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NAME OF SITE_______Elementary School__

NAME (OBSERVER) __Kimberly Lopez____

DATE_10/5/17__ TIME OF OBSERVATION__10 AM to 11 AM
TYPE OF SETTING ___Inside Classroom__

Provide a 1 page summary that explains some important elements in a quality early
childhood environment.

Some important elements in a quality early childhood environment to be a high quality

early childhood program should provide a safe and nurturing environment while promoting the
physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development of young children. Early childhood is
generally defined as birth through age eight. Children need manipulative materials and teachers
should give concrete demonstrations especially in science and mathematics. In other words,
using developmentally appropriate practices and a hands-on, child-centered curriculum will
enhance second language development. Teachers should not correct errors of vocabulary,
comprehension, accent, or structure. The wise teacher understands that children learn a second
(or third) language the same way they learned their first language! None of us learned our first
language from an adult who used flash cards or ditto sheets. We learned our first language from
caring, supportive adults who were delighted at our attempts to communicate, even when we
made mistakes!

As you begin observing in the classroom become aware of how the materials and
equipment are organized to convey messages to children.
1. List what you see in the classroom that is inviting to the children and to their
What I see in the classroom is a lot of welcoming signs, colorful, and happy wall
2. Describe what you see in the classroom that says to children and their families that
each child belongs in the classroom.
In the classroom is full of diversity and has a flag of each nationality of each child in the
classroom. As well as painting, and pictures.

3. Describe what you see in the classroom or what the adults do that provides children
the feeling that this is a place they can trust.
I saw that all the adults were welcoming each student and treating them as if they were
their own. It felt very cozy and as if you were at home.

4. Describe how the environment provides children the opportunity to do things on

their own and become independent. Include how the teacher facilitates the classroom.
The children are able to play house or dress up of any kind of occupation that adults have
that can make them feel independent.

5. Discuss what indicates to children that there is a place that each child can be alone if
they want.
Each child had their space and time to be alone. They all had the option to play by
themselves, they weren’t paired up or anything.

6. Describe what tells children that this classroom is a safe place to explore and try
new ideas.
Everything around them from what I saw was safe. Everything was pretty much child
proof such as doors, sharp items were nowhere to be found from the child’s reach, doors were
closed from the room so that the child won’t ever get out.

7. Discuss behavior issues that you saw that were possibly caused from something in
the environment. List the behavior, possible causes, and what you would do to change the
I saw no issues of behavior from the children they were all well behaved and I have no
complaints and nothing to change about what they do in their environment. It was very clean,
safe, and well organized.

8. Describe the environment that encourages physical development (gross and fine
Yes, the environment encourages gross and fine motor skills, children are able to play
and run outside as well as work inside and do arts and crafts.

9. Reflect on your overall impression of the classroom environment and the adults
facilitating the classroom.
My impression overall about the classroom environment is that the community is very
nice, wonderful and cheerful teachers and children. Very clean and safe environment for the
children. Well organized, and very welcoming. Classroom was very big in size, had a lot of room
for the children to run and explore new ideas, as well as being very sanitary. I would recommend
the teachers and school to any new parents enrolling their children for the first time.

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