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2015 good friends, these publications are character and general
orientation, tearpia of biomagnetismo is a therapy complementary that
can be applied in any condition without removing the base treatment; the
proposed points are specific, the recommendation is that tracking the
corresponding protocol is followed in each case to achieve the fullest
possible treatment.

I share a job that took place at the University, I chose the important
parts to offer a perspective to Parkinson's disease seen from

Dementia is an acquired, chronic and widespread deterioration of

previously acquired cognitive functions (Portellano, 2005). The Pan
American Health Organization (PAHO) (1995) defines dementia as a
syndrome due to brain disease, usually chronic in nature and in which
there is a deficit of multiple higher cortical functions, and produce and
make known deterioration intellectual impact on the daily life of the
patient, from actions such as dressing up excretory functions. Also PAHO
(1995) reports that this deterioration of daily activity depends heavily on
socio-cultural factors, it is therefore recommended that develop or adapt
programs of cognitive stimulation and adapting rehabilitation for each
country as indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO , 2013), in
this case for Mexico.

In 2013 WHO reported that dementia is a disabling for those who suffer
devastating for caregivers and family illness. This report highlights the
following information: an estimated 36.5 million people worldwide living
with dementia in 2030 this figure will have doubled and by 2050 will have
more than tripled; according to forecasts by the WHO (2013) this is talking
about an estimated 115.4 million people with dementia in less than three
decades, it is like imagining the entire current population of Mexico sick
with dementia. Mexico is considered among low- and middle-income
(WHO, 2013) which together currently live 58% of people with dementia
and it is estimated that by 2050 the percentage reaches 71%, these data
make the dementia a public health priority.

Neurodegenerative diseases can be classified in Parkinson, Huntington

and Multiple Sclerosis (Graham, 2008) disease; Arango, Fernandez and
Ardila (2003) propose the following classification by type: Alzheimer,
vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies, frontotemporal dementia,
posttraumatic dementia, prion, dementia associated with toxic and
metabolic conditions, and as subcortical dementias: the Parkinson's
disease, Huntington's chorea, progressive supranuclear palsy and Wilson's
disease. SSA (2010) mentions that "Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the
most common neurodegenerative diseases of adult onset, the second most
common cause of degenerative disease after Alzheimer's dementia" (p. 10)
and in Mexico at the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery is
the fourth leading cause of consultation.

The Ministry of Health (2002) defines Parkinson's disease as "a

progressive neurological disorder caused by degeneration of dopaminergic
neurons of the substantia nigra of the midbrain" (p. 7). Estimated people
with Parkinson disease in Mexico figures ranging from 140,000 reports
(Torres, 2012), 300,000 (ITESM, 2014), 500,000 (Carrillo, 2013) to
2,500,000 (Hernandez, 2010), as reported Cervantes- Arriaga et al. (2013)
is not counted in Mexico with epidemiological studies on the prevalence
and incidence of PD, so the closest official data is obtained from the
Ministry of Health (2002) which estimated 500,000 people with
Parkinson's disease with projected increase in the following decades.

After reviewing those estimates it is appropriate to list some of the

clinical characteristics corresponding to this disease, for SSA (2010)
Parkinson is clinically manifested by classic motor symptoms that are
bradykinesia, tremor, rigidity and postural instability. You can see other
symptoms such as micrograph and difficulty performing fine tasks. These
symptoms begin asymmetrically and is gradually affecting the opposite

The most common symptom is resting tremor with a frequency of 4 to 6

cycles / second and although the most visible symptom is not the most
disabling. (P.10) Weiner, Shulman, & Lang (2002) distinguished as
characteristic symptoms of PD involuntary tremor, muscle stiffness and
loss of the ability to make spontaneous movements quick and stress the
importance of distinguishing between the EP and parkinsonism where
there injury basal ganglia causing tremor, hypokinesia, bradykinesia and
postural instability, parkinsonism refers to similar to Parkinson's disease
but excluding this pathology (Portellano, 2005) so that it is very important
disorders diagnosis suitable. "The clinical diagnosis of Parkinson's disease
should Carries out by a specialist in abnormal movements or neurologist
with experience in itself" (p. 12) (SSA, 2010), the psychological aspect is
reported that "depression is considered as the most common psychological
problem in PD patients with an estimated 43% prevalence where half of
them are major depressive disorder and dysthymia the rest "(p. 19) (SSA

Participation of neuropsychology are among some of its functions to

determine what cognitive aspects have been altered and which preserved
since for Marañón, Amayra, Uterga and Gómez-Esteban (2011) cognitive
impairment in PD is considered one of the factors that diminish the quality
of life of patients, their supervision and care, as well as causing increased
stress on the caregiver.

