The Adventures of Sage Tumbleweed Episode 1

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The Adventures of Sage Tumbleweed

And the Secret Alien Agenda – Epi.1
-A Short Story-
By Randy Gonzalez

A work of fiction…

The Adventures of Sage Tumbleweed

And the Secret Alien Agenda – 1 - A Short Story
(Agent Tumbleweed also appears in a graphic storyline)
By Randy Gonzalez

In Adventure 1, we find our intrepid agent, Sage Tumbleweed, on the trail of the alien
infiltrators plotting to exploit Earth’s resources. Galactic immigration was getting out of
control. Not only that, but using humankind’s dimwitted senses against itself, the alien
marauders secret agenda included increasing the stupidity level on a global scale. Intending
to hasten the devolution of the human species, the intruders scheme to ensure rapid
regression throughout every population group. The plot was sinister. Yet, a valiant few
fought back against the widespread collusion of established institutions.
From multi-dimensional social media, to gluttonous consumptive exploitation, the
regressive slide of humanity began decades before. In the mix of societal dementia, the
divisive influence of news pundit narcissism and political psychobabble hastened the
devolution of the mainstream populace. Anti-thinking became a prominent part of the
degenerative effects in the gradual dumbing down of collective consensus. So far, the
degradations continued unabated for years. As Agent Sage knew early on, the carrying
capacity of the planet has just about reached its limit.
In short, the human race had not changed very much. For decades, the galactic pirates
watched the earth closely both near and far. Noting every aspect of human interactivity,
they concluded that humans would not survive another century. To quicken the extinction,
the space profiteers decided to intervene by a series of nefarious intrusions. Behind the
scenes, they sought to manipulate everything from domestic productivity, wealth
acquisition to foreign policy. Most successful, the gluttonous consumer industry produced
the best results in satiating the ignorance level of most people.
In collaboration with the treason of the oligarchs, the wealthy minority, the alien
trespassers aided the conglomerates associated with what was a serious nemesis. It was
called P.I.M.P. That stood for the Psycho-Institutional-Medico-Pharmaceutical industrial
complex. A massive global economic network for the intentional control of mind and body
of every human being on the planet. From bogus claims of “mind disease”, to fake
diagnoses, every possible drug contrived to manipulate the public. Nonetheless, brave
warriors fought against insurmountable odds on a daily basis.

“Morning ma’am,” Agent Sage, angular, fit as usual, wiry and spry as a cat, said with a
salute to her commander. Tall, lanky, lithe and agile, the highly trained special operative
for the Global Investigative Service (G.I.S.), reported for duty. Her perky breasts pressed
against her skintight red flight suit. “It’s a good day for a fight,” she told her boss. Deep in
the underground complex of headquarters, Sage remarked, “Even though, it’s a dark cloudy
day again, with thunderstorms on the way. We’re good to go, ma’am.”
“Ominous pretentions,” the Commander offered with hint of a British accent. Her vivid
blue eyes lit up at the sight of Sage. “You look good, Sage, very good.” Her tone contrasted
with Sage’s southern twang. She brushed back a dark red curl on the side of her sculpted
face that seemed chiseled from granite. “You’re looking spry and fit, Agent Tumbleweed.
Good, we got an early morning tip over at the botanical gardens.” She motioned Sage into
her office from the stark white Spartan reception area. Once inside the round shaped room,
the door slid closed and the room dimmed. “Let’s look at the holo-display.”
“Roger that,” Sage agreed and watched the blue translucent bubble form in the corner
of the underground office, which in New Floridia is an engineering accomplishment.
Inside, the earth rotated clockwise. “I’m concerned about these events.” As the light
adjusted, so did Sage’s multicolored cat suit. Form fitted it was water and bullet proof, and
could even absorb the energy from a space blaster. “Not good, ma’am,” Sage noted the red
glows from different countries where stupidity was spreading. “Getting worse.”
“We’re on the precipice of the apocalypse,” the Commander said sternly. “It’s been
coming, with climate changes, social infrastructure breakdowns, stupidity, etc. the human
species is on its last gasp of existence. Extinction is not far behind in all this.”
“Ma’am,” Sage started while standing at attention. Her long auburn hair waved in the
breeze from the overhead air vent. Dark brown nearly black eyes zeroed in on the U.S.
territory of the revolving quadric-dimensional globe. Cute and pixie like, she went on, “Our
country shows an increased level of dangerously disturbing stupidity. The virus is lethal.”
She took a deep breath. “It’s spreading from one person to another.”
“I know, it’s dismal,” the Commander responded and placed her crimson haired
muscular presence behind her huge glassine console. A massive bodybuilder, the chief sat
comfortably behind her commander center. “It’s simply horrible.” Her translucent aqua
armchair auto-fit to her contours while she spoke. “At ease, trooper.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” Sage sounded off respectfully and went to parade rest. She flexed
her gloved hands behind her back, always loosing up for a fight. “Our sci-lab techies tell
us the virus must either be injected directly into the blood stream, or spread by body fluids.”
She gave her boss an admiring gaze. “They’re working on the synthesis.”
“Presently, there is no cure,” the Commander reminded Sage. “People grow stupider by
the day, especially the politicians. They are the worst. Second to them, it spreads like wild
fire through academia in particular. That green slime is a blood borne pathogen; self-
generated mutations cause a person to babble all kinds of bogus conjecture.”
“Not only that ma’am, but with the collusion between the invaders,” Sage offered
reverently, “and P.I.M.P., the breeding experimentations continue.”
“Yes, the breeding, it’s the hybrid program. So far, we have not been able to prove the
conspiracy. But, credible intelligence from comm-central theorizes the invaders want
human drones, like sheep and cattle.” The commander took in a long breath. Her huge chest
rose and fell with each exhale. Sage smiled at the view and admired the massive implants.
“Alright then, you need to follow-up on your investigation at the gardens.”
“Roger that, ma’am and another tip just came in,” Sage said seriously.
“Communications center advises a credible lead at the Botox Organic Gardens.” Her big
round eyes animated her oval facial features. “A reliable tip I think.”
“A good tip of something is always good,” the commander jested with her. Broad
shouldered, brawny and tanned golden brown, the commander strolled strongly to her
compu-chef-toast-matic. In seconds, steaming organic coffee appeared. With long fingers,
she retrieved the brown recyclable cup. “Coffee, Agent Tumbleweed?”
“No thank you ma’am, I’m anxious to get back on the cases at hand.” Sage admired
those long fingers that could reach deeply into various things. “And, no doubt about it,
chief,” Sage said with a smirk. “Good tips are hard to come by.”
“You betcha, Sage,” the commander said eyeing her agent up and down. “Your suit fits
very nicely.” The commander eased back to her console. Her skintight black one-piece
pantsuit fit like a glove. The soft latex composite stretched tightly over ample pubic mound
and accentuated the crease. “Too bad we don’t have time for a joust in the gym.”
“Yes, ma’am, regretful,” Sage said with anxious admiration. “Last time, you won two
falls out of three and I had to submit to your dominating expertise.”

