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the magazine of the Institute of Measurement and Control instmc.



april_2017_issue one
A new look
in a changing
Welcome to the From the start of 2018,
Measurement and Control will
One group we are keen to
reach is younger practitioners,
first pilot edition cease to be printed as a hard-copy
journal. However, the technical
whether students or early-career
professionals. Precision will be
of Precision, the articles it features will continue to be accessible online and as an app, and
published online, with free access for we want to stimulate the interests of
Institute’s new members. a new generation of engineers and
scientists, and encourage them to
magazine for The overwhelming majority of the
members we contacted through
consider careers in our field.

members. Council would prefer to receive a We hope you enjoy the magazine
coffee-table style magazine. You told and do let us know what you think.
We are introducing this change us you would like articles describing
for three reasons – member exciting and challenging applications
preference, Institute promotion of control and instrumentation
and young generation appeal technology written in a journalistic
– as elaborated below. We are style. When needing to consult
working to a 12-month timescale scientific papers on a specific subject,
for the changeover, so you will you displayed a preference for Patrick Finlay PhD CEng
continue to receive regular issues access on the web via a searchable Chief Executive Officer
of Measurement and Control database.
throughout 2017, but you will also
receive four issues of Precision, of As well as appealing to members,
which this is the first. we want Precision to serve as a
shop window for the Institute and
The purpose of these pilot editions the industries it serves. We hope
is to enable us to get the long-term non-members who come across it
format right, and your views will will catch a flavour of the areas that
help with this. You can send your define our community. We would like
feedback on this and future issues to them to realise the huge importance
precision@instmc.org of measurement and control in
everyday life as well as in unusual and
demanding situations. If these readers
become active Institute members,
that will be a measure of success.


Suzanne Gill takes
As Professional
a look at the cobot, Engineering
and how safety can Institutions consider
be assured as man the impact of Brexit,
and machine work Dr Patrick Finlay, CEO
together. of the Institute of
measurement and

10-12 Control, presents key



Bajram Zeqril a member
of NPL’s Acoustics Group,
showcases the latest
innovations being moved from

lab to industry with the help of
NPL Metrology.


Jeremy J Ramsden,

THE SMART WAY TO honorary professor

at the University


considers the role of
(ABB A CCS COMPANY OF THE INSTMC) sensors in managing
chronic disease
John Martin from ABB
Consulting explains what
needs to be considered when
preparing a bow tie analysis

18-20 22-25
spring 2017

Patrick Finlay PhD CEng




John Martin from ABB

Consulting explains what
needs to be considered when
preparing a bow tie analysis
The magazine of the Institute of Measurement and Control
Publications Manager Chief Executive
Danny Henderson Patrick Finlay PhD CEng
E: publications@instmc.org E: ceo@instmc.org
Dr Graeme Philp Published by: Institute of Measurement and Control
87 Gower Street , London, WC1E 6AF
T: + 44 (0) 20 7387 4949

© 2017, The Institute of Measurement and Control. Reproduction in whole or part must not be undertaken without the written consent of The Institute. The Institute as a
body does not hold itself responsible for the facts or opinions expressed in Precision unless it is stated that an article or letter officially represents the views of The Institute.


NEWS 62% of companies

said that the ability
to employ EU
citizens was the
most significant
impact of the EU
on their business.

As Professional In a rare display of unanimity, the

35 UK Professional Engineering
Much of the report’s findings
were based on a survey across
Engineering Institutions, including InstMC,
recently produced a report that
the engineering sector. The major
sectors represented include energy,
Institutions identified the key engineering
priorities for Brexit negotiators.
transport, defence and oil and gas.
31% of the responding companies
consider the Unity has paid off, and the UK had turnovers of more than £100
Government has indicated its million.
impact of Brexit, interest in an ongoing dialogue
62% of companies said that the
with us, through the Royal Academy
Patrick Finlay, CEO of Engineering (RAEng), as exit
ability to employ EU citizens was the
most significant impact of the EU
of the Institute of negotiations begin.
The RAEng report, Engineering a
on their business. When asked about
concerns on leaving the EU, major
Measurement and future outside the EU, identifies items highlighted were availability
that engineering contributes £280 of labour, free movement of goods,
Control, presents billion to the UK’s gross value added R&D networking, and standards and
accounts for half of all exports, and regulations. Benefits cited for leaving
key points. employs 5.5 million people in the UK, the EU included lower exchange rate
of whom 450,000 are represented and fewer regulations.
On 23 June 2016, the UK narrowly
by professional institutions. UK
voted to leave the EU, and the
science and engineering companies
Prime Minister has announced her
invest £9.5 billion per year in R&D, at
intention to launch this process
least three times as much as central
by invoking Article 50 in April this
year. Whatever our personal and
corporate misgivings, Brexit is going
to happen, with a completion target
of April 2019. There is no point in
arguing for a change of this decision,
but there is certainly an opportunity
for influencing the negotiations to
ensure that damage is limited and
benefits maximised.

