Pavese Language Development Observation and Analysis

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Liana Pavese Due: November 28, 2016

ETE 234
Language Development Observation and Analysis
October 10th Location: Eva’s House Start time: 12:10 pm End time: 1:00 pm
*only ~20 minutes transcribed based on the amount of utterances she was producing*
Eva (age 4 years, 4 months). Eva was born 3 months premature and stayed in the hospital until
her original due date. Physically she is roughly in the 10th percentile for height. Yet, she has a
large and happy personality to make up for her size. She is extremely social once she warms up
to a new person and has a very inquisitive mind for what happens all around her.

Mom, Dad and younger sister (Myla) were all home and talking about all different events that
were going on in school and other recent events.

Eva: E Mom: M Dad: D Myla: Myla Liana (Me): L

Eva is sitting on the stairs going through her goodie bag of candy. She believes I am coming to
babysit so she is a little confused at the beginning.
MLU/Audio Time

1. E: Are1 you1 home1 at1 my1 house1? 6

2. E: Hey1 daddy1 are1 you1 stay1ing1? 6

D: I’m staying, daddy doesn’t work till later.

3. E: Is momma, is1 momma1 go1ing1? 4

M: Liana, she thinks you’re here to babysit.

4. E: Is momma, is momma, is1 momma1 gonna1 stay1 with1 me1? 6
5. E: Is1 momma1… 2
M: Yes, honey, we’re both here, we’re both here. Liana is just coming to visit us and
6. Eva: Can1 I1 come1? 3
M: Mhmm.

D: You’re already here.

7. E: But1 I1 wanna1 come1 momma1. 5
8. E: Can1 I1 be1 with1 Liana1? 5
I went to place the phone closer to Eva, by the stairs.

9. E: Scuse1 me1. Guarding her candy on the steps. 2

10. E: You can look, you1 can1 look1 at1 my1 thing1s1. 7
11. E: Look1 what1 I1’m1 do1ing1. Do1ing1 a1 magic1 trick1. 11
12. E: Daddy see I got…I1’m1 do1ing1 magic1. 5
D: You got pencils?

13. E: Yeah1, I1’m1 hold1ing1 in1 my1 toe1s1 and1 my1 ear1s1. 13
14. E: Can1 you1 do1 that1 Myla1? 5

M: Myla can’t do it, only you can do it.

15. E: Myla1’s1 too1 little1. Myla1 watch1 me1. 7
16. E: Watch1 me1 Myla1. 3
M: Myla, watch Eva. She’s got something cool to show you.

M: Tell Myla what you’re doing.

17. E: I1’m1 do1ing1 magic1 trick1s1. 7
18. E: Myla1 look1 at1 me1. 4
19. E: Myla1. Myla1! 2

M: Myla go see what Eva’s doing, it’s very funny. (Talking to Myla: “Wanna go see what
Eva’s doing?” Myla: No.)

20. E: Myla1, come1 on1. Myla1 it1’s1 not1 scary1, it1’s1 just1 me1. 12
Parents are encouraging Myla to go closer to Eva to see what’s happening.

21. E: See1. Trying to show Myla her pencil trick. 1

22. E: Myla1 you1 too1 little1. You1 have1 your1 shoe1s1 on1. 10
23. E: Myla1. Now getting annoyed of her sister. 1
24. E: Momma1, Momma1, Momma1, Momma1. 4
M: Ya.
25. E: I1 took1 my1 shoe1s1 off1. 6
M: Good job, you took them off by yourself?

26. E: Myla1, leave1 me1 alone1. Myla was getting pesty. 4

M: Hey Eva that’s not nice. 2:15

27. E: Hey1, daddyyy1!!! 2

Dad pointing to something gross on the ground.

D: What is this? Gross.

28. E: What1 is1 it1 daddy1? 4
D: Something you guys squashed on the floor.

29. E: Is1 it1 sand1? Or1 Water1? 5

30. E: Is1 it1 a1 blueberry1 or1 a1 strawberry1? 7
31. E: Is1 it1 a1 toy1? Is1 it1 jamm1ies1? 8
32. E: Or1 a1 little1 raspberry1? 4
33. E: Or1 cranberry1? 2
Dad starts making spooky noises.

