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Wind Energy Abstract p.i

Mechanical Workings p.1

Financial Benefits p.2

Calculating Payback Period - A Rough Estimate
Payback Period Analysis

Power Output Variables p.3

Wind Speed
Rotor Diameter

Environmental Effects p.4

Why avoid fossil fuels?
How much does wind energy help?
Do turbines kill birds?

Conclusion p.5
Appendix A p.6
A more detailed look at turbines

Appendix B p.7
Estimated Payback Period Analysis Example

Appendix C p.8
Detailed Power Output Calculation

References p.9

Prepared by:
Ashley Carter, Brandon Hunold, Stephen Nomura, Justin Rilling
To: Micheal Satterwhite
From: Ashley Carter, Brandon Hunold, Stephen Nomura, Justin Rilling
Subject:Residential Wind Energy
Date: 4/25/08

Mr. Satterwhite,

As global warming gains national attention, many homeowners are realizing the importance of reducing their environ-
mental impact. Most homeowners use electricity produced from fossil fuels, a non-renewable resource that pollutes
the environment. An alternative to traditional non-renewable energy sources is wind energy, which has little to no
impact on the environment. Households residing in areas with high wind energy potential should consider installing
a residential wind energy system.

Our report educates average homeowners interested in wind energy solutions. The report focuses on the feasibility
and benefits of a residential wind turbine system. We discuss general operation, profitability, power output, and en-
vironmental impact of residential wind turbines. Our report is an informational guide aimed at anyone interested in
learning the basics of residential wind turbine systems.

Ashley Carter, Mechanical Engineering

Brandon Hunold, Mechanical Engineering
Stephen Nomura, BLS/Design
Justin Rilling, Electrical Engineering
Abstract p. i
Today, with fossil fuels diminishing and increased environmental awareness, people are turning to alternative energy
sources. Wind energy is renewable, environmentally friendly, and is often profitable. In areas that have high wind
energy potential, homeowners should consider a residential wind turbine system as an alternative or complement to
traditional energy sources.

This report will outline the basic mechanics of a wind turbine and explain which designs will suit an individual the
best. The financial details will be covered, such as initial cost, operating cost, energy cost savings, and the payback
period. Supporting data proves that a wind turbine is a good investment under specific conditions. Wind energy is a
great alternative because it does not pollute the environment like fossil fuels. Dependency on large power plants is
also decreased. This report will explain how wind energy is a feasible residential energy source that bears both personal
and global benefits.
Mechanical Workings p. 1
Wind turbines come in two types: vertical-axis and horizontal-axis. Horizontal-axis turbines resemble airplane pro-
pellers. They typically bear an odd number of blades, and sit atop a tower to increase wind exposure. These are more
commonly used than vertical-axis turbines.[1.1] Vertical-axis turbines are characterized by C-shaped blades. They are
normally built with two or three blades. An advantage to a vertical-axis machine is the ability to place the generator,
gearbox, and other hardware on the ground, instead of atop the tower. However, vertical-axis turbines are rarely ef-
ficient enough to be profitable. In the remainder of the document, “turbine” will refer to horizontal-axis turbines.
Wind is the first thing needed to begin producing electrical energy. As the
wind blows across the blades, the shaft turns, and a gearbox changes the
blades’ slow rotation into fast rotation the generator can use, similar to a
car’s transmission. The generator changes the rotational energy into elec-
tricity. A built in protection system optimizes performance and keeps the
machinery operating safely. All of this sits atop a tower, where wind speeds
are greater, and the effect of obstructions, such as trees, houses, and hills are
Installation is usually simple; changing
existing wires and appliances is normally
unnecessary. Most people hire profession-
als to do the installation. Self-installation
offers significant savings, but requires a high
level of technical knowledge and ability.
Most dealers offer both pre-assembled and
factory direct products. Pre-assembled sys-
tems have the advantage of more customer
service.[1.2] [1.1]

Tower For more details, see Appendix A.