“It was terrific for both of us,” the commander answered with an appreciative tone. “I
enjoyed doing you, and you enjoyed getting it. All very pleasurable training, but, and I do
emphasize the butt, you get a rematch of course. You are a viable operative in so many
ways. Things could go bottoms up for you. And, with the rules of ground fighting practice,
winner picks the strap-on.” She gave Sage a wink and a nod. “I was lucky in our last bout.
Nonetheless, until next time. You’re one of my best agents be careful.”
“Thank you, ma’am, it’s an honor to work under you,” Sage replied with a sly grin. “In
all humility, I don’t mind a good pegging when the game fairly played.”
“Anyway, to move on, we’ve been getting good information from our crime stoppers
network, and the skillful efforts of the communications center,” the Commander
acknowledged. “Okay, get over to Botox and check things out.” She hesitated for a
moment. “Again, be safe, Agent Tumbleweed. Intel reports suggest recent Alien
abductions confirm your earlier suspicion. Experimentations are escalating.”
“Roger that, boss, I’m on it,” Sage quickly left and headed for the Gardens.
“Agent Tumbleweed,” the Commander stopped her. “Be careful, keep in mind that
P.I.M.P. controls most of the resources and funding at Botox Gardens.”
“Of course, commander,” Sage answered respectfully.
With her hydro-jet-car refueled in the underground complex, Sage shot through the exit
tunnel like a guided missile. Once outside the launch tube, the delta-winged car-craft
transformed. Wingspan unfolded and the sleek red, white and blue aerial vehicle raced into
the heavy sky borne traffic flow. With ease, she flew comfortably to her target. As a combat
tactical flyer, she could maneuver cleverly in and out of the traffic flow.
The aerial congestion was at its worse. It was that time of year, when gaggles of tourists
and flocks of visitors herded their way to the gulf coast. Now a thin strip of an island, New
Florida boasted of floating hotels and sunken gardens. At BOG or Botox Gardens, anchored
barges, connecting bridges and winding planked walkways linked experimental labs,
flowering arbors, and artificial gazebo reefs. A mesmerizing explosion of colors greeted
arriving guests, as well as staff and faculty of the massive research center.
Leveling off at six thousand and sixty-six feet, Sage angled through the afternoon traffic
with skillful maneuvering. In minutes, she hovered over the vast confines of the huge
botanical gardens and landed in the multi-level parking tower.

“Greetings, Agent Tumbleweed,” a male version android security officer met Sage at
the landing port. “I’m your liaison from P.I.M.P. security services.”
For a brief moment, Sage eyed the logo. The shield, or coat of arms, was royal purple,
with a gold triangle in the center. Within the triangular shape, a circle with black outline
was subdivided into three curved parts. Inside each third, was a red rose. The P.I.M.P.
conglomerate, known for its symbolism in global marketing, existed behind a maze of
hidden agendas and multiple purposes. Sage remained suspicious at all times.
“How nice, I had no idea my arrival had advanced warning,” Sage said sarcastically to
the handsome well-built drone. For a moment, her dark eyed gaze skimmed the hunky
robotic features. “You’re looking very good in that black leather uniform. Ball cap with
P.I.M.P. logo, skin suit, form fitting of course, and rocket pistol.”
“Yes, ma’am, I’m an upgrade from the previous models,” he replied. “Thank you, for
the compliment. I’m at your service, whatever you may desire.
“Anything?” She posed with a sly hint. “Hmm, let me think about it. Are you
anatomically correct, with all the latest features?” Sage wanted to know.
“Yes, ma’am,” the security humanoid answered. Standing at attention, he bowed
slightly to her. “At your service ma’am, how may I assist you in your inquiry?”
“I need to scan your I.D. number,” Sage said and whipped out her comm-link unit.
“Of course, ma’am, as you wish,” the android responded with a positive slant in his
even tone, smooth and articulate. He unzipped his skin suit. “Underside of my penis.”
“Naturally, or artificially, depending on one’s proclivity,” Sage added, sucked in a
breath and cautiously leaned forward. “Pull it out. What size are you?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he answered obediently. “Flaccid state six inches, with girth of three
point five inches.” The robot slowly pulled out his penis from inside the tight fitting pants.
Erect status is expandable depending on interest of others. On average, eight to ten inches
in length, with an average girth inflation of five point six inches.”
“Expandable, you say?” Sage let out a long sigh. “Wow, nice, very nice.” Gingerly, she
held the penis while the robot remained passive. Her handheld unit scanned the underside
of his penis. “Geezus, good sized balls too. You’re well-equipped.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” he responded demurely. “Ample fluid supply as well.”
“Uh, no doubt,” she said and momentarily held onto his penis. “Nice.”