spring 2017

Major findings and a Shortage Occupation List for The UK has a globally excellent
recommendations from the report engineering positions that cannot and highly productive research
are: be filled domestically in the short and innovation base, to which
term. It advocates straightforward EU support and collaboration
solutions such as temporary visas for has significantly contributed.
Engineering skills and skilled engineers from EU countries The report warns, however, that
major projects with the specialist skills that the UK losing access to EU research and
Brexit could present a major lacks. innovation funding programmes
challenge to the supply of skilled would pose a considerable risk to
The report also calls on the UK
engineers from the EU, who are the quality and quantity of UK
Government to extend procedures
essential to maintaining the research and innovation, and in
for intra-company transfers to cover
world-class quality and success turn to UK GDP. Evidence suggests
EU citizens, as many companies
of UK engineering companies that EU collaboration with UK
require their engineers to move
and universities. In academia, researchers is already being put on
freely to support and fulfil contracts.
engineering has proportionally more hold or has been scaled back since
staff originating from the EU (15%) the referendum, and if European
than across all subjects as a whole. Impact on research and project funding becomes less
innovation available, the UK is likely to become
Uncertainty about the status of EU
a less attractive destination for the
workers in the UK and further risks Innovation is critical to the UK’s
brightest and best students and
to the supply of skilled engineers economy and productivity, as sectors
are likely to result in delays to major with high concentrations of graduate
infrastructure projects such as engineers report greater than
HS2, Thames Tideway and Hinkley average levels of innovation activity
Point C, which will face recruitment and innovation-related income
difficulties and increasing costs if alongside greater productivity.
demand for labour outstrips supply.
In response to these potential
challenges, the report calls on
Government and the engineering
community to work together to take
decisive action on the engineering
skills crisis, as well as to develop Continued on next page...


In recognition of the importance Standards and legislation are

of European funding streams recognised in the findings as non-
and collaboration frameworks to tariff barriers that are crucial to
UK research and innovation, it strong trade relations, with the UK’s
recommends that Government seeks continued leading role in developing
the closest achievable association European and global standards seen
with relevant EU programmes, as being particularly important.
and if needed develop long-term The report emphasises the need for
funding streams that complement data protection and cyber security
current funding by encouraging laws to be closely comparable to
international mobility and EU law in order to avoid barriers to
collaboration, particularly between trade, and that frameworks must
industry and academia. be introduced that allow the UK
to continue to collaborate in the
digital single market. The internet
Industrial strategy: an
economy contributes 8% of the
opportunity for global
UK’s GDP, a greater contribution
than in any other G20 country, and
Throughout the consultation process, policy changes that limit ongoing
one opportunity was pointed to collaboration in the sector would
repeatedly - the development undermine the UK’s leadership.
of a new industrial strategy, in
The consultation also found that the
partnership with academia and
UK energy industries would benefit
industry, as a route to enabling
from continued membership of
engineering to maintain and
the European Energy Community.
increase its contribution to economic
Remaining a member would help
development and social progress
foster security of supply, ensuring
after the UK leaves the EU.
that the UK can continue to
Engineering A Future Outside the influence regulation and deliver
EU highlights the UK’s strengths in economic benefits.
attracting foreign direct investment
Overall, the report calls for an
(FDI), including a relatively open
industrial strategy that presents the
attitude to foreign ownership of
UK as forward-looking, open for
assets and a flexible labour market.
business, and an active and welcoming
It calls on the Government to
partner for the international research,
continue to create the conditions
innovation and business communities.
for the UK to attract a high level
of FDI by developing policies and To read Engineering a future outside
frameworks that are designed to the EU produced by the Royal Academy
lower the costs of doing business of Engineering in October 2016 visit
and make the UK an attractive place www.raeng.org.uk/publications/reports/
to invest in. engineering-a-future-outside-the-eu

spring 2017


The Sylvac Scan
BEGINS WORK F60, available
The Industrial Digitalisation Review,
part of the Government’s new from Bowers ACCREDITATION
Industrial Strategy, meet for the first Optimax, Market Harborough,
time in February. Chaired by Juergen Group, UK, has been granted the UK’s first
Maier, CEO Siemens UK and Ireland,
the review is set to assess how the can increase accreditation for the verification of
coordinate measuring machines
UK can benefit from the accelerated
adoption of digital technology productively with (CMMs) equipped with imaging
probing systems against the ISO
across advanced manufacturing.
a significant 10360-7 standard by the United
The review leadership team will Kingdom Accreditation Service
engage with academia and large reduction in (UKAS).
and small businesses to see how
the design, development and inspection time ISO 10360-7:2011 specifies the
acceptance and re-verification tests
deployment of digital technologies
can drive increased national
on cylindrical for confirming the manufacturer
or user’s stated performance of
productivity. parts including Cartesian CMMs equipped with
Technologies in scope include
automation, robotics, industrial shafts, turbine imaging probing systems (often
referred to as vision or video
machine processes and the Internet
of Things.
blades, camshafts measuring machines).

and associated
FLOW components. PRECISION
CLOSER A new optical measuring system for
2017 has already seen significant the non-contact measurement of
progress on the development of a cylindrical turned parts features a
wide range of standards linked to new camera and optics for superior
flow metrology. image processing, speed and quality.
‘This demonstrates the importance The Sylvac Scan F60, available from
of the UK’s role in delivering the Bowers Group, UK, can increase
underpinning research and work productively with a significant
necessary to develop standards 15377 (differential pressure devices), reduction in inspection time on
and guidance to support trade and ISO/WD 5167-6 (wedge meters), cylindrical parts including shafts,
industry,’ says Glasgow-based NEL ISO 11631 covering fluid flow turbine blades, camshafts and
Group Manager Mark Roscoe. measurement and is involved with associated components.
‘One of the highlights of this work the ISO/TC 30/5 committee which With a cycle time of less than three
has been the excellent progress oversees mass and velocity meters. seconds on full sized parts and a
made in developing the draft of the Team members are conversing on measuring range of 60 mm diameter
new multiphase flow measurement ISO/DIS 2714 (positive displacement and 300 mm in length, the system
standard (ISO/TR 21354),’ he meters) and ISO/DIS 2715 (turbine has a helix tilting system enabling
continued. ‘This was identified as an meters) to ensure that the meters sensors to tilt to a 30 degree angle.
industry need at last year’s North are satisfactory for all liquid flows, This ensures that measurements
Sea Flow Measurement Workshop and not just oil. taken for threads are precise, taking
held in St Andrews.’ data on the flank, thread and root
For information on standards, email
NEL is also working on ISO/DTR Michael.Reader-Harris@tuv-sud.co.uk with ease.


