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THESIS: Association Between Falls, Fall-Related Injuries, and Participation in Diabetes-

Related Health Behaviors Among Individuals Diagnosed with Kidney Disease
and Diabetes: A Retrospective Analysis of 2016 Behavioral Risk Factor
Surveillance System Data

STUDENT: Bradley Horton

DEGREE: Master of Science

COLLEGE: College of Health

DATE: January 2019


Falls are a growing problem in the United States. In the last two decades the fall rate has

risen, causing physical and financial distress, as well as mortality. The population receiving

substantial attention for this problem is the elderly, due to their high fall risk. Unfortunately, this

focus overshadows other high risk populations including those with chronic diseases. A specific

population that warrants attention for their high fall risk are individuals with chronic kidney

disease and diabetes. This population has accumulative risk factors that are independently

associated with each disease state. Risk factors associated with glycemic control is a potential

focus to help decrease the risk of falling in this population. These glycemic risk factors are

associated with, and attenuated by, participating in diabetes health behaviors; however, it is not

known if participating in diabetes health behaviors are associated with the risk for falling. The

purpose of this study is to identify an association between participation in diabetes-related health

behaviors and the occurrence of falls among those diagnosed with CKD and diabetes. The

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2016 questionnaire data will be utilized to identify

the association. The study results may help the development of future fall prevention programs

for this population.


You do not need to write this for your proposal…..if you are going to use this for your
thesis/project, I’d urge you to keep it here so it “holds the place” for your real paper.



ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................. ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... iv

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................1

Problem Statement ...............................................................................................................4

Purpose Statement ................................................................................................................5

Research Questions ..............................................................................................................5

Research Hypotheses ...........................................................................................................5

Rationale ..............................................................................................................................6



Summary ..............................................................................................................................9

CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................................................10

Introduction: Falls in the United States .............................................................................10

Fall Rate and Outcomes .........................................................................................10

Fall Risk Factors ....................................................................................................11

At Risk Populations ...............................................................................................12

Summary ................................................................................................................13

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Falls .........................................................................14

CKD Prevalence.....................................................................................................14

CKD Fall Risk........................................................................................................14


CKD Fall Risk Factors ...........................................................................................15

Summary ................................................................................................................17

Association of Diabetes with Falls and Chronic Kidney Disease......................................17

Diabetes Prevalence and Fall Risk .........................................................................17

Diabetes and CKD and Comorbidities ...................................................................18

Diabetes Fall Risk Factors .....................................................................................19

Summary ................................................................................................................21

Falls, Diabetes Health Behaviors and the BRFSS .............................................................22

Diabetes Health Behaviors and Glycemic Control ................................................22

The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) ..................................22

Studies: Health Behaviors Assessed in BRFSS .....................................................23

Summary ................................................................................................................26

Studies Utilizing Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Data .............................................26

Summary ................................................................................................................28

Summary ............................................................................................................................29

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................30

Institutional Review Board ................................................................................................30


Instruments .........................................................................................................................31

Letter of Permission and Consent ......................................................................................31


Data Analysis ....................................................................................................................33


Summary ............................................................................................................................34

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS ..................................................................................................................

CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................

CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................

REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................36

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................................................43

Appendix A: Institutional Review Board Documents ......................................................43

A-1: IRB Approval Letter ......................................................................................44

A-2: CITI Completion Certificate ..........................................................................46

Appendix B: Survey Instruments .......................................................................................48

B-1: BRFSS Questions ..........................................................................................49

B-2: BRFSS Variable Codes ..................................................................................53



Table 1 ....................................................................................................................................

Table 2 ....................................................................................................................................

Table 3 ....................................................................................................................................

Table 5 ....................................................................................................................................

Table 6 ....................................................................................................................................

Table 7 ....................................................................................................................................

Table 8 ....................................................................................................................................

Table 9 ....................................................................................................................................



Figure 1 ....................................................................................................................................

Figure 2 ....................................................................................................................................

Figure 3 ....................................................................................................................................

Figure 5 ....................................................................................................................................

Figure 6 ....................................................................................................................................



Fall occurrences are a growing concern in the United States, with the fall rate of the

general population rising 1.2% each year between 2004 and 2013 (Verma et al., 2016). Although

trauma-related mortality declined 6% between 2002 and 2010 (p<0.01), fall-related mortality

increased 46% (p<0.01), resulting in a rate increase from 5.95 per 100,000 people to 8.70 per

100,000 people (Sise, Calvo, Spain, Weiser & Staudenmayer, 2014). Fall events, the primary

cause of injury among all ages, often lead to injuries requiring medical attention (Timsina et al.,

2017; Adams, Kirzinger & Martinez, 2013). Not only can falls cause physical harm, but they

also can add a financial burden to both the fall sufferer and the health care system, with

emergency department costs at an estimated $111 billion per year on fall-related accidents

(Verma et al., 2016). While it is known that the elderly are at a higher risk for falling than others

(Tumsina et al., 2017), other populations are also at high risk for falling, including individuals

diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD) or diabetes (Lopez-Soto et al., 2015; Pijpers et al.,


The incidence and prevalence of CKD in the Unites States is rising; the number of cases

has increased 7.5% annually between 2009 and 2015 (USRDS, 2018). In addition to the time and

attention it takes to manage their disease, CKD also puts individuals at an increased risk for

falling, with some researchers observing a rate as high as 1.76 falls per person a year (Roberts,
Jeffrey, Carlisle & Brierley, 2007). The increased risk for falling among CKD patients is

associated with risk factors unique to this disease state, including hemodynamic shifts, muscle

weakness, neuropathy, disease progression, nutrition status, polypharmacy, and comorbidities

(Lopez-Soto et al., 2015).

Diabetes is a common comorbidity of CKD, with nearly 40% of individuals with CKD

also having diabetes (USRDS, 2018). Various studies indicate that diabetes itself can be a cause

of CKD (Lamarca et al., 2013; Shin et al., 2014). While CKD independently increases the risk

for falling, diabetes presents its own unique factors increasing fall risk (Pijpers et al., 2012).

Yang, Hu, Zhang and Zou (2016) observed that 25% of people with diabetes fell relative to only

18% of those without diabetes. This difference is attributed to diabetes fall-related risk factors

include poor glycemic control (hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia), diabetic peripheral

neuropathy (DPN), altered gait, retinopathy, and polypharmacy (Gu & Dennis, 2017; Vinik et

al., 2017). The combined risk factors in individuals with both CKD and diabetes puts them at an

even greater risk for falling (Li, Tomlinson, Naglie, Cook & Jassal, 2008).

Among those diagnosed with both CKD and diabetes, many fall risk factors, including

DPN and retinopathy, are related to glycemic control (Gu & Dennis, 2017; Gupta et al., 2017),

suggesting that glycemic control can prevent or attenuate the development of these fall risk

factors. There are many health-related behaviors individuals diagnosed with CKD and type 2

diabetes mellitus (T2DM) can take to achieve and maintain blood glucose control and to reduce

their risk for falls, including daily self-checks of blood glucose, monitoring of hemoglobin A1C,

consistent use of insulin, frequent visits to the doctor or other health care professionals, annual

vision exams, and checking for foot sores (Mahan & Raymond, 2017; Jeffcoate, Vileikyte,

Boyko, Armstrong & Boulton, 2018). Participating in these health-related behaviors can help

individuals diagnosed with CKD and diabetes achieve glycemic control and help monitor if their

glucose control is being maintained (Miller et al., 2013; Loh, Tan, Saw & Sethi, 2011). It is

hypothesized that if glycemic control can be achieved through participation in these behaviors,

fall risk factors, such as DPN and retinopathy, can be avoided or improved in the CKD with

diabetes population, thereby decreasing fall risk.

The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an annual telephone survey

used to collect data concerning chronic health conditions and heath behaviors within the United

States (Boyle, 2017). Although a robust source of data, BRFSS data is self-reported, which

comes with many inherent biases, including a tendency to exaggerate, to under-report due to

embarrassment, and social desirability bias (Rosenman, Tennekoon & Hill, 2011). The BRFSS

questionnaire includes questions pertaining to CKD and fall occurrences as well as health

behaviors associated with glycemic control, including questions about frequency of doctor visits,

blood glucose monitoring, A1C checks, insulin use, foot sore checks, eye exams, and diagnosis

of retinopathy (CDC, 2015).

