RWC) (ConPlayerpack2010 A

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][con 2010


2 September 2010

Draft A
Ringwood Wargames Club



Draft A 2 September 2010

Ross Armstrong AKA “Bearstrangler”

Location Realm Of Legends Hobby Centre
Date Sunday 28th November 2010
Army List Due Dates 14th November 2010
Contact Details


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Welcome to ][con ’10!
For the first time ][con this year will be a doubles tournament held at the Realm Of Legends Hobby
Centre Croydon. The venue can accommodate up to 50 tables, has a Cafe, is within minutes walk of
the train station and has its own parking.
Players will play 3 doubles games in 1 day, each player having a 888pt army, and therefore each team
loading out with 1776 point army.
The winner of the event will be scored in Battle, Sportsmanship and Composition. In the spirit of the
previous years ][con will have force organisation chart limitations and allies restrictions which can be
found in the following pages, we want this event to be fun for you but also your opponent. If you are
planning on coming please bring an army that you would be happy to face across the table.
I would like to thank Games Workshop who continually front up great products for this game and our
other sponsors:

My assistant TO's this year are Brenton Shaw and Luke Brown which will allow ][con to be an even
better event. I would also like to thank the Ringwood Wargames Club for their continuing support to
the gaming community.
I hope to see you there!!

Ross Armstrong
Tournament Organizer

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][con ’10 - Sunday 28th November 2010
Registration Opens - 16th September
Army lists are due by Midnight 14th November 2010
Lists are to be submitted on the spreadsheet supplied when registration opens.
Tickets are required to be paid for on registration

8:30 PM: Registration Opens
9:30 AM: Mission Briefing and Battle 1 commencement
12:00 PM: Battle Conclusion & Setup for players choice
12:00 PM: 12:45 PM LUNCH (Vote: Players Choice)
12:45 PM: Mission Briefing and Battle 2 commencement
15:15 PM: Battle 2 Conclusion
15:30 PM: Mission Briefing and Battle 3 commencement
18:00 PM: Battle 3 Conclusion
18:30 PM: Presentation Begins
In order to stay running on time, and for everyone to get home at a reasonable time, fill in your forms

Realm Of Legends Hobby Centre
172-178 Mount Dandenong Rd
Croydon 3136
Closest Station is Croydon Station (400m) about 5-6 minutes walk away.

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All players are required to present themselves at ][con with the following items:
• A printout of this player pack;
• Your fully painted army;
• A Tape measure;
• Dice + Scatter dice;
• Templates;
• The codex you’re using and any FAQ, White Dwarf articles, IA rules;
• Warhammer 40,000 5th Ed Rulebook;

• 1 x 60mm;
• 2 x 40mm based objectives;
• 1 x Model on the same size base as your army commander;
• 1 x An additional model of a similar size to a basic troop transport for your
army. e.g a rhino for Spacemarines, Chimera for guard, Nids make something
up use a Monstrous creature or similar etc;
•Multiple copies of your army lists for your opponents perusal;
And lastly the attitude that comes with getting out of bed on the right side ready for a great day of

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The following rules will be used in the running of ][con'10:
• Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition
• Armies shall be no more than 888 points per player
• Armies shall be no more than 1776 points per team

The following army lists will be allowed to be used in ][con'10:
• All current Codex's released prior to the army list submission date.
• In addition the Daemon Hunter's PDF or the current codex may be used.
• Imperial Armour may be used, but will be considered on a case by case basis, no super heavies,
flyers, no structure points or mass points. In addition the following unit selections are not
• Deathstorm Drop Pods
• Incendiatory Shells
• No Home Brewed or Fan Dex
• No Armoured Company

Who's Giving the orders here?
This rule applies to all teams especially those with the same army type (i.e. guard with guard). It is
assumed that the commanders of the respective allies are set in their ways and will not order their allies
troops in case an affront to the other commander is caused. (and why would they listen to him
anyway). The collusion between the two armies and their commanders is represented by their synergy
as battle forces on the table, not through the use of any special rules cross over.
When considering friendly models only models from within a players army are considered truly
No army special rules, orders, abilities can be conferred to your team mates army. In the case of rules
that apply to models on the table with a given rule, e.g. Epidemius and models with the Mark of
Nurgle, this type of rule will apply to all allies from the same codex (as the model with the rule) when
considering allies, and to all enemies on the table that meet the criteria of the rules.

