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Pullman Police Department

Complete Details For 16-04

Minor Complaint
Date Complaint Taken: 3/28/2016 Date Occurred: 3/23/2016 Racial: No Case No.: 16-p02870 No. Type: IN PERSON

Category: Inquiry Citizen Complaint Type: MINOR Occured: On Duty

Location Occurred: 165 S Grand District/Area: Not Stated

Video Available
Complainant: 1 - Right to Privacy Sex: MALE Race: WHITE/NON-HISPA
Complainant's Address: 1155 SE Professional Mall 1 - Righ... , PULLMAN WA 99163 Home Phone: 1 - Right to Privacy Body Camera

Cell Phone: Business Phone: Email Address:

Assigned: COMMANDER TENNANT Date Assigned: 3/28/2016 Days Case Due In: Date Due:

Current Case Disposition: EXONERATED Date Completed: 4/20/2016 How Complaint Was Reported: IN PERSON
Complainant Satisfaction: Satisfaction Comments:

Summary: 1 - Right to Privacy was arrested for DUI by Officer Gordon outside the Sports Page Tavern. Gordon saw 1 - Right to P... get into the car and turned around to contact him due to
his apparent intoxication level. 1 - Right to Pri... was visibly intoxicated and after being told he was under arrest, refused numerous times to get out of the car. When it looked
to Gordon that he was putting the vehicle into drive, he grabbed 1 - Right to Pr... , took him to the ground (with Officer Engle) cuffed him up and made the arrest. 3-28-16
1 - Right to Pr... came to the PPD to complain that the officer used excessive force. I reviewed the case and the Body Worn Camera foot and in my opinion there was PC for

the arrest and Gordon was left with no options (Verbal commands failed) than to forcibly remove Mr. 1 - Right to ... from the vehicle. I spoke to 1 - Right to ... who said he has re-
broken 2 ribs and his writs is still sore on 4-20-16. Force used was justified.
Type Of Complaint Description Complaint Disposition
Complaint #: 1 Chapter 10 Section 2.2 Authorization to use force EXCESSIVE FORCE EXONERATED

Name ID Number Rank Division Shift Officer Disposition On Alert Camera


Witness #: 1 Engle, Chris M WHITE/NON-HISPANIC Type Witness: Not Stated

Address: Not Stated Contacted
H Phone: B Phone: C Phone:
Witness Notes:

Narrative: See DUI case 16-p02870 Defendant: 1 - Right to Privacy (1 -... years of age) Date of arrest: 3-23-16 @ 0200 hrs

3-28-16 1 - Right to Privacy reportedly came into the PPD and spoke with receptionist Gary Labusohr and wanted to file a complaint about
Officer Gordon using excessive force on his arrest. I was unable to meet with Mr. 1 - Right to Pr... on this day. ( 1 - Right to Privacy ) I called back and
left a message.

I reviewed the DUI report, the Use of force report, and the Body Worn Camera Footage of Officer Gordon and Engle. I made the conclusion
that the force used was justified and that verbal commands were tried prior to the applicaton of force, and proved ineffective.

4-5-16 1130 hrs: I called the above phone number 1 - Right to Privacy ) and was told by a female that 1 - Ri... had a new phone number: 1 - Right to Pri...
1 - Rig...
. I spoke to 1 - Rig... and he expressed that he was the victim of excessive force. He thought he might have two broken ribs and a sore
wrist from the force used and that he had a Dr. appointment the following day. I told him I would check back with him in a week.

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Pullman Police Department

Complete Details For 16-04

Minor Complaint

4-20-16 1400 hrs: I called and spoke with 1 - Right to Privacy . He said the doctor said that he "re-broke" two ribs. (Originally broken in a car
accident several years ago). His wrist is still "sore" and he can't lift any weight with it, but the doctor did not feel an x-ray was necessary of
his wrist. I told 1 - Ri... that I had reviewed the case and watched all the video and the amount of force used was necessary and appropriate.
1 - Ri... diagreed. He said that Officer Gordon should have taken into account that he was 1 -... years old. I told 1 - Ri... that Officer Gordon tried to

talk him out of the car, and only when he tried to put it in drive was he forced out. I told 1 - Rig... that once he was placed into arrest, he was
mandated to follow the officers commands and get out of the car. I asked 1 - Ri... if the officer could have said anything to get him to get out of
the car? 1 - Ri... said, "No." He is used to Idaho Law and in Idaho they tell you to stay in the car and give them your drivers license,
registration, and proof of insurance. I told 1 - Rig... that that was sound advice up to the point that he was placed under arrest.

Use of force used was appropriate and necessary. Exonerated - the alleged circumstances occurred but were lawful and proper.

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Redaction Date: Friday, December 14, 2018 2:32:21 PM

Total Number of Redactions: 29

By Exemption:

"RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1. would be

highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the public. "
(Right to Privacy): 29 instances

By Page:

Page 1 - "RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1.

would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the
public. " (Right to Privacy): 20 instances
Page 2 - "RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1.
would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the
public. " (Right to Privacy): 9 instances

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