Rise of
the cobot
Suzanne Gill takes Ever since Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws
of Robotics we have been concerned
cage-free and designed to work side-
by-side with humans on shared or
a look at the cobot, that creators will lose control of
their creations, but as more and
separate tasks.

and how safety can more collaborative robots (cobots)

Andrew Armstrong, Sales and
Marketing Manager at FANUC
emerge, man and machine are
be assured as man learning to work together.
UK, states ‘Although collaborative
robots do not eliminate the need
and machine work While traditional robots cannot work
in an operator-occupied workspace
for workplace risk assessments, the
increased adoption of peripheral
together. without safety fencing, cobots are safety devices is enabling robots and

spring 2017

humans to work in close proximity to 4. Power and force limiting by Sensors on the robot will stop it
each other, eradicating the fear of inherent design or control: the immediately if an arm or even
interrupting production or worse, an power and force of the robot a finger is detected in its path.
accident.’ actuators need to be monitored by Developed over two years, the robot
safety-related control systems to programme was carried out in close
To work safely with humans cobots
ensure that they are within limits partnership with German robotics
are equipped with force sensing to
established by a risk assessment. manufacturer, KUKA Roboter GmbH.
limit their power and force. In any
Ford is now reviewing further uses for
situation they can ‘feel’ or detect Ford adopts cobots
collaborative robots.
an abnormal force and stop their Ford is one company using cobots for
motion immediately. Although they vehicle manufacture. The robots are
still cannot avoid a crash, they can being used to help workers fit shock
reduce impact and avoid incidents absorbers to Fiesta cars, a task that
such as crushing accidents. requires pinpoint accuracy, strength
and dexterity. Employees work hand-
The robots are
Safety standards
In 2013, the first safety standards
in-hand with the robots to ensure a being used to help
perfect fit every time.
for collaborative robotics, ANSI/
The trial at Ford’s assembly plant
workers fit shock
RIA R15.06, were published.
More recently, the ISO/TS 15066 in Cologne, Germany, is part of
the company’s investigations into
absorbers to Fiesta
standard was published in March
2016, specifically outlining Industry 4.0. Feedback was sought cars, a task that
from more than 1,000 production
guidance for and the requirements
of collaborative industrial robot line workers to identify tasks for requires pinpoint
which the new robots would be best
systems, such as contact forces and
pressures that can be applied to
suited. accuracy, strength
different regions of the body. and dexterity.
‘To ensure that humans are not
exposed to unacceptable risks
when working collaboratively, the
current standards describe four
separate measures that can be
used to provide risk reduction. It is
required that at least one of these
is fulfilled, in addition to having
visual indication that the robot is ‘Robots are helping make
in collaborative operation,’ said tasks easier, safer and quicker,
Armstrong. The four measures are: complementing our employees with
abilities that open up unlimited
1. Safety-rated monitored stop: worlds of production and design for
when it is detected that a human new Ford models,’ said Karl Anton,
has entered the collaborative Director Vehicle Operations, Ford of
workspace, the robot should stop. Europe.
The stop condition should then be
maintained until the human leaves Metre-tall robots work hand-in-hand
the workspace. with the line workers at two work
stations. Rather than manipulate
2. Hand guiding: the human can a heavy shock absorber and
guide the robot by hand. Additional installation tool, workers can now use
requirements for safety include safe- the robot to lift and automatically
limited speed monitoring and a local position the shock absorber into the
emergency stop. wheel arch, before pushing a button
3. Speed and separation monitoring: to complete installation.
the robot must maintain a specified ‘Working overhead with heavy
separation distance from the human air-powered tools is a tough job
and operate at a pre-determined that requires strength, stamina, and
speed. This measure requires careful accuracy. The robot is a real help,’
risk assessment and needs to take said Ngali Bongongo, a production
account of safety distances. worker at Ford’s Cologne plant. Continued on next page...


Where production runs are limited in ‘The concept of Du-Aro is based

volume, justifying costly dedicated around the need for ease of
assembly or packaging tooling can integration and flexibility,’ said Ian
be difficult. Finding operators to Hensman, UK Sales Manager at
integrate on production lines at Kawasaki Robotics. ‘Integrating it
short notice, and for limited periods, onto a production line conveyor with
can be an even bigger problem, so other operators simply requires it to
having a co-worker robot that can be wheeled into position and the
simply be wheeled into position arms to be physically guided through
when needed is a natural the required motions. Of course,
progression for manufacturing sensors are required to provide
automation. inputs to the controller but even this
area has been simplified with the
Two SCARA (Selective Compliance inclusion of optional vision cameras.’
Assembly Robot Arm) configurations
share the same central pedestal to The Du-Aro’s controller can also
allow Du-Aro to provide the same be supplied with embedded vision
working envelope as a human processing software. A range of
Du-Aro launch operator. Controlled by a single unit, application-specific cameras, light
Following a Japanese launch for its coordinated arm movements can be sources and grippers can be simply
Du-Aro Collaborative robot in 2015, programmed easily either by ‘lead plugged into the robot’s arms.
Kawasaki Robotics has introduced through’ or by using a tablet or robot ‘We believe we have made the
its cobot to the UK market and it is teach pendant. whole process of programming
currently being installed into several Low-power motors and speed very straightforward from program
operational systems. reduction helps Du-Aro to co-exist routines and sensing, through to
with its human operators and in the simulation of the working area and
Du-Aro is a two-arm collaborative
event of a collision or contact with operation,’ concluded Hensman.
robot designed to function as a
quickly and easily installed co-worker any object or an operator, collision A version of this article was first
to meet fluctuating production detection sensors immediately stop published in Control Engineering
demands. all motion. Europe, October 2016.