Glycemic control can be monitored and improved by participating in diabetes-related

health behaviors, many of which are included in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

Questionnaire (CDC, 2015). If improved glycemic control is achieved, fall risk factors, and the

subsequent number of fall incidence, should concomitantly decrease. However, little is known

about whether participating in these health behaviors, or the accumulating number of health

behaviors in which an individual participates, has an association and influence on fall risk in

patients with CKD. Thus, determining if there is an association between participation in

diabetes-related health behaviors as outlined in BRFSS and the occurrence of falls among a

population diagnosed with CKD and T2DM is warranted.

Problem Statement

In the United States, falls are among the primary events associated with fatal and nonfatal

injuries (Verma et al., 2016; Timsina et al. 2017). Between 2002 and 2010, the mortality rate

related to fall-events increased by 46% (Sise et al., 2014). Falls not only cause physical injury

and death but place an economic burden on the individual and healthcare system (Verma et al.,

2016). A population of special interest that requires further research are individuals with chronic

kidney disease associated with diabetes (Shin et al., 2014). Patients with CKD and diabetes are at

a higher risk for falls due to various risk factors like DPN (Yang et al., 2016). According to

Vinik et al. (2017), diabetes-related neuropathy can contribute to impaired balance and altered

gait, which can lead to falling. Fall risk factors such as neuropathy are directly linked to poor

glycemic control (Gu & Dennis, 2017). Research shows that patients who participate in diabetes-

related health behaviors (i.e., check blood glucose, check hemoglobin A1c, visit their doctor)

have an increased well-being (Rosiek et al., 2016) as well as improved glycemic control (Miller

et al., 2013; Loh et al., 2011). Improved glycemic control can attenuate fall risk factors. It is not

known, however, if participating in diabetes-related health behaviors, or if the number of health-

related behaviors in which an individual participates, is associated with the risk of suffering a fall

and fall-related injury among individuals diagnosed with CKD and type 2 diabetes. The data and

information need to examine this association can be collected from the BRFSS. Thus, utilizing

BRFSS data to examine the relationship between participation in diabetes-related health

behaviors and fall-related events among individuals diagnosed with CKD and diabetes is



The purpose of this retrospective quantitative study is to determine the association

between participation in diabetes-related health behaviors as outlined in the 2016 BRFSS and the

occurrence of falls among a population diagnosed with CKD and T2DM.

Research Questions

The following research question will be addressed in this study:

RQ#1: Does the subsample of patients who were asked about diabetes behaviors reflect the

sample of patients with CKD and T2DM in BRFSS?

RQ#2: Is there a relationship between diabetes-related health behaviors and the occurrence of

falls among those diagnosed with CKD and T2DM?

RQ#3: Is there a relationship between diabetes-related health behaviors and the occurrence of

fall-related injuries (FRI) among those diagnosed with CKD and T2DM?

Research Hypotheses

The following null and directional hypotheses will be tested in this study:

Hypothesis 1a: There will be no difference in any demographic, chronic disease, lifestyle, or

behavior (including falls and FRI) among participants who answered diabetes behavior questions

and those who did not answer these questions.

Hypothesis 2a: There will be a positive association between insulin use and incidences of


Hypothesis 2b: There will be a negative relationship between the frequency of checking

blood glucose and incidences of falls/FRI.

Hypothesis 2c: There will be a negative association between the frequency of self-

checking feet for sores and incidences of falls/FRI.

Hypothesis 2d: There will be a negative association between the frequency of health

professionals checking a patient’s feet for sores in the last 12 months and

incidences of fall/FRI.

Hypothesis 2e: There will be a negative association between the frequency of seeing a

doctor, nurse, or other health professional for diabetes in the last 12 months and

the incidences of falls/FRI.

Hypothesis 2f: There will be a negative association between the frequency of checking

A1C and the incidences of falls/FRI.

Hypothesis 2g: There will be a positive association between the period of time it has been

since an eye exam and the incidences of falls/FRI.

Hypothesis 2h: There will be a positive association between a diagnosis of retinopathy

and falls/FRI.


Fall occurrences cause physical and financial harm to individuals. Individuals diagnosed

with CKD and diabetes are at an increased risk for falling due to risk factors associated with

these disease states. Numerous risk factors are related to glycemic control. Participation in

diabetes health behaviors has a positive effect on glycemic control, which can influence these

risk factors. If an association between diabetes health behaviors and falls can be established, fall

prevention programs can be developed specific to this population with a focus on diabetes health

behavior participation. Using BRFSS data in an attempt to make an association of these variables

is feasible given the survey contains questions pertaining to the occurrences of falls, CKD

diagnosis, diabetes diagnosis, and participation in diabetes health behaviors.


The researcher makes the following assumptions in the implementation of the study and

in the interpretation of the data:

1. All survey participants answered the questions truthfully and to the best of their


2. Questions were worded as such, giving survey participants a clear understanding

of what was being asked.

3. The CDC presented the BRFSS data unaltered and exactly as reported by survey


4. Due to the use of self-reported data, there will be some degree of response bias.


For the purpose of this study, the following definitions will be used:

1. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): a telephone survey

obtaining information regarding chronic disease and health related behaviors by

interviewing adults in all 50 states (Boyle, 2017)

2. Chronic kidney disease (CKD): a disease state in which kidney damage decreases

the function and filtering ability of the kidney leading to a buildup of waste and

excess nutrients in the blood (CDC, 2018)

3. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM): a progressive disease caused by long periods

of hyperglycemia, leading to insulin resistance, macrovascular, and microvascular

complications (Mahan & Raymond, 2017)

4. Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN): nerve damage, typically in the hands and

feet, caused by prolonged periods of hyperglycemia that can effect motor function

(Mahan & Raymond, 2017)

5. End-stage renal disease (ESRD)(Stage 5 CKD): the final stage of CKD with a

GFR of <15ml/min; at this stage the kidneys lack the ability to filter toxins,

maintain fluid balance or electrolyte balance, and produce certain hormones

leading to individuals requiring a kidney transplant or hemodialysis treatment

(Mahan & Raymond, 2017)

6. Glycemic control: the ability to maintain blood glucose in the desired range,

called euglycemic blood glucose levels, of between 80 to 130mg/dL without

drastic drops or rises (Mahan & Raymond, 2017)

7. Hemodialysis: a treatment used in ESRD that filters the blood of toxins, minerals,

etc.; semipermeable membranes of machines or the peritoneal cavity of the body

is used in place of the kidney for filtration of blood (Mahan & Raymond, 2017)

8. Hemodynamic shifts: changes in blood pressure caused by shifts in blood volume

during hemodialysis treatment (Mahan & Raymond, 2017)

9. Hemoglobin A1C: a diagnostic test of long term blood glucose concentrations

with diabetes being diagnosed at 6.5%; can be used to assess long term glycemic

control (Mahan & Raymond, 2017)

10. Hyperglycemia: high levels of blood glucose; diagnosed as fasting blood glucose

126mg/dL (Mahan & Raymond, 2017)

11. Hypoglycemia: a drop in blood glucose 50mg/dL (Mahan & Raymond, 2017)

12. Intradialytic: occurring or carried out during hemodialysis (Suri, 2015)

13. Orthostatic hypotension: a 20mm Hg decrease in systolic blood pressure or a

10mm Hg decrease in diastolic blood pressure within three minutes of standing,

relative to the blood pressure when sitting (Lanier, Mote & Clay, 2011)

14. Polypharmacy: the use of four or more medications during a single time period

(Mahan & Raymond, 2017)

15. Postural sway: the horizontal movement around an individual’s center of gravity

in relation to a sense of balance associated with input from vestibular and visual

systems (Zhou, Habtemariam, Iloputaife, Lipsitz & Manor, 2016)

16. Retinopathy: diminished vision and eye function caused by damage to blood

vessels and the retina from toxic blood glucose levels (Mayo Clinic, 2018)


Falls are a common problem among adults in the United States that can lead to injuries,

fatalities, and financial strain. The population with both CKD and diabetes are at an increased

risk for falling relative to the general population. Numerous factors, including poor glycemic

control, may increase fall risk in this population. However, it is not known if participating in

behaviors that may improve glycemic control reduce falls in this population. If an association

between diabetes health behaviors and falls can be established, this information could help the

development of fall prevention programs in this high risk population.



