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5–1. Determine the tension in each segment of the cable

and the cable’s total length. A

4 ft
7 ft

Equations of Equilibrium: Applying method of joints, we have C

50 lb
Joint B: 4 ft 5 ft 3 ft

: a Fx = 0;
4 100 lb
FBC cos u - FBA a b = 0 [1]

+ c a Fy = 0;
FBA a b - FBC sin u - 50 = 0 [2]
Joint C:

: a Fx = 0;
FCD cos f - FBC cos u = 0 [3]

+ c a Fy = 0; FBC sin u + FCD sin f - 100 = 0 [4]

y 5
sin u = cos u =
2y2 + 25 2y2 + 25
3 + y 3
sin f = cos f =
2 2
2y + 6y + 18 2y + 6y + 18
Substitute the above results into Eqs. [1], [2], [3] and [4] and solve. We have

FBC = 46.7 lb FBA = 83.0 lb FCD = 88.1 lb Ans.

y = 2.679 ft
The total length of the cable is
l = 272 + 42 + 252 + 2.6792 + 232 + (2.679 + 3)2

= 20.2 ft Ans.

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5–2. Cable ABCD supports the loading shown. Determine

the maximum tension in the cable and the sag of point B.

yB 2m

Referring to the FBD in Fig. a,

a + a MA = 0;
4 1 1m 3m 0.5 m
TCD a b(4) + TCD a b (2) - 6(4) - 4(1) = 0
217 217 4 kN 6 kN
TCD = 6.414 kN = 6.41 kN(Max) Ans.

Joint C: Referring to the FBD in Fig. b,

: a Fx = 0;
+ 1
6.414 a b - TBC cos u = 0

+ c a Fy = 0;
6.414 a b - 6 - TBC sin u = 0

TBC = 1.571 kN = 1.57 kN (6TCD)

u = 8.130°
Joint B: Referring to the FBD in Fig. c,

: a Fx = 0;
1.571 cos 8.130° - TAB cos f = 0

+ c a Fy = 0; TAB sin f + 1.571 sin 8.130° - 4 = 0


TAB = 4.086 kN = 4.09 kN (6TCD)

f = 67.62°
Then, from the geometry,
= tan f; yB = 1 tan 67.62°
= 2.429 m = 2.43 m Ans.

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5–3. Determine the tension in each cable segment and the A

distance yD.



Joint B: Referring to the FBD in Fig. a, 2m

: a Fx = 0;
5 4 2 kN
TBC a b - TAB a b = 0 C
229 265
4m 5m 3m
+ c a Fy = 0;
7 2
TAB a b - TBC a b - 2 = 0
265 229 4 kN


TAB = 2.986 kN = 2.99 kN TBC = 1.596 kN = 1.60 kN Ans.

Joint C: Referring to the FBD in Fig. b,

: a Fx = 0;
+ 5
TCD cos u - 1.596 a b = 0

+ c a Fy = 0;
TCD sin u + 1.596 a b - 4 = 0
TCD = 3.716 kN = 3.72 kN Ans.
u = 66.50°
From the geometry,

yD + 3 tan u = 9
yD = 9 - 3 tan 66.50° = 2.10 m Ans.

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*5–4. The cable supports the loading shown. Determine the xB

distance xB the force at point B acts from A. Set P = 40 lb.
5 ft
At B B

: a Fx = 0;
+ xB xB – 3
40 - TAB - TBC = 0
2x2B + 25 2(xB - 3)2 + 64
8 ft
+ c a Fy = 0;
5 8
TAB - TBC = 0
2x2B + 25 2(xB - 3)2 + 64 C
13xB - 15
(1) 2 ft
D 5
TBC = 200 3
2(xB - 3)2 + 64 4
30 lb
At C 3 ft

: a Fx = 0;
+ 4 xB - 3 3
(30) + TBC - TCD = 0
5 2(xB - 3)2 + 64 213

+ c a Fy = 0;
8 2 3
TBC + TCD - (30) = 0
2(xB - 3) + 64 2
213 5
30 - 2xB
TBC = 102 (2)
2(xB - 3)2 + 64
Solving Eqs. (1) & (2)
13xB - 15 200
30 - 2xB 102
xB = 4.36 ft Ans.