Where production
runs are limited in
volume, justifying
costly dedicated
assembly or
packaging tooling
can be difficult.


cancer with
Bajram Zeqiri As a technique for diagnosing and
treating cancer, ultrasound has
Ultrasound Computed Tomography
(UCT) is being investigated as a
from the been around for decades, and for
as long as it has existed, it has been
next-generation clinical technique
for detecting onset of breast
National Physical necessary to define how it should disease, driven by its potential low-
be used. What protocols ensure that cost, safety, comfort and operator
Laboratory’s patients get the best, most accurate independence. With Innovate UK
diagnosis possible? Are there dose funding, NPL is leading a consortium
(NPL) Ultrasound levels that shouldn’t be exceeded? comprising Precision Acoustics,

and Underwater And in what circumstances are these

Designworks and a clinical partner,
University Hospitals Bristol, to
Acoustics Group NPL has worked to answer these
design, develop and test a next-
generation UCT system for whole
questions for many years to ensure
showcases the the safety of the technique, and
breast imaging.

latest innovations is now supporting new, better

diagnosis and treatment methods
The system is based on a novel
thermal detector, pioneered at NPL.
being moved from using ultrasound. The detector is phase-insensitive
and, since the 1980s, it has been
Better diagnosis of breast
lab to industry with cancer known that UCT images from such
detectors are much less susceptible
the help of NPL It has long been known that tissue
has acoustic properties including
to errors such as image artefacts
that arise using phase-sensitive
metrology. sound speed and attenuation
that are correlated with different
breast pathologies such as cystic These issues arise because different
masses, tumours or fibroadenomas. tissues have different sound speeds.
Ultrasound is therefore better This modifies the direction of an
than X-ray mammography in ultrasound wave travelling through
distinguishing between cancers, tissue, spreading out the arrival
resulting in tissue of increased time of the acoustic waves at the
density, and naturally occurring detectors and, in extreme cases,
dense breast tissue encountered in leading to signal cancellation. Errors
younger women. in the reconstructed tissue maps are

spring 2017

Ultrasound energy
can be focused onto
a region as small as
1 mm2 to thermally
ablate (destroy)
cells with minimal
damage to the
surrounding tissue.
This is called High
Intensity Focused
Ultrasound (HIFU).

produced when using conventional the system will be deployed at treatment in place, meaning that
phase-sensitive detectors, which the clinical partner, Bristol Breast doses given to patients cannot be
are sensitive to arrival time of the Care Centre, Southmead Hospital traced back to an agreed standard
acoustic wave. for testing on a small number of or treatment plan. This can result in
volunteers and be compared with over- or under-treatment and harm
The new phase-insensitive detectors
conventional technologies. to the patient, or mean that valuable
respond to acoustic energy and
From lab to hospital new treatments are not taken up
are therefore immune to this
The last decade has seen many because they are too inconsistent.
effect. Under a project funded by
the National Institute of Health, promising new therapeutic uses for NPL first started working on HIFU
NPL proved this by showing that ultrasound emerge, including the in 2003 and we have worked
UCT images generated by the new use of extremely high power levels. closely with clinical colleagues to
detectors are much less susceptible Ultrasound energy can be focused put in place standards for its use.
to such artefacts, albeit for images onto a region as small as 1mm2 to Working with the Institute for Cancer
generated on simple test objects. ablate (destroy) cells with minimal Research (ICR), NPL created a
The Innovate UK project will develop damage to the surrounding tissue. report reviewing the measurement
an imaging system to examine the This is called High Intensity Focused needs for HIFU and identifying the
whole breast immersed in water, Ultrasound (HIFU). international standards that would
with the detector opposite an array Tissue damage can be accurately be necessary to ensure HIFU is used
of 14 transducers generating sound controlled and ultrasound waves correctly.
at 3.2M Hz. The detector-transducer can be directed using magnetic
array pair will rotate around the resonance or ultrasound imaging.
breast, gathering the data required More than 8,000 patients were
to reconstruct an attenuation image. treated commercially or in clinical
The target is to complete a scan in a trials worldwide with HIFU in 2014.
specified plane in four minutes. The To date, nearly 90,000 patients
imaging system has been built and have undergone this treatment for a
range of serious medical conditions.
is currently at NPL for performance
evaluation and optimisation. o HIFU has been approved to treat
The overall project objective is to 19 medical conditions in regions
demonstrate the clinical potential around the world, such as prostate
of the technology for identifying and liver cancer. But there is not yet
breast cancers and, in mid-2017, a metrological infrastructure for this Continued on next page...


This report was subsequently It is not just cancer treatment that

adopted by the International is benefiting from this development
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) of standards in diagnosis and
and has led to three new industry treatment. There are also exciting
standards. One of these standards developments in the treatment of
is about the measurement of total brain disorders such as Parkinson’s
power output – something of key disease and neuropathic pain.
importance, but which could not This work will improve patient
previously be measured accurately quality of life, benefit the medical
above 20 W. With power above manufacturing industry and give
several hundred watts often healthcare providers optimised
needed for clinical treatment, NPL treatment planning methods.
developed better targets and a new
Ultrasound may have been around
measurement method based on
for decades, but improvements to its
thermal expansion to monitor the
efficacy are being made every day.
power levels. These are now used
Its future as a treatment is bright.
by leading manufacturers of HIFU
sources for quality control of their
International collaboration is
essential to developing such There are also exciting
standards in medical areas. Two
EURAMET-funded projects, on
developments Bajram Zeqiri

External Beam Cancer Therapy

and Dosimetry for Therapeutic
in the treatment of Biography
Bajram Zeqiri is the Lead Scientist
Ultrasound, have resulted in better
laboratory measurement standards,
brain disorders such for the Ultrasound area in the NPL
Acoustics group. His current research
the definition of basic exposure as Parkinson’s interests relate to a number of areas
and dose quantities and enhanced of ultrasound metrology.
computer modelling, as well as disease and www.npl.co.uk
the development of transfer
standards for use in the clinical neuropathic pain. A version of this article appeared in
environment. Insights magazine, Issue 10, 2016.