The purpose of this retrospective quantitative study is to determine the association

between participation in diabetes-related health behaviors as outlined in the 2016 BRFSS and the

occurrence of falls among a population diagnosed with CKD and T2DM. This chapter will

present a review of the literature that describes and relates the incidence of falls with chronic

kidney disease, diabetes, and participation in diabetes health behaviors.

Falls in the United States

Fall Rate and Outcomes

The fall rate in The United States is rising. According to Verma et al. (2016), there was

an observed increase in the total population fall rate of 1.2% a year between 2004 and 2013. The

trend appears largely in part to the rate of falls in adults age 65; although the fall rate for older

men and women increased by 5% and 4% , respectively, from 2004 to 2013, the increase was

only significant for women (p<0.05).

Injuries from falls are also increasing. Data from the National Health Survey indicates

that adults 18 and older have an increasing rate of fall-related injury of 1% per year (Verma et

al., 2016). Falls are now the primary cause of injury among virtually all age groups and are the

leading cause of medically attended nonfatal injuries (Timsina et al., 2017). Using data from the
2012 National Health Survey, it was determined that falls, overexertion, being struck by an

object, and transportation were the leading causes for seeking medical attention, but falls were

overwhelmingly the primary cause at 13.4 million cases (Adams, Kirzinger & Martinez, 2013).

When seeking medical attention for a fall, sprains and straining of joints are the most common

injury at 38%; more serious injuries such as fractures are also common at 28% (Verma et al.


In the most severe cases, falls can result in mortality. According to Sise et al. (2014),

between 2002 and 2010 the total trauma related mortality rate decreased by 6% (p<0.01).

However, the fall related mortality rate increased by 46% from 5.95 per 100,000 people to 8.70

per 100,000 people (p<0.01). This indicates that although mortality from other trauma events

such as vehicle accidents and fire arm incidents have decreased or stabilized, fall morality has

had a significant increase.

Falls can place a financial strain on families and the healthcare system. Center for

Disease Control (CDC) data shows that the total lifetime annual cost of fall related injuries in the

US resulting in fatality, hospitalization, or emergency room treatment is 111 billion dollars. The

lifetime annual cost per person a year is $471.32 (Verma et al. 2016). According to Florence et

al. (2018), in 2015 the total medical costs for falls exceeded 50 billion dollars. These financial

observations place fall injuries among the top 20 most expensive medical conditions in the

United States with a positive relationship between age and the cost of treating fall related injuries

(Burns, Stevens, & Lee, 2016).

Fall Risk Factors

There are different types of fall risk factors (CDC, 2015). Biological risk factors

including muscle weakness, impaired balance, medication side effects, chronic health conditions

(e.g. arthritis and stroke), disease states, nutritional status (e.g. vitamin D), hypotension, vision

impairment, loss of sensation in feet, etc. Behavioral risk factors include sedentary lifestyle,

alcohol use, and simply using improper equipment to stand at increased heights. Lastly,

environmental risk factors include clutter and tripping hazards, wet walking surfaces, lack of

stair railings, absence of bars inside tubs or showers, and poorly designed public spaces. Timsina

et al. (2017) observed that large objects (15%), stairs/steps (14%), and surface contamination

(13%) were the most common environmental causes of fall related injuries. The most common

risk factors for falls are environmental factors, which play a role in half of all falls; however, it is

typical for two or more factors from any category to interact and cause a fall (CDC, 2015).

At-Risk Populations

Older adults are at increased risk for falls. The prevalence for falls assessed using the

Health and Retirement Study data from 2010 showed an increase with each successive age group

with 32% among those 65-69 falling to 56.7% among those 90 and older falling (Schenker &

London, 2015). The overall fall rate increased from 28.2% in 1998 to 36.3% in 2010 for adults

age 65. Interestingly, the rate increase of falls was highest in the lower age range of 65-69. This

is contradictory to the notion that the greater increase in falls should be observed in the oldest

population groups due to their increasing overall number (Timsina et al., 2017); regardless, the

increasing United State fall rate is related to an increasing rate in adults age 65.

Many of the highest risk populations suffer from diseases of the brain and nervous

system. According to Renfro, Maring, Bainbridge and Blair (2016), individuals with

intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD), multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease,

Alzheimer’s disease, or have suffered a cerebrovascular accident such as stroke, are at a greater

risk for falling. It has been reported that the rate of falls for individuals with IDD is high, with a

rate of 0.85 falls a year among younger individuals and a rate of 1.06 among older individuals

(Salb et al., 2015). A meta-analysis of individuals with MS by Gunn, Newell, Haas, Marsden,

and Freeman (2012) observed a rate of roughly 50% with increased risk being associated with

impairments in balance, lower cognition, progress of disease, and the use of a walking device.

Cerebrovascular accidents are a common risk factor for suffering a fall or fall related injury

among adults; a study by Jorgensen, Engstad, and Jacobsen (2002) observed that the risk for

suffering a fall was twice as high for stroke sufferers relative to age-matched individuals that had

not suffered a stroke.

In more recent years, diseases such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) and diabetes have

been identified as high-risk populations for falls. CKD is a complex disease involving blood

volume shifts, polypharmacy, comorbidities, etc., which increases the risk for falling (Lopez-

Soto et al., 2015). Current diabetes and falls research indicates that increased fall risk is

associated with poor glycemic control resulting in hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, decreased

motor and sensory function caused by diabetic neuropathy, and retinopathy effecting balance

(Yang et al., 2016).


The rate of falls is increasing in the United States leading to injury, hospitalization and

financial burden. There are numerous fall risk factors involving interactions of biological,

behavioral, and environmental influences. Populations at higher risk for falls include the elderly,

those who suffer from neurological diseases and cerebrovascular accidents, and those with

chronic diseases such as CKD and diabetes.

Chronic Kidney Disease and Falls

CKD Prevalence

According to the 2018 United States Renal Data System (USRDS), the prevalence of

CKD stages 1-4 is roughly 14.8%, meaning that about 30 million adults have CKD in the United

States. These numbers are likely low due to limited awareness by individuals in stages 1-3 CKD.

In 2015, nearly 500,000 patients were classified as having end stage renal disease (ESRD, stage

5 CKD) and receive dialysis treatment.

There has been a steady increase in CKD. Coresh et al. (2007) found that CKD

prevalence increased from 10% in 1988 to 1994 to 13.1% in 1999 to 2004 (95% CI = 9.2-10.9%;

12-14.1% respectively) with a prevalence ratio of 1.3 (95% CI, 1.2-1.4). More recently, ESRD

has increased 7.5% from 2009 to 2015; this is thought to be attributed to the increasing age and

size of the older adult population (USRDS, 2018).

CKD Fall Risk

CKD prevalence is important due to this population being at an increased risk for falling.

A study by Kistler, Khubchandani, Jakubowicz, Wilund, and Sosnoff (2018) using 2014 BRFSS

data indicated that individuals with CKD had an odds ratio of 1.81 (95% CI = 1.63-2.01) for

falling and 1.50 (95% CI = 1.27-1.78) for suffering a fall related injury after adjusting for

demographics, health conditions and lifestyle factors (p<0.05).

The exact fall rate in CKD is under dispute. A study of CKD patients not receiving

hemodialysis by Roberts, Jeffrey, Carlisle and Brierley (2007) found a rate of 1.76 falls/patient a

year for people >65 and a rate of 1.30 falls/patient for individuals <65. Cook et al. (2006)

observed a lower rate of 0.22 falls/patient a year in hemodialysis patients. However, a meta-

analysis by Lopez-Soto et al. (2015) observed a fall rate of 1.18 to 1.6 falls/patient a year for

those on hemodialysis. Desmet, Beguin, Swine and Jadoul (2005) observed fall related injuries,

finding a rate 0.37 per patient a year which required medical attention among those on

hemodialysis. Although the specific rates vary, these studies indicate there is a higher rate of

falling in the CKD population for patients receiving and not receiving hemodialysis. The

different rates observed may be associated with heterogeneity among the studies, e.g. study

samples consisting of all hemodialysis patients versus using sample of patients at different stages

of disease progression.

