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College of Dentistry
The University of Tennessee
847 Monroe Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38163

Root canal anatomy of the human

permanent teeth
Frank J. Vertucci, D.iU.D.,* Gainesville, Fla.


Two thousand four hundred human permanent teeth were decalcified, injected with dye, and cleared in
order to determine the number of root canals and their different types, the ramifications of the main root
canals, the location of apical foramina and transverse anastomoses, and the frequency of apical deltas.
(ORAL SURC. 58~589-599, 1984)

T he main objective of endodontic therapy is the

thorough mechanical and chemical cleansing of the
These discrepancies are, in part, the result of the
marked variations in anatomy that are present and,
entire pulp cavity and its complete obturation with in part, the result of the very real difficulties that are
an inert filling material. According to Seltzer and always encountered when root canal morphology is
Bender,’ failures in treatment occur despite rigid studied. Becauseof the many dissimilarities in selec-
adherence to this basic principle. Ingle2 lists the most tion of material and classification of canal configura-
frequent cause of endodontic failure as apical perco- tions, the results of most reports cannot be compared
lation and subsequent diffusion stasis into the canal. directly with one another.
The main reasons for this failure are incomplete Becausethe literature is inconclusive, I decided to
canal obturation, an untreated canal and inadvertent conduct a detailed investigation of the anatomy of
removal of a silver cone. A canal is often left the root canals of extracted human teeth. A stan-
untreated because the dentist fails to recognize its dardized technique that involved examination of
presence. The dentist must have a thorough knowl- transparent specimenswas used.
edge of root canal morphology before he can success-
fully treat a tooth endodontically.
In the literature, there is divergence of opinion as For this investigation, 2,400 permanent teeth were
to the anatomy of the pulp cavities of the human obtained from various oral surgery practices. All
permanent teeth.3-32The incidence of two or more teeth were obtained from adults. The age, sex, and
root canals in the mandibular first premolar, for race of the patients and the reasons for extraction
example, has been reported to be as low as 2.7% and were not recorded. Immediately after extraction, the
as high as 62.5%, whereas the incidence of two or teeth were fixed in 10% formalin and decalcified in
more root canals in the mandibular second premolar 5% hydrochloric acid. On completion of this process,
has been reported to vary between 0% and 34.3%.3-1’ the teeth were washed in tap water and placed in a
The incidence of two canals at the apex of the 5% solution of potassium hydroxide for 24 hours.
maxillary secondpremolar has been reported to be as The teeth were washed in tap water for 2 hours, and
low as 4% and as high as 50%.6-13 hematoxylin dye was injected into the pulp cavities
with the use of a 25-gauge needle on a Luer-Lok
*Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Endodon- plastic disposable syringe. Hematoxylin was used
tics. becauseof its ability to stain fresh pulp tissue, even
590 Vertucci Oral Surg.
November, I984

Table I. Morphology of the maxillary permanent teeth

Position of lateral canals
No. of Canals with
Tooth Root teeth lateral canals Cervical Middle Apical Furcation

Central 100 24 I 6 93
Lateral 100 26 I 8 91
Canine 100 30 0 IO 90
First premolar 400 49.5 4.1 10.3 74.0 Il.0
Second premolar 200 59.5 4.0 16.2 78.2 1.6
First molar MB 100 51 10.7 13.1 58.2 f
DB 100 36 10.1 12.3 59.6 18
P 100 48 9.4 11.3 61.3 1
Second molar MB 100 50 IO.1 14.1 65.8 t
DB 100 29 9.1 13.3 67.6 IO
P 100 42 8.7 1 I.2 70. I 1
Note: Figuresrepresentpercentageof the total.

Table II. Morphology of the mandibular permanent teeth

Position of lateral canals
No. of Canals with
Tooth Root teeth lateral canals Cervical Middle Apical Furcation

Central 100 20 3 12 85
Lateral 100 18 2 15 83
Canine 100 30 4 16 80 -
First premolar 400 44.3 4.3 16.1 78.9 0.7
Second premolar 400 48.3 3.2 16.4 80.1 0.3
First molar Mesial 100 45 10.4 12.2 54.4 t
Distal 100 30 8.7 IO.4 51.9 1
Second molar Mesial 100 49 10.1 13.1 65.8 t
Distal 100 34 9.1 11.6 68.3 i
Note:Figures represent percentage of total.