Companion Company Scheme Benefits
Companies involved in measurement, instrumentation & process control
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Over the past 70 years, the InstMC has become an established and
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the exchange of information aimed to improve instrumentation and control
industry standards. The Institute supports the development of our Member
Companies through a wide range of business oriented benefits:

Opportunity to organise networking events and services;

Discounted advertising space on InstMC platforms;
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John Martin
explains what needs
to be considered
when preparing a
bow tie analysis
– a diagram that
visualises risk in
a single, simple
graphical format.
spring 2017

Bow tie diagrams are already widely right hand side of the diagram are
used in the oil and gas industry and the ‘consequences’ and in between Bow tie diagrams
are becoming increasingly popular the hazard and the consequences
within the chemicals sector too, are the mitigation barriers which, are flexible and can
forming a useful part of the armoury if successful, interrupt or mitigate
of tools used in the journey to the journey from the hazard to the be used anywhere
avoid the realisation of hazardous
consequence. This half of the bow
tie diagram is effectively an event
in an industrial
There is much talk about bow tie
tree without numerical information.
setting that a visual
analysis. However, the real value Bow tie diagrams are flexible
of bow ties comes from using the and can be used anywhere in an representation of
diagram as a visual representation
of the analysis which should already
industrial setting that a visual
representation of risk and barriers
risk and barriers
have been carried out prior to
construction of the diagram. The
would be beneficial. It allows
important information to be quickly
would be beneficial.
centre of the bow tie diagram is conveyed to people from different
the ‘top level’ event, the significant backgrounds and disciplines. The
event that needs to be avoided bow tie can quickly demonstrate
– the hazard. Examples might when pathways have very few
include overfilling of a gasoline barriers or, for example, when all the
storage tank or the occurrence of a barriers in a pathway rely on human
runaway reaction. On the left hand intervention. It is also possible to
side of the top level event are the display the effect of certain barriers
initiating events which begin the becoming impaired or failing.
journey towards the hazard. These
are often referred to as ‘causes’.
In between the causes and the
hazard are the preventive barriers
which, if successful, will interrupt
the journey from cause to hazard
and if unsuccessful will allow that
journey to proceed. In effect this
side of the diagram is a fault tree
without numerical data. On the





Producing bow tie diagrams is not bow tie diagram. Once the hazard John Martin works for ABB
without challenges and there will be identification study is complete the Consulting.
times when a fault or event tree with bow tie author selects hazardous
quantitative data is required to allow events to be considered and must
decisions to be taken. It is important concentrate on presenting the
to consider how much information data in a clear, understandable and
is displayed in the bow tie diagram useful diagram. Proprietary software
– the benefit of visual impact can can be useful for the construction
be lost if the structure becomes too of the diagrams as this provides
complex or if too much annotation is a consistent and professional
added so that the diagram becomes appearance.
unwieldy and cumbersome.
Bow ties should be used to clearly
Bow tie success and broadly communicate the key
Bow ties are best constructed once hazards and controls on site. It might
the input data has been generated be possible to construct too many
using a recognised and structured bow ties so that either quality suffers
methodology for the identification and/or the majority of diagrams are
and assessment of process hazards. never used and key information not
In the process industries HAZOP and communicated.
PHR are widely used for this purpose.
Before investing time and effort in
Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs)
the construction of the diagrams
or Piping and Instrumentation
it is important to consider how the
Diagrams (P&IDs) are divided
diagram will be of assistance on
into sections and considered by
that journey. One approach could
a suitably qualified team using
be to develop bow tie diagrams only
guidewords under the leadership of
for the most serious hazards. Here
a competent chairperson to identify
it would be beneficial to have used
hazards, initiating events, ultimate
a recognised hazard identification
consequences and barriers.
methodology as this can include risk
Failure to use a structured scoring which will assist in identifying
methodology can result in ineffective those hazards associated with the
hazard identification and may lead most severe consequence or the
to key data not being present in the greatest risk.

Before investing
time and effort in
the construction of
the diagrams it is
important to consider
how the diagram will
be of assistance on
that journey.

PRECISION_opinion piece

Saving the NHS with

and control
Each day we hear Every 10 years the NHS has
been carefully scrutinised and
the principal architect of the 1946
NHS Bill, foresaw the withering
news cautioning thoughtful, constructive reforms
have been put forward by
away of the service as the general
health of the population improved.
of an NHS crisis. authorities such as the British So it has, but the result has been
Medical Journal in 1998 and increasing life expectancy – largely
Jeremy J Ramsden, Financial Accountability & due to improvements in housing,
Management in 2009. We are sanitation and diet as much as to
honorary professor still over a year before the 70th advances in medicine – yet without

at the University anniversary, but presently one of

the most prominent and actively
The elderly need proportionately
of Buckingham, debated matters of national
concern is the perceived crisis in
more care, and their numbers are
growing rapidly. Furthermore,
UK, considers the the NHS. small families, smaller houses