CKD Fall Risk Factors

Falls are a complex interaction of risk factors involving behavior, the environment, and

an individual’s biology; a diagnosis of CKD adds to the complexity. Factors such as

hemodynamic shifts, comorbidities, functionality, polypharmacy, malnutrition, age, and the stage

of CKD can influence the risk for falling (Lopez-Soto et al., 2015).

Age is a risk factor for falls in the general population but even more so in CKD. In a

study comparing falls in older (65) and younger (<65) CKD patients, 38% of older patients fell

while only 4% of younger patients fell. The older group had a significantly greater fall rate of

1.76 falls/patient a year compared to 0.13 falls/patient a year in the younger group (p<0.001;

Roberts et al., 2007). Paliwal, Slattum and Ratliff (2017) garnered similar results in that the CKD

age group of 65 were more likely to fall than the age group of <65.

The older a CKD patient is, the more likely they will reach or have reached ESRD,

requiring dialysis treatment or a kidney transplant (USRDS, 2018). Dialysis treatment adds a

unique risk factor for falling (Lopez-Soto et al., 2015). According to Abdel-Rahman, Turgut,

Turkmen and Balogun (2011), intradialytic hypotension is a problem in roughly 30% of

hemodialysis patients and is a risk for falling. In a study by Roberts, Kenny and Brierley (2003),

22 of 23 patients had a decrease in systolic blood pressure upon standing post-dialysis. Sixteen of

the patients were diagnosed with orthostatic hypotension, 10 of which complained of dizziness or

unsteadiness, which can put these patients at greater risk for falling.

A compounding factor associated with age and ESRD is frailty. McAdams et al. (2013)

observed frailty independently predicted a 3.09-fold higher number of falls in CKD patients after

adjusting for age, sex, race, comorbidities, disabilities, and the number of medications (95% CI =

1.38-6.90; p=0.006). Kutner, Zhang, Huang and Wasse (2014), observed participants classified

as frail were twice as likely to report a fall among 762 hemodialysis patients (OR = 2.39; 95% CI

= 1.22-4.71, p=0.01). Functionality can be associated with frailty, but it is also an independent

fall risk factor in CKD.

A functionality study by Desmut et al. (2005) utilized a simple walk test of 10 meters

without assistance; failing the walking test was an independent risk factor for falling in CKD

(OR = 2.057: 95% CI = 1.32-3.20, p<0.01). Shin et al. (2014) assessed the postural sway of

hemodialysis patients against a healthy control group. A significantly larger 95% confidence area

sway was observed in the CKD group (465.8420 versus 7103.978.5, p<0.01) indicating that

they were less functionally stable when standing or walking, thereby increasing fall risk.

Nutrition can be an integral part of optimal body function. According to Rossier, Pruijm,

Hannnane, Burnier, and Teta (2012), patients with CKD diagnosed as malnourished (based from

European Best Practice Guidelines) were more likely to suffer a fall (OR = 8.4; 95% CI = 1.7-

42.4, p=0.01). Although debated, albumin can be associated with malnutrition (Mahan &

Raymond, 2017). Li, Tomlinson, Naglie, Cook and Jassal (2008) observed that CKD patients

with higher albumin were at a decreased risk of falling (HR = 0.91; 95% CI = 0.84-0.98,

p=0.01). Vitamin D levels can also be associated with malnutrition. Rothenbacher et al. (2014)

conducted a study of the vitamin D status of 1,385 participants 65 and older; 2.8% of the

participants had CKD. Stages 4 and 5 CKD patients had 75% deficiency, while stage 1 had 42%

deficiency (p=0.0012). CKD patients identified as deficient (serum vitamin D <50nmol/L) were

found to have an increased risk of falling (HRR = 1.93; 95% CI = 1.10-3.37).

Ingestion of medications are also associated with fall risk in CKD. According to Desmut

et al. (2005), the total number of prescription drugs ingested is a risk factor for suffering a fall

(OR = 1.2; 95% CI = 1.1-1.4; p<0.01); the more drugs prescribed the greater risk for suffering a

fall. Drugs like antidepressants were found to be a significant risk factor for suffering a fall (OR

= 5.3; 95% CI = 2.3-12.2, p<0.0001). Polypharmacy, common due to comorbidity conditions,

can influence the risk for falling in CKD (Lopez-Soto et al., 2015).

According to Cook et al. (2006), CKD patients that fall are more likely to have a

comorbid condition at baseline assessed by Charlson Comorbidity Index scores (11.00 versus

9.8, p=0.03). Multiple diseases and conditions can accompany CKD; however, diabetes is one of

the most common and can exacerbate the risk for falling in CKD (Lopez-Soto et al., 2015).


CKD is prevalent in the Unites States and adds risk for suffering a fall. Studies show that

CKD patients have a high fall rate. There are multiple risk factors associated with the higher rate

of falling, including but not limited to, age, frailty, functionality, orthostatic hypotension from

hemodialysis treatment, malnutrition, medications, and comorbidities like diabetes.

Association of Diabetes with Falls and Chronic Kidney Disease

Diabetes Prevalence and Fall Risk

The American Diabetes Association (2018) indicates that 30.3 million Americans (9.4%

of the population) had diabetes in 2015, with 1.5 million individuals being diagnosed every year.

This is suspected to increase due to roughly 84.1 million Americans being classified as

prediabetic. Having diabetes presents numerous potential complications to health including

hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis, dyslipidemia, hypertension, retinopathy and

diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) (Mahan & Raymond, 2017), with a less talked about

aspect being the increased risk for falls.

Pijpers et al. (2012) found that older people with diabetes were more likely to fall than

those without. The researchers observed that 30.6% of individuals with diabetes fell, while only

19.4% without fell (p=0.017). Individuals with diabetes were more likely to suffer recurrent falls

with a rate of 129.7 versus 77.4 per 1,000 people a year. Similarly, Yang et al. (2016) observed

that individuals with diabetes had a significant increased risk of suffering a fall (RR = 1.64: 95%

CI = 1.27-2.11, p=0.02), with 25% of people with diabetes and 18.2% without suffering a fall.

Diabetes and CKD as Comorbidities

The likelihood of having both disease conditions is high. According to USRDS (2018)

40% of individuals with CKD also have diabetes. It is common to suffer from both diseases due

to diabetes injuring blood vessels of the kidneys, thereby decreasing the ability of the kidneys to

filter blood (NKF, 2017). According to Lamarca et al. (2013), diabetes was the second leading

cause (34%) of CKD in a study of 102 patients. Shin et al. (2014) had similar findings, with type

2 diabetes being the second leading cause of CKD patients receiving hemodialysis in their study


Having both CKD and diabetes can have a significant effect on the risk for falling. Li et

al. (2008) observed that 34% of CKD hemodialysis patients with diabetes suffered a fall while

only 20% of CKD patients without suffered a fall. Desmut et al. (2005) focused on fall events in

CKD, with a subpopulation of 27% (n=84) that also had diabetes. CKD patients with diabetes

had a fall odds ratio of 2.75 (95% CI = 1.17-6.41, p=0.01). Kistler et al. (2018) found similar

results when they reported that diabetes in CKD patients was associated with an increased risk of

falling after adjusting for demographics, lifestyle and other chronic health conditions (AOR =

1.25: 95% CI = 1.02-1.53, p<0.05). In addition, these researchers noted an association between

the length of time since diabetes diagnosis and suffering a fall (AOR = 1.45: 95% CI = 1.04-

2.02, p<0.01).

Diabetes Fall Risk Factors

Diabetes adds unique fall risk factors in the CKD population. Some common fall risk

factors of diabetes include poor glycemic control, diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), altered

gait, retinopathy, and polypharmacy (Gu & Dennis, 2017; Vinik et al, 2017).

