口语 part1

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Part2 必考话题

People 人物描述

1. 说明人物身份、名字的句型
 Today I’d like to talk about ____, whose English name is____.
 The elder person I’d like to describe today is ___, whose full name is ____.
 The celebrity I admire very much is ____.

2. 介绍人物外貌、年龄的句型
 Now he/she is ____ years old and looks very cute. He/she is very funny and always telling jokes.
 He/she is in his/her mid-30’s and has a high-lined forehead, which makes him/her look very intelligent.
 He is over___ years old, but he looks much younger than his age. He is very tall and slim.
 He is fairly old and he is going bald.
 She is got short, dark hair, sort of curly. She’s a little bit on the plump side and very talkative.
 He’s very good-looking. I mean tall, dark and handsome.

3. 描述人物性格的句型
 ________ presents himself/herself as a loveable and happy, bubbly and energetic child with a ready smile.
 ________ is a friendly, amiable and cheerful person with a good sense of humor, so he/she has many good
 _____ is an easy-going person really. He/she is elderly but not old and he/she still very lively and amusing.

4. 解释你喜欢他/她的原因的句型
 I am a fan of ____because_____.
 I like him/her very much because____.
 _____ left a deep impression on me because I was deeply encouraged by his/her optimistic outlook on life and
his/her state of mind. One impressive example I want to mention here is ……


引言描述(基本介绍):是谁 who,和你的关系 relation,你们怎么认识的 how did you know he/her?

一般描述(具体介绍):长相 look like,性格 personality,工作 work,爱好 hobbies

重点描述(故事经历):你为什么要说他 why like him/her,你怎么看他 what do you think of him/her,故事 stories,

经历 experiences,重点是你的感受和受到的启发 you feelings

Describe an old person who has influenced you most.

You should say:
Who this person is
How you get to know him/her
What kind of person he/she is
and explain why you think he/she influences you most.

Next to us lives Mr. Zhang, who is a street-sweeper. He is in his early sixties and looks quite stern; but, in fact, he is easy
to get along with and is always considerate of others. Even though he is uneducated, he is a pleasant man to talk to.

Rain or shine, he goes out to work in the early morning when there is little traffic on the road. Because uncaring people
litter the streets with so much garbage, he cannot take a rest until noon. To my surprise, he never complaints about his
hard and dirty work. In a word, I don’t look down upon him just because he is a street-sweeper; instead, I respect my
kind neighbor.


Describe someone in your family whom you like.

You should say:
Who this person is
What this person looks like
What kind of person he/she is
and explain why you like this person.

Today I’d like to talk about my mum. She is over 50 years old, but she looks much younger than her age, though she’s a
little bit on the plump side. My mother was an elementary school teacher until she retired two years ago. She devoted
herself to teaching for forty-five years. That is, she spent the best part of her life educating her students. Although she
isn’t a teacher now, she is still very much concerned about the development of education in Tianjin.

Though Mom is no longer a career woman, she is busy all the time. Each day she gets up early to prepare our breakfast
and does all the housework. In addition, she goes to a temple and volunteers to help the priests and worshippers with
little chores.

After all, I like and respect my mum because she’s a so active and open-minded person; she is the world’s greatest mum
and the greatest educators.

Describe a well-known person you admire.

You should say:
Who this person is
What he/she does
What is special about him/her
and explain why you admire him/her

Yao Ming, known as a symbol of China’s basketball and the pride of China. Yao is ordinary looking and not very
handsome, but depending on his height of 2.2 meters and comprehensive skills, say attacking, defending, blocking,
shooting even slum dunk, he has become one of the greatest NBA players.

Yao is very successful because he can use his advantage in different situations in every NBA game. Yao has accomplished
a lot. It took a lot of hard work, practice and efforts to be one of the big NBA stars. Yao has fans all over the world. Not
only is he known for his performance on the court, but also he is also known for the things that he does off the court.
For example, he is really keen on the non-profit activities.

I admire him so much because Yao is an example that shows whatever your goal is; you can reach it with hard work,
efforts and confidence.


Describe a child you like.