Table III. Classification and percentage of root canals of the maxillary teeth
No. We I Type II Type III Total with Type IV The V Type VI Type VII
of I 2-l I-2-1 one canal 2 l-2 2-I-2 l-2-1-2
Teeth teeth canal canals canals at apex canals canals canals canals

Maxillary central 100 100 0 100 0

Maxillary lateral 100 100 0 100 0
Maxillary canine 100 100 0 100 0
Maxillary first premolar* 400 8 I8 26 62
Maxillary second premolar 3 200 48 22 75 II
Maxillary first molar
MesiobuccalS 100 45 37 82 I8
Distobuccal 100 100 0 100 0
Palatal 100 100 0 100 0
Maxillary second molar
Mesiobuccal 71 I7 0 88 12 0 0 0
Distobuccal 100 0 0 100 0 0 0 0
Palatal 100 0 0 100 0 0 0 0

*Results published previously in Vertucci, F.J., and Gegauff, A.: Root canal morphology of the maxillary first premolar, J. Am. Dent. Asmc. 99:194,
tResults published previously in Vertucci, F.J., Seelig, A., and Gillis, R.: Root canal morphology of the human maxillary second premolar, ORAL SIJRG. 58: 456,
$Results published previously in Vertucci, F.J.: The endodontic significance of the mesiobuccal root of themaxillary first molar, Navy Med. 63: 29, 1974.
Volume 58 Root canal anatomy of human permanent teeth 591
Number 5

Position of transverse anastomosis Position of apical foramen

Transverse anastomosis
between canals Cervical Middle Apical Central Lateral Apical Deltas

12 88 1
- 22 78 3
- - 14 86 3
34.2 16.4 58 25.6 12.0 88.0 3.2
30.8 18.8 50 31.2 22.2 77.8 15.1
52 10 15 15 24 76 8
0 0 0 0 19 81 2
0 0 0 0 18 82 4
21 8 72 20 12 88 3
0 0 0 0 17 83 2
0 0 0 0 19 81 4

Note: Figures represent percentage of the total.

Position of transverse anastomosis Position of apical foramen

Transverse anastomosis
between canals Cervical Middle Apical Central Lateral Apical Deltas

- - - - 25 15 5
- - - - 20 80 6
- - - - 30 IO 8
32.1 20.6 52.9 26.5 15 85 5.1
30 0 66.1 33.3 16.1 83.9 3.4
63 12 75 13 22 78 10

55 10 72 18 20 80 14
31 10 71 13 19 81 6

16 11 74 15 21 79 7

Now Figures represent percentage of total.

in the smallest accessory canals, and because it can

Total with Type VIII Total with
be removed from the external surface of the tooth,
two canals 3 three canals thereby allowing for a clearer specimen. The injected
at apex canals at apex teeth were then dehydrated in successivesolutions of
70%, 95%, and 100% alcohol for 5 hours each. The
0 0 0
dehydration was necessary because the clearing
0 0 0
0 0 0 agent is not miscible with water. Finally, the speci-
69 5 5 mens were placed in clear liquid plastic casting
24 1 I resin* and were completely cleared within 24
18 0 0
0 0 0
The transparent specimens were examined under
12 0 0 the dissecting microscope, and the number and type
0 0 0 of root canals, the number and location of lateral
0 0 0
canals and apical foramina, and the frequency of
apical deltas were recorded. These data are summa-
rized in Tables 1 and II.

*Fibre-Glass Evercoat Co., Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio.

592 Vertucci Oral Surg.
November, I984

Fig. 1. Maxillary anterior teeth. Top row, Maxillary canines. Middle row, Maxillary lateral incisors.
Bottom row, Maxillary central incisors.

Table IV. Classification and percentage of root canals of the mandibular teeth
No. TYP I Type II Type III Total with Type IV Type V Type VI Type VII
Of 1 2-1 I-2-I one canal 2 1-2 2-l-2 I-2-1-2
Teeth terlh canal canals canals at apex canals canals canals canals

Mandibular central incisor* 100 70 5 22 97 3 0 0 0

Mandibular lateral incisor* 100 75 5 18 98 2 0 0 0
Mandibular canine* 100 78 14 2 94 6 0 0 0
Mandibular first premolar+ 400 70 0 4 74 1.5 24 0 0
Mandibular second premolar? 400 97.5 0 0 97.5 0 2.5 0 0
Mandibular first molar$
Mesial 100 12 28 0 40 43 8 10 0
Distal 100 70 15 0 85 5 8 2 0
Mandibular second molar
Mesial 100 27 38 0 65 26 9 0 0
Distal 100 92 3 0 95 4 1 0 0

*Results published previously in Vertucci, F.J.: Root canal anatomy of the mandibular anterior teeth, J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 89:369, 1974.
tResults published previously in Vertucci, F.J.: Root Canal Morphology of Mandibular Premolar Teeth, J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 97:47, 1978.
$Re.sults published previously in Vertucci, F.J., and Williams, R.: Root canal anatomy of the mandibular first molar, J. N.J. Dent. Assoc. 4527-28, 1974
Volume 58 Root canal anatomy of human permanent teeth 593
Number 5

Fig. 2. A, Maxiilary first premolars, one canal at apex. Top row, Type II. Bottom row, Type I. B,
Maxillary first premolars, two canals at apex. Top row, Type V. Bottom row, Type IV. C!,Maxillary first
premolar, three canals at apex (Type VIII).

