDL and
live load.

Table 2. Diagonal Bracing Stress Ratio

Design result Building with Bracing

Stress Ratio Standard Sequential
Total 0.24 0.11
SW 0.12 0
DL 0.04 0.04
LL 0.07 0.07

1. The reduced stiffness matrix method using 0.001 reduction coefficient for Sequential Load
Analysis will enable an existing linear static analysis program to solve the construction stage

2. The proposed method is effective for typical tall building model with transfer beam and/or
diagonal bracing

3. Effect of construction stage will be significant for building taller than 30 story or building

4. Using this simplified sequential load analysis, bracing can be modeled along with the whole
structure and can be designed more accurately, closer to actual load condition during
construction, this also will give smaller design load, because no self-weight or dead load will be
carried by any bracing.

5. The effect of concrete strength variation during stage construction of a tall building will be
significant if the construction cycle is less than 10 days


1. The proposed method can be used to efficiently solve Stage Construction of a Tall Building, with
Steel or Concrete Structures, especially buildings with transfer beam and/or diagonal bracing

2. The proposed method is suitable for 2D/3D Linear/Nonlinear Static building analysis

3. Using Simplified Method with a stiffness reduction coefficient of 0.001 will give a converged

Further Studies

1. Extending the proposed method to Nonlinear Problems


1) K.J. Bathe, "Finite Element Procedures", 1st Edition, Prentice Hall, 1996; 2nd Edition, Watertown,
MA: Klaus-Jürgen Bathe, 2014

2) MacGregor, James, , “Reinforced Concrete, Mechanics and Design”, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall,

3) Weaver, William Jr, Gere, James, M., “Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures”, 2 nd Edition, D.
Van Nostrand Company, New York, 1980

4) Avitabile, Peter, “Model Reduction Techniques”, Mechanical Engineering Department, University

5) Madutujuh, Nathan, “SANSPRO V.5.00 User's Manual', ESRC, 2016

Curriculum Vitae
Name : Dr. Ir. Nathan Madutujuh, M.Sc.
E-mail :
Web :
Birth Place : Alor, NTT, 2 Desember 1965

Education : SMAK 3, Gunung Sahari, Jakarta, 1984

S1 – Teknik Sipil (Struktur), UNPAR, 1989
S2 – Structural Engineering, Virginia Tech, Virginia, 1991
S3 - Doctor in Civil Engineering, UNPAR, 2010
Membership :
HAKI – Himpunan Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia (Indonesian Society of Structural Eng.)
HATTI – Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia (Indonesian Society of Geotechnical Eng)
HPI – Himpunan Penemu Indonesia (Indonesian Inventors Society)
PKMI – Paguyuban Karl May Indonesia

License : SIBP – DKI Jakarta (Surat Ijin Bekerja Perencana / Structural Engineers Permit)
IP-Struktur (HAKI Professional Engineer for Structures)
IP-Teknik Sipil (HAKI Professional Engineer for Civil Engineering)

Working Experiences:
1989-1990 Structural Engineer, PT Ketira Engineering Consultant
1990 Structural Engineer, PT Huffco Engineering
1991 Research and Teaching Assistant, Virginia Tech
1989-Now Director, Engineering Software Research Center, Bandung
1992-Now Director, PT Anugrah Multi Cipta Karya, Jakarta/Bandung
1994-Now Freelance Engineer for E.L. Robinson Engineering Consultant, Delaware

Teaching/Research Experiences:

1989 Computer Lecturer, Triguna Computer Course, Bandung

1994 Viscoelastic Damper Stiffness Matrix, PAU Rekayasa ITB, Bandung
1994 Computerized Structural Testing, Puslitbangkim PU, Cileunyi, Bandung
1995 Thesis Co-Advisor, S1-Teknik Sipil UNPAR
1996-2003 Lecturers on JICA Course at Puslitbangkim PU, Cileunyi, Bandung on
Structural Testing, Structural Modelling by Computer
1989-Now Development of computer program SANSPRO, PCAD, SOILAB
1989-2003 Teaching Short-course Building Design with SANSPRO V.4.7 at several
consultants in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Kupang
2003 Short-Course on Building Modelling at PT Wiratman & Associates
1989-2003 Seminar/Workshop on Structural Modelling, Building Design, at Universities:
Unpar, ITB, ISTN, Univ. Tarumanegara, UPH, UK Maranatha, UGM, Unwira
Politeknik Bandung, Unika Atmajaya, etc.
1989-2003 Short-course on Tower Design for several tower fabricators in
Tangerang, Jakarta, Bekasi, Semarang, Gresik
2003 Development of Load-Capacity Analysis Software for Precast Slab Industry
(PT Beton Elemenindo Perkasa / BEP), Bandung
2003 Development of Load-Capacity Analysis Software for Precast Pile Industry
(PT Beton Elemenindo Perkasa / BEP), Bandung
2004 Development of Steel Profile Cutting Plan and Storage System,
PT Cerah Sempurna, Semarang
2005 Development of Structural Design Software for SCANTRUSS System
2006 Development of Load-Capacity Analysis Software for Prefab Industry B-Panel
System (PT Beton Elemenindo Putera / BEP), Bandung
2011 Development of Safety Fiber Concrete Reinfocement System, Jakarta
2011 ESRC National Conference on “Aseismic Building Design”, Bandung
2012 Development of Data Logger System for Consolidation Test, Lab Unpar, BDG
2013-2014 Development of RUKOM System, Bandung
2014 Development for LUSAS to LARSAP Bridge Data Conversion Program
2015 Development of 3D Pile Settlement Analysis System using Mindlin Equation
2016 Development of Direct Nonlinear Analysis using DNA-alpha Method

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