You should say:
Who he/she is
How old he/she is
What he/she likes
and explain why you like him/her

The child I’d like to talk about is my nephew, whose English name is Mike. Now Mike is 9 years old and looks very cute.
He has a round face with a pair of shiny eyes. He has short black hair, which makes him look more energetic. Mike is a
bit tall for his age, which I think might be because he often takes exercises. He likes football, swimming and he even like

I like him very much because he is so curious about everything that he keeps asking questions. He is a really keen on
observer of life and shows great interest in nature. Besides, he is quite good at acting and always ready to tell something
interesting. Whenever he acts in front of us, the whole family will laugh back and forth. More importantly, I especially
like his sweet smile. Each time you meet him, it doesn’t matter you are a stranger or not, he will smile to you. And if you
talk to him, he will definitely wear his charming smile all the time. Quite a lovely child, isn’t he?
Place 场所/建筑描述

1. 说明场所/建筑是什么的句型
 The most interesting building I visited is _____.
 I’ve traveled to many places and visited a lot of wonderful buildings. Among them the most interesting one is
 ______ is famous for its breath-taking cliffs. This beautiful natural scenery attracts countless visitors.

2. 介绍这个场所/建筑的位置、参观时间的句型
 _____is located to the south of_____.
 _____ is a famous and scenic summer resort located at _____.
 Last summer I had a trip to _____ with my family.
 _____ park is one of my favorite parks, which is situated on the eastern outskirts of _____.

3. 描述场所/建筑的具体特征的句型
 _____ is a peaceful place where people can relax themselves.
 The tower has five floors. On the top of the tower you can enjoy the view of _____.
 _____ stretches several kilometers.
 _____ is a magnificent building in national style which fully shows the wisdom and creativity of the people.

4. 解释你喜欢这个场所/建筑的原因的句型
 I like the building for its _____. I think it’s a wonderful example of traditional Chinese architecture.
 I like the library not only for its _____, but also for its _____. It helps me a lot in my study.


引言描述:场所/建筑的名字 name,你怎么知道这个地方的 how do you know,你多久去一次(频率)how often

一般描述: 位置 location,周围环境 surroundings,场所/建筑的样子简单描述 what does it look like,有什么特别

的功能或设施 facilities and main functions

重点描述:人们经常在那干什么 what do people do there,你对这个场所/建筑的感觉 your feelings

Library 图书馆/很容易改成餐馆商场等城市建筑或场所

Describe a library you have visited.

You should say:
What the library is called
Where it is located
What it looks like
And explain why you think it is a good one

Speaking of the library that I often go to, I think it must be the National Library in Beijing. I really like this library and I go
there almost every weekend if I am free.

Well, because this is the biggest library in my country, it actually occupies the best location in town. You can find it easily
right in the city center.

As to its features, I have to say it should be the most magnificent library I have ever seen. It even has a big square in
front of it. The library building has six floors, including the underground floor. On the underground floor, there are
offices for storage and bookbinding. From the first floor to the fifth floor, there are different kinds of collections. If
people want to borrow books, they should go to the checkout desk within the collection areas. The book return desk is
on the first floor, opposite to the main entrance.

Another major part is the Multi-Media Auditorium. Many important lectures are held in it. Opposite to this auditorium,
there is a coffee shop. If people get tired and want to take a break, the coffee shop is really a nice place to go.

I think this library is really a good one. Firstly, all the materials are arranged in a standardized classification system.
Recently, the library has purchased a very advanced PC system to help the staff improve quality of service. It simplifies
the process of finding books and other materials. Secondly, the high quality of materials is guaranteed because their
purchases are based on rigorous selection criteria. Some very rare and expensive materials can also be found in a special
part of the library. Owing to these advantages, a lot of people like to use it and benefit from its convenience and rich

The joy of reading 阅读的乐趣 (高分部分)

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. People who read are usually more open-minded and rarely bored.
Through reading different kinds of books, you can broaden your mind and stimulate your imagination.

Furthermore, reading is not an expensive pastime. It doesn’t cost you much money because you can easily borrow books
from a library or friends. It is especially good for the whole family. For instance, my family likes to read. We often spend
evenings together discussing literature and sharing insights from books. Hence, reading brings us closer together.
Park 公园/Garden 花园/ Historic spot 历史名胜/ Scenic spot 旅游景点/Old building 老建筑/ /Enjoyed summer place 夏

Describe a park or garden you visited.