causes and the Under the present organisational

regime, there is simply not enough
and general household financial
pressures have discouraged
role of sensors in money to run all the services that, many families from looking after
their elderly members at home,
it is felt, should be run. For example,
managing chronic taking the country as a whole, A&E resulting in the enormous growth
in the demand for social care,
services are severely overstretched.
disease. The drastic solution now being which has so greatly outstripped
its availability that many hospital
proposed is to reduce the number
beds are occupied by those who no
of A&E units, as the ultimate way
longer need to be there, but would
of discouraging overuse.
be vulnerable if sent back to their
The primary cause of the homes without some provision for
healthcare funding crisis is, social care.
seemingly ironically, the great
success of the NHS. Aneurin Bevan,

spring 2017

False economies
At the same time, the UK’s national
debt now stands at a very high level
— between 80 and 90% of GDP
and the Government is determined
to reduce it. Even if there were
very good evidence for increasing
healthcare spending, it is not
presently politically opportune to do
so. Nevertheless, it is worth pointing
out a number of interesting facts in
this regard.
Firstly, the UK is one of the lowest
spenders, expressed as a proportion
of GDP, on healthcare in the
developed world. Secondly, there is
a clear lack of correlation between
the quality of health outcomes, such
as life expectancy, and healthcare
Finally, the National Institute
for Health and Care Excellence
(NICE), the body that determines
whether to authorise spending
from the public purse on drugs or
treatments, despite its purported
use of “evidence” to underpin its
decisions, is actually overly frugal
and, therefore, denies drugs and
treatments even though they would
be beneficial in monetary terms. The
root of this discrepancy seems to
be undervaluation of the quality of Professor Philip Thomas
life. If the J-value approach is used, speaks at the InstMC Smart
as presented by P J Thomas, in the Sensor Systems for Self- Care
Proceedings of the Smart Sensor Symposium held on
Systems for Self-Care Symposium January 18th 2017
held by the InstMC on 18 January
2017, it allows the appropriate hardware instruments, but these
level of spending to be determined efforts seem to have largely petered
in terms of objective parameters out.
such as income and life expectancy,
and application of this approach Then there are global factors, such There are also exciting
to healthcare clearly reveals the as the emergence of antibiotic
resistance in bacteria. Britain is
false economy of many of NICE’s
doing quite well in keeping this
under control compared with
in the treatment of
Clinical costs
Another factor contributing to the
many other countries, but with brain disorders such
international travel being relatively
present difficulties of the NHS is the cheap and easy, there is always as Parkinson’s
growing cost of medicine — drugs the risk of importing resistant
are ever more expensive to develop, bacteria from elsewhere. Yet disease and
and high-value capital equipment another problem is the burgeoning
(such as tomographs and functional bureaucracy of the NHS, fulfilling neuropathic pain.
magnetic resonance scanners) Parkinson’s law in common with
are more expensive than ever any large organisation. Few, if any,
before. There have been attempts analyses and proposals tackle this
to develop low-cost open-source fundamental aspect. Continued on next page...

PRECISION_opinion piece

Finally, there is the problem of (now a social purpose company) to in which their fellow citizens spend
lifestyle. Healthcare manuals written explore the practical application of their money as utterly foolish and
in the 1820s recommend walking behavioural science. This goes back opposed to their real needs. People,
or running about 20 miles a day to the work of J B Watson about they say, should change their diet,
whereas official recommendations a hundred years ago, which B.F. restrict their current consumption
nowadays suggest walking for Skinner then developed into ‘operant of intoxicating beverages and
20 minutes, about one tenth the conditioning’, or behaviourism, tobacco, and employ their leisure
amount of exercise. Similarly with a central tenet of which is that time in a more reasonable manner.
diet — Albert Szent György, who the individual’s behaviour is a These doctors are probably right.
discovered vitamin C, believed function of its consequences (not But it is not the task of Government
that man’s natural intake of fresh intentions or goals). Hence, positive to improve the behaviour of its
vegetables would give him about and negative reinforcements “subjects.” Neither is it the task of
1g of the vitamin per day — official
and punishments are used to businessmen. They are not the
recommendations suggest about
achieve desired behaviours. In guardians of their customers. If the
one tenth of that amount.
the commercial sphere, especially public prefers hard to soft drinks,
Furthermore, we eat a great deal of among exploiters of digital the entrepreneurs have to yield
processed food rather than buying technologies, B J Fogg’s ‘behaviour to these wishes. He who wants to
fresh ingredients and preparing them design’ has become popular and reform his countrymen must take
ourselves, and this implies, usually, quite successful. recourse to persuasion. This alone is
less fibre and more preservatives.
The Behavioural Insights Team is a democratic way of bringing about
Some prominent healthcare
attempting to tackle matters such as changes.’
practitioners, such as Lord Darzi, who
has been a prolific writer of reports smoking, organ donation, teenage ‘Nudging’ is surely a kind of
and articles in recent years, strongly pregnancy, alcohol consumption, persuasion, not the brainwashing
advocate behavioural changes to obesity, type 2 diabetes, food that one associates with totalitarian
combat “lifestyle diseases” such hygiene, physical activity and states. We are all at liberty to ignore
as type 2 diabetes, including more social care. But while the goals are the nudging completely. Only if it
exercise and improved diet. laudable, these ‘nudging’ activities
starts to become coercion must we
may be inappropriate.
Behave yourself invoke the old maxim quis custodiet
The previous Government set up In 1944, Von Mises remarked, ipsos custodes? (who will watch the
the Behavioural Insights Team ‘Many doctors describe the ways watchmen?)