“Please, Agent Tumbleweed,” he offered in a friendly manner. “Feel free to examine

me further. I’m at your complete service during your visit here.” The replicant, as real as a
human could be, maybe even better, perhaps superior, sucked in a breath and let the oxygen
invigorate his operational systems. “I undergo regular physicals here in the labs.”
“Hmmm, perhaps you could show me that later,” she said and noted the blast pistol he
had strapped to his hip. “I see you have the latest plasma pistol.”
“Yes, ma’am, state of the art,” he answered with a hint of confidence.
In a matter of seconds, the green tinted readout flashed on her scanner, reflecting
information available in the G.I.S. data base. Confirmation was quick. Her android liaison
was authentic and duly registered with the HR division of the massive corporate empire.
An employee of the security division with the global empire, 4-Q-6-9 was assigned to the
gardens research facility with a high level of clearance.
“Okay, I think that’ll do for now, maybe later,” Sage said admiring the huge penis and
glancing up from her scanner. “4-Q-6-9, right? How about I call you Q-9 for the time being.
Or, if you prefer, 4-Q. Wait, I kinda like that, 4-Q, has a ring to it.”
“Affirmative, Agent Tumbleweed,” 4-Q said with a hint of friendliness.
From the helipad parking area, they took the sidewalk conveyor to the main complex
and passed through three scanning checkpoints. Security cameras panned and tilted and
examined anyone who came and went from the gardens. Upon entering the expansive silver
domed complex, a festival of flora and fauna blossomed in every direction. As though the
Garden of Eden created a pristine and majestic biosphere, the inner was breathtaking.
“Wow,” Sage muttered and gulped a deep breath. She enjoyed the intake of exotic
aromas and stimulating primal scents. “Geezus, this is intoxicating.”
“Affirmative, Agent Tumbleweed.” The robot gently touched her shoulder in a
comforting way. “Much has evolved since your last visit, is that correct?”
“Yes, I’m sure your records have a notation as to the last time I visited,” she said.
“The array of visual cultivation,” the android started to explain, “along with the
aromatic accentuations, combined with aural attunements, enhance at least three parts of
the sensory networks. Later, by touch and taste, primal sensuality reaches deeper.”
“I can certainly appreciate that,” Sage agreed and nodded.
“We’ve had no complaints, in fact just the opposite,” the bot told her.

“Oh, I bet, I can feel the effects immediately,” Sage noted quickly. “Very hypnotic, a
near trance state can be induced very easily. One might say sensual enslavement.”
“Would you care to meet the chief scientist and curator?” The 4-Q inquired.
“That would be vital to my mission,” Sage acknowledged.
Using shorthand encryption, she made an immediate notation as to her suspicions about
the gardens. Sage indicated in her comm-link the probable narcotic inducements to the
visitors within the complex. Prolonged exposure could reduce resistance and gain
compliance for whatever experiments the corporate empire desired.
“This way, we’ll take the turbo lift to the underground complex,” 4-Q advised.
“I’m anxious to meet the reclusive Dr. Domina Schlagenwhip,” Sage told him.
“Yes, ma’am,” the bot stalled for a moment and beckoned Sage to enter the aqua-bubble
transporter. Then he quickly snapped to attention and added, “The Baroness Dr.
Schlagenwhip is world famous and our benevolent administrator.”
“Her reputation precedes her,” Sage added with a touch of disdain. On her handset,
while riding the crystal translucent bubble, she pulled up the dossier on the Baroness. “Uh
huh, Dr. Schlagenwhip has quite a resume’ foreign and domestic.” Part of the digital file
had the official stamp of UNIPOL, the agency that replaced Interpol. “Yep, multiple
nominations for a noble prize, of which, those have been withdrawn.”
“I would not know of the political implications,” the android commented. He abruptly
changed the discussion to, “Here we are ma’am, the lower 7th level.”
“I’m feeling a little dizzy,” Sage said as she blinked a few times. “Out of curiosity, are
the employees affected by the aromatic atmosphere? I mean how are they protected?”
“By regular scans, health exams and inoculations,” 4-Q answered.
“Of course, how silly of me,” Sage replied with a chuckle. “What the fuck? I’m an
idiot,” she whispered under her breath. “I didn’t take an immunity pill, the all-purpose
antidote for field agents. You name it, you’re protected from it.”
“No problem, Agent Sage, we can help with that,” 4-Q smiled boyishly. “Here was are.”
He pointed as mechanical doors slid open to the lab tunnels. “Watch your step.”
“Oh fuck, here we go,” Sage commented wryly in a mild stupor.
“Ah, the amazing Agent Sage Tumbleweed,” the doctor greeted. “Welcome to my
laboratory,” her thickly accented tone hailed. “Please, do come inside.”

“Dr. Domina Schlagenwhip, your fame is well documented,” Sage countered with slant
that held close to the edge of condescension. “An amazing environ you’ve made.”
“Thank you, my dear, I appreciate your visit to my lair,” Dr. Domina replied.
Rigid as an iron rail, tall, angular and thin, the Doctor possessed a ruggedly dangerous
attractiveness. Cold as the artic, Domina’s tanned complexion reflected her inner darkness,
along with mysterious thoughts that hid behind blue eyes under close cropped blond hair.
Outfitted in a black leather suit and cape, matching gloves and spiked heeled boots, the
Baroness projected a medieval characterization of landscapes drenched in blood.
“I’ve got good news for you, doc,” Sage taunted bravely. “You’re wanted in several
countries.” Sage took a step toward the much taller scientist. “Make no mistake, I will bring
you in and expose whatever the fuck you’re doing here with that alien menace.”
“Oh please,” the Baroness said with a yawn. “Spare me the melodramatics. Seize her,”
she order 4-Q. “Take her sidearm, the comm-link and restrain the bitch.”
“Fuck you, witch,” Sage blurted. “We’re going to expose you.” She struggled as best
she could against the powerful grip of the robot. Tightly, electronic restraints secured her
wrists behind her back. “I’m warning you, Dr. Schlagenwhip.”
“Sorry, my little slut,” the doc began with a snarl. “You will be fucked, literally and
figuratively. And, I do mean fucked a lot. We need a good female specimen for the latest
experimentations. You should note, by special arrangements with your intelligence
community, I’m here working on behalf of your government. Your welcome.”
“We’ll see how long that lasts,” Sage disputed with her, but slurred her words.
“Your sacrifice will be duly appreciated. Take her to the red lab,” Dr. Domina ordered
the bot. “I want her stripped, washed and examined in every crease and crevice. While you
are getting her ready, you may fuck her for practice and preparation.”
“Affirmative, my Doctor Domina,” 4-Q answered obediently.
Inside the red lab, Sage was shoved roughly into a glass enclosed shower stall. Her
restraints disappeared. Completely naked, a mist flushed inside and she slumped backwards
against the crimson tiled wall. Just above her pubis a thin strip of dark hair contrasted with
her closely shaved vagina. Water ran down the slim curvatures of her skin, and over the
dragon tattoo of her left leg. A piercing with a small gold ring through her navel glistened,
as the warm mist spewed a cleansing wash from head to toe.

