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UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

Name:Marshall Maxsimic Program: SMED Course: EDU 460

Lesson Topic / Title: Executive Branch

Lesson Date: 3-12-2019 Lesson Length: 60 minutes Grade/Age: Jr and Sr

Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals
based on content standards.
Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
Students will describe the functions of the
Cabinet. I chose these learning objectives from
the overarching learning goal of
a. Students will be able to identify students being able to describe the
various Cabinet positions(Cabinet functions of the cabinet. These
Activity) objectives allow for students to gain a
b. Students will be able to demonstrate better understanding of the different
reasons why there is a cabinet in place
functions of different cabinet and what some of the individual
positions. (Cabinet Activity) cabinet positions roles are in our
c. Students will be able to explain the current political landscape.
need for the Cabinet.(Cabinet

Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

Maine Learning Results ● I chose content standard label
Content:​ Social Studies “B” because it most accurately
Standard Label​: B1 reflects the content that is
Standard​:. Civics and Government: Students draw on taught during this lesson.
concepts from civics and government to understand ● I chose to specifically focus on
political systems, power, authority, governance, civic this standard because I believe
ideals and practices, and the role of citizens in the it emphasizes a clear
community, Maine, the United States, and world. connection between classroom
instruction of a civics concept
and the actual significance of
that concept to students as
people living in America.
Focusing directly on the
Executive Branch is a good
example of this because many
students have some familiarity
with the Presidential voting
process. Whether they have

Revised 07/19/2018
heard parents/guardians
talking about who they voted
for or they themselves have
participated in a mock
election, or even an actual
election, students feel a
connection to the President of
the United States.
Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance
and determines best supports for continued learner growth.
Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
Pre-Assessment- ​I used an informal version of a ● I chose this form of
pre-assessment by asking students what they know about pre-assessment because it
the Cabinet already. Many students weren’t aware so I had allowed me to get some insight
students turn to their elbow partner and discuss what to my students knowledge
they think the role of the Cabinet is in regards to assisting level without making them
the President,and then they were to report out to the take 10 minutes taking a
class. pre-assessment quiz that
sometimes freaks students out.
Formative Assessment-​ I had students pick different I also like to get my students
departments of the Cabinet to create a slideshow about. I talking as sometimes they
gave students a rubric to meet and had students act as if have great ideas, but they just
they were trying to defend their cabinet department from don’t have the confidence in
budget cuts. themselves to tell the entire
● I chose this form of formative
assessment because it allowed
students to work
independently but also put
demonstrate their knowledge.
This activity also acted
similarly to a “simulation”. We
have done other simulations in
class and students seem to
respond really well to them.
The simulations allow
students to put themselves in
the shoes of real people who
get to act in these positions for
their jobs. Students also had a
choice of using a slideshow or
another form of demonstrating
their knowledge, most chose
Slideshows as it was an easier
option than say a posterboard.
Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in
reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual learner
Materials, Resources, and / or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
● Content Presentation- The Cabinet ● I needed to have my content
● Projector presentation, or my lecture,
● Dongle ready to go for my students on
● Screen the Executive Branch.

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● Pen ● I needed a projector in order
● Paper to present my content
● Laptops presentation.
● Guided Notes ● I needed a Dongle to connect
my laptop to the projector in
order to show the content
● I needed a screen to project
my content presentation on to.
● Students, and myself, would
need pens in order to take the
quiz, fill out the feedback form,
and take notes. I would need a
pen in order to help students
with notes if need be.
● Some students prefer to take
notes on paper, so I need to
have some lined paper on
● Some students prefer to take
notes on their laptops, so
allowing them to take notes
that way is important to me as
it helps their learning and
understanding. Students also
need their laptops in order to
do most of the work
● I create guided notes that help
some of my students gather
their notes better than just line
paper, and are less distracting
than laptops. This is optional
as not all students want/need
this format.
Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks
by using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning
accessible to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
Attendance ● Students usually enter the
Wrap Up/Pre-Assessment room at their own pace with
some talking with friends,
others getting out their work
Attendance and others going to the rest
I start every class the same way, by waiting for the room or down to the office if
students to enter the classroom and take their seats. I their name was called. I am not
usually try to say “Hi” to as many students as possible as able to use my laptop to take
they walk in and always have one or two students who attendance so I have to use my
want to have a conversation, ask about the homework, or mentor teachers. This gives me
ask if they missed anything the previous class. I then wait and the students some time to
for the bell to ring and take attendance through settle in before class begins. I’ll
powerschool on Mr. McLaughlin’s laptop. usually remind students to get
out their previous nights work

