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Name: ________________________________________________ Teacher: _____________________________

Welcome to Are you tired of living in a world build on shallow relationships? The
way to look for love is changing, so we provide you a fun and interesting way to meet people. We
believe blind dates help people connecting with other´s inner beauty and true self. Here, you will
meet people based on their personalities. In order to help you finding the perfect match, we must
know who you are. Write a text telling us:

1-Full name
4-Email and phone number
5-What do you do? Where do you work ? How do you like your job? How´s your routine at work? Is
your job stressful/interesting/boring/relaxing/dangerous?
7- Where are you from? How´s the weather like in your city/country? What is your favorite season?
8- Favorite kinds of clothes and colors
9- Daily routine
10- Your Family (Do you have brothers or sisters? What are their names?Do you live with your
family? How old are your brothers and sisters? Do your parentes work?)
11- Your house/apartment (Where do you live? Does it have a view? How´s your house/apartment
like? What furniture do you have? Tell me about your dream home)
12- Describe your personality and appearance
*Correction code: WW: Wrong Word – WT: Wrong Time – WF: Wrong Form – WO: Wrong Order- SP: Spelling –
P: Punctuation – X: Extra Word – M: Missing Word – R: Register - ? : Not clear - !: Silly Mistake – Rw : Try re-

*Remember covering the grammar content you have learned so far. Your text should have at least 35 lines.
Name: ________________________________________________ Teacher: _____________________________

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