34. E: No1! Ekkkk1. Drums pencils between the stairs. 2

35. E: Where1’s1 Myla1? 3
36. E: Myla1, I1’m1 mak1ing1 music1. Still drumming the pencils. 6
37. E: Looks up at me while I’m taking notes. What1 are1 you1 do1ing1? Liana1,
what1 are1 you1 do1ing1? 11
L: I gotta write stuff down for school.

38. E: Oh1, just1 like1 me1! 4

L: Yeah. Trying to say as little as possible.

39. E: Can1 we1 both1 go1 to1 school1 Liana1? 7

L: Yeah.

40. E: How1 you1 gonna1 go1 in1 thirty1 minute1s1? Are1 you1 gonna1 go1? 12
L: No.
D: What’d you say? In three minutes?

41. E: In1 three1 minute1s1. 4

D: Why in three minutes?

42. E: Myla1 say1 uh-oh1. 3

43. E: Myla1 say1 uh-oh1. Myla repeats and laughs. 3
44. E: Can1 you1 tell1 Myla1 to1 say1 uh-oh1? 7
45. E: Liana1 say1 uh-oh1. 3
46. E: Ooooh1. Look1. Yells and points to the show that’s on TV. 2
47. E: Look1 they1’re1 in1 half1. Referring to her candy. 5
48. E: Can1 you1 see1 me1? I’m…you1 want1 a1 wand1 daddy1? 9
D: You’re invisible, I can’t see you. Where did you go? 4:32

D: Where’s Eva? Where’s Myla? I can’t see you.

49. E: You1 can1 see1 me1! 4
Eva and Myla start running around the room.

50. E: Here1 I1 am1! 3

D: You found me.

M: Are you playing peek-a-boo?

51. E: What1 about1 Myla1? 3

M: There you are, I see you.

D: You want your shoes off Myla?

52. E: Just1 like1 I1 did1. Referring to her shoes. 4

Myla: Hey boo. Starts running around.

53. E: Go1 get1 her1! Liana1 go1 get1 her1! 7

Continues to run and laugh around the house with Myla.

M: Eva do you have to go potty?

54. E: No1. Myla1 has1 to1 go1 potty1. 6

D: How do you know?

55. E: Myla1 has1 poo-poo1 in1 her1 pant1s1. 7
56. E: No1! She1’s1 poo-poo1 on1 my1 candy1! Mom and Dad laugh. 7
Myla: Hey boo. Pee-u. Running around. 5:33

57. E: Myla1 you1 have1 poo-poo1 in1 your1 pant1s1. 8

Both girls start running around the house laughing and screaming.
58. E: No1, no1, no1, no1, no1. 5

Myla: Hey boo.

59. E: Hey1 boo1…. 2
60. E: There1’s1 poo-poo1 on1 my1 candy1. 6
Mom asks the girls to stop talking about poo-poo and changes the subject.

M: Eva why don’t you tell Liana what you did at school today?
61. E: I jus, I1 just1 play1ed1 with1 them1… 6

D: What kind of snack did you have at school today? 6:15

62. E: Uh, chip1s1. 2
M&D: Chips?

63. E: No1 crack1er1s1, no1 juice1. I1 just1 have1 water1, water1, just1 water1. 13
D: Chips and water?

M: Did you have salsa?

64. E: Yeah1. 1

M: What’d the salsa look like? Do you know?

65. E: Uh, look1ed1 like1 vegetable1s1 and1 tomato1es1. 8
66. E: Myla1…my1 school1… 3
D: Was it spicy? 6:38

67. E: Nope1, it1 was1 fine1. 4

D: It was fine? It was delicious?

68. E: Mhmm1, yeah1. 2

69. E: Look1 at1 my1 pretty1 dress1. 4

D: Did you get something on your dress?