Glycemic control is associated with hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. Hypoglycemia

associated with a lowering of A1C in early diabetes treatment can have an effect on falls due to

disrupting homeostasis. The body adjusts to higher glucose levels before treatment, so when

glucose and A1C are lowered in these early stages, homeostasis is disrupted and increases the

risk of syncope. (Grubb & Olshansky, 2005). Nelson, Dufraux, and Cook (2007) found that an

A1C of 7% significantly correlated with falls in diabetes (r=0.24, p=0.011). Puar et al. (2012)

observed an increased risk of suffering a fall resulting in a hip fracture; participants with a

HbA1c <6% were twice as likely to suffer a fall resulting in a hip fracture as those with a A1C

<8% (OR = 3.13; 95% CI = 2.10-4.64, p<0.001). Schwartz et al. (2008) found that an A1C of

6% for people using insulin to control their diabetes was associated with an increased risk of

falling (OR = 4.36; 95% CI 1.32-14.46, p<0.05). Lower A1C from baseline in patients with

diabetes, indicating potential hypoglycemic episodes, can be associated with increased risk for

falls (Nelms, 2011); however, lowering of A1C quickly also decreases developing fall risk

factors of DPN and DR that are associated with hyperglycemia.

Hyperglycemia can lead to the development of neuropathy. Nearly 50% of individuals

with type 2 diabetes will develop DPN caused by glucose toxicity, leading to nerve damage and

apoptosis of cells (Gu & Dennis, 2017). The position statement of the American Diabetes

Association (ADA) recognizes DPN as a major risk factor for falls (ADA, 2017). According to

the findings of Nelson et al. (2007), there is a significant correlation between peripheral

neuropathy and falls (r =0.24, p=0.006). A study by Schwartz et al. (2008), observed an

increased risk of falling when DPN was diagnosed using a nerve response amplitude test (OR =

1.50: 95% CI = 1.07-2.12, p<0.05).

DPN leads to associated fall risk factors including altered gait and walking stability.

According to Menz, Lord, St. George and Fitzpatrick (2004), DPN causes changes in nerve

function and sensorimotor function that contributes to fall risk. In their study they compared

factors of gait in DPN versus a control group. These researchers observed that individuals with

DPN walked more slowly (f=21.9, p<0.001), took shorter steps (f=15.7, p<0.001), had

inconsistent timing of steps (f=4.79, p=0.003), had significantly smaller pelvic acceleration

(f=9.49, p=0.003), and unfavorable harmonic ratios of the head (f=4.55, p=0.037) and pelvis

(f=4.94, p=0.03). These observations indicate that DPN causes an altered gait due to decreased

coordination and stability, which increases the risk for falling.

Hyperglycemia can cause retinopathy. According to Gupta et al. (2017), mild to moderate

diabetic retinopathy (DR) is associated with an increased likelihood of falling due to altered

depth perception and balance. Their study observed that those with DR were more likely to fall

than those without diabetes and DR (OR = 1.31; 95% CI = 1.07-1060, p=0.008). Those with DR

compared to those with diabetes but not DR were more likely to fall; mild DR had an odds ratio

of 1.81 (95% CI = 1.23-2.67, p=0.003) and moderate DR had an odds ratio of 1.89 (95% CI =

1.16-3.07, p=0.01). To help control glycemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and other symptoms

of diabetes that can lead to conditions like retinopathy, medications are often prescribed.

Medication use can increase fall risk in diabetes. A common medication prescribed in this

population are statins. According to Lopez, Jacobson, Leslie, Saxe and Jenson (2017), statins

alone predicted admissions for fall related injuries to the hospital (95% CI 0.07-0.05, p=0.010).

Huang et al. (2012) found that antihypertensive medications like digoxin and diuretics are

associated with an increased risk of falling (OR = 1.22; 95% CI = 1.05-1.42, p<0.05: OR = 1.08;

95% CI = 1.02-1.16, p<0.05, respectively). The number of drugs ingested also influences fall

risk in diabetes.

Similarly, Huang, Karter, Danielson, Warton & Ahmed (2010) found an increased risk

for falling when taking 4 to 5 drugs (HR = 1.22; 95% CI = 1.04-1.43, p<0.05), 6 to 7 drugs (HR

= 1.33; 95% CI = 1.12-1.58, p<0.05), or 7+ drugs (HR = 1.59; 95% CI = 1.34-1.89, p<0.05).

These finding are similar to those of Desmut et al. (2005) who observed that CKD patients are

more likely to fall as the number of prescribed medications increases.


Diabetes is a common comorbidity of CKD and can cause CKD. Diabetes alone is a risk

factor for falling. In addition, diabetes is also a risk factor for falls in CKD. Fall risk factors

specifically associated with diabetes include glycemic control (hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia),

DPN, altered gait, retinopathy, and polypharmacy. These risk factors compound the fall risk in

CKD, leading CKD patients with diabetes to potentially having a higher risk for falling than non-

diabetic CKD patients.

Falls, Diabetes Health Behaviors, and the Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System

Diabetes Health Behaviors and Glycemic Control

A plausible approach to decreasing fall risk in the CKD with diabetes population is to

address the modifiable risk factor of glycemic control, which can decrease fall risk factors such

as DPN and DR (Gu & Dennis, 2017; Gupta, et al, 2017). Diabetes health behaviors that can

help assess and/or achieve glycemic control include daily self-checks of blood glucose,

hemoglobin A1C monitoring, insulin use, frequent doctors or other health care professional

visits, vision exams, and checking for foot sores (Mahan & Raymond, 2017; Jeffcoate, Vileikyte,

Boyko, Armstrong and Boulton, 2018). Many of these health behaviors are addressed in the

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) national telephone survey (CDC, 2015).

The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

BRFSS collects data regarding health, chronic disease, and risk behaviors. BRFSS asks

questions regarding falls, CKD diagnosis, diabetes diagnosis, and assess participation in many

diabetes health behaviors (CDC, 2015). Currently no studies have directly evaluated the

outcomes of participating in diabetes health behaviors in BRFSS and the number of accumulated

behaviors with the risk for falls or fall outcomes in the CKD with diabetes population. However,

studies indicate that various diabetes health behaviors inquired in the BRFSS questionnaire can

influence falls.

There are weaknesses and limitation to the data collected by BRFSS (CDC 2017). The

survey administered separately by state, with each state adding and/or omitting specific modules

and questions. This makes the data not truly representative of the entire US population for certain

data sets. The interviews are done by telephone, so bias is introduced due to specific people and

populations less likely to take calls from unknown numbers; it is possible there is a difference

between people who choose to participate and those that so not. Interviews are given in only

English or Spanish, so large pockets of individuals throughout the US that do not speak either

language are excluded. Interviews are only conducted by telephone, which excludes lower

income households without a land line or cellphone. All of the data is self-reported and is subject

to response error and the potential for false response or miss representing information.

Studies: Health Behaviors Assessed in BRFSS

An important BRFSS question concerns the frequency of self-checking blood glucose

(CDC, 2015). Miller et al. (2013) observed that the more frequent self-monitoring blood glucose

(SMBG) measurements per day, the stronger the association with improved glycemic control

determined by A1C (p<0.001). According to Karter et al. (2001), individuals with diabetes who

checked their blood glucose at least once a day had a significantly lower A1C of 0.6 points

relative to those that checked blood glucose less (p<0.0001); this indicates that SMBG

measurements are linked with improved glycemic control.

Frequency of checking A1C is an important diabetes health behavior addressed in the

BRFSS (CDC, 2015). Loh, Tan, Saw and Sethi (2011), observed that patients checking their

A1C every 4 weeks had a significant decrease in A1C, relative to patients checking their A1C

less then every 4 weeks (p<0.05); however, this was only observed in patients with an A1C>8%

and was not significant in those <7%. Parcero, Yaeger and Bienkowski (2011) obtained similar

results. Patients with an A1C >7% that followed the ADA guidelines of checking every 3 to 4

months had a significantly reduced A1C level relative to patients that did not check as frequently

during a 12-month period (6.5 vs 7.3, p<0.001). These findings show the more frequently A1C is

checked the better the glycemic control.