The tower supports the turbine, so it must be sturdy. Tower height is a
major factor in power output. Wind speeds increase with elevation, so
higher towers yield more electricity. When ground-level objects interrupt
wind flow, it is called ground friction. There are three main types of tow-
ers: cone, lattice, and tilt-up.
Most large wind turbines use cone towers, which are constructed on-
site by bolting together pre-manufactured steel pieces, each of which are
about 20-30 meters in length. Their shape is slightly conical, with the
widest end at the base, hence the term cone tower. This type is used when
high strength is needed.[1.2]
Lattice towers are manufactured using welded steel profiles. The main ad-
vantage of lattice towers is cost; they require only half the material of cone
towers with similar strength.[1.2]
Some towers are outfitted with a tilt-up mechanism, which places the
structure on a hinge. When maintenance is required, the tower can be
easily lowered to the ground. The main disadvantage is that a significant
amount of ground space around the base must be dedicated to securing
the tower with wires.[1.3]
Financial Benefits p. 2
A major benefit of residential wind turbine systems is that they produce energy at an expense lower than purchas-
ing from utility companies. In most cases, the money initially invested in a residential wind turbine system can be
returned during its lifetime from reduced energy costs. The payback period is an estimate of the number of years until
the initial investment is returned to the owner. The system is a good investment if the payback period is less than its
operational lifetime.
Calculating Payback Period - A Rough Estimate
Payback Total Initial Cost
Period (Annual Cost Savings) — (Annual Operating Cost)
Total Initial Cost
This is a combination of expenses associated with the wind
turbine prior to being fully operational. The total initial Cost per Capacity
cost includes all system components along with any deliv-
ery, installation, or consultation expenses. The graph to the
right shows how higher rated wind turbines generally have a 5

Cost Per Rated kW Capacity

(thousands of US dollars)
lower cost per capacity. For example, the initial cost of a 10
kW system is estimated at $2400/kW versus the initial cost 4
of a 100 kW system that is estimated at $1000/kW accord-
ing to the Iowa Energy Center.[2.1] 3
Annual Energy Cost Savings
This is the amount of money saved from generating energy 2
from wind instead of purchasing it from a utility company.
The annual energy cost savings are dependent on the power
rating of a wind turbine and average wind speeds at its loca-
tion. Average wind speeds vary by location. In the United
States, the Midwest has the highest potential for wind 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
energy production and the Southeast has the least. Windmill Rated Power (kW)
Annual Operating Cost
This is the annual expense for a fully operational wind
turbine. Annual operating costs include service, mainte-
nance, and insurance. The Iowa Energy Center estimates the
annual operating expenses are 1-2 cents per annual kilowatt Payback Period Timeline
Total Energy Cost (thousands of US dollars

hour.[2.1] For example, if a wind system produces 10,000 70

kWh in one year, the expected operating expenses would be
$100 to $200.
Payback Period Analysis 50
The graph on the right shows the total cost of a residential Net Gain
40 @ 30 Years
wind turbine over time in comparison to purchasing elec-
tricity from a traditional energy source provider. The point 30
on the graph at which the two energy sources intersect is
20 Net Loss
when payback is complete; the large initial investment of @ 10 Years
the wind energy system is returned to the owner through
annual energy cost savings. After the payback period, the
system will save the owner money in comparison to the 0
traditional energy source. 0 10 20 30 40
Time (years)
For an example calculation, see Appendix B.
Power Output Variables p. 3
Many variables affect the amount of power produced by a wind turbine. Because of this, the advertised power rating
rarely coincides with the actual power output. The main variables are wind speed and rotor diameter. Power output
can be roughly estimated if these two variables are understood.

Wind Speed Wind Speeds in the US

Wind speeds directly influence
power output. As speeds increase,
power output increases exponen-
tially. Because the relationship
is exponential, wind speed is an
extremely important factor. Since
some locations offer higher wind
speeds than others, this variable is
inherently linked to location. The
average annual wind speeds for the
US have been mapped in detail.

