Cold War Exam

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Cold War Exam Name:

American History Hour:

Matching: match the term to the correct statement by placing the letter in the blank.
All answers will be used and only once each. 1 point each.

A. Harry Truman F. Dwight Eisenhower

B. Nikita Khrushchev G. Mao Zedong
C. Joseph Stalin H. Joseph McCarthy
D. Julius & Ethel Rosenberg I. Alger Hiss
E. Robert Oppenheimer J. John Dulles

___1. Convicted of treason and executed in the electric chair for sharing top secret atomic and nuclear
information with the USSR.

___2. Wisconsin Senator that led a communist witch hunt in the United States that further plunged the
nation into the Red Scare through wild and unsubstantiated accusations.

___3. Leader of the USSR that condemned Stalinist tactics imposed on Soviet citizens and began to ease
relations with the democratic Western World.

___4. Lead Scientist of the Manhattan Project (project to build the first atomic bomb).

___5. Proposed the ideas of the "Domino Theory" and "massive retaliation" while serving as
Eisenhower's Secretary of State.

___6. Harvard educated American official that leaked confidential government documents to the USSR as a
spy for the Soviets and was convicted of perjury, not treason, and sentenced to five years in prison.

___7. Shifted defense spending to nuclear weapons and the technology needed to deliver them (missiles,
jets, submarines), and away from traditional defense spending (soldiers, tanks, artillery, etc) and
declared that the US would use force to aid any Middle Eastern nation threatened by communism.

___8. The first communist leader of China.

___9. In an effort to limit the spread of communism, this individual implemented the idea of containment.

___10. Leader of the USSR that was known for brutal tactics and ruling through fear and terror.

True/False: Place a T in the blank for True statements. Place an F in the blank for False statements. It
must be entirely accurate to be a true statement. If the statement is false, you must replace the underlined
portion with the correct answer to make the statement true. 1 point each.

___1. The Soviet Union gradually tightened its control over the satellite states of eastern Europe.

___2. The Iron Curtain was the fear that communists were working to destroy the American way of life.
___3. In the 1950's, radio was the most popular form of home entertainment.
___4. Highways were constructed to aid suburban migration and to aid military mobility.

___5. The counter-culture was a backlash against the American Dream mentality.
Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer from the list provided and place it in the blank. 1 point each.

___1. Eastern European Countries that remained under Soviet control following WWII are referred to as?
A. Protectorates B. Colonies
C. Satellite States D. NATO

___2. Who were the two world Superpowers that emerged at the end of WWII?
A. China & Russia B. U.S. & U.S.S.R.
C. U.S. & China D. England & U.S.

___3. What is the dividing line between North and South Korea?
A. The Yangtze River B. The Three Gorges Dam
C. The 38th Parallel D. All of the above

___4. The rate at which goods are made and services are available is referred to as what?
A. Commercialism B. Productivity
C. Manufacturing D. Exportation

___5. What is the declaration by the United States that promised aid to any democratic nation that required
assistance called?
A. Truman Doctrine B. NATO
C. Marshall Plan D. Warsaw Pact

___6. In 1949, China became what type of government?

A. Democracy B. Protectorate
C. Monarchy D. Communist

___7. The Superpowers’ struggle for influence between democratic capitalism and authoritarian
communism is called what?
A. Truman Doctrine B. Containment
C. Cold War D. Nuclear arms race

___8. Government legislation after WWII designed to aid veterans integrate back into American society that
resulted in dramatic suburban growth.
A. GI Bill B. War Hero Act
C. Relief act of 1946 D. Great War Recovery Act

___9. The attempt to rejuvenate American cities in the wake of the exodus of the middle-class to the suburbs
is referred to as?
A. gentrification B. urban sprawl
C. urban renewal D. reaganomics

___10. The migration to the suburbs of the middle-class resulted in ___.

A. rapid growth in home construction. B. the gradual decline of cities.
C. the need for more roads and highways. D. all of the above.

