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Whitepaper: Outlining a Possible Vision and Strategic Direction for the Portfolio of Senior

Director: Internationalisation at The University of Johannesburg

The University of Johannesburg needs an innovative and dynamic leader for the portfolio of Senior
Director: Internationalisation in the Executive Leadership Group of UJ. This portfolio must be guided
by a founding vision of discovery, innovation, and development of the full potential of talented
faculty, students, and staff from all walks of life.

It must envision UJ as an environment where all faculty, students, and staff are active participants in
its work, and where those groups historically excluded from participation in University life are
actively engaged in the spirit and mind of the university.

The Senior Director: Internationalisation must develop a strategic vision: Designing outreach,
overseeing international activities, and being the primary lead on global relations at the University of
Johannesburg and responsible for institutional development and oversight of university initiatives
and global partnerships. In addition, the Senior Director: Internationalisation must advance the
international profile and reputation of the university by enhancing the number and quality of
international students attending UJ, working with other institutions and organisations to attract
distinguished international faculty and staff, foster global research and engagements, collaborate
with global education units to build a continuum of educational offerings, and develop a wide array
of services, programs, experiences, and strategic partnerships that promote global imagination
across the UJ community.


The Senior Director: Internationalisation must collaborate with UJ leadership in the areas of
research, advancement, education abroad, financial aid, as well as with departments, programs,
centres, and administrative units that have significant global components.

Moreover, this portfolio must:

• Program and resource development with an eye to articulating a vision and plan for global affairs
in accordance with the Strategic Plan 2025, with special emphasis on Global Excellence and Stature.

• Provide intellectual leadership across disciplines with imagination and help to identify emerging
opportunities which embrace the Vice-Chancellor’s vision: “Positioning UJ in the fourth industrial
revolution (“Industry 4.0”) within the context of the changing social, political and economic fortunes
of Africa” in areas of such as humanities-science-social science collaboration or the technical,
ethical, and social implications of digital futures.

• Be responsible for the establishment of new and the growth of existing university-wide
international initiatives and partnerships in teaching and research.

• Collaborate with schools, programs, and centres to create and manage successful strategic and
meaningful international academic programs, and attract distinguished international faculty and

• Successfully support and oversee various units that report to the Senior Director:
Internationalisation to insure strategic alignment toward shared goals.
• Provide leadership and facilitate collaboration in the areas of education abroad, global education,
and international students.

• Ensure compliance with current governmental and UJ policies and procedures that affect global
affairs of the University.

• Engage with diverse external knowledge-makers including academic institutions, NGOs, think
tanks, governments, and other entities.

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