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Fundación Educacional

Colegio San Francisco de Asís

1st grade entrance

Name: __________________________________________ Prema: 60% /50% (dif) Mark:

Date: ____________________________________________ Ideal: 59 pts Real: ____ pts

Objectives: Identificar, reconocer y aplicar vocabulario básico en inglés referente a útiles escolares,
números, colores, formas geométricas; partes del cuerpo, animales y alimentos. Comprender instrucciones,
frases y oraciones simples en inglés de uso cotidiano. Entregar información relevante.

1. Draw the school objects you listen. ___/6 pts.

pencil crayons book

2. Color the spots according to the color. ___/ 12 pts

3. Draw a circle, a square and a triangle . ___/ 6 pts.

4 . Circle a cat, a dog and a cow. ___/ 3 pts.

5. Listen and circle the clothes. ___/ 5 pts.

6. Match ___/4 pts.



7. Count and match the number of toys. ___/ 6 pts

SIX (6)


FOUR (4)
8. Complete the monster puppet by drawing the parts of the body as it says. ___/8 pts.

9. Color ONLY the yoghurt, the banana and the buiscuit (cookie). ___/ 6 pts.

10. Write. ___/ 3 pts.

What’s your name?

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