5–5. The cable supports the loading shown. Determine the xB

magnitude of the horizontal force P so that xB = 6 ft.
5 ft
At B

: a Fx = 0;
+ 6 3
P - TAB - TBC = 0
261 273

+ c a Fy = 0;
8 ft
5 8
TAB - TBC = 0
261 273
5P - TBC = 0 (1) 2 ft D
273 4

At C 30 lb
3 ft

: a Fx = 0;
+ 4 3 3
(30) + TBC - TCD = 0
5 273 213

+ c a Fy = 0;
8 2 3
TBC - TCD - (30) = 0
273 213 5
TBC = 102 (2)
Solving Eqs. (1) & (2)

63 5P
18 102
P = 71.4 lb Ans.

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5–6. Determine the forces P1 and P2 needed to hold the

cable in the position shown, i.e., so segment CD remains
horizontal. Also find the maximum loading in the cable. 1.5 m
1m C D

5 kN

P1 P2
4m 5m 4m
Method of Joints:

Joint B:

: a Fx = 0;
+ 4 2
FBC a b - FAB a b = 0 [1]
217 2.5

+ c a Fy = 0;
1.5 1
FAB a b - FBC a b - 5 = 0 [2]
2.5 217
Solving Eqs. [1] and [2] yields
FBC = 10.31 kN FAB = 12.5 kN

Joint C:

: a Fx = 0;
+ 4
FCD - 10.31 a b = 0 FCD = 10.00 kN

+ c a Fy = 0;
10.31 a b - P1 = 0 P1 = 2.50 kN Ans.
Joint D:

: a Fx = 0;
+ 4
FDE a b - 10 = 0 [1]

+ c a Fy = 0;
FDE a b - P2 = 0 [2]

Solving Eqs. [1] and [2] yields

P2 = 6.25 kN Ans.
FDE = 11.79 kN

Thus, the maximum tension in the cable is

Fmax = FAB = 12.5 kN Ans.

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5–7. The cable is subjected to the uniform loading. If the y

slope of the cable at point O is zero, determine the equation
of the curve and the force in the cable at O and B.
8 ft

500 lb/ft
From Eq. 5–9. 15 ft 15 ft

h 2 8
y = x = x2
L2 (15)2
y = 0.0356x2 Ans.

From Eq. 5–8

woL2 500(15)2
To = FH = = = 7031.25 lb = 7.03 k Ans.
2h 2(8)
From Eq. 5–10.

TB = Tmax = 2(FH)2 + (woL)2 = 2(7031.25)2 + [(500)(15)]2

= 10 280.5 lb = 10.3 k Ans.

Also, from Eq. 5–11

L 2 15 2
TB = Tmax = woL 1 + a b = 500(15) 1 + a b = 10 280.5 lb = 10.3 k Ans.
A 2h A 2(8)

*5–8. The cable supports the uniform load of w0 = 600 lb>ft.

Determine the tension in the cable at each support A and B. B

15 ft
10 ft
wo 2
y = x
2 FH
600 2
15 = x
2 FH w0
600 25 ft
10 = (25 - x)2
2 FH

600 3 600
x = (25 - x)2
2(15) 2(10)

x2 = 1.5(625 - 50x + x2)

0.5x2 - 75x + 937.50 = 0

Choose root 6 25 ft
x = 13.76 ft
wo 2 600
FH = x = (13.76)2 = 3788 lb
2y 2(15)

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5–8. Continued

At B:
wo 2 600
y = x = x2
2 FH 2(3788)
= tan uB = 0.15838 x 2 = 2.180
dx x = 13.76

uB = 65.36°
FH 3788
TB = = = 9085 lb = 9.09 kip Ans.
cos uB cos 65.36°

At A:
wo 2 600
y = x = x2
2 FH 2(3788)
= tan uA = 0.15838 x 2 = 1.780
dx x = (25 - 13.76)

uA = 60.67°
FH 3788
TA = = = 7734 lb = 7.73 kip Ans.
cos uA cos 60.67°

5–9. Determine the maximum and minimum tension in the y


10 m 10 m


16 kN/m
The minimum tension in the cable occurs when u = 0°. Thus, Tmin = FH.
With wo = 16 kN>m, L = 10 m and h = 2 m,
woL2 (16 kN>m)(10 m)2
Tmin = FH = = = 400 kN Ans.
2h 2(2 m)

Tmax = 2FH2 + (woL)2

= 24002 + [16(10)]2

= 430.81 kN

= 431 kN Ans.