spring 2017

for managing chronic diseases,

which presently consume well over
half the resources of the NHS.
Artificial intelligence, despite
the vaunted imminence of its
introduction into NHS advisory
services, does not yet seem to be
sufficiently advanced to be able
to deal with the interpretation of
the data generated by the new
generation of sensors, but this may
If the NHS is to maintain its well come.
fundamental principle of free
In 1974, Austrian philosopher
treatment at point of care, paid for
Ivan Illich considered that the
out of general taxation, a degree
post-Second World War industrial
of social responsibility is required.
system for health improvement,
Last year, the Vale of York Clinical
epitomised by the NHS, was actually
Commissioning Group proposed
counterproductive, not least since
that if overweight people did not
that type of medical science created
lose weight they would be prevented
new needs for health care — hence
from undergoing surgery for up to
the unstoppable demands placed on
12 months while smokers would
a service like the NHS.
be forced to wait for six months if
they did not quit. The proposals Although the sensors are themselves
triggered outrage among those who the product of an industry, is it
believed they violated “patients’” possible that they could be deployed
fundamental right to treatment’. in such a way as to help once again
restore acceptance of the essential
Evidently the NHS is an exceedingly
features of our humanity, including
complex system, and must be
the capacity to bear pain, accept
treated accordingly. Despite health
ageing, and face death with positive
being as much about prevention as
equanimity, rather than simply
cure, the NHS has very much evolved considering ourselves as a unit to be
into a cure-oriented organisation cybernetically optimised?
and is not itself interested in
inexpensive measures, such as Bio
accident prevention, which could Jeremy J Ramsden is member of the
enormously reduce the burden on Systems Management Panel at the
A&E units. Institute of Measurement & Control.

Self control
Lying somewhere between
prevention and cure is the upcoming
generation of advanced, miniature
sensors able to monitor health
Artificial intelligence, despite the
parameters at the point of care — a
GP’s surgery or even at home.
vaunted imminence of its introduction
Progressive GPs are already into NHS advisory services, does not yet
encouraging patients to find
out as much as they can about
seem to be sufficiently advanced to be
their condition — from books
or the internet — before their
able to deal with the interpretation of the
standard 10-minute appointment. data generated by the new generation
Empowering them by supplying
them with sensors able to measure of sensors, but this may well come.
vital parameters, even DNA
sequences, is the next step along this
path. It could be especially valuable


New logo This new logo, along with a number Changes to publications
of other changes to Institute During 2017 you will receive
media, will form a new look for the four issues of Precision, this new
Institute during 2017, which we members’ magazine, as well as ten
hope you will enjoy. issues of Measurement & Control
Website changes (M&C). From January 2018, the
The new Institute website was M&C journal will move to an online-
launched in 2015 and while the only version and the new members’
look and feel is much improved, magazine will be the primary
The Institute’s new logo was there are some functions to be printed publication for members.
launched on 27 February 2017. added, such as a members only If you would like to advertise in
With a contemporary professional area. Recently, the ability to pay Precision magazine, please
engineering look, we hope it subscriptions online was introduced contact Danny Henderson on
conveys what we do and what and several additional functions +44 (0)20 7387 4949 Ext 3 or email
sort of people we are. The are planned. To provide these precision@instmc.org
design incorporates reference to new website capabilities, the
measurement and control via the Institute is currently looking to
stylised scale and flow-symbol acquire a Customer (Members)
motifs. The format is chosen to Relationship Management system
be clean and uncluttered, with (CRM). This new system will allow
a bold graphic that suggests an members to login and gain access
established and authoritative voice. to additional information. This will
We have changed our typeface also allow personalisation of the
to one with a modern image and way the Institute communicates
improved legibility. with members, as well as allowing
each member to join Special
Interest Groups or ‘communities of


Join the InstMC and gain a competitive edge

What are the benefits of becoming a member of the InstMC?

Official recognition of your skills and expertise

Special Interest Groups to connect with like-minded professionals
and grow your network
Programmes, local and national events to build your skills
Opportunity to engage with other professionals to influence
national strategy
Advice from experienced members and mentoring programmes
designed to develop your career
Access to relevant technical publications and information
Discounts on a range of services essential for today’s engineers.


We interview
Dr Graeme Philp,
Honorary Secretary
and Trustee of
the InstMC and
Chief Executive of

What was the root of your I got into electronics in my mid teens of commercialisation of these skills
interest in engineering? through an equally inspirational and making them count for the
uncle who had started his career as economic wealth of our citizens, we
My dad has to take most of the a TV repairman. There was no way I have consistently punched below our
credit. His father owned a garage in was ever going to be anything other weight since the end of the 1950s.
Carlisle and spent his life fixing cars. than an engineer. There are examples of brilliance –
My dad helped from an early age ARM is one, Rolls-Royce continues
but was more interested in aircraft. to be another. But the political
He began in national service in the struggles that Rolls-Royce has had
RAF in the late 1940s and came out in its past, to stay alive in a world of
to become an airframe technician What is your vision of
eye-watering development costs and
at Napiers at Luton Airport in the engineering in Britain in
long development cycles, is a great
mid 1950s. For as long as I can 2020?
metaphor for what we need to put
remember, he encouraged me to use The UK has a proud track record for right in the UK to turn our potential
his tools to build things, starting with innovation and continues to produce into reality.
the inevitable soapbox go-karts, then some of the most free-thinking and
moving onto flying model aircraft- innovative engineers in the world.
another of his passions. I even built a It also produces some of the best
rocket powered monorail in our back project managers and, through the
garden with his help. accident of birth that gives us world
Then came the motorbikes and rust- class skills in – the global language
bucket cars that many young kids of science and engineering – English,
went through at that time. He would we are also called upon to chair
encourage me to strip down engines many of the influential working
and gearboxes to component parts groups that codify engineering
and service them and put them back through standards and legislation.
together. Between us we kept cars We have all the right ingredients
going mechanically long after their to make the UK one of the most
bodies had decided to give up the influential locations for engineering –
ghost. just as we have become for banking
and financial services, but in terms

