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Afghan Indians are a community numbering up to 10,000. There are hundreds of communities in
India who trace their ancestries back to Pashtun forefathers. Before the creation of the modern
state of Afghanistan, the term “Afghan” was used synonymously with Pashtun and there has
been much history of Pashtuns that have lived in India. The earliest record of Afghans in India is
during the late 13th century when the Khalji Dynasty formed an empire in Northern India. They
belonged to a Turkic tribe but were treated by Rules as Afghans due to their adoption of some
Afghan habits and customs. The Lodi dynasty was made up of local ethnic Pashtuns. They ruled
northern India until the invasion of Babur in 1526, at which point the Mughal Empire was
created. During this period Afghans from Kabulistan began arriving to India. The Sur Empire
replaced the Mughal Empire from 1540 to 1557. Rulers of Sur Empire were also Pashtuns. Other
Pashtuns began invading India until the Sikh Empire came to power.

The Great Pashtun King Sher Shah Suri took control of the Mughal Empire in 1540. After his
accidental death in 1545, his song Islam Shah became his successor. A brilliant strategist, Sher
Shah proved himself a gifted administrator as well as a capable general. His reorganization of the
empire laid the foundations for the later Mughal emperor, notably Akbar the Great. During the
19th century many Afghans migrated to India and some prominent among them were the families
of Nawab of Dardhana and Qizilbashi Agha family of Srinagar, Kashmir.

The earliest records of Afghan invasion, dates back to the 13 th Century invasion of Khalji Dynasty


Lodhi Gardens

The Lodi Dynasty was an Afghan dynasty that ruled the Delhi Sultanate from 1451 to 1526. It
was the last dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate and was founded by Bahlul Khan Lodi when he
replaced the Sayyid Dynasty.

The Lodhi Sultans introduced certain changes in the institution of Sultante. Their concept of
kingship was different from earlier Turks. It was seen that Turks had continued Monarchy. They
considered ruler to be the supreme authority. In its place, Afghans established what is known as
tribal monarchy. The Afghans believed in the tribal independence and did not recognize the idea
of absolute sovereign in which political relations resolve around ruler and subjects. It was seen
that Afghans had no support from Turks and Sayyid and Indian Muslims. So they had to rely on
the support of their own countrymen1. As a result they could not disregard the prejudices of
Afghans and force on the Indians or Turkish institutions. Tribal chief was highly respected but
was just one among themselves and was looked upon as chief among equals. The attitude of
different tribal leaders towards their chief could not be very submissive. Their concept of
kingship was based on tradition.

1. ges-of-kingship-under-lodhi-sultans/

Satish Chandra, Medieval India: From Sultanate to the Mughals, 2 vol, Anand Publications, New Delhi, 2003.

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