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Name: Connor McKellar Week: Feb.25 - Mar.

1 Date:

Weekly Time Log and Reflections

Day Name of Activity Nature of Involvement School or Total In Paid

Community Hours Class ?
Monday Team Promo Day Today we learned what to do with team promos and I started School 1.15 1.15
Feb. 25 to make notes about the team I am promoting. I decided to
promote the Boys Soccer Team

Tuesday Graphic Design Today we were assigned a graphic design assignment for the School 1.15 1.15
Feb. 26 Assignment athletes going to ofsaa.

Wednesday Graphic Design Today I completed my graphic design assignment poster and School 1.15 1.15
Feb. 27 Assignment & Floor hung them around the school. Afterwards Matt, Dallas and I
Hockey Tournament planned a floor hockey tournament to play in class tomorrow.

Thursday Basketball Today Matt and I were supposed to run a hockey tournament School 1.15 1.15
Feb. 28 Tournament but because of a change of plans we ran a round robin
basketbal tournament instead. The tournament was successful
and everyone appeared to have fun

Forest Heights Athletic Leadership

Name: Connor McKellar Week: Feb.25 - Mar.1 Date:

Friday Badminton Today Justin and Sydney M. ran a badminton tournament in School 1.15 1.15
Mar. 1 Tournamament class. I was partners with Sydney D and we did alright.


Reflections​: ​In sentence form​, w​rite about what you have learned from your school and community involvement this week. What
did you learn about leadership? About yourself? What would you do differently? How does your experience connect to theory we
discussed in class? You do not need to answer all of these questions, just those that you feel apply to this week. ​Remember – these
reflections will become notes to yourself to help with your term end exit interview!

This week I really enjoyed playing basketball and badminton in class.

Forest Heights Athletic Leadership

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