70. E: Nope1. 1

Mom informs Eva that picture day is on Wednesday. Eva comes over to the couch.
71. E: Look1. Look1. I1 got1 my1 pretty1 dress1 on1. 8
(Holds out the bottom of her shirt)
M: That’s a shirt.
72. E: Hey1. 1
73. E: Hey1 Myla1, me1… (screams) 3
D: Are you still hungry? 7:18

M: Eva, if you want a piece of pizza you need to drink your shake first.
Eva and Myla start running in circles between me and the parents.

D: Why are you doing that?

74. E: Myla1. 1
75. E: Runs into Myla. I1’m1 sorry1 Myla1. 4
D: Careful you’re going to poke somebody’s eye out.
Still running laugh and screaming
M: Eva, why don’t you tell Liana what you want to be when you grow up?

M: Eva come here, come here. Eva what do you wanna be when you grow up?
76. E: I1 wanna1 be1, uh, a1 witch1. 5

M: A witch?
D: No that’s for Halloween. When you’re a big person what do you wanna be? What do you
wanna do?
77. E: I wanna be, I wanna be, I1 wanna1 be1 a1 ballerina1 play1er1. 7

Myla runs into my knee.

78. E: What1 about1 Myla1? What1 about1 Myla1? 6

D: What about what you said the other day?

79. E: Bunn1ies1! 2

M: Eva you said you wanted to be a police officer right, like Judy in Zootopia. 8:50
80. E: Yeah1. 1

M: Do you remember what she does? What’s her job?

81. E: She, she1…gets distracted then takes a “police” stance. 1

Mom continues to ask what Judy’s job is in the movie.

82. E: She1 do1es1, right1, I1’m1 not1 a1 dumb1 bunny1. 10
83. E: Myla1 say1, I1’m1 not1 a1 dumb1 bunny1. 8
D: I thought you wanted to…
84. E: No1, I1 wanna1 be1 a1 police1 office1r1. 8

D: I thought you wanted to go see the moon.

85. E: No1 the1 moon1 is1 gone1. 5

D: Thought you wanted to go see if there was cheese on the moon?

86. E: Eeew1! No1 daddy1! 3

D: Don’t you want to eat the moon like in Wallace and Gromit?
87. E: No1, on1 top1 of1 the1 moon1. 6

M: Eva what do you think is on the moon? Think there are any animals on the moon? 9:45
88. E: Nope1! Just1 star1s1. 4
89. E: I1 wanna1 be1 an1 astronaut1. 5

M: An astronaut?
90. E: Yeah1, out1er1 space1! And1 blastoff1! 6
91. E: Myla , what do you wanna be when you grow up ? You wanna be an1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

astronaut1 just1 like1 me1? 18

1 1 1 1
92. E: And blastoff ! And blastoff ! 4
Screams and runs in circles in the middle of the living room. They’re acting like they are blasting
into outer space. Mom tells them to settle down.
D: Oh, well we’ll have to get a new Myla now, that one’s broken.

93. E: No1. 1
94. E: Hey1, daddy1 look1 my1 wing1 flap1…flaps her wings up and down. 6

D: Mhmm, like a fairy. 11:28

95. E: Hey1, Myla1 look1 my1… 4

M&D: Give Myla a kiss.

96. E: Leans over and kisses her sister. I1 love1 you1 Myla1. 4

M: Eva notice something different about this room?

97. E: Looks around. What1 is1 it1? 3

M: Look at the floor.

98. E: Can1 we1 see1? 3
M: What’s different?

99. E: The1 rug1. 2

M: What happened to it?

100. E: It, come1 on1 it1’s1 outside1, come1 on1 with1 me1 momma1. 10
101. E: Come1 on1, come1 on1 momma1, come1 on1. 7
102. E: Come1 on1 momma1. You1 see1 it1? 6
M: What’s it doing out there?

103. E: Daddy1’s1 wash1ing1 it1. 5

M: Why does it need to be washed? 12:25

104. E: Because1, but it, it1’s1 all1 wet1. 5

105. E: Yes1! Yes1! Yes1! Yes1! 4
Mom and Dad start talking about a getting a new rug and notice Myla looking sleepy.

D: Are you getting tired Myla?

