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Jones 1

Haleigh Jones

Ms. Kenly

British Literature 3A

21 March 2019

Works Cited

"Ecocolumn." n.p.: n.p., 1 Jan. 1970. 14 Nov. 2018. <​​>.

“Eco-Column.”n.p.:n.p., 12 Oct. 2017. 28 Feb. 2019.


Huizen, J. "(n.d.)." Activated charcoal: 8 uses and what the science says. n.p.: n.p., n.d.. 28 Feb.

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eSchooltoday. ​What Is a Biome, and What Are the Major Types on Earth?​,

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Smith, Sanford S., and Sanford S. Smith. “Ecosystems.” ​Penn State Extension​, 10 Mar. 2019,

"“Testing Your Soil pH Without a Kit.” PreparednessMama, 4 Sept." 2017 n.d.:

Jones 1

Haleigh Jones

Ms. Kenly

British Literature 3A

21 March 2019
Jones 1

Haleigh Jones

Ms. Kenly

British Literature 3A

21 March 2019

"“The World's Largest Earth Science Experiment: Biosphere 2.” EcoWatch, EcoWatch, 27 June


82107636.html." [n.p.] n.d.:

n.p.: n.p., n.d.. 14 Nov. 2018.



"2018," n.p.: n.p., n.d.. 28 Feb.


“(308) 665-1566.” ​Buy Activated Charcoal​,​.

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