You should say:
Where it is
When you went there
What it looks like
And explain why you like the park/garden

The park I like best is Summer Palace which lies in the northwest of Beijing. It is the largest imperial garden in China and
a veritable museum of classical Chinese garden architectures, including more than 3000 buildings, such as halls, long
corridors, towers and so forth. I went there last summer with my friends. It’s said that Summer Palace looks the best in

The main attractions in the garden are Long corridor and Kunming Lake, which create a paradise o f hills and waters.
What I like best is the elegant 700-meter-long corridor. It circles along the lake, like a necklace, it links up the building
and gardens together and enables tourists to enjoy the whole scenic area more easily. Walking along the Long corridor,
visitors feel like going through a picturesque journey. I like the layout of the buildings in Summer Palace. When you stroll
among them, you will constantly find the area changing and not crowded.

Natural Landscape 自然景观/旅游/休闲/难忘的事….

Describe the most beautiful natural scenery you have ever seen.
You should say:
What it is called
Where it is
What is special about it
And explain why you think it is the most beautiful

I took my most recent trip with my family to picturesque resort island Hainan. It’s the only tropical marine climate region
in China. So the sceneries and climate are quite different from the other parts of China. There’re hundreds of islands
scattered around Hainan, small ones and big ones. All those islands are surrounded by golden beaches and sheltered by
various kinds of tropical plants, like palm trees, coconut trees and some other plants that I can’t tell the name. My family
and I stayed in Hainan for 5 days. And we did a lot of fantastic things, including swimming in the sea, viewing the ocean
world, diving and windsurfing. Well, the most exciting thing is a bonfire party that we held on the beach. I guess that’s
the most impressive outdoor party I’ve ever had. We bought some freshly-fished seafood from the local fishermen, like
sea fish, oysters, shrimps and crabs. After marinating the seafood in the sauce of soybean, salt and alcohol, we put them
on the grill and roasted them over the fire. Wow! It was terrific! I never had such an amazing experience like this before.
City Places 城市建筑:

park 公园

This is a nice part of the city to relax in. I often come here for a walk on the weekend. It’s a great place to listen to the
birds and smell the flowers. It looks as if it’s been here for years, but actually it was only opened a couple of years ago.
There used to be lots of old factories here, but the city decided to tear them all down because we didn’t have enough
green space in the city.

sky scraper 摩天大楼

This is the tallest building in the city. It’s over 50 stories high. It was finished two years ago. The top 20 floors are a hotel,
and there’s a restaurant at the top with a fantastic view of the city. In fact, on a clear day, you can see for 80 kilometers
or more.

stadium 体育场

This was built for our local baseball and football teams. It has that unusual color because it’s made entirely of steel. it
can hold over 30,000 people. It can be used all year round because it has a special roof that closes when the weather is
bad. It was opened ten years ago.
Object 物品描述


1. 说明物品是什么的句型
 My favorite transport is ____, a common means of transportation in China.
 The electric appliance I’d like to describe now is______, which has started to be popular in China today and
people, especially _____ favor it very much.
 Here I’d like to describe a traditional handicraft in China: ______, which was originated from __________.
 My favorite book is a novel named ________, written by American writer ________.
 Like most of my peers, I got many gifts in the childhood. Here I want to describe a toy I got on my 7th birthday.
Actually, it was a ___________.
 Speaking of an item of clothing I would choose for a special occasion, _____ will be my priority.
2. 介绍物品外观及用途的句型
 ______ is about 20 cm long, 10 cm wide and 6 cm high and the color is red, which looks very bright.
 ______ is usually made of red paper. The shape of ______ is the most popular because it means _______.
 It is a dark blue single-breasted suit and there is a slit on the back.
3. 描述物品的功能、价值以及图书的内容等的句型
 I think ______ has three functions/advantages. First, ______. Second, ______. Third, ______.
 Compared with the old, conventional ______, this new device has considerable advantages. First, ______.
Besides, ______.
 ______ can be used as ______, ______, or ______.
 The story is about ______. What impressed me most is ______.
4. 解释你喜欢该物品的原因的句型
 Despite its defects, I like ______ because ______. Besides, ______ brings me a sense of ______. I really enjoy it.
 I think ______ is useful because it offers us ______. What’s more, ______. It is really convenient and useful.
 I love this book very much, because it creates a vivid character, which encourages me deeply.
 I love ______ very because it is the only gift from ______.


