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Phone (517) 841-8200 ​·​ Fax (517) 841-828
September 15, 2018
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing on behalf of Miss Bri Grant. I have had the pleasure of knowing Bri for six years as her cell group
leader through our church, as well as her teacher for Individualized Literature and Flex. Throughout our
interactions together, Bri has impressed me as a disciplined, sincere young woman of immense character who
possesses a genuine heart for serving others. She balances a busy schedule while maintaining a level of
excellence that is commendable.

Bri is a young woman who daily seeks to grow and be a better version of herself. She is thoughtful and
considerate. As a student in my Flex class, Bri consistently worked hard to improve her grades. She sought out
help from others, including her peers and other teachers. Her focus and determination are commendable. Bri is
not content with the minimum amount of effort; she does not settle for mediocrity. I have never met a young
person who has the perspective and maturity that Bri possesses. She knows the decisions she makes now, will
impact her in the future.

Bri is a dedicated member of her church, as well. She has worked as a mentor to kids in her community for her
church’s Kids Hope program. Bri has also participated in several mission trip opportunities and is always
present during community outreach events put on by the church. She has a genuine heart for others. Her selfless
and sincere spirit bely her years.

Bri also seeks to move out of her comfort zone. She decided to try out for our school’s tennis team her
sophomore year, having never played and has been a member of the team since. She also challenged herself to
audition for our school’s fall play and earned the lead role. She has never been a part of the theater program, but
she wanted to push herself to be a more well-rounded young lady. I believe this shows a maturity that is hard to
find among high school students.

It is an honor to know Bri Grant. Her sincerity and richness of character make her a valuable member of any
organization of which she is a part. Her willingness to serve others and move out of her comfort zone
demonstrates her integrity and maturity. She consistently strives to do her best, and I wholeheartedly believe she
is an excellent student.


Mrs. Jeanette Parker

Western High School Educator

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