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Background: Current surgical interventions

for the femoral neck fracture are using
either cannulated screws (CCS)
or a single large screw at a fixed angle with
a side-plate (i.e., a sliding hip screw, AKA
dynamic hip screw, DHS).
Despite these interventions, the need for
reoperation remains high (10.0–48.8%) and
largely unchanged over the
past 30 years. Femoral neck fracture is
associated with substantial morbidity,
mortality, and costs.
Methods: In this study, our group designed
a plate that combines the strength of both
CCS and sliding hip screw,
through providing three dynamic screws at a
fixed angle with a side-plate, namely the
slide compression anatomic
place-femoral neck (SCAP-FN). Finite
element analyses (FEA) were carried out to
compare the outcomes of the
combination of our SCAP-FN plate with
DHS+DS (derotational screw) and to those
of using cannulated screws alone.
Results: SCAP-FN produces more stable
fixation with respect to the femur and the
stress distributions, stress peaks,
and rotational angles.
Conclusions: The FEA encouraged us that
in the following biomechanical experiment,
SCAP-FN may remain the
strengths of both CCS and DHS+DS and
show a better performance in resisting
shearing and rotational forces,
therefore achieving the best stability in
terms of smallest displacement and
rotational angle.
Keywords: Femoral neck fractures, Finite
element analysis (FEA), Slide compression
anatomic place-femoral neck
(SCAP-FN), Derotational screw (DS)
Introduction menyarankan hal itu meskipun sekrup pinggul geser
Worldwide, approximately 1.5 million hip fractures memberikan resistensi yang lebih besar untuk
occur annually, and this number is expected to kekuatan bergeser (penyebab utama kegagalan
increase implan khususnya pada jenis fraktur yang terlantar
to 6.3 million by 2050 [1]. The mortality rate is high dan tidak stabil), multipel sekrup cancellous (CCS)
(typically reported from 8.4 to 36% within 1 year) kurang invasif dan memberikan peningkatan
[1–3]. resistensi terhadap gaya rotasi (yang kedua
Despite surgical intervention, the reoperation rate penyebab terbesar kegagalan implan) [7-9].
high (10.0–48.8%), has remained largely unchanged, Previous
and is associated with substantial morbidity, trials including large sample-sized, internationally
mortality, and costs [4, 5]. The high proportion of randomized
reoperations controlled trials (RCTs) did not identify differences
has generated controversy about the optimum between the two fixation approaches according to
approach for fixing femoral neck fractures [6]. patient outcomes, particularly the rate of
Di seluruh dunia, sekitar 1,5 juta patah tulang leaving uncertainty among surgeons as to the optimal
pinggul terjadi setiap tahun, dan jumlah ini approach for fixing femoral neck fractures. Of note,
diperkirakan akan meningkat menjadi 6,3 juta pada reoperation
tahun 2050 [1]. Angka kematiannya tinggi (biasanya rates for both cannulated screws and DHS
dilaporkan dari 8,4 hingga 36% dalam 1 tahun) [1- groups remain high (≥ 20%), and as such, clinicians
3]. Meskipun ada intervensi bedah, tingkat operasi continue to explore the next generation of effective
tetap tinggi (10,0-48,8%), sebagian besar tetap tidak fixation
berubah,dan dikaitkan dengan morbiditas implants [10].
substansial,mortalitas, dan biaya [4, 5]. Proporsi
operasi yang tinggi telah menimbulkan kontroversi Uji coba sebelumnya termasuk dengan uji coba
tentang yang pendekatan optimal untuk memperbaiki terkontrol internasional (RCT) berukuran besar
fraktur leher femoralis [6]. sampel tidak mengidentifikasi perbedaan antara dua
pendekatan fiksasi sesuai dengan hasil pasien,
The mainstream surgical interventions currently used terutama tingkat operasi ulang, meninggalkan
in clinical practice include cannulated screws or a ketidakpastian di antara ahli bedah untuk
single pendekatan yang optimal untuk memperbaiki fraktur
large screw at a fixed angle with a side-plate (i.e., a leher femur. Dari catatan, tingkat operasi ulang
sliding hip screw, AKA dynamic hip screw, DHS). untuk kedua sekrup cannulated dan kelompok DHS
Multiple tetap tinggi (≥ 20%), dan dengan demikian, dokter
studies have compared the effectiveness of these terus mengeksplorasi generasi implan fiksasi efektif
approaches regarding reoperation rates and patient selanjutnya [10].
outcome. Knowledge of the pros and cons of each implant from
Biomechanical and laboratory studies suggest that biomechanical and laboratory studies has given us an
although a sliding hip screw provides greater inspiration
resistance to design a new implant for treatment of hip
to shearing force (the major cause of implant failure fracture. Shearing and rotational forces require
particularly resistance
in displaced and unstable fracture types), multiple to achieve stability. Our design combines the
cancellous screws (CCS) are less invasive and strength of both CCS and sliding hip screw by
provide improved resistance to rotational forces (the providing
second three dynamic screws at a fixed angle with a side-
largest cause of implant failure) [7–9]. plate,
namely slide compression anatomic place-femoral
intervensi bedah saat ini digunakan dalam praktik neck
klinis adalah sekrup cannulated atau satu sekrup (SCAP-FN). The plate was a pre-contoured plate.
besar pada sudut tetap dengan pelat samping (mis., The
sekrup pinggul, sekrup pinggul dinamis AKA, DHS). surface of the plate was designed to fit the
banyak penelitian telah membandingkan efektivitas morphology
pendekatan ini mengenai tingkat operasi ulang dan of the proximal femur, and the distribution of the
hasil dari pasien. Studi biomekanik dan laboratorium three
screws was also considered the geometrical untuk mekanisme penguncian, yang bisa saja
morphology untuk stabilitas sudut yang lebih baik.
of the femoral neck. The data set we used included
400 Chinese femurs, it was also used in our prior Di sini, dalam penelitian ini, kami melakukan
work. analisis elemen untuk membandingkan ketiga
The angle between screws and plate was designed to implan dalam merawat ketidakstabilan fraktur
fit leher femoralis dengan resistensi stabilitas
the average of Chinese population. The neck shaft terhadap gaya geser dan rotasi.
of Chinese femur was about 122° on average, and the
angle between screws and plate was designed based
this data. Due to the screw of SCAP-FN could
sliding after surgery, the interface of the plate and
was designed as a locking mechanism, which could
better angular stability.
Here in this study, we performed finite element
to compare the three implants in treating unstable
femoral neck fracture with respect to the stability in
resistance to shearing and rotational forces.