For Barranco et al. (2009) EP is divided into: - Stage 1 (mild):

characteristic symptoms, change in posture, tremor appears at rest, the
beginning starts with the distal region of one side of the body. - Stage 2
(moderate): hypokinesia far slower movements, flickers, expressive
gestures with hands, diminished postural adjustment movements. - Stage
3 (moderately severe): slower in general and decreased motor activity,
difficulty or delay in initiating movement movements. - Stage 4 (severe):
no significant disability or invalidismo. - Stage 5 (total invalidismo): if he
can survive long enough reaches the stage of full invalidismo.
Simultaneous to the medical part way, attention in the field of
neuropsychology for the person with PD and dementia in general is very
important as mentioned Arango et al. (2003) who distinguish that because
of the conditions of discomfort in people caused by the drug is the
development of non-drug alternative treatments are allowed, and within
these treatments is neuropsychological rehabilitation intervening directly
in the cognitive deficits and functional that the person can submit.

Neuropsychological intervention for people with PD is important to

distinguish between those with dementia that not because of the treatment
will be based on this distinction; considering the group of people with
dementia EP Cashew without et al. (2011) report results that confirm them
possible malfunctions in the speed of information processing, executive
functioning, verbal memory and visoperceptual processing, reporting on
their observations that deficits Neuropsychological level are particularly
important in the deterioration functional in PD without dementia, beyond
those caused by neuropsychiatric symptoms (Marañón et al., 2011), it is
this sense Diaz et al. (2012) also note the following changes in the EP: in
sleep, mental status, perception and verbal communication; and the
following cognitive symptoms: Bradyphrenia (generalized slowing of
thought), alone or in combination with other cognitive disorders such as
memory deficits work or selective attention executive deficits and impaired
executive functions is designated as cognitive dysfunction most
characteristic in these people (Diaz et al., 2012) therefore care PD without
dementia people through a program for cognitive stimulation is a non-
pharmacological alternative pathway not only possible, recommended.

So that the neuropsychological processes to consider the proposed

intervention are: a) bradypsychia: slowing the speed of thought and
information processing. b) Subjective complaints of memory loss: loss of
fluidity to remember and recall. This makes long-term memory is more
affected than short-term memory. c) Episodic memory d) dysexecutive
syndrome: reduced ability to perform sequences, trouble temporarily
ordering an autobiographical fact and difficulty with tasks that require
changes or alternation, loss of mental flexibility and cognitive rigidity, with
difficulty changing strategies and tendency to perseveration of ideas and
loss of creativity. e) attention disorders: early fatigue and emotional
motivation. f) Disorders perceptual difficulty perceiving distances,
identifying the relative position between multiple objects, the three-
dimensional vision and image sharpness, difficulty multisensory serve
several channels simultaneously (Portellano, 2005).

Physical protocols established for the treatment of people with PD must

be individualized as mentionned Serra, Sanchez & Alonso (2012); as in
physical therapy, rehabilitation in neuropsychological also an
individualized program is elaborated each person with EP (Glozman,
2013). Through the use of various forms of " mediation ", a term that
refers to the use of external means enabling a reflective gear and
aware, this intervention program intended by cognitive stimulation
response is generated in the motor part and general physical participants.

The concept of media coverage of the hypothesis of Vygotsky

(Akhutina, 2002) that the person with Parkinson 's disease establishes the
relationship between one point and another in the brain, acting on itself
from its peripheral part, thereby posing the extracerebral relations for the
formation of physiological systems; the proposed care for people with
Parkinson through mediation program connects to the following
conclusion Vigotsky (Akhutina, 2002): "The human brain contains those
conditions and possible combinations of features for new syntheses, which
in no way be found in the structure in advance "(p. 114), this theory is that
LS Vigotsky and Luria developed a neuropsychological rehabilitation
program that compensates for engine defects based on reconstruction of
functional systems ensuring motor activity (Glozman, 2013), performing a
step of activity from the subcortical level cortical through an involuntary
habit include a voluntary activity.