The root canal configurations present within the

Total with Total with
two canals Type VIII three canals roots of human permanent teeth can be classified
at apex 3 canals at apex into eight types:
Type I. A single canal extends from the pulp
3 0 0 chamber to the apex.
2 0 0
0 0
Type II. Two separate canals leave the pulp
25.5 0.5 0.5 chamber and join short of the apex to form one
2.5 0 0 canal.
Type III. One canal leaves the pulp chamber,
59 1 1 divides into two within the root, and then merges to
15 0 0
exit as one canal.
35 0 0 Type IV. Two separate and distinct canals extend
5 0 0 from the pulp chamber to the apex.
Type V. One canal leaves the pulp chamber and
divides short of the apex into two separate and
distinct canals with separate apical foramina.
594 Vertucci Oral Surg.

Fig. 3. A, Maxillary second premolars, one canal at apex. Top row, Type I. Middle row, Type II. Bottom
row, Type III. B, Maxillary second premolars, two canals at apex. Top row, Type IV. Middle row, Type V.
Bottom row left, Type VI. Bottom row right, Type VII. C, Maxillary secondpremolar, three canals at apex
(Type VIII).

Fig. 4. Mesiobuccal root of maxillary first molars. Left, Type I. Middle, Type II. Right, Type IV.

Type VI. Two separate canals leave the pulp these canal configurations are presented in Tables
chamber, merge in the body of the root, and redivide III and IV. The anatomic variations present in each
short of the apex to exit as two distinct canals. tooth are illustrated in Figs. 1 to IO. The most
Type VII. One canal leaves the pulp chamber, variable root canal anatomy was found in the maxil-
divides and then rejoins within the body of the root, lary second premolar.
and tinally redivides into two distinct canals short of
the apex.
Type VIII. Three separate and distinct canals During the past 100 years, there have been many
extend from the pulp chamber to the apex. excellent studies of pulp morphology. Upon compar-
The percentages of human permanent teeth with ing the findings of these studies with those of the
Volume58 Root canal anatomy of human permanent teeth 595
Number 5

Fig. 5. Mesiobuccal root of maxillary second molars. Left, Type I. Middle, Type II. Right, Type IV.

I( :

Fig. 6. Mandibular anterior teeth. Top row, Mandibular central incisors. A, Type I. B, Type II. C, Type
III. D, Type IV. Middle row, Mandibular lateral incisors. A, Type I. B, Type II. C, Type III. D, Type IV.
Bottom row, Mandibular canines. A, Type I. B, Type II. C, Type III. D, Type IV.
596 Vertucci Oral SW&.
November, 1984

Fig. 7. A, Mandibular first premolars. Top row, Type I. Second row, Type III. Third row, Type IV.
Bottom TOW,Type V. B, Mandibular first premolar, three canals at apex (Type VIII),

Fig. 8. Mandibular second premolars. Top row, Type I. Bottom row, Type V.
Volume58 Root canal anatomy of human permanent teeth 597
Number 5

Fig. 9. Mandibular first molars. Top row, Mesial root. A, Type I. B. Type II. C, Type IV. D, Type V. E,
Type VI. F, Type VIII. Bottom row, Distal root. A, Type I. B, Type II. C, Type IV. D, Type V. E,
Type VI.