Dripping down her olive complexion, the white soap suds, in plentiful supply, foamed
around every inch of her lithe luscious body. To clean and sanitize for medical purposes,
rubberized robotic arms and hands held her tightly. Nearly unconscious, she struggled as
best she could to no avail she remained completely restrained. Mechanical fingers probed
her. From outside the chamber, they watched the decontamination process.
“Hmm, she’s nicely proportioned,” the Dr. Schlagenwhip muttered to her techs, 4Q and
another entity in the observation area. “A fine specimen, strong, smart, and nicely
developed, we’re going to enjoy her.” She glanced at the tall dark hooded entity nearby.
“Agent Tumbleweed is a worthy fuck. I will definitely have to fuck her.”
“Yes, I agree,” mysterious one said through a translator unit. His voice muffled under
the mechanical processing of his cosmic language. “She is an excellent specimen for
breeding purposes, as well as pleasure, of course. The last one suffered badly.”
“Yes indeed, that one was weak,” the Domina said. Schlagenwhip added, “That agent
was not as skilled as this one. Agent Tumbleweed is very different.”
“Oooo, that’s so sensual,” a female tech mumbled as she watched Sage bathe in the lush
foams of the perfumed bath. “Robotic fingers are probing her.”
“Oh, oh, oh,” Sage hissed lowly under her breath, as two synthetic fingers caressed her
vagina. Her pelvis quivered at the touch. Fingers gently massaged her clitoris. “Oh, what’s
happening to me, now you can’t do that,” she mumbled in her stupor. “Noooo, you can’t
do this! You’re gonna pay you harpy bitch, I’m coming for you!”
“Oh baby, no doubt that, you will be cumming, long and hard,” the Dom said.
While the fingers eased into her vaginal lips, under her perky breasts, other shower
hands cupped her, held her up and tweaked her nipples. Streams of rose scented aromatic
water sprayed down from above, as multiple appendages lathered her body. Barely holding
onto the edge of consciousness, she felt the warm fluidic tease of the fingers massaging,
probing and prepping her for the next phase. Slowly, the robotic washing worked her to
the precipice of orgasm. Here head rolled from side to side as she tried to resist.
“Stop, no, oh my god,” Sage’s voice trailed off to a low hum.
“She’s getting into it,” the doctor said with a sensual hint of sexual hunger. “All bets in,
she’s gonna come in the next ten seconds, on my count, one, and two...”
“I will take that bet,” said the mysterious stranger. “Two gold bars, one platinum.”

“Hmm, nice bet, that’s ten pounds of gold and five pounds of platinum,” the doctor
began. “Let’s round that to $300,000 worth of galactic credit, done, I accept.”
“Deal, and here she goes, eight, nine…” the stranger added.
“Fuck!!! I’m cumming!!!” Sage bellowed from the shower. “Oh my god, that’s so good,
damn it, geezus, oh yeah, I’m can’t stop cumming, wet, dripping, exploding!” She hunched
as if fucking an imaginary partner, thrust her pelvis back and forth and tried to spread her
legs wider. “Oh fuck yeah! Do me harder, that’s it, fuck me!”
“Fascinating, but you win, Doctor,” the dark mysterious one said. “Well done. She is
quality, a fine specimen. She will breed well and produce the hybrids we need.”
“Excellent, she is perfect,” the Dom Doctor added with excitement. Her gaunt features
etched a pleasurable expression. She sucked in a long breath. “Adorable as a pixie, angular
hard bodied, toned and lithe, long legs, cute perky breasts, well-rounded buttocks, nicely
shaped and ample sized vagina, she’ll be wonderful.”
“Yes, indeed,” the sinister voice next to the Domina said. “Her pubis is larger than
others I have seen. Outer lips puffy and muscular. She will accommodate a large appendage
very well. And, she appears strong enough to endure multiple probing.”
“In the vernacular, my alien fiend,” the doctor replied. “She has a big cunt.” She turned
to a techie. “Analysis on Sage’s internal exam? Deep, wide, experienced?”
“Yes ma’am,” the techie from a computer screen. “Examination indicates the subject
Sage has sufficient sexual experience, depth and curvature width, and could handle a very
long penis. Or, for that matter, at least twelve inches or more.”
“Ah yes,” the doctor glanced at the data analysis. “She is quite experienced. She’ll
adequately handle a huge penis, alien or otherwise, or a big strap-on.”
“We need her type,” the alien stranger said and watched Sage with mounting interest.
“Once we achieve global domination, healthy slaves and breeding stock will be essential
to the cosmic order. Other than a few exceptions, humans will be obsolete. We need
workers, obedient ones to ensure the wealth and superiority of our species.”
“A few of us, Commander Necromon, will serve you in a special capacity,” the Domina
doctor invited assurance. “Our small contingency remains committed to the cause.”
“Your loyalty has been duly noted, doctor,” the Necromon answered darkly. “But, keep
in mind the vast majority of humans are a gluttonous unevolved species.”

“Agreed, they are wasteful, whining, sniveling and ignorant sheep,” the doctor added
with a sour slant. “Among them, those who are wealthy, we exploit their decadence.” Her
eyes were fixated on Sage’s twitching and squirming. “The stupidity virus has already
infiltrated the upper class oligarchies. Their selfishness is a matter of record.”
“They have made it all too easy to dominate them,” the alien said. “Not only that,
through their meddling in everything for the environment to education, they have made
certain the coming extinction of the species. Arrogance is the downfall.”
“I agree, commander,” the doctor added, while absently rubbing her pubis with her
black gloved hand. “But, this one, Agent Tumbleweed is a special one.”
“She is excellent, firm, fit, agile, very sexual for a human,” the commander noted.
“Her O-factor reflex is off the charts, doctor,” a techie said.
While a computer analysis whirred in the background, instruments continue to measure
Agent Sage’s orgasmic convulsions. Over the shower cubicle, a screen monitor graphically
displayed Agent Sage’s physiological and metabolic measurements. Her skeletal structure,
including internal organs, exhibited all her vital functions with instantaneous scrolling data.
Especially the graphic picture of her brain caught the doctor’s eye. Exploding in a
cascading flash of red, her cerebral activity flashed with particular intensity.
“Like a neon sign,” the doctor commented salaciously. “The O-factor is potent.”
“What a fireworks display,” the techie told her. “She’s in a special class.”
“Hmmm, interesting, public servant, cop, background and socio-economic status,
upbringing toward the lower end of the social spectrum,” the doctor began to speculate.
“Her versus that last one we tested. That one was from the upper class ranks and from a
renowned political aristocracy, an entitled spoiled brat. She failed miserably.”
“Affirmative,” Necromon confirmed with an eerie tone. “The weak, especially the
human aristocracy, the earthling oligarchs, will be subjugated without mercy.” His big
green-eyed gaze fixated on Sage. His breathing became raspy, as he continued, “As a
matter of cosmic justice, they have brought destruction upon themselves for their
oppression of their fellow creatures. Material disparity among the social classes is evil.”
“Yet, these readings are extraordinary,” Domina commented with a husky tone. She
continued, “Of course, these a certain pathology among the rich and famous.”
“When Commander Necromia arrives, she needs this data,” Necromon answered.