106. E: Are1 you1 gett1ing1 tire1d1 sweetie1? 7
107. E: Myla1’s1 sorta1 gett1ing1 tire1d1. 7
Eva goes back to her spot on the stairs next to her candy.

D: What kind of things do you have in your treat bag Eva?

108. E: I1 got1 a1 lot1 of1 candy1. 6

D: Like what? What types of things do you have?

109. E: Lot1s1. 2
110. E: Hey1. 1
D: What are those things? 13:11

111. E: They1’re1 just1 suck1er1s1 and1 thing1s1 and1 candy1 and1 a1 measure1 thing1. 15
D: What’s the measure thing called?

112. E: As1 high1 as1 me1, I1’m1 big1! 7

D: What do we call that measuring thing?

113. E: It’s, it1’s1 when1 I1’m1 tall1. 6

D: It’s called a ruler.

114. E: Rule1r1! 2
115. E: Hey1 Myla1, look1 what1 I1’m1 do1ing1. Holding up the ruler. 8
116. E: Look1 what1 I1 got1 daddy1, a1 ring1. Holding up a ring pop. 7
117. E: Bracelet1. 1
D: Is that candy?

118. E: No1, it1 fit1s1 on1 me1. Look1 dad1, it1’s1 a1 bracelet1. 12
D: A bracelet, oh.

119. E: Yeah1 it1 fit1s1 on1 me1, on1 my1 finger1. 9

D: It’s a finger bracelet.

120. E: This1 is1 a1 suck1er1. Myla1 tomorrow1. 7

M: Eva are you drinking your shake (drink mixture with extra vitamins and nutrients).
121. E: And1 cherry1. 2
M: I’m going to take away your candy if you don’t start drinking your shake.

122. E: I1’m1 just1 look1ing1 at1 my1 candy1. 8

M: Ok, but can you drink your shake? Otherwise I’m going to take away your whole bag of
candy and eat it all. You want me to do that?
123. E: No1, no1! 2

M: Ok then start drinking your shake. Work on your shake.

124. E: Momma1 this1 is1 gett1ing1 bore1d1. 7

M: What are you talking about?

125. E: This1 is1 gett1ing1 bore1d1. 6

D: Myla you look like a refugee or something.

126. E: Eww1 that1’s1 disgust1ing1. 5

M: That’s not very nice Eva.

127. E: Mmmm1…screams as Myla gets too close to her candy. Myla starts humming as she
looks at the candy. 1
D: Settle down, Myla’s not going to take your candy.

128. E: I1 know1. 2
Continues to shuffle through her candy.

129. E: Hey1 look1 momma1 fruit1 snack1s1. 6

Mom and Dad explain that she needs to drink all her shake before having anything from her
candy bag.

130. E: Hey1 can1 I1 have1 fruit1… 5

M: Drink all your shake then you can have what ever you want.

Mom and Dad are talking to Myla at the end of the recording. 15:55
131. E: Hey1 mommy1, I1 wanna1 have1 this1 suck1er1. 8
132. E: Hey1 mom1…I1 was1n’t1… 5
D: Myla, want blankie, baba, night night?

133. E: Singing. Blankie1, baba1, night1 night1. Blankie1, baba1, night1 night1.
Blankie1, baba1, night1 night1. 12
D: You want to take a nap with Myla in her crib?
134. E: No1. Laughs. 1
135. E: Continues to sing. Blankie1, baba1, night1 night1. Blankie1, baba1,
night1 night1. Blankie1, baba1, night1 night1. Daddy1 say1, blankie1, baba1,
night1 night1. Blankie1, baba1, night1 night1. 22
D: Eva, do you love Myla?

136. E: Yes1! 1
137. E: Myla1! 1
138. E: Continues to sing. Blankie1, baba1, night1 night1. Blankie1, baba1,
night1 night1. Blankie1, baba1, night1 night1! Makes a raspberry sound.
Blankie1, baba1, night1 night1. Blankie1, baba1, night1 night1!! Screams. 20
D: Why don’t you tell Liana what we did yesterday?