The ten outlined states on the map

to the right have the highest average
wind speeds and thus the highest
wind energy potential. The large Resource Wind Speed
white areas on the map represent Potential at 50 m (mph)
Marginal 12.5 - 14.3
regions with low wind energy Fair 14.3 - 15.7
potential. Good 15.7 - 16.8
Excellent 16.8 - 17.9
Outstanding 17.9 - 19.7
Superb 19.7 - 24.8 [1.1]

Rotor Diameter
Rotor diameter, the “wingspan” of
a turbine’s blades, also effects power
output exponentially. As diameter
increases, so does power.
Annual power output can be esti-
mate by the graph on the right. As
the graph indicates, an increase in
either wind speed or rotor diameter
increases power yields. However,
there are upper limits; extremely
high winds can damage equipment
and oversized rotors can reduce
efficiency. Consumers should not
have to worry about this because
reputable manufacturers take these
upper limits into account.
For a more detailed calculation, see Appendix C.
Environmental Effects p. 4
Installing a wind energy system has many environmental benefits; it is the first step towards preserving earth’s life-
supporting environment into the future. Conventional electrical energy sources consume fossil fuels. This is a problem
because consuming fossil fuels at the current rate will ultimately place many species at risk of extinction, including
humans. Let’s see how wind energy can lead to a brighter future.

Why avoid fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are our main enemy; they are bad for many reasons. Obtain- What are fossil fuels?
ing the raw fossil fuels destroys natural habitats by excavating, digging, Fossil fuels are composed of ancient or-
and drilling. To process the raw material, even more land is destroyed ganic matter exposed to millions of years
to erect power plants. Even worse, extracting the energy in fossil fuels of heat and pressure, like dead dinosaurs.
releases harmful greenhouse gases (GHG) and contributes to smog pol- Since production time is several hundred
lution and acid rain.[4.1] Even in the most state of the art power plants, million years, we consider them non-
fossil fuels produce electricity with a maximum efficiency of about 50%. renewable. At the world’s current rate, we
will run out of fossil fuels around 2300.
Wind energy, on the other hand, does not destroy significant natural The most commonly used fossil fuels are
habitats; a turbine can be erected almost anywhere with sufficient wind oil and coal, accounting for ~69% of elec-
flow. Wind energy does not release GHG while producing electricity, tricity production and ~85% of all energy
and does not contribute to acid rain or smog pollution. Lastly, wind production in the USA.[4.2]
energy can be captured locally, and does not require large power plants.

How much does wind energy help?

Wind energy accounts for a measly 0.3% of energy production in the USA.[4.3] However, marketing research shows
there are over 3.8 million homes with the potential to install a small wind system. If half of these homes installed a 10
kW wind turbine, an additional 20 million MW of energy could be produced each year.[4.4] Every kilowatt produced
using fossil fuels releases on average 1.38 lbs of CO2., each year that just half of all capable homes produced wind
energy, over 12 million metric tons less CO2 would be released into the atmosphere. Each home would reduce CO2
emissions by over 13,500 lbs per year. Although this is still a small percentage compared to the mammoth amount fos-
sil fuels released, this step will do more than just reduce present day emissions. Buying a wind system now stimulates
the alternative energy industry, and suppresses the fossil fuel industry, which is the first step towards independence
from fossil fuels.

Do turbines kill birds?

Technically speaking, yes. However, the number of
annual bird fatalities by wind turbines is dwarfed by
the number that die from other human related fac-
tors. The following are estimated bird deaths per year
by various causes in the US.