Meanwhile, inside her head, Sage fought back. Her psychic powers intensified, and her
core willfulness clawed at the thin veil of psychotropic terrorism. With a degree in
parapsychology, she had mastered the G.I.S.’s agent psycho-bafflegab program. In
addition, she could, if not drugged, focus her sexual energies to enhance her combat skills.
Not to forget of course, by intense focus, she could overcome the sinister efforts of
psychobabble subterfuge that betrayed the good intentions of her bravery.
For this quandary, she had to use every ounce of will, summon all the reserves of carnal
dynamisms to overpower the evil that impaled her freedom. Sage snarled, strained and
pushed her limits, as her training kicked into high gear. Against the restraints, she struggled
and pulled at the bindings. Normally, under more consensual circumstances, Sage would
not have resisted such sexual submissiveness. In pleasurable pursuits, she was not opposed
to submission, depending on the circumstances. This was different.
Challenged by the malevolent forces, her free will was at stake. Held her against her
will, she wanted to get into the fight. Moreover, each time she moved, the robotic
mechanisms slammed and pinned her harder. Another mechanical hand appeared out of
nowhere. Without hesitation, the black rubber gloved hand slapped her on both sides of the
face. She grimaced a facial expression of stern resolve. Again, back and forth, the mindless
robotic fingers brushed her cheeks with a few more slaps.
“She has spunk, I’ll give her that,” Dr. Domina uttered with a wide lipped smile.
“That’s it, time to go psycho,” Sage whispered in her labored stupor. “Fuck, I get
fucked when I wanna get fucked,” she hissed, clinging slickly to the slippery soapy walls.
“I will break my bondage,” she claimed. “Fuck you, Domina bitch,” Sage cursed and with
each ache, started to revive her senses. “Harder,” she moaned.
“Hmm, she is a feisty one,” the Alien added. “She is excellent. I want this one.”
“She is very valuable, and we’ll negotiate on her enslavement,” Domina told him.
The tiles were cold but the water, the cleansing spray, the emoluments and the lather
refreshed her. She noticed, in the observation room, they were distracted. Now, her chance
to fight back was now. Inside, she summoned her inner warrior, as the auto-masseuse
fingered her front and back, vagina to anus. At the same time, two round brown suction
cups lowered from over her head. Each one fit perfectly over her ample breasts. Gently
kneading her nipples, the cups began to suck her as if trying to milk her.

“Doctor, pardon me,” a techie said pulling away from her monitor.
“For heaven sakes,” Domina growled as she watch Sage intently. “What is it?”
“We have a glitch in the computer,” the techie answered sheepishly. The techie wrinkled
her face, and continued, “Something’s happening to the system.”
“Action time, transmute cerebral conduits,” Sage muttered and glanced at her chest.
“Damn, the milking effect feels great. Whew, although this really feels good, I have to use
every ounce of will power to resist. It’s exhausting and zaps my energy.”
“She’s breaking free, you idiots,” Dr. Domina exclaimed rudely.
“Got to transform my tactical thoughts.” She pulled herself out of her dream state. “How
could I have fallen for the oldest trick in the cosmos? Fuck you, Schlagenwhip,” she
mumbled. Sage struggled against her bindings. “You will pay for this!”
“Warning, system shutdown imminent,” a computer voice announced.
“What the fuck is she doing?” Dr. Domina protested with a fierce look.
“Mental powers engaged,” Sage muttered and angled a gaze at the restraints.
“The injections are wearing off,” Dr. Domina proclaimed with distress. Harpy-like she
screeched. “Put her under, knock her out and get her to the red room!”
With the slight squelch of a muffled pistol shot, Sage’s naked body was hit by multiple
tranquilizer darts. These were the dissolvable medicinal kind, melting away as soon as the
sedative injected into the blood stream. Technicians grabbed Sage when she fell.
In the expanse of the red room, the lights were bright and red tinted, and continued to
accentuate the scope and purpose of the yet to come intense examination. Different from
the fully equipped laboratory, the red room was one of several throughout the complex.
Within its medieval gothic atmosphere, every conceivable sexually advanced instrument
of biologic exploration was available to the notorious Dr. Schlagenwhip.
From the rich crimson tiled floors, to the strong cherry painted concrete walls, to the
nearby white and grey porcelain fixtures, the setting catered to every possible desire. Here,
the Domina’s research in advanced sexual potency could be studied from different vantage
points of debauchery. As the doctor entered the room, she smiled in her darkness.
Upon a massive circular bed, draped in velvety red plush covers, Sage found herself
completely immobilized by more sedation. Yet, this time, her senses were awake. Padded
restraints on her wrists and ankles, spread-eagled her naked body.