139. E: We1 just1 play1ed1. 4

D: What did we do? Where did we go?

140. E: We1’re1 at1 home1. 4

141. E: Where1? 1

D: No, yesterday.
142. E: We1 saw1 the1 robot1s1! 5

M: Tell her about the parties we went to.

143. E: We1 went1 to1 Shannon1’s1 house1 and1 Liana…you1 party1! 9
M: Tell me what you had at the parties?

144. E: Uh, the1 spider1s1 were1 at1 Shannon1’s1 house1. 8

M: Were you scared of the Halloween decorations? 18:35

145. E: No1, no1. 2

M: What kind of toys did you play with?

146. E: The1 paw1 patrol1 truck1s1. 5

147. E: Ya1, I1 like1 paw1 patrol1. 5

M: What do they have in the front yard?

148. E: They1 have1 a1 piñata1. 4
M: A bouncy house?
149. E: Ya1, a1 piñata1 and1 all1 the1 candy1 just1 come1 down1 on1 the1 floor1.
It1’s1 a1 lot1 of1 candy1. 19
150. E: Momma1, look1. All1 my1 candy1 just1 come1d1 out1.
They1’re1 all1 come1d1 out1. 15

M: You can eat any of it until you drink your shake.

151. E: Wait1, wait1, wait1. 3

M: Why don’t you say goodnight to your sister. 20:00

152. E: Night1 night1 Myla1. 3


Total Morphemes: 834

MLU: 834/152 = 5.49

Highlighting notes:

• ____ = inflectional = 58/834 = 7%

• ____ = derivational = 8/834 = 1%
• ____ = free = 768/834 = 92%

In order to count the number of morphemes per utterance in Eva’s speech I underlined

each morpheme and then put a superscript one next to each morpheme to help keep tracking of

the total. At the end of each utterance I then added each superscript and put the total. From there,

I added up each line (utterance morpheme total) to attain the total morphemes in Eva’s speech.

Then, since I numbered each utterance I took the total amount of morphemes (834) and divided

by the totally number of utterances (152) to get an MLU of 5.49 during the language observation

of Eva’s speech.
In order to calculate the types of morphemes I noted them in the transcript and then took

the total of each type and divided by the total amount of morphemes. For example, Eva used 58

inflectional morphemes so I took 58 divided by 834 and got 7% (rounded to whole percent).

Brown’s Stages:

After taking a good look at Eva’s utterances she fits into stage early stage 5 (Hulit 205).

She is very inquisitive and just wants to know everything about her surroundings. She has a large

range in the length of her utterances which shows that she still is working on her language

development and will continue to develop more every day.

She definitely shows understanding with a few irregular verbs like: gone, saw, and went.

Eva was also using contractions pretty consistently during my observation but is still figuring out

when it’s acceptable versus when it isn’t. Some of the most used contractions Eva used includes

they’re, that’s, and we’re. She also shows that she is starting to understand the use of the

agentive form by adding the suffix –er to a verb to create a noun (i.e. player and sucker). Eva is

also using conjunctions to combine clauses and continue her thought processes. She uses and the

most as she says some longer utterances.

Eva is becoming more aware of the conversation and beginning to be able to guess what

is coming next. Many times during the conversation she would start to get excited about what

was being talked about and have to hold back and wait for her turn in the conversation. This

shows that she is getting better at taking turns and realizing that she can’t talk at the same time as

the other person in the conversation. She uses many indirect request during the conversation as

she definitely wants to keep tabs on what’s happening and where people are going.
Analysis One:

Overall Eva used a majority of free morphemes during my observation, roughly 92%. On

occasion she used bound morphemes. If bound morphemes were used, she would most

commonly use inflectional morphemes like –s (i.e. pants and things) and –ing (i.e. doing and

getting). Inflectional morphemes accounted for roughly 7% of Eva’s speech. When she used

derivational morphemes she used suffixes, mainly –er (i.e. sucker and outer). These morphemes

accounted for 1%. She also used quite a few compound words in combination with an

inflectional or derivational morphemes.