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5–10. Determine the maximum uniform loading w, 50 ft

measured in lb>ft, that the cable can support if it is capable
of sustaining a maximum tension of 3000 lb before it will 6 ft

y = a wdxb dx

At x = 0, = 0

At x = 0, y=0

C1 = C2 = 0

w 2
y = x
2 FH

At x = 25 ft, y = 6 ft FH = 52.08 w
dy w 2
2 = tan umax = x
dx max FH x = 25 ft

umax = tan –1(0.48) = 25.64°

Tmax = = 3000
cos umax

FH = 2705 lb

w = 51.9 lb>ft Ans.

5–11. The cable is subjected to a uniform loading of 50 ft

w = 250 lb>ft. Determine the maximum and minimum
tension in the cable. 6 ft

woL2 250(50)2
FH = = = 13 021 lb
8h 8(6)
woL 250(50)
umax = tan - 1 a b = tan - 1 a b = 25.64°
2 FH 2(13 021)
FH 13 021
Tmax = = = 14.4 kip Ans.
cos umax cos 25.64°

The minimum tension occurs at u = 0°

Tmin = FH = 13.0 kip Ans.

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*5–12. The cable shown is subjected to the uniform load w0 . L

Determine the ratio between the rise h and the span L that
will result in using the minimum amount of material for the


From Eq. 5–9,

h 4h
y = x2 = 2 x2
L 2 L
a b
dy 8h
= 2x
dx L
From Eq. 5–8,
L 2
wo a b
2 woL2
FH = =
2h 8h

Since FH = Ta b, then
woL2 ds
T = a b
8h dx
Let sallow be the allowable normal stress for the cable. Then

= sallow

= A

dV = A ds

dV = ds

The volume of material is

1 1
woL2 (ds)2
sallow L0 L0 8h
2 2
2 2

V = T ds = c d
sallow dx
2 2
ds2 dx + dy dx2 + dy2 dy 2
= = c ddx = c1 + a b ddx
dx dx dx2 dx
woL2 dy 2
L0 4hsallow

= c 1 + a b ddx
woL2 h2x2
4hsallow L0

= c 1 + 64 a 4 b ddx
woL2 L 8h2 woL2 L 16 h
= c + d = c + a bd
4hsallow 2 3L 8 sallow h 3 L

dV woL2 L 16
= c- 2 + d = 0
dh 8sallow h 3L
h = 0.433 L Ans.

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5–13. The trusses are pin connected and suspended from D E

the parabolic cable. Determine the maximum force in the
cable when the structure is subjected to the loading shown. 14 ft

6 ft K J I
16 ft
5k 4k
4 @ 12 ft ! 48 ft 4 @ 12 ft ! 48 ft
Entire structure:

a + a MC = 0; 4(36) + 5(72) + FH(36) - FH(36) - (Ay + Dy(96) = 0

(A y + Dy) = 5.25 (1)

Section ABD:

a + a MB = 0; FH(14) - (Ay + Dy)(48) + 5(24) = 0

Using Eq. (1):

FH = 9.42857 k
From Eq. 5–8:
2FHh 2(9.42857)(14)
wo = 2
= = 0.11458 k>ft
L 482
From Eq. 5–11:

L 2 48 2
Tmax = woL 1 + a b = 0.11458(48) 1 + c d = 10.9 k Ans.
A 2h A 2(14)

5–14. Determine the maximum and minimum tension in E

the parabolic cable and the force in each of the hangers. The
girder is subjected to the uniform load and is pin connected 9 ft
1 ft
at B. D

Member BC:
10 ft 2 k/ft

: a Fx = 0;
Bx = 0
Member AB: 10 ft 30 ft

: a Fx = 0;
Ax = 0

FBD 1:

a + a MA = 0; FH(1) - By(10) - 20(5) = 0

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5–14. Continued

FBD 2:

a + a MC = 0; -FH(9) - By(30) + 60(15) = 0


By = 0 , FH = Fmin = 100 k Ans.