Her trimmed pubic mound was fully exposed to her tormentors, she was ready for
further examination. Around her, an array of bindings, hoists and connecting apparatuses
could adjust her body into various positions, depending on the procedure or the desires of
the examiner. The inquisition was about to begin, with a wide toothy grin from Dr.
Schlagenwhip. She was outwardly wrapped in a black hooded cape and wearing shiny
black riding boots. Her long dagger-like fingernails were painted red.
“Ah, to fuck or be fucked, that is the question,” a female techie joked.
“Aptly said,” the doctor toyed with a sinister hint. Evil etched across her face. “Now
strip, slave. I want you naked like our wonderful guest, Agent Tumbleweed.”
“Yes, Mistress, I only want to please you,” the assistant answered obediently.
“There now, luscious, ripe and ready to disciplined once again,” the doctor domina
paced around the bed as the assistant kneeled behind her. Domina looked hungrily at Sage.
“See, each day is day for disciplined service to higher authority. Once you realize, you’re
just a slave, a servant, a submissive to an elite class, things are much easier.”
“Yes, an obedient parasite living off others, a gluttonous leech sucking up every
possible consumptive resource, non-thinking and basically stupid, that’s what the
oligarchs, and the aliens want from humans,” Sage raged. “They wants slavery.”
“My dear, my lovely little fuck doll, beautiful pussy, ripe for the fucking,” the domina
reacted and maintained her composure. “You’re already a slave. You just need breaking
like the rest. And, I will break you, just like my assistant here.”
“Well, you see, here’s the thing,” Sage tossed by casually with a smirk. “I don’t mind a
good fucking, as long as it’s a really good fucking. You overestimate your potential.”
“Are we going to have to ball gag you?” Dr. Domina asked while holding a remote
control device. She activated a micro lighting system to illuminate the bed. “Well?”
“Fuck you, Domina,” Sage blurted with all the vocal strength she could muster. She
looked around again and took in the whole landscape, as she became more alert. Her eyes
took in the array of devices designed for sexual pleasures limited only by the imagination.
“Not bad, kinda cool. What is this, Domina? Your personal fuck chamber.”
“My dear, Agent Tumbleweed,” the doctor chanted eerily. “This is research.”
“Uh huh, no this is marketing from a different perspective,” Sage taunted. “You’re not
smart enough to realize the aliens and oligarchs are using you.”

“Slave!” The Domina roared. Her face drawn and quartered as though etched in granite.
Evil washed over her gaze, as she demanded, “You will be broken.”
“Seriously,” Sage yawned. “Sweetheart, this ain’t nothing new for me. You familiar
with sexual combat?” Sage watched the question mark illuminate the Dom’s face. “Really?
You know where you pick a combative style, like say wrestling, and the loser gets fucked
by the winner. In ancient times, warriors worked out and competed in the nude.”
“Stop babbling, you talk too much!” Schlagenwhip snarled and cracked the air with her
black and red whip. “Geezus, talk, talk, you need more sedative.”
“Oh my, a whip. Hmm, torture, is that it? Beatings, flogging, what’s next?” Sage
demanded. “Hey, it’s fuck or be fucked, Doc. So what’s up?” For a second or two she
strained to look herself over. Slick with aromatic oils, shiny and perfumed, her naked body
was firmly bound to the huge red bed. She looked at Domina. “You might fuck me, but
sooner or later, I’m gonna fuck you. Besides, you might like it.”
“Yes, my darling, you may get the honor, perhaps later,” Dr. Domina laughed and
summoned the techie to remove her cloak. “Look what I have for you.” She stroked herself,
the huge faux penis dangled in front of her. “Yummy, a big dick for you.”
When her cloak was removed, Dr. Domina stood there proudly naked in her knee-high
boots were spit shined. Darkly tanned her tight muscular body was fit and trim like an
athlete. Around her waist and down the crease of ass and up to her big shaved vagina,
leather belts harnessed her hips with a huge black strap-on rubber penis.
Stroking the big cock, the doctor teased with one hand jacking the length of the
rubberized girth and rubbing the mushroomed head. As she laughed and squeeze the
bulbous head of the penis, the techie poured on lubricant and helped her oil the big dick.
Below the rubber balls of the cock, Sage got a glimpse of Domina’s clit.
“Oh my god, what the fuck, Schlagenwhip?” Sage mumbled. “Seriously, I’ve had those
before, but geezus, that’s a big one. Come on, gotta smaller one to start with?”
“Small ones are for pleasure, but this is for pain,” Dr. Domina warned. “And you, bitch,
fuck toy, breeder slave, you’ll get some painful attention out this!”
“Ok, but by the way,” Sage started with an expression of admiration. “I gotta tell ya,
you got an impressive clit. Like a small sized penis, it’s nicely developed.”
“Wait what?” Domina stopped and stood still for a moment. She looked at her clit.

“You ever had that beautiful lady penis sucked?” Sage taunted and winked.
“Uh well, yeah, a couple of times, maybe more,” the Domina got distracted.
“Goddamnit, what the fuck. I’m getting distracted. More lubricant!”
“Yes, Mistress,” the diminutive assistant whined. Her hands poured on silkier lube and
pumped the Domina’s big dick. “The agent is taunting you, my Mistress.”
“Enough of this, I’m going to fuck her now,” Doctor Schlagenwhip announced proudly.
Behind her, robot 4-Q stood at attention alongside the cloaked stranger. “Meanwhile, my
sultry little bitch agent, I have this ball gag ready to bind your mouth just in case.” She
adjusted, buckled and snapped her strap-on securely in place. “Shhhh, easy, relax.” In one
black gloved hand, the doctor dangled a red ball attached to a brown strap. “See this? Do I
need to use it? Never mind, here, gag her,” she told her assistant.
“I’ll gladly lock you up for an eternity,” Sage surged with a raspy whisper. And, then,
as she was about to be muffled, “Payback is you, bitch...”
“Yeah, little bitch, we’ll see how that works out,” the doctor toyed. She glanced at the
others. “I I’ll go first. I’d like to fuck her brains out. Give me the controls?” She summoned
her techie, who quickly handed Domina the power unit. “Thank you. Cameras? Instruments
standing by?” With the remote control ready, she pressed a button. “Let’s see the various
positions of our subject. No wait, I like the spread eagled looked. “How about this?”
As Sage’s restraints retracted, affixed at wrists and ankles, red ball gag in her mouth,
she remained spread wide open. Her vagina, amply proportioned, thick and puffy, had a
thin patch of brown hair just above the clit. Leering hungrily, as if anxious for a turn, the
technician, and the two others, watched and waited for the dominance to begin.
They gazed at computer screens and waited to gather data from nearby terminals. At the
foot of the bed, 4-Q observed robotically. He was completely unclothed and looked very
human in his muscular nakedness. Synthetics, or replicants could look, feel and act very
human. Plus, they were anatomically well-designed.
4-Q had a huge erect penis prominently protruding between his thickly muscled thighs.
Off to one side, Sage noted the other one observing quietly. That one dressed in a black
hooded robe, face hidden and body completely covered. Straining her neck to look
downward, Sage watched Domina approached, as the Doc mounted the bed.
“Fuck you,” Sage mumbled around the ball gag.

