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Pullman Police Department

Complete Details For 16-15

Minor Complaint
Date Complaint Taken: 1/17/2017 Date Occurred: 11/15/2016 Racial: No Case No.: 16-P10659 No. Type: PHONE

Category: Inquiry Citizen Complaint Type: MINOR Occured: On Duty

Location Occurred: 600 NE COLORADO District/Area: Not Stated

Video Available
Complainant: 1 - Right to Privacy Sex: MALE Race: WHITE/NON-HISPA
Complainant's Address: 955 NE Maple St. 1 - Right t... , PULLMAN WA 99163 Home Phone: Body Camera

Cell Phone: 1 - Right to Privacy Business Phone: Email Address:

Assigned: COMMANDER TENNANT Date Assigned: 10/26/2016 Days Case Due In: Date Due:

Current Case Disposition: UNFOUNDED Date Completed: 1/19/2017 How Complaint Was Reported: PHONE
Complainant Satisfaction: Satisfaction Comments:

Summary: Entered on 1/17/2017 5:01:37 PM by ctennant.Several Citizens called 911 to complain about their perception of police brutality of a subject "doing nothing" out in front of
Adam's Mall and Officer Breshears threw him to the ground for "no reason" resulting in injuries to the male suspect. Situation reviewed and the use of force was
reasonable and resulted in no inuries. (Suspect injuries were sustained prior to officers arrival on scene). Unfounded
Type Of Complaint Description Complaint Disposition
Complaint #: 1 Cahpter 10, section 2.2 Use of Force EXCESSIVE FORCE UNFOUNDED

Name ID Number Rank Division Shift Officer Disposition On Alert Camera

Witness #: 1 1 - Right to Privacy f WHITE/NON-HISPANIC Type Witness:
Address: 1 - Right to Privacy , PULLMAN WA 99163 Contacted
H Phone: B Phone: C Phone: Cell # 1 - Right to Privacy
Witness Notes:

Narrative: From: Wendy Berrett []

Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 1:53 PM
To: Jenkins, Gary <>; Tennant, Chris <>
Subject: 16-P10659

Good afternoon,

I was making a recording request for the Whitman Co Prosecutor for discovery and came across 3 911 calls I wanted to bring to your
attention. This incident occurred on 10/26/16, so you may now about it, but it was 3 concerned citizens reporting they were concerned with
how an officer handled a suspect. The case is 16-P10659. The calls and radio traffic are attached.

Wendy Berrett
Operations Manager
Whitcom 911
509 332 2521

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Pullman Police Department

Complete Details For 16-15

Minor Complaint

From: Jenkins, Gary

Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 10:57 AM
To: Tennant, Chris <>
Subject: RE: call 16-075145 / 16-P10659

Chris, let me know what you find out.


From: Tennant, Chris

Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 6:41 AM
To: Jennifer Oliphant <>
Cc: Sorem, Sam <>; Jenkins, Gary <>
Subject: RE: call 16-075145 / 16-P10659

Thanks, Jennifer….I’ll handle it.


From: Jennifer Oliphant []

Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 1:43 AM
To: Tennant, Chris <>; Sorem, Sam <>
Subject: call 16-075145 / 16-P10659

Commander Tennant and Sergeant Sorem,

Reference the above call or case number, we received two calls from concerned citizens. 461 checked out at Stubblefields with a reported
fight. After asking for backup and medics, we received two 911 calls, both of which are documented in the call for you to read. I have also
included a screenshot if this is easier for you. Per our policy, we are letting the next sergeant that is to come on duty know about the

1.) 1 - Right to Privacy - 1 - Right to Privacy – wanted someone to be aware

2.) 1 - Right to Privacy - 1 - Right to Privacy – after I asked, she requested a phone call from a sergeant about the incident



This involves Officer Breshears and Case # 16-P10659 (Assault/Disorderly Conduct at 600 NE Colorado). In summary, Officer Breshears
was flagged down about a disorderly drunk injured male trying to fight people. He approached the front of Adams Mall and saw an
intoxicated male ( 1 - Right to Privacy ) , bleeding from a head wound, yelling.."I will fucking kill you!" to another male he was squared off with
( 1 - Right to Privacy . Alone, Officer Breshears stepped between 1 - Righ... and 1 - Right... , and tried to take control of the situation. He had 1 - Right... sit on
the steps to Adam's Mall. 1 - Right... was just standing among numerous bystanders not causing a problem. 1 - Right ... , then decided to leave, told
Breshears he was going home, stood up….and Breshears tried to tell him he was not free to leave, that he was detained, and if he didn't sit
back down he would be taken to the ground. 1 - Righ... was heavily intoxicated, and refused to obey Officer Breshears verbal commands, and
tried to walk away. Breshears took 1 - Right... to the ground, without injury to either officer or 1 - Right.... The crowd didn't understand and began to
become hostile towards the Officer. Breshears called for backup, which were already in route.1 - Right ... became physically resistive and
Breshears used a LVNR technique before getting him into handcuffs.

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Pullman Police Department

Complete Details For 16-15

Minor Complaint
refused medical treatment for the head/face injuries he received prior to officers arrival. 1 - Right ... was taken into protective custody due
1 - Right ...

to his injuries and his intoxication level and transported by ambulance to the Hospital. 1 - Rig... was later cited for Disorderly conduct and
Obstructing a Law Enforcement Officer. 1 - Right... was later cited for Assault IV.

Three people called Whitcom to complain about excessive/unreasonable force used by Officer Breshears when he took 1 - Rig... to the
ground, "for no reason." Two of those people were identifed 1 - Right to Privacy and 1 - Right to Privacy ). On about November 14th I completed
the use of force investigation and called 1 - Right to P... on the phone. She went onto explain how 1 - Righ... was not injured prior to the officer's
arrival (Contrary to Body Cam video) and how the officer threw him to the ground for no reason, causing the injuries. I did not discuss the
merit's of the use of force with 1 - Right to ... , but rather thanked her for calling 911 to report what she believed was a wrong doing, and that the
matter was now being looked at. I called 1 - Right ... and left a recording with the same message.

The use of force did not cause 1 - Righ... s injuries, and was reasonable given the circumstances. Complaint unfounded, no action taken.

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Redaction Date: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 9:28:37 AM

Total Number of Redactions: 33

By Exemption:

"RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1. would be

highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the public. "
(Right to Privacy): 33 instances

By Page:

Page 1 - "RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1.

would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the
public. " (Right to Privacy): 6 instances
Page 2 - "RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1.
would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the
public. " (Right to Privacy): 15 instances
Page 3 - "RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1.
would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the
public. " (Right to Privacy): 12 instances

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