The frequency of monitoring blood glucose and A1C can positively influence glycemic

control and fall risk factors due to improving self-efficacy of the patient (Burgard & Gallagher,

2006). When patients are actively participating in their health care management, they have

increased interest and investment in their health. When self-efficacy occurs with more frequent

checking of blood glucose and A1C, the patient is more aware of their disease management and

can better achieve glycemic control and decrease the risk for developing fall risk factors.

The BRFSS asks about insulin use to control diabetes (CDC, 2015), and it is reported that

roughly 30% of individuals with type 2 diabetes use insulin (ADA, 2018). Schwartz et al. (2008)

found that individuals using insulin to control their diabetes are more likely to suffer a fall. Yang

et al. (2016) observed that insulin can increase the risk for falling (RR=1.94: 95% CI = 1.42-

2.63, p<0.05). Insulin use can increase the risk for falling due to its ability to significantly

decrease blood glucose causing hypoglycemic episodes; these episodes can lead to syncope

(Grubb & Olshansky, 2005). The need to use insulin for controlling type 2 diabetes is influenced

by key factors. According to the American Diabetes Association (2018), the most important

factor is if the body’s cells respond to insulin for glucose uptake. If the body’s cells are insulin

resistant, administration of insulin is futile and medication therapy is the best treatment option to

lower blood glucose. If the body’s cells do respond to insulin but do not produce enough or none

at al due to -cell damage, insulin is a treatment option along with medication. Insulin use in this

circumstance is ideal in early diagnosis of diabetes when blood glucose may be especially

elevated and/or A1C is 10% or above. Another factor is if an individual responds to medications;

in some cases a person will not respond to medications, making insulin a necessary treatment.

Age is also a factor. As we age the pancreas can gradually decrease insulin production. Older

patients with diabetes often require insulin treatment for this reason.

Doctor visit frequency for diabetes is assessed in BRFSS (CDC, 2015). Morrison,

Shubina and Turchin (2011) compared diabetes patients who visit the doctor every two weeks

with those who visit every three to six months. The two-week group had a significantly smaller

median time to reach a goal of A1C<7% of 4.4 weeks, with the three to six month group having

a median time of 24.9 months (p<0.0001). This indicates more frequent doctor visits can help

lower blood glucose and achieve glycemic control faster, reducing the chance of developing the

fall risk factors. However, lowering A1C too fast (indicating hypoglycemic episodes) can

increase fall risk short term (Nelms et al, 2011). More frequent doctor’s visits could decrease fall

risk by allowing the doctor to better treat and manage a patients diabetes to achieve glycemic

control. The more often a patient visits the doctor the better a doctor can respond to changes in

health status and blood sugar levels by altering treatments and medications in response.

BRFSS inquires if diabetes patients have been diagnosed with retinopathy and the

frequency of eye exams (CDC, 2015). Gupta et al. (2017) observed that those diagnosed with DR

are at an increased risk for falling relative to those with diabetes absent of DR. No studies were

found regarding frequency of eye exams associated with glycemic control or falls. However, a

study by Gibson (2012) observed that 73% of individuals with DR are undiagnosed, especially in

less severe cases. If people are unaware they have DR, they cannot receive proper eye care,

glasses, or surgeries to correct vision, which could improve balance and decrease the risk for

falling (NIH, 2018).

BRFSS asks how frequently an individual performs a foot sore self-check or if (and how

often) they have a healthcare professional check for foot sores. Checking for foot sores is an

important part of diabetes care, being that they are an indicator of poor glycemic control

(Jeffcoate, Vileikyte, Boyko, Armstrong and Boulton, 2018). Further, foot sores can be a direct

result of peripheral neuropathy, which is perhaps the best indicator of long-term glycemic control

(Noor, Zubair & Ahmad, 2015). Allen, Powell-Cope, Mbah, Bulat and Njoh (2017) found that

diabetes patients with a foot sore/ulcer were significantly more likely to suffer a fall (OR = 2.26;

95% CI = 1.96-2.60, p<0.01) and/or experience a fracture (OR = 3.65; 95% CI = 2.59-5.15,

p<0.01) relative to diabetes patients without a sore/ulcer. No studies have aimed to observe the

frequency of checking for foot sores in association with falls. The frequency of checking for foot

sores, whether it is a self-check or by a health professional, can influence fall occurrences. If a

foot sore is detected early, treatment can be administered and prevent severe infection. If foot

sores are not frequently checked for or assessed, a severe infection can occur. A severe infection

can cause pain and discomfort when walking (Noor, Zubair & Ahmad, 2015); this could cause a

patient to modify their gait, effecting their balance and leading to a fall. Sever foot sores can also

lead to amputation of parts of the foot are the entire foot, leading to impaired mobility and an

increased risk for falling (Noor, Zubair & Ahmad, 2015).


Questions about multiple diabetes health behaviors that are associated with glycemic

control are included in the BRFSS. Studies indicate that participating in a number of these

behaviors and the frequency of these behaviors can have a positive effect on glycemic control,

thereby potentially decreasing fall risk. This indicates that BRFSS data can be beneficial to

assess how well a population is controlling their diabetes and associated fall risk factors.

Studies Utilizing Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Data

Kistler et al. (2018) conducted a study using BRFSS data to assess the risk of falls in

CKD patients 65 while considering demographics, lifestyle factors, and other chronic

conditions. These researchers identified their population based on the responses to specific

questions in the BRFSS such as, “Has a doctor, nurse, or other health professional ever told you

that you have kidney disease (excluding kidney stone, bladder infection, or incontinence)?” An

answer of “yes” was considered CKD. Other BRFSS questions were used pertaining to variables

associated with lifestyle, chronic conditions, and falls. The differences in these variables between

those with CKD and those without CKD were compared using 2 tests. Multivariate logistical

regression was used for analysis of CKD history, which was then used as an independent

variable to compile odds ratios for falls and fall-related injuries as outcomes. Adjusted odds

ratios were obtained by controlling for demographic, lifestyle, and health behaviors. All data was

analyzed using complex sample survey data analysis. Results indicated an increased risk for

falling in CKD patients 65, with a diagnosis of diabetes further increasing that risk. The

lifestyle/health behavior of recently participating in exercise was also associated with fall risk

(AOR = 0.68; 95% CI = 0.56-0.81). This demonstrates BRFSS data can be utilized to identify

participation in health behaviors of a disease state population while assessing fall risk.

Santorelli, Ekanayake and Wilkerson-Leconte (2017) assessed the number of patients

with diabetes who were participating in diabetes education classes in New Jersey. BRFSS data

was used to identify individuals with diabetes from the question, “Have you ever been told by a

doctor, nurse, or other health professional you have diabetes?” This population was further

grouped by asking, “Have you ever taken a course or class in how to manage your diabetes

yourself?” A chi square test was used to confirm annual estimates for diabetes prevalence and

the percentage of adults who did not participate in a diabetes self-management class. Annual

samples were combined for 2013-2015 and annual weights were adjusted. Non-participation was

assessed using demographics, socioeconomic, and clinical factors with a Rao-Scott chi square

test for bivariate association between each factor and nonparticipation. The study found that of

643,817 diabetes patients identified in New Jersey, 58% (95% CI = 55.8-60.3%) never

participated in diabetes self-management classes. These findings indicate that a population with a

specific disease state can be identified and assessed for participation in health behaviors using

BRFSS data. However, this study did not evaluate falls as an outcome variable.

A study by Johnson, Richards, and Churilla (2015), examined the association between

diabetes self-management education (participating in a diabetes classes) and participating in

many of the diabetes care behaviors that would be examined in this proposed study. The diabetes

diagnosis question was used to obtain the study sample in BRFSS 2008 and the diabetes module

questions were used to identify participation in diabetes health behaviors. The researchers found

that those who had 10 or more hours in a diabetes education class were more likely to check

A1C (OR = 2.69; 95% CI: 1.30-5.58), but found no association with checking blood glucose,

having eye exams, or checking feet for ulcers.

