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A static position is a held, still position that is held for 3-5 seconds.

3 Types of Static positions
Balance – using a small base of support
Supports – shoulders above the apparatus
Hangs – shoulders below the apparatus

Teaching Progressions
- Start by static poses on the floor
- Progress to partner static poses
- Progress to group static poses

Key Teaching Points

Good posture
Key Teaching Points Common Errors Diagram
• Shoulders back • Shoulders
• Feet together hunched
• Knees together • Head down
• Squeeze bum • Arched back
• Arms by side (exceptions)

Front Support
Key Teaching Points Common Errors Diagram
• Shoulders over • Shoulder back,
wrists not over hands
• Squeeze bum • Relaxed body
• Straight back • Bum up/down
• Chest in
• Bottom down
Back Support
Key Teaching Points Common Errors Diagram
• Hips up • Bent arms
• Straight legs • Hips down
• Straight arms • Bum down

Stork Stand
Key Teaching Points Common Errors Diagram
• Foot to knee • Bent Knees
• Shoulders back • Loss of balance
• Bottom leg • Leaning to one
straight up side

Tuck Sit
Key Teaching Points Common Errors Diagram
• Back straight • Curved back
• Knees to chest • Loose grip
• One hand on each

Key Teaching Points Common Errors Diagram
• Hands behind you • Curved back
• Legs in front • Bent legs
• Legs at 45 degrees

Shoulder Stand
Key Teaching Points Common Errors Diagram
• Hands on hips • Legs apart
• Feet, knees and hips • Relaxes
in straight line
• Legs in line

Front Scale
Key Teaching Points Common Errors Diagram
• Arms out to the side • Legs not at 90
• Stand on one leg degrees
• Back leg straight out • Arms not out
• Chest up straight
Physical preparation
- Power, strength and endurance
- Flexibility of the shoulders, upper
body, core and wrists
Key Teaching Points
- Hands shoulder width apart
- Arms Straight
- Feet together
- Good body tension
Teaching Progressions
Progression Key Teaching Points
1. Tuck Sit • Back straight
• Knees to chest
• One hand on each knee
2. Front Support • Shoulder back, not over hands
• Relaxed body
• Bum up/down
3. Bunny Hop • Straight arms
• Two feet take off and landing
4. Tuck Handstand • Same at bunny hop, but increase height
• Everything in straight line (back, arms and legs)
5. Scorpion • One foot take off and one foot landing
• Chest up on landing
6. Half Handstand • One leg is straight and one is bent
• Straight leg is in line with hips and hands
7. Full Handstand • Both legs straight up
• Legs, back and arms all in line

- Walking while doing a handstand
- Backflips
- Handsprings
- Cartwheel

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