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Pullman Police Department

Complete Details For 16-10

Date Complaint Taken: 9/27/2016 Date Occurred: 2/28/2016 Racial: No Case No.: 16-P02013 No. Type: IN PERSON

Category: Admin Review Citizen Complaint Type: TYPE UNKNOWN Occured: On Duty

Location Occurred: Pullman Police Dept District/Area: Not Stated

Video Available
Complainant: 1 - Right to Privacy Sex: FEMALE Race: WHITE/NON-HISPA
Complainant's Address: 1 - Right ... SE South Street, PULLMAN WA 99163 Home Phone: 1 - Right to Privacy Camera Not Indicated

Cell Phone: Business Phone: Email Address:

Assigned: CHIEF JENKINS Date Assigned: 9/21/2016 Days Case Due In: Date Due:

Current Case Disposition: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW Date Completed: How Complaint Was Reported: IN PERSON
Complainant Satisfaction: Satisfaction Comments:

Summary: On 9-21-16 1 - Right to Privacy complained that Officer Winegardner lied on the stand of her criminal trail, when he said she was provided medical treatment
(Ambulance) during her stay at the PPD in Feb. (16-P02013). 1 - Right to Privacy also complained of excess force, and unfair treatment. Cmdr. Tennant reviewed the reports,
and available video and determined that Ambulance was called by PPD Officers while 1 - Right to ... was in Holding, and the force used was reasonable, and that she was
treated fairly. Chief was to meet with 1 - Right to Privacy on 9-26-16 and review the material.
Type Of Complaint Description Complaint Disposition
Complaint #: 1 CHAPTER 11 (2.4) TREATMENT OF PRISONERS failure to provide medical treatment ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW

Name ID Number Rank Division Shift Officer Disposition On Alert Camera


Narrative: From: Tennant, Chris

Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2016 1:36 PM
To: Baldwin, Darby <>
Cc: Chief ( <>
Subject: RE 1 - Right to Privacy Meeting

Darby, I reviewed the reports and associated video’s then met with 1 - Right to Privacy and 1 - Right to Privacy in their living room for ½ an
hour today (9-22-16). They basically had three complaints:
•No medical attention was provided to 1 - Right to ... during her arrest in Feb. (16-P02013) Winegardner writes in his narrative that he called the
ambulance and they came to holding to check her out. I found video clips in which showed Winegardner calling for an
ambulance and he makes several references to the ambulance crew. I could find no video of actual ambulance treatment in our holding
facility. I told 1 - Right to ... and 1 - Ri... that I was satisfied that medical treatment was provided when requested. They wanted “proof” since 1 - Right to ...
could not remember. I suggested they go to the fire department and get a copy of their medical report for that ambulance run in Feb.
•Excessive force used by officers. 1 - Ri... complained that 1 - Right to ... was taken to the ground and two officers put their knees in her back while
handcuffing. I listened, then explained that I had reviewed all use of force in this case and previously determined that it was “reasonable.”
1 - Ri... was unconvinced, and I said that 1 - Right t... was a “handful” that day, and 1 - R... agreed that she can be a handful.

•That 1 - Right to Privacy was not charged with a gun crime: (Case 16-p08163) I explained that he was licensed to carry the pistol, and that
formal charging would be done by the prosecutor. That the gun might factor into the harassment charge but again, that was up to the
prosecutor. I did explain that 1 - Right to ... was arrested for a felony assault because of who she assaulted (ie. Police officer) , not the manner of
Overall, the conversation was polite, a good exchange and I consider the matter closed. I will add it to LEA as a citizen complaint next

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Pullman Police Department

Complete Details For 16-10

week when I get some time….


From: Baldwin, Darby

Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 1:58 PM
To: Tennant, Chris <>
Subject: 1 - Right to Privacy Meeting

Hi Chris--

(Re: Cases 16-P02013, & 16-P08165/08163)

1 - Right to Privacy came to the PD lobby while you were at lunch. I went out to speak with her, as she was requesting a meeting
with the chief and inquiring about the Police Advisory Committee. She said that she went to court earlier this week and was told that she
needed to set up the meeting... The general gist of our conversation is below. I was originally putting her on the chief’s calendar for a
Monday afternoon meeting, but I assume that this is something that you could take care of, rather than the chief? Her phone number is
below, if you’d like to get in touch with her that way. If you’d rather that I call and set up an appointment with you, I can do that also.

does not believe that she received medical attention at the time of 16-P02013. She said that a Pullman police officer testified in
1 - Right to Pr...

court that she did, and she believes he lied under oath. She’d like to see proof or documentation of that medical attention as she said that it
spurred future problems that would not have come up if she were given the care that was needed. She indicated that there are lasting brain
injuries, but it wasn’t clear to me whether she was trying to claim that those injuries resulted from this case.