Analysis Two:

In regards to Eva’s speech sample, Halliday’s Communicative Functions best fit her

speech. Eva shows the use of the interacting function in order to maintain contact with her

parents. For example, she calls “Momma” four times in order to get the attention of her mom to

look down at her shoes. I noticed she tended to do this quite often during the interaction that I

observed. She many times would specifically call attention to one family member to make sure

they knew who she was talking to. There were many times in the sample that she used the

function, personal. Personal is described as “using language to express emotions or interest”

(Hulit 151) and she did this throughout the observation when she said things like “Eww” to

express disgust in something. Also, the use of the regulatory function to “control the behavior of

others.” When she mumbled “Mmmm,” under her breath, to warn Myla that she was to close to

the candy, that was her way to “regulate” Myla’s behavior and tell her to back up. Eva also used

the function, heuristic, to help explore her surroundings. For example, her dad was pointing out

something that was on the ground and she continued to ask “Is it a blueberry? Is it a
cranberry?” The shows her curiosity to explore her surroundings and categorize the different



Overall, Eva’s language sample gives a lot of information and insight into her personality

and developmental levels. She definitely preferred to know what was going on around her and

loved when she can get the attention of her parents or sister. As a result, most of her utterances

included reference to someone or ended in a question so that the conversation would continue.

She tended to feed off of what else was going on in the situation and enjoyed talking about things

she did or was currently doing. The sample was pretty reflective of her day to day conversations

with her parents, as I told them in advance to do what they would normally do with her and her

sister. It also helped that Eva knows me well so she didn’t feel like she needed to be shy or

uncomfortable with me observing the situation. This is highly beneficial to this analysis because

if the child is comfortable he or she is most likely to respond and act like he or she would on a

regular basis.


The process of this observation and analysis made me gain a deeper understanding of

language development. When deciding who I would observe, I definitely weighed my options

and tried to decide which child would give me which results and who would be the most

interesting. It was neat to see how Eva interacted with her parents and sister from the observing

perspective especially because most the time I’m babysitting, not analyzing.

Actually writing up the report was definitely time consuming with all the work to

transcribe and then dividing all the morphemes. But, it was definitely interesting looking at
language from a different perspective and depth. I learned that there is way more to language

development than I originally thought. I realized that there is so much hidden meaning and

concepts behind the words we say everyday. Knowing the background of language and different

ways to analyze it opens up a whole new world of possibilities in regards to understanding

someone’s developmental stage.

The sample relates to language acquisition because it supports that a child acquires

language in different ways and through a variety of aspects as they develop. It goes to show that

it is difficult to pinpoint one specific theory to explain language acquisition since components of

each theory all play a part and come together to make a more accurate approach. In regards to

language acquisition, I believe the interactionist/social theory describes Eva’s language

acquisition the best. While watching the way she interacted with her family through spoken

language and non-verbal, like body language (proximity, movement, gestures, etc.), she

exemplified many of the aspects of the theory. The interactionist theory is explained as the

process of learning language as it develops due to the interactions between the child and those

talk to him or her regularly. Also, since Eva was born at such an early part in her prenatal

development she needed lots of support and guidance in order to develop the best possible. This

trend continues using Vygotsky’s ZPD and scaffolding to help her language development

continue to expand.

Overall, I believe the most difficult thing for me while collecting this sample was not

interacting with Eva during the observation. It was interesting to watch how she interacted with

her family and how she responded when I couldn’t respond to her like I usually would. One of

the challenging things about the sample was transcribing the recording. Since there were at times

4 people talking at once, it became difficult to pick out each voice and the words correctly.
Though I had taken lots and lots of notes throughout the process I still had to go back and listen

to multiple spots on the recording 5 or 6 times to make sure I got the most accurate utterance for

the transcription. All in all, I enjoyed doing this analysis on Eva’s language development. It gave

me a new perspective on this child that I’ve known all her life and I look forward to continuing

to pause and informally observe her every once in a while in the future.

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