A study by Johnson, Ghildayal, Rockwood, and Serson-Rose (2014), utilized BRFSS

2011 data to examine the difference in diabetes self-care activities by race, ethnicity, and insulin

use. This study utilized many of the questions and variables of interest for this proposed study

including blood glucose monitoring, foot checks, and insulin use. The researchers observed

racial differences for every diabetes self-care activity among non-insulin users but only glucose

monitoring and foot checks among insulin users. The most important finding was that diabetes

elf care was low among all adults regardless of race.


No current studies have assessed falls for CKD patients with diabetes in association with

participation in diabetes health behaviors. However, studies have demonstrated the ability to

identified specific disease states and relate them to participation in health behaviors and/or falls

using BRFSS data.


The fall rate is rising in the United States, causing physical harm and financial strain.

There are numerous risk factors for falling in the general population, but specific disease states

increase that risk with disease related risk factors. CKD and diabetes are among those disease

states. Diabetes increases the risk for falling and is often a comorbidity and cause of CKD.

Independently these disease states have a higher risk for falling, but when combined the risk

factors are compounded.

There is a complex interplay of CKD and diabetes variables that can influence falling.

Due to this complexity, focusing on one set of variables and their effect on falls is appropriate.

Studies indicate that a number of fall risk factors associated with diabetes are related to glycemic

control, and there by influences fall risk in the CKD with diabetes population. Glycemic control

is influenced by participating in certain diabetes health behaviors

There are no current studies accessing the participation in multiple diabetes health

behaviors and the risk of falls in the CKD with diabetes population. Statistical analysis of

BRFSS data can be used to assess if the risk for falling in this unique population is effected by

participation in diabetes health behaviors; answers to health behavior questions among this

population can be compared among groups using 2 statistical analysis, while using logistic

regression to assess main outcome variables like falls. The results may help point to key aspects

of diabetes care that can be added to fall prevention practices for the CKD with diabetes




The purpose of this retrospective quantitative study is to determine the association

between participation in diabetes-related health behaviors as outlined in the 2016 BRFSS and the

occurrence of falls among a population diagnosed with CKD and T2DM. This chapter will

describe the methods used to conduct this secondary analysis of previously collected BRFSS


Institutional Review Board

Permission will be requested from Ball State University Institutional Review Board prior

to implementing this study (Appendix A-1). The researcher that will conduct this study has

completed the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training (Appendix A-2). All

persons participating in this research will have completed CITI training prior to their

participation (Appendix A-2).


The population for this study will be all individuals who completed the 2016 BRFSS

questionnaire and answered “yes” to question 6.11 that asked if the respondent had ever been

diagnosed with CKD and “yes” to question 6.12 that asked if the respondent had ever been

diagnosed with diabetes. Power analysis will not be conducted due to the inability to control for
the number of participants in secondary analysis data; however, a rule of at least 10 participants

per variable will be implemented for statistical analysis (Coladarci & Cobb, 2014). Final

inclusion criteria consists of: i) answering “yes” to a diagnosis of CKD, and ii) answering “yes”

to a diagnosis of diabetes.

The BRFSS 2016 weighted data sample will be utilized for this study. Unweighted data

makes the assumptions: 1) Each record has equal probability of being selected and 2)

Noncoverage and nonresponse are equal among all segments of the population. These

assumptions are never met and can affect the results of the data set by introducing bias. The

BRFSS 2016 data is weighted in two steps. First, design weight is calculated [stratum weight X

(1 / # of p hones in household) X (# of adults in household)] by taking into account the number

of phones and adults in each household, the number of available records, and the number of

records selected from each geographic strata. Second, the design weight is adjusted by raking

variables [design weight X raking adjustment variables]; BRFSS 2016 raked the design weight to

8 margins including age by gender, race or ethnicity, education, marital status, tenure, gender by

race or ethnicity, age group by race or ethnicity, and phone ownership. The 5-year American

Community Survey PUMS dataset (2011-2015) was used to estimate the multiplier values for the

raking margins education, marital status, and tenure.


The BRFSS questionnaire includes a standardized core of questions asked every year in

all 50 states to persons 18 years of age and older. In addition, a rotating core of questions on

various topics is included every other year, with a module on the incidence of falls being one

such module. States must ask the standardized questions each year, but they can choose which

optional module(s) they will employ based on the specific health interests of the state. The

questionnaire used for this study will be the 2016 BRFSS which includes the rotating questions

regarding falls. The questions used for this study include: 6.11, 6.12, 13.1, 13.2, and Module 2

questions 1-8 (Appendix B-1). Module 2 (diabetes health behaviors) is an optional module only

used by states choosing to do so based upon increased diabetes health concerns. A link to the full

questionnaire is provided. The BRFSS questionnaire has been tested and found to be both

reliable and valid as measured against other surveys and survey methods (Pierannunzi, Hu, &

Balluz, 2013). Reliability of the instrument will not be conducted by the researcher.

Letter of Permission and Letter of Consent

Letters of permission and consent are not required for this study. This study will analyze

secondary data, which does not require permission to access a physical location or require

permission from BRFSS questionnaire participants. Permission from the CDC to use BRFSS

data and materials is not required as the information is in the public domain. All published

material derived from the data, however, must acknowledge the CDC’s BRFSS as the original

source (CDC, 2018).


According to the CDC (2018), the BRFSS questionnaire centers around a core group of

questions pertinent to health information and concerns within the United States. Four questions

may be added to the core group responding to current research, emerging health concerns, and

Heathy People 2020 goals. The CDC gives technical and methodological assistance to state

health departments to conduct the surveys. In-house state health department interviewers,

contracted telephone call centers, or universities are given basic training on how to conduct a

survey. Surveying starts as early as late January and continues throughout the year. Surveys are

conducted by telephone only. Phone numbers are selected using Random Digital Dialing (RDD)

techniques for both landlines and cell phones; cell phone interview data inclusion began in 2011,

making pre and post 2011 data not comparable (CDC, 2018). Interviews are conducted seven

days a week during the day and evening. It takes an interviewer roughly eighteen minutes to

conduct each interview, with five to ten additional minutes depending on the states added set of

questions (module)(CDC, 2017).

States collect and submit data monthly to the CDC. Survey response data is collected

using Ci3 WinCATI system program software. The software incorporates consistency edits and

response code range checks in the CATI system to decrease interviewer data entry error. Once

the CDC begins receiving data, editing programs and cumulative data quality checks are

conducted to detect problems. Every variable from the BRFSS interview is given a code category

labeled refused and assigned values of 9, 99, or 999. Once data is gathered, it is weighted to

make the sample representative of the population. BRFSS data weighing consists of design

factors or design weight and demographic adjustment of the population by iterative proportional

fitting or raking. Data is than compiled and made available to the public by the CDC.

For this study, the BRFSS 2016 data will be downloaded from the CDC website. The

data will be stored on a password-protected computer. The data will be handled and observed

only by researchers affiliated with the study.

Data Analysis

The BRFSS 2016 data is downloaded from the CDC website onto a password protected

computer hard drive. All names and identifiable information was removed by the CDC prior to

making the data available in the public domain. The codes, previously assigned to variables by

the CDC, are found in the BRFSS 2016 codebook (Appendix B-2).

Using the SAS statistical analysis software, a data set from BRFSS 2016 will be extracted

and compiled by excluding all data of participants that answered “no” to question 6.11 (i.e.,

CKD diagnosis). The data will be further grouped by answering “yes” to question 6.12 (i.e.,

diabetes diagnosis).

Question One:

Descriptive statistics will be used to compare CKD with diabetes patients that answered

the diabetes health behavior questions to those whom did not. Covariates that will be compared

include sex, race marital status, employment, education, general health, access to health care,

current smoking, heavy drinking, difficulty waking/climbing stairs, exercise, obesity, chronic

conditions (cancer, arthritis, stroke, and depression), falls, and fall related injuries. Chi-square

will be used to compare categorical variables and a T-test will be used to compare continuous

variables that are normally distributed; Mann-Whitney U will be used to compare continuous

variables not normally distributed.

Question Two:

Descriptive statistics will be computed for all variables previously listed comparing those

who have fallen and those who have not fallen. Chi-square will be used to compare falling to not

falling for the sample of CKD with diabetes patients that answered at least one diabetes question.