Max cable force occurs at E, where slope is the maximum.

From Eq. 5–8.

2FHh 2(100)(9)
Wo = = = 2 k>ft
L2 302
From Eq. 5–11,

L 2 30 2
Fmax = woL 1 + a b = 2(30) 1 + a b
A 2h A 2(9)
Fmax = 117 k Ans.

Each hanger carries 5 ft of wo.

T = (2 k>ft)(5 ft) = 10 k Ans.

5–15. Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the pin- E
connected girders AB and BC. The cable has a parabolic
shape. 9 ft
1 ft

a + a MA = 0; T(5) + T(10) + T(15) + T(20) + T(25)

10 ft 2 k/ft
+ T(30) + T(35) + Cy(40) – 80(20) = 0
Set T = 10 k (See solution to Prob. 5–14)
10 ft 30 ft
Cy = 5 k

+ c a Fy = 0; 7(10) + 5 – 80 + A y = 0

Ay = 5 k
Mmax = 6.25 k # ft Ans.

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*5–16. The cable will break when the maximum tension 100 m
reaches Tmax = 5000 kN . Determine the maximum
uniform distributed load w required to develop this
maximum tension. 12 m

With Tmax = 80(103) kN, L = 50 m and h = 12 m,

L 2
Tmax = woL 1 + a b
A 2h

50 2
8000 = wo(50)c 1 + a b d
A 24

wo = 69.24 kN>m = 69.2 kN>m Ans.

5–17. The cable is subjected to a uniform loading of 100 m

w = 60 kN> m. Determine the maximum and minimum
tension in cable.
12 m

The minimum tension in cable occurs when u = 0°. Thus, Tmin = FH.

woL2 (60 kN>m)(50 m)2

Tmin = FH = = = 6250 kN
2h 2(12 m)

= 6.25 MN Ans.


Tmax = 2F2H + (woL)2

= 262502 + [60(50)]2

= 6932.71 kN

= 6.93 MN Ans.

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5–18. The cable AB is subjected to a uniform loading of y

200 N>m. If the weight of the cable is neglected and the
slope angles at points A and B are 30° and 60°, respectively, 60"
determine the curve that defines the cable shape and the
maximum tension developed in the cable.

A 30"
Here the boundary conditions are different from those in the text. x

Integrate Eq. 5–2,

200 N/ m
T sin u = 200x + C1 15 m
Divide by by Eq. 5–4, and use Eq. 5–3
dy 1
= (200x + C1)
dx FH

y = (100x2 + C1x + C2)

At x = 0, y = 0; C2 = 0
At x = 0, = tan 30°; C1 = FH tan 30°

y = (100x2 + FH tan 30°x)

dy 1
= (200x + FH tan 30°)
dx FH
At x = 15 m, = tan 60°; FH = 2598 N
y = (38.5x2 + 577x)(10 - 3) m Ans.
umax = 60°

FH 2598
Tmax = = = 5196 N
cos umax cos 60°

Tmax = 5.20 kN Ans.

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5–19. The beams AB and BC are supported by the cable

that has a parabolic shape. Determine the tension in the cable D
at points D, F, and E, and the force in each of the equally 3m 3m
spaced hangers. F



: a Fx = 0;
+ 3 kN 5 kN
Bx = 0 (Member BC)

a + a MA = 0;
2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m
FF(12) - FF(9) - By(8) - 3(4) = 0

3FF - By(8) = 12 (1)

: a Fx = 0;
A x = 0 (Member AB)

a + a MC = 0; -FF(12) + FF(9) - By(8) + 5(6) = 0

-3FF - By(8) = -30 (2)

Soving Eqs. (1) and (2),

By = 1.125 kN , FF = 7.0 kN Ans.

From Eq. 5–8.

2FHh 2(7)(3)
wo = 2
= = 0.65625 kN>m
L 82
From Eq. 5–11,
L 2 8 2
Tmax = woL 1 + a b = 0.65625(8) 1 + a b
A 2h A 2(3)

Tmax = TE = TD = 8.75 kN Ans.

