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Tunes hotel was first built in Kulalumpur, the idea comes from co founder Datuk Tony Fernandes, that

also the founder and CEO of Air Asia Loq cost carrier airline, the diea of the airline is affordable but with
high quality, this standards also used in Tune hotel, as no frills concepts hotel. Stated in tune hotel claim
offer ``a five star sleeping experience at a one star price`` the rooms charges from ---------

Tune hotel owned by tune hotel sdn.bhm that are Datuk Kalimillah Hassan and Lim Kian Onn that have
12.03 per cent each and 3.75 per cent tune hotels employee, as the tune venture Datuk Tony Fernandes
are 40 percent, Datuk Kamarudin Marenum 30per cent, Dennis Melka are 25% and tune strateguv
investment are five percent. The Chief Executive Officer are Mr Mark Lankester.

Tune hotel SWOT analysis as their strength firstly advance booking this will decrease the level of
uncertainty of the hotel, the earlier book room, the cheapest the price will get. Outsourcing this will
save costs. As stated by Mark – CEO tune hotel always have a good conncetions with the outsourcing
management to gurantee that service are in satisfactory level and in the same level of the hotel wants.
Tune hotel always have the good relationship with the third parties. The other advantage is staff training
that provide the best service. Tune hotel also have the best location that in --- and …, which is the center
of tourist, which will reduce the customers transportation cost. Its not far from popular atterction for
tourist and entertainment areas. As tunes hotel no frills concepts are new innovation with combining
style with budget, strategic location and creative advertisement, this all implement creavity strategy.
The last one is strong strategic partners. That working together with big company and also each floor of
the hotels is sponsir by King Koil, Penasonic, CIMB bank etc. Each floor have different desing that
baaseod logo and color of the advertisement of the company.

The weakness in tune hotel is lacking awareness of information of the hotel. As it newly operated.
Secondly tune hotel have limited service, this will unsatisfy customers.

The opportunity of the hotel is the innovative and market leader, as the no frill concepthotel in Bali are
new in the market. Tune hotel have the advantage og teach more customer with
effectivemarketingstrategy as their concept are new.

The threats is the competition which are budget hotel in Bali, as example ------ the pricing of the hotel as
not as low as tune hotel, but this also can be consider. Outsourcing is strengh but also a weakness, as if
the outsourcing company could not dialed the expectations from the customer, both direct and indirect
this will impact negative for the business, so the hotel should make a strong relationship with the third
parties to control the productivity.

Balance score card are the approach by the mnagment that are able to ling organizational and strategies
with the aiming of company vision and mission (Hepworth, 1998). It measure not only financial data but
also customer, internal business process and also learning for performance in an organizational
(Hepworth, 1998).
The cost leadership strategy stated by Parnell (2000) that it design to produce good or sercices that are
cheap compare to the competitors this is focusing on the efficeny of the operations, as the company
produce and sells the product more efficiently compare to the competitors this means the company
have the cost leadership strategy. In this case tunes hotel are one of the hotel that used this method as
stated by Mark Lankester as chief executive officers (2008) ``we are managing this just like a budget
airline and that means keeping cost low. We Outsource most service and encourage people to book
early to get the best deals``. This cost leadership stragey design are the main focus of the hotel. Stated in
Porter (1980) that reducing costs and improving the quality of service makes the hotel effectively
implement the strategies sucj as product differenciate and cost leadership.

The marketing strategy analysis that used marketing miy that are with the various external and internal
as PESTEL and Porter!s five fources analysis, SWOT analysis with the formulation of the competitive
strategies (Porters Generic Strategies, 2000). Kotler and Armstrong (2004) stated the marketing miy is a
concept of marketing that have the controllable tools that produce with the target market that influence
the demand of the company product. As in tune hotel hey modified the miyture of the four elements
with their service with physical, process, people and productivity and quality. Firstly their service are
with concepts no frills with core and supplementary service. Secondly place and time which are the
location in the tourism part of Bali, which check in is 2pm and check out is 12 pm. Pticing strategy that
are rang of ------ to ---. The concept of the pricing is peak season with promotions and the booking
period that have to be in advance. With the advance booking system the rate will be different with the
peak and low season. The pricing strategy that are similar with Air Asia. Moreover, the physical
environment, that have the major impact of the customer impression. The hotel clean and comfortable
physical environment. The process of delivering that the tune hotel that need more improvement, as
stated in (-----) the designed process that are unsuitable will have the slow, bureaucratic, and ineffective
service delivery that can lead to waste time and unsatisfaying experience for the customers. . The
people that tunes hotel goal are the employee are the core asset, and `people` will determine the
company success. The last one by improving the productivity and quality it will reduce costs, and with
the outsourcing strategy that used it will reduce costs, as the tune hotel low price the quality of services
are higher then other budget hotels in Bali. Tune hotel target market as foregn travaler, local traveler,
and drop in customers.

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