Logistical regression will be used to analyze the association between falls and participation in

diabetes health behaviors.

Question Three:

Descriptive statistics will be computed for all variables previously listed comparing those

who have suffered a fall related injury and those who have not suffered a fall-related injury. Chi-

square will be used to compare suffering a fall-related injury to not suffering a fall-related injury

for the sample of CKD with diabetes patients that answered at least one diabetes question.

Logistical regression will be used to analyze the association between fall-related injuries and

participation in diabetes health behaviors.

Crude and adjusted logistic regression will be used to measure the association of falls and

fall related injuries with diabetes health behaviors. Odds ratios for diabetes health behavior

participation and the likelihood of falling will be obtained. Multiple models will be applied to

measure the association. Model 1 will be unadjusted and compare falls to CKD with diabetes

patients that participated in at least one diabetes health behavior to those that did not. Model 2

will adjust for demographics (e.g. sex, race, marital status, employment, and education). Model 3

will adjust for physical function, health, and lifestyle factors (e.g. smoking, exercise, obesity,

ect.). Model 4 will adjusts for chronic health conditions in addition to CKD and diabetes (e.g.

cancer, arthritis, heart disease, and depression). Model 5 will adjust for demographics, physical

function, health, lifestyle, and chronic conditions.

Statistical significance will be set at   0.05. For multiple comparisons of adjusted

models, a Bonferroni correction will be used with an   0.005. Data will analyzed using SPSS

v.25 for Windows (SPSS, 2018).


The purpose of this retrospective quantitative study is to identify an association between

participation in diabetes-related health behaviors outlined in BRFSS 2016 and the occurrence of

falls among a population diagnosed with CKD and type 2 diabetes. The BRFSS 2016

questionnaire includes a set of core questions asked every year regarding chronic disease

diagnosis and a set of questions asked every other year that includes fall occurrence; detailed

diabetes health behavior questions are contained in Module 2. According to Creative Research

System’s Sample Size Calculator (2012), a minimum of 600 survey participants that answered

these questions is required to determine this studies speculative association and hypotheses.

Statistical analyses of these variables will be conducted using descriptive statistics, chi-square,

and numerous adjusted logistical regression models. The data collected from these analyses will

provide a better understand of falls in association with diabetes health behavior participation in

the CKD with diabetes population. The findings could potentially help form fall prevention

programs and protocol for this unique population.


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Appendix A-1 Institutional Review Board Letter

Appendix A-2 CITI Certificate of Completion

APPENDIX A-1 – IRB Approval Letter

Appendix A-2 – CITI Certificate of Completion



* NOTE: Scores on this Requirements Report reflect quiz completions at the time all requirements for the course were met. See list below for details.
See separate Transcript Report for more recent quiz scores, including those on optional (supplemental) course elements.

•  Name: Bradley Horton (ID: 7145153)
•  Institution Affiliation: Ball State University (ID: 1568)
•  Institution Email:
•  Institution Unit: Nutrition and Health Sciences
•  Phone: 317-370-6650

•  Curriculum Group: Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
•  Course Learner Group: Same as Curriculum Group
•  Stage: Stage 1 - Basic Course
•  Description: Choose this group to satisfy CITI training requirements for Investigators and staff involved primarily in
Social/Behavioral Research with human subjects.

•  Record ID: 26982871
•  Completion Date: 10-May-2018
•  Expiration Date: 09-May-2021
•  Minimum Passing: 80
•  Reported Score*: 100


Belmont Report and Its Principles (ID: 1127)  04-May-2018 3/3 (100%) 
Students in Research (ID: 1321)  07-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
History and Ethical Principles - SBE (ID: 490)  07-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
Defining Research with Human Subjects - SBE (ID: 491)  08-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
The Federal Regulations - SBE (ID: 502)  08-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
Assessing Risk - SBE (ID: 503)  08-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
Informed Consent - SBE (ID: 504)  09-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
Privacy and Confidentiality - SBE (ID: 505)  09-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
Research with Prisoners - SBE (ID: 506)  09-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
Research with Children - SBE (ID: 507)  09-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
Research in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools - SBE (ID: 508)  09-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
International Research - SBE (ID: 509)  09-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
Internet-Based Research - SBE (ID: 510)  10-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
Research and HIPAA Privacy Protections (ID: 14)  10-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
Vulnerable Subjects - Research Involving Workers/Employees (ID: 483)  10-May-2018 4/4 (100%) 
Conflicts of Interest in Human Subjects Research (ID: 17464)  10-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
Unanticipated Problems and Reporting Requirements in Social and Behavioral Research (ID: 14928)  10-May-2018 5/5 (100%) 
Ball State University (ID: 13475)  10-May-2018 No Quiz 

For this Report to be valid, the learner identified above must have had a valid affiliation with the CITI Program subscribing institution
identified above or have been a paid Independent Learner.

Verify at:

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)
Phone: 888-529-5929


** NOTE: Scores on this Transcript Report reflect the most current quiz completions, including quizzes on optional (supplemental) elements of the
course. See list below for details. See separate Requirements Report for the reported scores at the time all requirements for the course were met.

•  Name: Bradley Horton (ID: 7145153)
•  Institution Affiliation: Ball State University (ID: 1568)
•  Institution Email:
•  Institution Unit: Nutrition and Health Sciences
•  Phone: 317-370-6650

•  Curriculum Group: Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
•  Course Learner Group: Same as Curriculum Group
•  Stage: Stage 1 - Basic Course
•  Description: Choose this group to satisfy CITI training requirements for Investigators and staff involved primarily in
Social/Behavioral Research with human subjects.

•  Record ID: 26982871
•  Report Date: 10-May-2018
•  Current Score**: 100


Students in Research (ID: 1321) 07-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
Ball State University (ID: 13475) 10-May-2018  No Quiz 
History and Ethical Principles - SBE (ID: 490) 07-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
Defining Research with Human Subjects - SBE (ID: 491) 08-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
Belmont Report and Its Principles (ID: 1127) 04-May-2018  3/3 (100%) 
The Federal Regulations - SBE (ID: 502) 08-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
Assessing Risk - SBE (ID: 503) 08-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
Informed Consent - SBE (ID: 504) 09-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
Privacy and Confidentiality - SBE (ID: 505) 09-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
Research with Prisoners - SBE (ID: 506) 09-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
Research with Children - SBE (ID: 507) 09-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
Research in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools - SBE (ID: 508) 09-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
International Research - SBE (ID: 509) 09-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
Internet-Based Research - SBE (ID: 510) 10-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
Research and HIPAA Privacy Protections (ID: 14) 10-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
Vulnerable Subjects - Research Involving Workers/Employees (ID: 483) 10-May-2018  4/4 (100%) 
Unanticipated Problems and Reporting Requirements in Social and Behavioral Research (ID: 14928) 10-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 
Conflicts of Interest in Human Subjects Research (ID: 17464) 10-May-2018  5/5 (100%) 

For this Report to be valid, the learner identified above must have had a valid affiliation with the CITI Program subscribing institution
identified above or have been a paid Independent Learner.

Verify at:

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)
Phone: 888-529-5929



Appendix B-1 BRFSS Questions

Appendix B-2 BRFSS Variable Codes

APPENDIX B-1 – BRFSS Questions

APPENDIX B-2 – BRFSS Variable Codes

Question Label Variable SAS Code

(Ever told) you have kidney disease? CHCKIDNY
(Ever told) you have diabetes? DIABETE3
Now taking insulin INSULIN
How Often Check Blood for Glucose BLDSUGAR
How Often Check Feet for Sores or FEETCHK2
Times Seen Health Professional for Diabetes DOCTDIAB
Times Checked for Glycosylated CHKHEMO3
Times Feet Check for Sores/Irritations FEETCHK
Last Eye Exam Where Pupils Were Dilated EYEEXAM
Ever Told Diabetes Has Affected Eyes DIABEYE
Ever Taken Class in Managing Diabetes DIABEDU
Had Fall Past Twelve Months FALL12MN
*Variable values assigned to answering the questions can be found next to the response in the questionnaire; please see Appendix B-1


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