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Motivational Plan Johanna Bungum

What is your motivational plan for students?

When students are motivated for school, they are more likely to succeed. I want all of my
students to want to work hard and do the best they can. Every student is motivated in a different
way. Some may work for success, prizes, prestige, power, or just a simple praise. In my own
classroom, I will get to know each student and figure out why they want to learn and what will
push them to be there best.

Intrinsic motivation is very important in the classroom. It is the self-motivation for a

student to do their best. Students are proud of themselves when they work hard and succeed in
school. Students with intrinsic motivation want to show their best work and are motivated by
their success.
• A good motivational plan for students who need intrinsic motivation, is learning goals.
Keeping the reward academic based will push the student to strive for learning more and
accomplishing their academic goals.
• Another intrinsic strategy is to let students have a choice in their academics. By allowing
students to have a say in what they do and how they do it, their learning becomes more
personal to them. Therefore, they are more likely to work harder for success.
• Creating multiple skill assessments will give students the freedom to show the teacher
what they know in many different ways. Creating different assessments for the same
content benefits students who may learn in different ways.

Extrinsic motivation is great in a classroom and for individual students as well. Students
work for outside rewards. Whether that is a praise from the teacher, a prize for completing
something or even their name being called out loud. I don’t want students to rely on prizes or
rewards when learning. In my own classroom I will use extrinsic in moderation for those who
need it and can effectively use it.

In my classroom, I will use a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. I will

create individual plans for those students who need them and have classroom learning goals. All
students need motivation to learn to be successful. I want to encourage learning in any way I can.

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