Pengetahuan tentang pro dan kontra dari setiap

implan dari studi biomekanik dan laboratorium
telah memberi kita inspirasi untuk merancang
implan baru untuk pengobatan patah tulang
pinggul. Gaya geser dan rotasi memerlukan
ketahanan untuk mencapai stabilitas. Desain
kami menggabungkan kekuatan CCS dan sekrup
pinggul geser dengan menyediakan tiga sekrup
dinamis pada sudut tetap dengan pelat
samping, namely slide compression anatomic
place-femoral neck (SCAP-FN). Piring tersebut
adalah piring berkontur. Permukaan pelat
dirancang agar sesuai dengan morfologi femur
proksimal, dan distribusi ketiga sekrup juga
dianggap morfologi geometris dari leher
femoralis. Kumpulan data yang kami gunakan
disertakan 400 femur orang Cina, juga
digunakan dalam pekerjaan kami sebelumnya.
Sudut antara sekrup dan pelat dirancang agar
sesuai dengan populasi di Cina. Sudut poros
leher femur Cina rata-rata sekitar 122 °, dan
sudut antara sekrup dan pelat dirancang
berdasarkan data ini. Karena sekrup SCAP-FN
bisa menyediakan pergeseran setelah operasi,
jadi antar muka pelatnya dan sekrup dirancang

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