Load on each hanger,

T = 0.65625(2) = 1.3125 kN = 1.31 kN Ans.

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*5–20. Draw the shear and moment diagrams for beams

AB and BC. The cable has a parabolic shape. D
3m 3m


Member ABC: 3 kN 5 kN

a + a MA = 0; T(2) + T(4) + T(6) + T(8) + T(10) 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m

+ T(12) + T(14) + Cy(16) - 3(4) - 5(10) = 0

Set T = 1.3125 kN (See solution to Prob 5–19).

Cy = -0.71875 kN

+ c a Fy = 0; 7(1.3125) - 8 - 0.71875 + A y = 0
Ay = -0.46875 kN
Mmax = 3056 kN # m Ans.

5–21. The tied three-hinged arch is subjected to the 15 kN

10 kN
loading shown. Determine the components of reaction at
A and C and the tension in the cable. B
Entire arch:

: a Fx = 0;
Ax = 0 Ans.

a + a MA = 0;
Cy(5.5) - 15(0.5) - 10(4.5) = 0
2m 2m 1m
Cy = 9.545 kN = 9.55 kN Ans. 0.5 m

+ c a Fy = 0; 9.545 - 15 - 10 + A y = 0

A y = 15.45 kN = 15.5 kN Ans.

Section AB:

a + a MB = 0; -15.45(2.5) + T(2) + 15(2) = 0

T = 4.32 kN Ans.

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5–22. Determine the resultant forces at the pins A, B, and 4 kN 4 kN

C of the three-hinged arched roof truss. 3 kN
2 kN 5 kN



3m 3m 3m
2m 2m
Member AB:

a + a MA = 0; Bx(5) + By(8) - 2(3) - 3(4) - 4(5) = 0

Member BC:

a + a MC = 0; -Bx(5) + By(7) + 5(2) + 4(5) = 0


By = 0.533 k, Bx = 6.7467 k

Member AB:

: a Fx = 0;
A x = 6.7467 k

+ c a Fy = 0; A y - 9 + 0.533 = 0
A y = 8.467 k

Member BC:

: a Fx = 0;
Cx = 6.7467 k

+ c a Fy = 0; Cy - 9 + 0.533 = 0

Cy = 9.533 k

FB = 2(0.533)2 + (6.7467)2 = 6.77 k Ans.

FA = 2(6.7467)2 + (8.467)2 = 10.8 k Ans.

2 2
FC = 2(6.7467) + (9.533) = 11.7 k Ans.

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5–23. The three-hinged spandrel arch is subjected to the 8 kN 8 kN

6 kN 6 kN
loading shown. Determine the internal moment in the arch
4 kN 4 kN 3 kN 3 kN
at point D. 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m

D 5m

Member AB:

a + a MA = 0;
3m 5m 8m
Bx(5) + By(8) - 8(2) - 8(4) - 4(6) = 0

Bx + 1.6By = 14.4 (1)

Member CB:

a + a MC = 0; B(y)(8) - Bx(5) + 6(2) + 6(4) + 3(6) = 0

-Bx + 1.6By = -10.8 (2)

Soving Eqs. (1) and (2) yields:

By = 1.125 kN

Bx = 12.6 kN
Segment BD:

a + a MD = 0; -MD + 12.6(2) + 1.125(5) - 8(1) - 4(3) = 0

MD = 10.825 kN # m = 10.8 kN # m Ans.

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*5–24. The tied three-hinged arch is subjected to the 5k

loading shown. Determine the components of reaction at A 3k
and C, and the tension in the rod B

15 ft


8 ft 10 ft 10 ft
Entire arch: 6 ft 6 ft

a + a MA = 0; -4(6) - 3(12) - 5(30) + Cy(40) = 0

Cy = 5.25 k Ans.

+ c a Fy = 0; A y + 5.25 - 4 - 3 - 5 = 0
A y = 6.75 k Ans.

: a Fx = 0;
Ax = 0 Ans.

Section BC:

a + a MB = 0; -5(10) - T(15) + 5.25(20) = 0

T = 3.67 k Ans.