Regarding case #16-P08163, 1 - Right to ... says that a person with a gun showed up at the house and threatened them (she and her husband),
and was not charged with a felony. It sounds like she is looking for some clarification regarding the charging recommendations. She
seemed mostly agitated that there was not a felony charge for him, while she received a felony charge for the case mentioned above.

Penni printed copies of the computer reports for these cases, hoping that they might help to clarify. I will stick them in your mailbox. It was
kind of difficult to gather what 1 - Right... was trying to tell me. Her speech is slightly impaired, and her thoughts didn’t always seem to be
complete. You can reach her by phone at 1 - Right to Privacy or I’d be glad to set up a meeting for you if that works best.


Darby S. Baldwin
Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Police
Pullman Police Department
Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 334.0802 Ext. 414

FYI—It appears that 1 - Right to ... will be here for a 3:30 meeting on Monday, and that she is still not satisfied with the information provided to

Darby S. Baldwin
Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Police

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Pullman Police Department

Complete Details For 16-10

Pullman Police Department
Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 334.0802 Ext. 414

From: 1 - Right to Privacy [mailto: 1 - Right to Privacy ]

Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 12:23 PM
To: Baldwin, Darby <>
Subject: Officer Wineberger Pullman Police Department

This is about statements Officer Wineberger made in superior court 9-19-16 under oath, that I believe are untrue and desire for them to be
proven to me now.

This starts with a motorcycle versus jeep accident that happened 9-16-15. I was seriously injured including bleeding on the brain. I am
different in all kinds of ways but I'm alive> YAY!!!! On 2-28-16 I was acting weird and aggressive so my best friend 1 - Right to Privacy called
for a well check through the Pullman Police. I thought I was dreaming when the cops were at our house. 1 - Right to Privacy denied officers
entrance because I was asleep he was pushed out of the way for them to have entrance (We want to see that footage too), he was the
driver of the motorcycle in the accident 9-16-15. 1 - Righ... woke me up to go to my hospital bed in the front room. He felt threatened from me
and called the Pullman police for help for me. I have no memory of being weird or aggressive to anyone. I looked at the officer cameras. I
was told I would get a ambulance to look at me by officer Winegardner, I was hurt so bad from the accident 5 months prior to this incident
and could barely move. Then I was left to lay on a concrete slab for 3 hours. I have no memory of getting any kind of medical attention from
anyone I believe or would hope that I would have been taken care of. I have no memory of going after the cops in their jail in their care. Dr.
Greg Wilson testified in court it was disassoicative disorder and the pain I was in that explained my actions. At the same trial officer
Winegarner said under oath that I received medical attention. Prove it to me beyond phone logs, I want a written statement from the EMT or
other medical person that says they saw me. It should be on video some where....right? We want the video from 1 - Rig... 's well check and both
911 calls that were made to get me help on 2-28-16. I have and have had for many years a mental condition, on disability since 1999. The
pullman officers said they knew me and even giggled at the situation on the video I saw. There wasn't a female officer present to help me, I
was given toilet paper from a biohazzerd cell while I was on the toilet by a male officer. A woman was there she can be heard on the videos.
Chris Tennant Commander of the Pullman Police Department came to my door this morning 9-22-16, which confused me since an
appointment was made to talk to him on 9-26-16. He said to talk to the Pullman fire department so I went and talked to chief Mike Heston at
the pullman fire department. I was told that because of my charges it was decided (by who?) that I didn't need medical attention. He didn't
tell me who saw me just that policy was followed. This was after a very long wait for any information. Chris Tennant also said that 1 - Right...
1 - Right to Pr... on 8-24-16 wasn't charged with threatening us with a gun because he had a conceal carry permit. This whole situation confuses

me, my friends wanted to get me help that I needed and all I've gotten is a headache and felony charges. I will be at the appointments on 9-
26-16 with Commander Tennant @ 3:30 pm I want video and 911 calls. I will be @ 1 - Right to Privacy on 9-29-16 and We will be at the meeting
on 10-10-16 @ 5:30 pm.
Thank you,
1 - Right to Privacy

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Redaction Date: Friday, December 14, 2018 3:48:25 PM

Total Number of Redactions: 38

By Exemption:

"RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1. would be

highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the public. "
(Right to Privacy): 38 instances

By Page:

Page 1 - "RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1.

would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the
public. " (Right to Privacy): 21 instances
Page 2 - "RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1.
would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the
public. " (Right to Privacy): 7 instances
Page 3 - "RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1.
would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the
public. " (Right to Privacy): 10 instances

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