Fig. 10. Mandibular secondmolars. Top row, Mesial root. A, Type I. B, Type II. C. Type IV. D. Type V.
Bottom row, Distal root. A, Type I. B, Type II. C, Type IV. D, Type V.
598 Vertucci Oral Surg.
November. I984

Fig. 11. Root canal on direct periapical exposure (arrow) shows sudden narrowing; at this point canal
divides into two parts as shown by radiographic view of buccolingual aspect and by transparent specimen.
(D, Direct periapical exposure; B-L, buccolingual aspect; TS, transparent specimen.)

present investigation, one finds that the results remain separate (Type V) or merge (Type II) before
reported by Okumura,* who also used transparent reaching the apex (Fig. 11). Having the information
specimens,and Pineda and Kuttler,l” who employed observed from the radiographs and knowing what
a radiographic evaluative technique, come closest to combinations of internal anatomy are possible, the
the findings reported here. It appears that the use of dentist should be able to determine what type of
an intact root of a specimen rendered transparent by canal configuration is present. This information,
decalcification and radiographic examination en- gained prior to initiation of therapy, will greatly
ables the investigator to view more clearly all of the facilitate subsequent treatment.
ramifications of the root canal system. Failure to find and fill a canal has been demon-
The clearing technique has considerable value in strated to be a causative factor in the failure of
the study of root canal anatomy, for it gives a endodontic therapy. 35It is of utmost importance that
three-dimensional view of the pulp cavity in relation all canals be located and treated during the course of
to the exterior of the tooth.33 In addition, it is not nonsurgical endodontic therapy. An examination of
necessary to enter the specimens with instruments; the floor of the pulp chamber offers clues to the type
thus, the original form and relationship of the canals of canal configuration present. When there is only
are maintained. The technique used in the present one canal, it is usually located rather easily in the
study differs from other clearing techniques mainly center of the accesspreparation. If only one orifice is
in the nature of the clearing process;a liquid casting found, and it is not in the center of the tooth, it is
resin was used rather than an agent such as probable that another canal is present and the
xylene. operator should search for it on the opposite side.
Slowey34states that the root canal anatomy of Radiographs from various angles, some with a file in
each tooth has certain commonly occurring charac- place, may be helpful. The relationship of the two
teristics as well as numerous atypical ones that can canal orifices to each other is also significant. The
be road maps to successful endodontics. The expect- closer the orifices are to each other, the greater are
ed root canal anatomy dictates the location of the the chances that the two canals join at some point
initial entry of access,it dictates the size of the first within the body of the root.
files used, and it contributes to a rational approach to Teeth with canal bifurcations in the middle or
solving the problems that arise during therapy. apical third may present problems in treatment.
Therefore, a thorough knowledge of the root canal Although one of the two canals, the one most
anatomy from accessto obturation is essential to give continuous with the large main passage, is usually
the highest possible chance for success. amenable to adequate enlarging and filling proce-
The first consideration the dentist must have in dures, the preparation and filling of the other canal is
performing endodontic therapy involves the anatomy often extremely difficult. The presenceof an unfilled
of the tooth itself. Prior to beginning the access canal may explain some of the endodontic failures
preparation, he should study radiographs from sever- associated with teeth, even though radiographically
al different angles. If, on the direct periapical expo- and clinically the canal system seems to be obtu-
sure, he notices that a root canal shows a sudden rated.
narrowing or even disappears, it means that at this When either pain or periapical breakdown is seen
point the canal divides into two parts which either after apparently effective nonsurgical endodontic
Volume 58 Root canal anatomy of human permanent teeth 599
Number 5

therapy, the possible presenceof an additional canal 10. Pineda F, Kuttler Y: Mesiodistal and buccolingual roentgen-
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12. Green D: Morphology of the endodontic system, New York,
complication may result. Surgery may cause a single 1969, David Green, pp. 14-15.
apical foramen to become two separate foramina. 13. Vertucci FJ, Seelig A, Gillis R: Root canal morphology of the
Results will be poor if a search for the secondcanal is human maxillary second premolar. ORAL SURG 58: 456,
not routinely made during the surgical procedure. 14. Skillen WG: Morphology of root canals. J Am Dent Assoc 19:
An awareness that eight possible canal configura- 719, 1932.
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22. Darnelles P: Consideracoesanatomicas sobre a conformacao
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root of the maxillary first molar. Navy Med 63: 29, 1974.
dure can be approached rationally. The frequency 24. Skidmore AE, Bjorndal AM: Root canal morphology of the
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during enlargement and filling procedures. The den- 25. Vertucci FJ, Williams R: Root canal anatomy of the mandib-
ular first molar. J N J Dent Assoc 45: 27-28, 1974.
tist also should be aware of the possible existence of 26. Cooke HG, Cox FL: C-shaped canal configurations in man-
bifurcated and double canals if root canal therapy dibular molars. J Am Dent Assoc 99: 832, 1979.
should unexpectedly fail. A knowledge of these 27. Seidberg BH, Altman M, Guttuso J, Suson M: Frequency of
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variations will assist the dentist in reaching conclu- molars. J Am Dent Assoc 87: 852, 1973.
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29. Altman M, Guttuso J, Seidberg BH, Langeland K: Apical
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