5–25. The bridge is constructed as a three-hinged trussed 60 k 40 k 40 k

20 k 20 k
arch. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of D 10 ft E
reaction at the hinges (pins) at A, B, and C. The dashed
member DE is intended to carry no force. B
100 ft

30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft
Member AB:

a + a MA = 0; Bx(90) + By(120) - 20(90) - 20(90) - 60(30) = 0

9Bx + 12By = 480 (1)

Member BC:

a + a MC = 0; -Bx(90) + By(120) + 40(30) + 40(60) = 0

-9Bx + 12By = -360 (2)

Soving Eqs. (1) and (2) yields:

Bx = 46.67 k = 46.7 k By = 5.00 k Ans.

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5–25. Continued

Member AB:

: a Fx = 0;
A x - 46.67 = 0

A x = 46.7 k Ans.

+ c a Fy = 0; Ay - 60 - 20 - 20 + 5.00 = 0
A y = 95.0 k Ans.

Member BC:

: a Fx = 0;
-Cx + 46.67 = 0

Cx = 46.7 k Ans.

+ c a Fy = 0; Cy - 5.00 - 40 - 40 = 0

Cy = 85 k Ans.

5–26. Determine the design heights h1, h2, and h3 of the 60 k 40 k 40 k

20 k 20 k
bottom cord of the truss so the three-hinged trussed arch D 10 ft E
responds as a funicular arch.
100 ft

30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft

y = -Cx 2

-100 = -C(120)2

C = 0.0069444

y = -0.0069444x2

y1 = -0.0069444(90 ft)2 = -56.25 ft

y2 = -0.0069444(60 ft)2 = -25.00 ft

y3 = -0.0069444(30 ft)2 = -6.25 ft

h1 = 100 ft - 56.25 ft = 43.75 ft Ans.

h2 = 100 ft - 25.00 ft = 75.00 ft Ans.

h3 = 100 ft - 6.25 ft = 93.75 ft Ans.

© 2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently
exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

5–27. Determine the horizontal and vertical components 4k

of reaction at A, B, and C of the three-hinged arch. Assume
A, B, and C are pin connected.
3k 2 ft
5 ft A
Member AB:

a + a MA = 0;
8 ft
Bx(5) + By(11) - 4(4) = 0

Member BC: 4 ft 7 ft 10 ft 5 ft
a + a MC = 0; -Bx(10) + By(15) + 3(8) = 0

By = 0.216 k, Bx = 2.72 k Ans.

Member AB:

: a Fx = 0;
A x - 2.7243 = 0

A x = 2.72 k Ans.

+ c a Fy = 0; A y - 4 + 0.216216 = 0
A y = 3.78 k Ans.

Member BC:

: a Fx = 0;
Cx + 2.7243 - 3 = 0

Cx = 0.276 k Ans.

+ c a Fy = 0; Cy - 0.216216 = 0
Cy = 0.216 k Ans.

*5–28. The three-hinged spandrel arch is subjected to the 20 kN/m

uniform load of 20 kN>m. Determine the internal moment
in the arch at point D.

Member AB: D 5m

a + a MA = 0;
Bx(5) + By(8) - 160(4) = 0 A C

Member BC:

a + a MC = 0; -Bx(5) + By(8) + 160(4) = 0 3m 5m 8m

Bx = 128 kN, By = 0

Segment DB:

a + a MD = 0; 128(2) - 100(2.5) - MD = 0

MD = 6.00 kN # m Ans.

© 2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently
exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

5–29. The arch structure is subjected to the loading B 2 k/ft

shown. Determine the horizontal and vertical components
of reaction at A and D, and the tension in the rod AD. 3 ft 3k E
3 ft

8 ft 4 ft 4 ft 6 ft

: a Fx = 0;
-A x + 3 k = 0; Ax = 3 k Ans.

a + a MA = 0; -3 k (3 ft) - 10 k (12 ft) + Dy(16 ft) = 0

Dy = 8.06 k Ans.

+ c a Fy = 0; A y - 10 k + 8.06 k = 0

Ay = 1.94 k Ans.

a + a MB = 0; 8.06 k (8 ft) - 10 k (4 ft) - TAD(6 ft) = 0

TAD = 4.08 k Ans.


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