“Uh no, I’m gonna fuck you,” the Domina proclaimed proudly. “Nice slit.”
Doctor Schlagenwhip was now completely naked, except for the strap-on penis and her
black mirror polished riding boots. Angular, muscle fit, tight and hard bodied, she casually
and arrogantly climbed the crimson bed. She inched closer to Sage’s vaginal opening.
Shortly, she eyed her quarry with an expression of controlled excitement.
With one black gloved hand, the Domina guided the huge dark rubber cock toward
Sage’s ample pubis lips. Straining to watch, Sage held back the veiled sense of sensual
anticipation she felt. As the bulbous mushroom shaped head of the faux dick touched her
pubic folds, Sage let out a long sigh and stared at the penis shaft.
“Woohoo, that’s a big one, but I think I’ve had bigger,” Sage taunted the domina.
“Yeah, you nasty little cunt,” the Doc snarled. “More lubricant,” she demanded of her
assistant. “Quickly, I’m getting a hot rush to fuck this bitch. Yeah, a nice glob.”
“Yes, ma’am,” the assistant submitted and squirted the clear goo from a tube.
“Here we go.” The Doc used two fingers to shove more lube into Sage’s vagina. Deeper,
she probed the inner walls of Sage’s muscular pubis. “She’s tight.”
“You betcha, you witch fiend,” Sage hissed. “Oooo, that feels good. Damn, keep that
up, Doc, you’ll make me cum. Oh yeah, right there, rubbed it hard.”
Sage’s well-trimmed pubis glistened with the slick lube the assistant had gently applied
moments earlier. While she made sure Sage was amply lubricated, the assistant took extra
care to massage Sage’s over-sized clit, as the Domina finger fucked her. Squirming under
the tantalizing touch, Sage felt herself become naturally wet and more than ready for the
onslaught. Sage began to pant and clinch her tight muscle around the fingers.
“What the fuck, she’s enjoying this.” The Domina frowned.
“Yummy, you think you can handle this piece ass, bitch?” Sage challenged. “Go on,
fuck me, see if you can keep it up, you traitorous cunt. I’ll get my turn.”
“You’re certainly the feisty one, you will submit, bitch, my fuck toy,” the Domina
demanded. “Here we go, the fucking of a lifetime, gonna stretch that cunt.”
“Oh my god,” Sage the muttered under her breath, observing the length and girth of her
penis. “Oh my, torture, anguish, help me, etc., etc.,” Sage taunted her back with a fake
yawn. She let out a sigh and swallowed slowly. “Wow, geezus that’s big.” Her tone
contained a hint of sarcasm. “Oh, please stop, don’t...How’s that for protest?”

“Bitch!” The Doc blurted. “We’ll see how tough you are after everyone in the room
here fucks you. How about that, slave? Wait’ll they get a hold of you.”
“Whoa, a gangbang, you didn’t tell me it was a party,” Sage mocked again. “Can’t wait
to see how good 4Q is. Bet that expandable dick is awesome.”
“Oh my lovely specimen, you bitch,” the doctor said with annoyance and slapped her a
couple times across the face. “You like it rough. Ah, yeah, this is fucking at its best,” she
boasted as she slapped her again and thrust her hips forward. “You haven’t seen anything
yet you skanky little slut. We have special guests just for you. He’s cosmic.”
Sage craned her neck and skimmed the room. Around her, the assistant, the replicant 4-
Q and the mysterious hooded and cloaked character. She surmised correctly, the mysterious
guest was part of the alien alliance. Later, her intuitive insight, enhanced by years of
training and experience would prove her correct.
At the same moment, the drugs were insistent. She felt it and mentally fought back and
strained to keep her wits focused. From her training, she knew her best weapon was her
mind. Yet, the effects were clouding her perception. Between her muscular well-tone
thighs, spread wide by the binding, her pubis dripped with heated anticipation.
She was wet and well lubed. The menacing faux dick on the Doc’s strap-on brushed her
vaginal lips and sent waves of energy surges through her. As the mad doctor continued her
teasing and taunting attempts, Sage focused on the task at hand. Wait for it. There would
be a moment where the advantage would shift to her. She would seize it.
“Oh my goodness, that’s going deep, wow doc,” Sage winced, pulled her shoulders
back, and flexed her chest. Her thick pointed nipples were hard and erect. “Yeah, that’s
gonna stretch me. Damn...” she strained and yanked the bindings.
“Take my cock, slave, take it,” the Doc demanded. “We’ll train you to be our sex slave.”
She pushed down, pinched Sage’s protruding nipples and inched her fake dick into Sage’s
receptive well-greased orifice. “After this, next comes the butt fuck.”
“Fuck...geezus, that’s huge,” Sage said and ground her teeth. She flexed her jaw muscle
and mumbled, “Damn, that thing is girthy! Oh fuck what the hell, what a dick!” She took
the huge cock inch by deeper inch. “Ooooh, doc, you hot bitch, you’re gonna get yours,”
she muttered trying her best to be defiant. “Wow, give it your best shot, harpy...”
“She’s good,” the assistant mumbled as she stared at the scene. “Wow...”