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All models must be painted to a table top standard, models unpainted or partially painted will not be
allowed and you will have to play with a depleted force. Painting will be scored based on the
following criteria:
Q1 Is your army entirely painted; No Metal, Plastic, Green stuff/ Plasticard / Undercoat Yes = 2
visible, is it at least 3 colours on each model. Not including the bases colours. Sand No = 0
or flocked and painted bases (this does not go towards 3 colours on each model)
Q2 Is there character differentiation within the units of your army, including sergeants Yes = 3
etc. ? No = 0
Q3 Army Cohesion - Does your army look like a Cohesive Army? Yes = 2
No = 0
Q4 Basing - Has some extra detail been applied to all your bases Yes = 2
bodies on the ground? Self converted / detailed bases? No = 0
Q5 Squad Differentiation – are there markings on them enabling your opponent to Yes = 3
differentiate between units? (This could be as simple as painting bases different No = 0
colours, or painting different coloured tongues on daemons)
Q6 Is the army WYSIWYG. (What you see is what you get)? Each upgrade must be Yes = 3
modelled as stated in the army list. (Except Grenades) No = 0
Q7 Objectives - Are all your objectives creative? Have they been converted to fit the Yes = 2
theme of your army? If they are plain objectives then you will score 0. We are No = 0
looking for objectives that stand out as being themed to your army.
Q8 Does the army have a display board? Yes = 2
No = 0
Q9 Do your bases match your allies army completing the story of the alliance? (These Yes = 1
are points for serious extra effort. No = 0
Sub Total Available Points/Player 20 pts
Master Class Points
Q10 Master Class - Is there extra Effort applied to this army? Have bases, little detail or Scale 0-4
trophies or other items been painted that require painting, Camo Schemes,
distinguishing things that make your army stick out on a tabletop.
Q11 Is there free hand work applied to the models, unit markings etc, Directional Scale 0-3
lighting effects, realistic weathering, or gore details?
Q12 Conversions, wholesale model cut and shuts, seamless blending of components Scale 0-3
Total Available Points/Player 30 pts

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The composition scoring will be based on the following criteria:
Criteria Points
Registering the teams lists on time 10
Submitting correct and legal lists that match the Force org 20 (10/player)
charts, 1 list per player, (If the lists when combined as a team are not correct
the team will lose 10 points)

Trusted Allies 30
Distrusting Allies 20
Hated Enemies 10
Total Available for Team 60
All allies combinations can be judged as trusted allies if:
1. An appropriately cool back story is written and presented with the army lists
2. A piece of 40k fluff can be quoted and supplied to support the alliance.
3. Another cool reason we didn't think of that is convincing and true to the 40k background

Force Organisation Charts:

The following force organisation charts are required to be met, each players army must be a valid list
in its own right and match the force org charts below. In addition when the two armies are combined
they must still make a valid force organisation chart.
For example: If Player 1 decides they need 4 Troops choices in their list, this will restrict player 2 too
2 Troops choices in their list in order to satisfy the teams maximum of 6 Troops choices as per the
force organisation chart.
PLAYER 1 (888 points) PLAYER 2 (888 points) TEAM (1776 points)




Fast Attack

Heavy Support

1. Where your codex allows additional characters or units for a particular org. chart slot this is allowed but
is not transferable in any way to your opponents army.
2. No special/named character may be duplicated within a team force. You may however have a different
special character per force.

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In order to promote likely combinations of armies without stopping anyone entering ][con the allies
matrix that follows will be used in order to assess the composition criteria.

In addition the following ally combinations will count as :

1. Space Wolves and any Inquisitor
2. Dark Angels - Deathwing and any Inquisitor
3. Black Templars and any Psychers

In order to enter a valid force for ][con '10 the force organisation charts are required to be met, any
level of allies can be used with the appropriate penalties.
If a piece of 40k fluff can be presented or written that is awesome enough to convince the TO's that
your alliance could really have happened then your score will be considered to be the same as a trusted

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The total score available for sports will be 60 points for each player. Players will be asked to complete
a form per game on the day. The details of the sports form will be outlined on the day of the event.

The score available for battle will be 20 points per player per game, the teams will be asked to
complete a battle score form on the day. The details of the battle form will be outlined on the day of
the event.

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Army list submissions will be as follows:
Lists are due in by the 14th November
e-mail lists on the supplied spreadsheet to:

Lists will be reviewed, if lists are deemed as not fun too play players will be asked to resubmit and will
have 5 days to do so with no penalty.
Resubmitted lists will be reviewed for fun factor, players will have 3 days to resubmit, you will receive
an explanation of why we think your list is not acceptable.

Registration for ][con'10 will be performed on
On registration, payment is required to be made straight away, as your place will not be secured until
payment is received. A reserves list will be created if and as required. Registration will be opened on
the 10th September 2010.
Payment can be made via direct deposit to the following account:

Account Details:
Name: Ringwood Warhammer Club Inc
BSB: 06 3167
Acc #: 1034 9152
Please put 'icon' and your name in the Description. Eg icon r armstrong

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The Realm of Legends Hobby Centre is:
• 400m walk from the Croydon Train Station;
• 8 minutes drive up Maroondah Hwy from the Ringwood exit of Eastlink;
• Bus Stops at Croydon Station and on Mount Dandenong Rd.
situated at the end of main street with its own dedicated car parks. The hobby centre has Cafe
facilities, up to 50 gaming tables, a painting area, workshop, spray booths and more.

][con 2010 Player Pack, Draft A

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