___11. Emerging power that forced the American led UN force out of North Korea?
A. China B. Germany
C. Russia D. Vietnam
___12. A key component to the common 1950's ideal of the "American Dream" is ___, which is reflected
in television programming and movies of the era.
A. the nuclear family B. industrialization
C. mobilization D. equality

___13. What is the name of the economic plan to rebuild Europe in an effort to strengthen it in order to deter
a communist takeover?
A. Truman Doctrine B. Marshall Plan
C. Warsaw Pact D. Domino Theory

___14. Who was the first Presidential candidate to use TV to campaign for office?
A. Franklin D. Roosevelt B. Harry Truman
C. Dwight Eisenhower D. Richard Nixon

___15. The mass purchasing and consumption of goods that has led to the "disposable era" is known as?
A. buying on margin B. consumerism
C. industrialism D. socialism

___16. What was the United States policy called that was designed to inhibit the spread of communism
A. Warsaw Pact B. Containment
C. Iron Curtain D. The Winston Plan

___17. President Truman sent US forces to Korea without what?

A. without the support of the United Nations(UN) B. without a Congressional Declaration of War
C. without the support of any allies D. All of the Above

___18. The term "Iron Curtain" was used by Winston Churchill to describe what?
A. Chinese control of Korea B. Soviet control of Africa
C. Chinese control of Japan D. Soviet control of Eastern Europe

___19. 1950's Presidential Candidate that was recruited by both the Democratic and Republican Party to
be their candidate.
A. Franklin Roosevelt B. Dwight Eisenhower
C. Harry S. Truman D. John F. Kennedy

___20. Aside from the automobile, what allowed for people to migrate outside of the cities to the suburbs?
A. urban renewal B. passenger railroads and public buses
C. highways and expressways D. all of the above

___21. This year long event was seen as the symbol of America's commitment to ensure the fulfillment of
the Truman Doctrine.
A. Berlin Airlift B. Cold War
C. Korean War D. Doolittle Raids

___22. The GI Bill provided veterans with what benefits?

A. Home Loans B. Unemployment compensation
C. Financial Aid for college D. All of the Above
___23. What was the name of the military alliance that formed after WWII to counter potential further
Soviet expansion?
A. Warsaw Pact B. MAD

___24. The purpose of ___ is to increase sales of their product by making consumers feel that they need or
deserve the product.
A. industrialism B. commercialism
C. mobilizing D. advertising

___25. What led to the increase in agricultural production during post-war America?
A. End of the Dust Bowl B. Inflation
C. New Technology and Chemicals D. Global Warming

___26. The military alliance between the Soviet Union and its satellite states that united most of communist
Europe is referred to as?
A. Warsaw Pact B. MAD

___27. The dramatic population increase in the United States that occurred after WWII is called?
A. American Dream B. American Explosion
C. Baby Boom D. Fabulous Fifties

___28. What group of individuals began to migrate to the cities during the time that the middle-class was
migrating to the suburbs?
A. immigrants B. illegal aliens
C. farmers D. the upper class

___29. What led to the Soviets attaining atomic and nuclear capabilities long before originally expected?
A. The United States underestimated Russian technology.
B. The leaking of classified documents and information from US citizens.
C. The Soviet Union abducted and interrogated top government officials.
D. The USSR stole an atomic weapon from a US base in the Pacific Ocean.

___30. The concept of massive retaliation used as a deterrent to use nuclear weapons (first strike).
A. Warsaw Pact B. MAD
Short Answer: Answer ONE of the following questions completely in the space provided below.
Justify your answers (give supporting information/reasons). 10 points.

1. Explain the significance and impacts of the Cold War by answering all of the following questions.
Who were the major players? What caused it? What was US policy? Policy of the USSR?
What were the lasting impacts of the Cold War? (give at least 2 impacts)
Then, explain how the world might be different today if the Cold War between the United States and the
Soviet Union had escalated into an active war directly between the two Superpowers. (Support your
answer with at least 2 justifications/ reasons why).

2. Explain the causes and impacts of suburban migration in both the suburbs and cities.
Why did this happen? Who was involved (effected)? How did it happen?
What were the lasting impacts of the migration? (give at least 2 impacts)
Then, explain how the United States might be different today if there had not been the mass migration
from the cities to the suburbs. (Support your answer with at least 2 justifications/ reasons why).

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