“Geezus! Yes, yes, yes...oh fuck what a cunt, damn she’s good,” Domina blurted as the
dildo also rubbed her big hard clit and drilled Sage. “She’s fucking hot.”
“Fuck me, bitch, oh yeah, do it,” Sage hissed and sank into an orgasmic blur.
“You getting this?” The doctor demanded to know. She threw a stern hunched look at
her assistant, who’d gotten naked also. “I want this recorded for analysis.”
“Affirmative, my commander,” the assistant answer in a husky tone. She skillfully held
up her mini-camcorder and moved to different angles. “Incredible scene.”
“That’s it, zoom in behind me, up close,” the domina ordered while she lifted forward
and extended her muscular legs. She braced herself with one arm, and clutched the remote
controls. “There, let’s spread those legs, wide open and up.”
“Whew, that’s feeling nice, fake balls deep,” Sage murmured softly, rolled her head
from side to side, and felt her vaginal juices drip down the crease of her butt. “Woohoo,”
she muttered through tight lips, “I’m gonna cum again, oh wow, orgasm!”
“Yeah, bitch, you like my big dick,” the domina accused Sage. She moved the controls
again. “No wait, better position, legs up and back, heels on my shoulders.”
“Damn,” Sage rolled her eyes as if slumping into a coma. “What the fuck, this is good,
oh yeah; you’re hitting just the right place. Pound me bitch, oh yeah!”
“Fuck you, sissy pussy, take it, take my cock,” the doctor yelled, as her strap on dick
went to the hilt, hammered and stretched Sage’s vaginal depths. “Fuck she’s hot!”
“Oh my goodness, I’m so horny,” the assistant blurted and rubbed her clit while trying
to film the Domina’s punishment episode. “We all get to take a turn.”
“Hmm, very interesting,” the dark cloaked stranger in the background observed. “A
group of human copulating. Actually, one submits while the others take turns.”
“Oh yes, some call this like a gangbang,” the assistant advised and rubbed herself in a
frenzy. Her camera shook as she hunched and finger fucked herself. “Oh woo...”
“Steady the camera,” the low stern voice of the dark stranger said from behind her. “You
humans do this every time you take pictures of UFO’s. Keep the camera still.” His large
brown four-fingered hand, wrinkled like crape paper, adjusted the camera. “There.”
“Even I get to participate,” 4Q added and moved closer to observe the action.
“That’s it, nice and easy, you are so wet and gushy,” the Domina whispered to Sage.
“Geezus that is one nice big pussy. You’ll have no problem fucking all of us.”

“You’re gonna get yours, bitch,” Sage hazily muttered back. The drugs still held a grip
on her senses. Nevertheless, she humped the dildo in rhythm with each thrust. “What’s a
matter, you witch cunt, getting tired? Can’t fuck me anymore?”
Sage sank into a psyche abyss and met her monsters. Denizens of the mind, the creature
from the Id. They were all there cheering her on as the domina’s relentless faux cock fucked
her. For a stream of mind-altering moments, or seemingly so, based on the small audience’s
excitement, Sage threw her head back and forth.
“There you go,” Dr. Schlagenwhip cackled. She glanced at the Stranger who had moved
up behind her. “Isn’t she a fine specimen? She’ll be great for breeding.”
“Agreed, Doctor, very unique,” the alien stranger quipped. He stepped closer to the bed.
His hooded robed opened slightly down the middle. “I will have her next.”
At the same instant, the other end of the domina’s strap on worked her clit. Dr.
Schlagenwhip panted on the edge of mounting urgency. For seconds of blissful lust, the
doctor tossed her head from side to side and humped her hips up and down with unyielding
force. She pumped and pounded Sage’s pelvis with strong thrust.
“Oh fuck yeah, you can have her next,” the doctor roared wildly.
“Enjoy it now bitch, you too alien bastard,” Sage muttered in her stupor.
“You betcha, cunt,” the domina swore. With Sage’s legs bent back toward her face, her
ankles on the domina’s shoulders, the fierce fucking continued. Both were panting, while
others fixated on the scene. “I’ve opened her pussy and loosened her up.”
“This is making me feel good. I’m gonna cum.” Domina arched her back, cursed at
Sage, “Fuck you, bitch, oh yeah, I’m cumming, it’s huge, what the fuck!”
The mad doctor stressed loudly in the carnal tug of ger sexuality, veins etched her face
and her biceps flexed. Domina braced her arms on Sage’s shoulders and dug her fingernails
into the skin. Face to face, like a menacing harpy, Domina stared wickedly and ground her
hips. She fucked Sage harder, pumping her slim hips back and forth, faster and faster.
Slick with sweat, the domina’s skin glistened in the bright lights, as her body shook
with massive convulsive orgasms. She pulled Sage’s legs around her hips and held her
tightly, fell forward and hugged Sage. Similarly, Sage reacted at nearly the same moment
the mad doctor came. A series of pelvic contortions, up and down twerks and squeals
accompanied her orgasmic explosions. Briefly, a cascade to quiet fell over the room.

“Wow,” the assistant hissed out in a long sigh. “My goodness, I’m horny,” she muttered
absently to herself and rubbed her naked pubis under her lab coat. “My mistress,” began
softly in a lowered tone. “I got some great pictures. Still filming.”
“Excellent,” Dr. Schlagenwhip mumbled in a sexual stupor. She sucked in a long breath
and squinted at the assistant, while still on top of Sage. “Goddamnit, that was amazing,”
the domina mad doctor swooned breathlessly. “This bitch is one good fuck.”
From a sly side-glance, Sage skimmed a visual assessment of her next assailant. She
watched as the massively muscled figure stood at the end of the bed. He was like a hulk,
big, and burly with broad shoulders. At least, so it seemed with a quick scan of the shrouded
cloaked figure. Seemingly, there were near humanoid features underneath. For a moment,
the silence hung heavily throughout the room, as they watched Sage.
Except for the persistent purr of electronic wizardry, the lab was eerily silent. Around
her, the assistant, the replicant 4Q, and the alien moved closer. The assistant continued to
rub herself. The domina lifted herself up and slid her sweat drench body off Sage. Still
laboring to catch her breath, she removed her strap-on penis. Dr. Schlagenwhip, in her
brazen nakedness, ran longer dagger-like fingers up Sage’s leg.
“My mistress,” the assistance interrupted. “Her vitals are off the charts.”
“Let me see that.” Dr. Schlagenwhip tossed the faux penis to the assistant and examined
a nearby monitor. “Geezus, she’s amazing, very strong, we need further analysis.”
“I got your analysis, you fucking bitch,” Sage mumbled in a groggy state. The assistant
made sure Sage had another injection. “You will pay for this. All of you will.”
“Feisty little thing, isn’t she?” The domina taunted and commented nastily to the others.
“Time for a new fuck. Let’s see, perhaps our guest is ready with that massive cock.”
“How can I refuse such a pleasing offer,” the cosmic visitor answered in a deep and
rugged intonation. He abruptly cast off his hooded robe. “Let’s see if she likes this.”
Necromon, the galactic mercenary, as Sage expected, was massively muscled. His
darkly almond skin tone showed streaks of green veiny textures. Broad shoulders, huge
chest and biceps, he appeared nearly human. His physicality brazenly exhibited that of a
bodybuilder overdosed on steroids. Sage eyed him up and down. Her gaze slowly traced
downward from his face to the hard torso to his groin. She was startled.
“Oh my god!” She blurted. “What a huge cock! Geezus, it’s a horse dick!”

End of Epi. 1

To be continued….

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