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or get out their notes if we are
Wrap Up/Pre-assessment continuing with a slideshow.
I quickly touch upon the last class that we had. We spent ● With the wrap
time the previous class working on our Foreign Policy up/Pre-assessment I am
activities and I will now give time for students to either making sure that students
turn in the work to me, turn it into the Google Classroom, understand that we are
and give me an explanation on why the work isn’t done moving on to another topic.
yet. I then transition into the days activity, The Cabinet, This will be a rather smooth
with a pre-assessment. transition because one of the
President's main advisory
Content Presentation panels is the Cabinet. Students
I had a lecture/Slideshow for my students on the Cabinet. will have learned about that
We went through the history of the Cabinet, starting with the last few classes and so
George Washington, and then I went into the 15 cabinet hopefully there will be a good
departments, including a little about each department. connection made. Once I feel
the wrap up has gone well
Cabinet Simulation enough I then move onto
After going over the Content Presentation I then assigned introducing the days topic. I
the next activity, a simulation in which students will be ask students what they know
taking over the role as leader of one of the cabinet about The Cabinet and give
departments and must try to convince me, the President, them a chance to talk to a
that their department shouldn’t receive budget cuts. I told neighbor about their thoughts.
students to view the assignment on Google Classroom, or I I then bring the class back
could hand it out to them via hard copy. together and we discuss what
the students are thinking.
● I created a slideshow lecture
highlighting the various
components of the Cabinet. I
also made sure to throw in
some videos during the
slideshow to refocus student
engagement, but it also helps
some students focus on the
subject a little more, instead of
just listening to me talk, as the
videos usually contain
infographics and have music
and are just more entertaining
in general.
● With the Cabinet Simulation
students had to assume the
role of a leader of the cabinet
and present the usefulness of
the Cabinet to me to convince
me not to make budget cuts.
Students had to research their
department and do a
multimedia presentation about
their respective department.

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Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, extensions, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
modifications, accommodations)
● Many of my students struggle
with the traditional lecture
Differentiation style, and so I have essentially
I know that many of my students don’t like to learn from made an agreement with my
speaking lectures, and many of my students do not students that when we do
actually learn from them, so I try to make sure that I add lectures I will do my best to
as much comedy and humor into the slideshow as make them entertaining and
possible. Part of this is through the use of videos, as the educational to make sure that
videos usually are entertaining and contain infographics, my students are paying
maps and other devices that show students the attention to them.
information. ● My students love to ask
questions and debate about
Modifications what we are talking about so I
I make sure to allow different conversations to happen in usually try to make extra time
class that apply to what we are learning about. If students to allow for this to happen in
are to have any questions we will be able to discuss them my class, as I believe that it is a
then and there. fundamental part of my
students learning.

Field Courses Only – Post lesson

Overall this lesson went very smooth. Students hadn’t had to sit through a lecture
for a few days, so I was a little nervous about them not being able to sit through one
for this class but they were ready for it. The students asked some great questions
during the content presentation and while I was explaining the next assignment and
seemed ready to get started on the simulation as students seem to really like
“playing pretend” or getting to act as somebody else for a little bit in class. I believe
that it helps their learning experience.

Teaching Standards and Rationale:

Standard Indicator: ​ISTE 1(b) Engage students in exploring real world issues and
solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.

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Rationale: ​I chose this standard because I believe the cabinet activity showcases
students exploring real world issues of creating persuasive presentations. Students
had to persuade me to not cut imaginary money from their imaginary budget of a
real cabinet department. Part of the feedback was whether I decided to cut money
from their budget and why.

Standard Indicator: ​ISTE 2(a) Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that
incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
Rationale:​ Students had to use a multimedia format for their cabinet activity. Some
chose to use Powerpoint, Google Slides, or even a Prezi. Students also had to
research their cabinet department by using the internet and started out by going on
to the cabinet departments government website.

Revised 07/19/2018
of Energy
Cabinet Member T L
As Requested by Secretary of Energy Rick Perry
Innovation and the Development of the Sciences
● Funding and assisting in research of clean energy
○ ARPA-E - Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy
○ Loan Programs Office
● Independent Cabinet Research in 17 different laboratories nationwide
● Assisting in super-computing research and development
○ Super-computers are the workhorse of the government's central cyber intelligence
○ Used in advanced simulations in organizations like NASA
Energy Economy
● Cataloguing usage for all energy sources in the United States
○ Fossil fuels, wind, solar, hydro, nuclear, etc
● Advising companies on energy plans
○ This includes parenting energy companies as well
● Training and gathering resources for the workforce of energy companies to
better do their jobs
Security and Safety
● Ensuring safety in
constructing energy
● Ensuring the safe usage
of nuclear materials within
the United States
● Assisting in the large
scale government cyber
security operations
● Ensuring safety among
energy workers
● Roots in the Atomic
Energy Commission
The Struggle for Increased Coal Industry
● Energy regulators have denied a request from Rick Perry, Secretary of
Energy, former Texas governor, and supporter of national coal companies,
who have been asking President Trump to assist in their struggle to keep
afloat financially due to increasing green initiatives and their inability to
change on a dime unlike natural gas turbines and renewable sources.
● His argument is that coal is the most dependable source of energy, due to its
ability to provide energy not matter the weather, unlike hydro plants, wind
turbines, and solar panels, which require certain weather conditions. By
bolstering the strength of coal companies, we are supporting a more reliable
source of energy in the face of disasters.
Vacancies in the Regulatory Commission in the DoE
● Billions of dollars have been spent on new pipelines around the country, but
many lie incomplete due to the lack of members in the DoE’s Regulatory
Commission, which oversees such projects
● Without the majority agreeance to support the projects and the lack of
members, these projects are left, rain filling the ditches and damaging the
progress already made, wasting American tax money pumped into the DoE
● An estimated 23,000 jobs, expected to be created for the projects, are yet to
be filled due to this issue

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