Power Lines: 130 to 174 million.[4.5]

Cars: 60 - 80 million.[4.5]
Buildings: 100 million - 1 billion.[4.6]
Communications Towers: 40 - 50 million. [4.5]
Wind Turbines: 5,500.[3.4]

The wind turbine death figure value was calculated

using an average of 2.19 bird deaths per turbine. The
graph assumes the maximum in each range.
Conclusion p. 5
In summary, residential wind turbines come in several variations. Of the two turbine styles, horizontal-axis generally
provides the best results. There are two main tower styles, cone and lattice; either may use a tilt-up system to aid in
maintenance. The power output of these systems relies mainly on wind speeds and rotor diameter. A payback period
analysis will help determine profitability. Wind energy is a feasible residential energy source that bears both personal
and global benefits.
Appendix A p. 6
A more detailed look at turbines
Appendix B p. 7
Estimated Payback Period Analysis Example
Consider a residential wind turbine rated at 5 kW that has an initial cost of $15,000. The wind turbine will be located
in an area that has an average windspeed of 14 mph which corresponds to an annual output of 10000 kWh for that
particular wind turbine. A local utility company provides electricity using a traditional energy source at $.085/kWh.
The annual operating expense of the wind turbine is estimated at $100/year.

Payback Total Initial Cost

Period (Annual Cost Savings) — (Annual Operating Cost)

Total Initial Cost: $15,000

Annual Energy Cost Savings: 1,000 kWh ( $0.085 / 1 kWh ) = $850

Annual Operating Cost: $100

Payback Period = $15,000 / ( $850 - $100 ) = 20 Years

Appendix C p. 8
Detailed Power Output Calculation
Power Output P is given by:

P = ½αρπr2v3
P = rated power (watts)
α = efficiency of the turbine design
ρ = mass density of air (kilograms/cubic meter)
r = rotor blade radius (meters)
v = air speed (meters per second)
The density of the air varies with elevation, temperature, and
whether the air is ideally dry or contains moisture. To locate
the density of air for a particular location you will need to know
the altitude above sea level. There are a couple of additional
variables needed:

Atmospheric pressure @ sea level: po = 101325 Pa

Standard temperature @ sea level: T0 = 288.15 K
Earth-surface gravitational acceleration: g = 9.80665 m/s2
Temperature lapse rate: L = -6.5°C/km
Universal gas constant: R = 8.31447 J/(mol•K)
Molar mass of dry air: M = 28.9644 g/mol

Temperature at elevation h is given by:

T = T0 + L · h
Air Density is given by:

Pressure at altitude h is given by:

p = p0 · [1 + (L · h )/(T0)]^(g ·M / -R ·L)
References p. 9
[1.1] Layton, Julia. “How Wind Power Works.” 2008. 6 April 2008.
[1.2] “Wind Turbine Towers.” Danish Wind Industry Association. 19 Septmember 2005. 6 April 2008.
[1.3] “Tilt up Wind Turbine Towers.” Renewable Energy UK. 22 April 2008. 23 April 2008. <>.

[2.1] “Wind Energy Economics.” Iowa Energy Center. 2008. 7 April 2008.

[3.1] Gipe, Paul. Wind Power for Home and Business. Post Mills, VT: Chelsea Green Company, 1993. 59-96.
[3.2] Clarke, S. “Electricity Generation Using Small Wind Turbines At Your Home or Farm.” Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs. Sept. 2003. 22 Apr. 2008
[3.3] Wiser, Ryan, and Mark Bolinger. “Annual Report on U. S. Wind Power, Installation, Cost, and Performance.”
Department of Energy. May 2007. United States Government. 14 Apr. 2008
[3.4] “Wind.” American Wind Energy Association. 2007. 11 Apr. 2008 <>.
[3.5] “Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency.” 24 Apr. 2008. NC State University. 14 Apr. 2008

[4.1] Environment Canada. 9 May 2007. 6 April 2008. <>.

[4.2] European Environmental Agency. 2008. 7 April 2008. <>.
[4.3] Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2006, Sec 10.2
[4.4] American Wind Energy Association: US Small Wind Turbine Industry Roadmap
[4.5] “Avian Collisions with Wind Turbines: A Summary of Existing Studies and Comparisons to Other Sources of
Avian Collision Mortality in the United States.” National Wind Coordinating Committee. West, Inc.
August 2001.
[4.6] Eaton, Joe. “Tower Kill.” Earth Island Journal. Winter, 2003.

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