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Factors Controlling Wind Erosion

There are several factors that control the different wind erosion processes but there are two of main
focus which are wind related, and soil related.

Factors related to the wind are expressed as EROSIVITY, which deals with the AVAILABLE ENERGY OF THE

Soil based factors are known as ERODABILITY which notes the RESISTANCE LEVELS OF SOIL TO WIND

The amount of influence erosivity has on a landscape is determined by ROUGHNESS ELEMENTS, which
are physical objects that either slow wind speeds down in their availability, or increase then in their
absence. Trees and Buildings are roughness elements.

Roughness elements are present on the surface too and have affects on the wind velocity across the
fields. Things like pebbles, shrubs and plants are dense enough to block wind from the soil surface.

The height above the surface where the average wind velocity becomes zero is called the roughness
length (z0).

Roughness elements lift z0 to a new level above the soil surface by a displacement height, d

The erosivity of the wind is also influenced by air humidity; i.e., higher air humidity results in a lower
erosivity compared to wind with lower humidity.

the erodibility of the soil is largely determined by the soil texture and soil structure and is linked to the
forces that prevent the grains from moving.

The forces are gravity and cohesion.

Gravities import is more aparrent the heavier the soil particles are because of the high amount of energy
needed to lift them.

Cohesion is a factor due to its controlling nature of very fine sediments, with Soil moisture, organic
matter content, temperature and radiation also have an effect on the cohesion between soil grains, and
the erodibility of a soil. The higher the soil moisture and organic matter content, the more the soil
particles tend to stick to each other, thus increasing aggregate size and weight and making it harder for
them to be blown away. Temperature and radiation have the affect on water usage and top soil dry off.

the most important control factor on wind erosion is vegetation cover as it influences both erosivity and
erodibility with plants able to affect erosivity of the wind and keep soil grounded due to its roots thus
reducing erodibility

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