The program Luria Vigotsky and consisted of two parts: 1) training

stage: instruction for using visual and semantic external support and 2)
stage roots inward: the amount of support is gradually reduced until total
disappearance. These concepts in 1999 Glozman, Bicheva and Sozinova
(Glozman, 2013) developed a program that was applied to 144 participants
in initial stage of EP, 79 of them were between 45 and 83, and one group
consisted of 65 individuals between 41 and 79, the control group consisted
of 65 persons without somatic or neurologic impairment and were
matched people with PD in age and educational level; the results obtained
are: 70% of patients decreased period of support foot and the period of
double support compared to the phase of the step, thus achieving increased
step frequency of people; balance indicators improved in 63% of
participants; the effect of activation of cerebral cortical areas was observed,
manifesting itself in improving neurodynamic indicators (decrease
Bradyphrenia and bradimnesia, and increased indicators of general ability
to work) in more than half of the people .

The dynamics of cognitive functions that occurred as a result of the

correction of locomotion is closely related to the results of motor
correction. By getting those results and the theoretical and empirical basis
it is that Glozman (2013) developed the following
neuropsychological rehabilitation program : 1) sensory
Mediatisation: - visual markers that improve locomotion and orientation
in space. - Metronome for rehabilitation of rhythm of locomotion. - Tables
cardboard strips that allow to delimit the height of letters with gradually
increasing distance between them to overcome irregular and micrograph
writing. - External representation of figures to improve numeracy and
problem solving. 2) Semantics Mediatisation : - logical analysis
calculation operations during troubleshooting. - Using visual images for
the formation of verbal memory. - Update the relationship between image
and word vocabulary extension and improvement of visual memory. - Use
of logical relationships to facilitate understanding and reproduction. 3)
emotional Mediatisation: - Computer games to enhance spatial
orientation and vocabulary. - Organization of the competitive situation to
raise motivation in the activity. - Establishment of aferentación return a
biological level. (p. 62)

Finding the following results: improvement (decrease in errors) in the total

score, as well as assessment indicators praxias, language, memory and
neurodynamic parameters. Decreased symptom fluctuation curve in
memory, verbal acceleration processes (decrease bradilalia). It decreased
Bradyphrenia, time memory of 10 words bradimnesia and bradykinesia
decline in pressure movements on the test chart and dynamic praxias. In
developing this program one of the conclusions of Glozman (2013) is the
most effective form of media coverage is the combination of means of
various forms and changing the structure of the internal picture of the
disease and the balance of the relationship with the own illness, as well as
optimization of interpersonal relationships in the family mediate the whole
rehabilitation process.

Note: The list of references of the above information is at the

end of this publication.

The intention to share the information above is that Parkinson 's can and
should be well taken care of medical treatment itself through exercises of
media coverage that can be applied by a professional (neuropsychologist
and / or related or equivalent) but most importantly family the person with
Parkinson 's is what must be trained for this exercise to be continued.

Biomagnetism also provides stimulation to this condition, remember

that each patient tracking is appropriate; end entry point to discuss is the
area that affects the brain disease Parkinson 's is characterized by the
death of dopaminergic neurons in the substance black compact pars
and the area of interest to impact with magnets is the lymph baseline,
immediately I share a picture to observe the location:
So the biomagnetic talking points are basal ganglia, as will be appreciated
is an approximation because to reach this zone must pass through the
occipital part, cerebellum and other structures of the brain to find the basal
ganglia (if it is that magnets are placed in back of the head):

Daily session 10 to 20 minutes.

For any condition is also advisable to water previously (5 seconds) in

contact with the negative or north face of a magnet (remembering that
water is diamagnetic so there is no correspondence between time-exposure
and effect) pole; that is a constant use of such water, as shown in the
following figure (it is a question that I personally am trying to solve, it is
likely that as homeopathy what remains are polymers after dilutions and
no active substance, ie that enters the body is information, and likewise the
water previously passed through a steady magnetic field which could give
the body is as physically or chemically no change information, and this
because once the magnetic field influences the water no longer water
electrons are no longer aligned, finally, I hope an understanding or find out
more about this future, if anyone knows anything please share):
With flowers Bach:

Flower par excellence for people with this condition is -> Cherry Plum: for
tremor and muscle rigidity in the mental part would be a scary and intense
desire to control everything.

10 drops of Cherry Plum in water 4 times a day indefinitely.

For both men and women hope the information will serve in these
publications continue addressing the issue of media coverage that comes as
could account for the Russian school, where the atmosphere is an effective
means to support treatments where is involving a cognitive impairment,
but is much more interesting because at any age can mediate our way , for
example, learn, memorize, and exercise intelligence, as will be discussed
later, this concept is wonderful.

Greetings to all from the country who are reading the blog and if there is
someone you know or yourself are in this condition it will be useful set
forth in this entry conclusion, find ways to mediate for that support their
motor functions.

A hug.

Carlos Aragón Carrillo.

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