spring 2017

We need to become less short-term

and more knowledgeable about
technology at government and
company boss levels – investing in
the right things and not just leaving Engineering is one of the few
everything to the markets. Markets
are good at reacting to what is put professions a young person can enter
in front of them and notoriously
bad at predicting what they want that really can make a meaningful
in the future. With longer-term
thinking we’ll invest in training,
contribution towards solving social and
apprenticeships and promising
innovation, continue investing in
environmental challenges.
development through the ‘chasm
of death’ and won’t sell out to
multinationals just as we start to
be successful. Instead, we’ll have
the vision and the confidence to become much more technology
become one of those multinationals savvy and begin to understand
ourselves. That’s the way we’ll make the engineering industry and
engineering appealing again to how important it is for wealth
young people. That’s what I hope for creation in the UK. It needs to
2020 and beyond. stop insisting on quick wins and
sound bites and see that its job
is to understand at a deeper level
what engineering and technology
What should the UK can do for the UK. In particular,
Government do to address it needs to wake up fully to the
the shortage of engineers? contribution that instrumentation
control and automation can make
Engineering is one of the few to productivity, wealth creation and
professions a young person can enter safety and job satisfaction in the UK.
that really can make a meaningful
contribution towards solving social
and environmental challenges. It
really shouldn’t be a difficult sale to
What do you do in your free
people considering their careers. But
somehow we have failed to get this
time to relax?
message across to parents, teachers I sail. I think this is quite a popular
and politicians and the result is that pastime amongst engineers.
a career in engineering remains once Something about the elemental
of the UK’s best kept secrets. forces and the maths necessary to
sail the boat safely and get it to
Government has a part to play in
where you want to go. As the CEO
addressing this issue but cannot do
of a public company for 13 years, it
it all. It is up to us in the profession
was also a pastime that was all-
to get our ‘marketing’ right and
consuming – I could relax without
show the general public what a
my brain free-wheeling, because
great career in engineering and
when it did that, I could guarantee
technology offers. Government
that I would would find myself
has done some good work on
thinking about work.
apprenticeships recently and, after
much lobbying from our industry and
others, has extended these to also
apply to the 40% of school leavers
who go to universities – a great step What would your one wish
forward. be?
Now the Government needs to More vision in politics and industry.

PRECISION_business news

Accountancy and business advisory firm, BDO LLP,
took a look at merger and acquisitions activity in
the test and measurement sector during 2016.
The test and measurement sector border deals into the UK market Smart, wireless and automated
is a dynamic industry that has been include Australian ALS Ltd’s technologies will proliferate, and
growing strongly. The sector remains acquisition of ALControl UK Ltd, a there will be increased efforts to
highly fragmented, but 2016 provider of food and environmental harness the associated big data
proved to be another record year for analytical services to streamline
mergers and acquisitions (M&A) with for AU$66.7m, and processes, gain
deal volumes increasing by 15%. the acquisition of efficiencies,
In total, 322 deals were reported in e2v Technologies implement controls
2016 compared to 281 in 2015. plc by US- and improve safety.
based Teledyne Furthermore, the
The global outreach of the industry Technologies Inc
was confirmed with cross-border growth of global
for £620m.
deals accounting for 38% of brands and political
transactions in the year. There Private equity rhetoric around
have been increases across all volumes have protectionist
geographies, but it is the North also steadily policies will create
American and UK markets that increased. Recent deals include an increasing need for brand
have fuelled growth. North America Battery Ventures’ buy-out of protection, leading to increased
Michell Instruments Ltd to support supply chain scrutiny.’
was involved in 43% of all M&A
investment in Michell’s proprietary
transactions in 2016, having more Against this backdrop, a number of
technology and in complementary
than doubled the volume of activity larger businesses in the sector are
acquisitions, and the MBO of Thyson
since 2014. Deal volumes in the repositioning themselves, aligning
Technology Holdings Ltd backed
UK market also saw a significant with client needs and future-proofing
by NVM Private Equity, which will
increase with a 27% rise in 2016, for long-term growth. Examples are
spur entry to new markets and
and steady quarter-on-quarter Spectris plc, which manufactures
international growth.
increases through the year. instruments and controls, and has
Roger Buckley, M&A Partner at
41% of the UK targets sold in 2016 been making acquisitions to shift
accountancy and business advisory
were cross-border transactions, its emphasis towards complete
firm BDO LLP, said, ‘We expect
demonstrating how international solutions, combining products,
another strong year of M&A activity
investors continue to be attracted to within the test and measurement software and service. A further
the UK market, despite uncertainty sector in 2017.’ example is Exova plc, which made a
surrounding the UK’s future number of acquisitions and disposals
international trade agreements. The Buckley continued, ‘The shadow in 2016 to realign its business
lower value of the Pound Sterling of high-profile scandals will spur towards more technically demanding
and the surfacing of better-than- regulation and increase the services in sectors such as fire,
expected economic data are also outsourcing of non-core functions transportation, aerospace, industrials
supporting investors who believe in by businesses and governments. We
and infrastructure.
also predict an increasing emphasis
the long-term prospects for attractive
on environmental monitoring as A full report on 2016 M&A Highlights
UK businesses.
pollution, air and water quality rise can be downloaded here:
Recent examples of sizeable cross- up the political and public agenda. http://bit.ly/2kKbx8r

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