引言描述(基本介绍 ):物品的名字 what is it,什么时候得到的 when did you get it,得到后感想 how did you fell
when you get it, 使用频率 how often

一般描述(外观&用途): 外观(size, color, shape, material, parts),主要用途 main functions, 其他功能 other

重点描述(特别影响):有什么特别 what’s special,对你重要性 why is it important to you,举例说明 cases

Gift 礼物/Toy 玩具

Describe a special gift you received.

You should say:
What it is
Who gave it to you
What it looks like
And explain why you like this gift.

Like most of my peers, I got many gifts in my childhood. Here I want to describe a toy on my 7th birthday. Actually, it was
a car model.

When I was a kid, I was very interested in car models. But my parents didn’t know that and they bought many dolls for
me. To tell you the truth, my grandfather found what toy I really liked, so he bought me a car model as a little present.

The car model is about 20 cm long, 10 cm wide and 6 cm high and the color is red, which looks very bright. The car is
cool and I like it very much. I often take it out and study it and I figure out many functions of it. It was amazing that
people could invent this tool for transportation.

I love this car model very much because it is the only gift from my grandfather, who passed away five years ago.
Although the little car is not very expensive and looks a bit faded, I cherish it very much and still keep it in my drawer. It
reminds me of my grandfather’s deep love and understanding to me.


Describe an electric appliance you often use.

You should say:
What it is
What its functions are
What its advantages are
And explain why you think it useful.

The electric appliance I’d like to describe is the microwave oven, which has started to be popular in China today and
people, especially housewives favor it very much. Being one of the main inventions in the20th century, the microwave
oven brings about great changes to our life. I think it is the most useful appliance in the kitchen.

The microwave oven has many functions. We can boil porridge, steam rice and defrost frozen food or meat in the
microwave oven. And food that has already been cooked can be reheated at any time without loss of flavor or juice.

Compared with the old, conventional cooking way, this new device has considerable advantages. First, it changes our
cooking habit. We needn’t suffer from the smell of smoke and oil any more. Besides, there is no unbearable hear in the
kitchen if we cook with a microwave oven. We needn’t worry about being burnt by the flam or steam, either.

I think the microwave oven is useful because it offers us more healthy dishes. The food is cooked by microwave rather
than by heat, so the nutrition in vegetables or meat can be preserved to the greatest extent. What’s more, the
appearance and color of dishes are not destroyed either. Since I got a microwave oven in the kitchen I do more cooking
then before. It is really convenient and useful.

Describe something you made by yourself.

You should say:
What it is
What procedure it takes to make it
How long it takes to make it
And explain what it is like.

When talking about handicrafts, I’d like to share with you the experience of making paper-cut. Paper-cut is a kind of
handicraft. It is very popular in some rural areas in China and they used to decorate the house on some important
occasions like spring Festival and Wedding Ceremony. Paper-cuts are pasted on the windows to add color to the room. If
the Chinese character “XI” pasted on the door or the furniture in the house, that means there is a marriage and coming
happiness. Generally, it won’t take long to make a paper-cut. But it depends on what you are going to make. Last time, I
had the honor to learn from a local handicraftsman. What I made is a simple paper-cut-xi. Before making it, there are
some materials to prepare. First, colored paper. Second, pencil. Third, scissors. The procedures are as follows: the first
step is to draw the basic shape on the paper and the next step is to use scissors to cut the unwanted part. It is easy to
make, isn’t it?


Describe your favorite transport.

You should say:
What it is
How often you use it
Its advantages and disadvantages
And explain why you like it.

My favorite transport is the bicycle, a common means of transportation in China.

Like most of my friends, I ride a bicycle to school almost every day.

I think the bicycle has three advantages. First, a bicycle is not expensive. We neither have to worry about the gas price
roaring up, nor do we need to care about the high cost of maintenance. Second, riding a bicycle offers us an opportunity
to exercise, so it is good to our health. Third, the bike is ideal for short trips in town. You don’t have to be worried about
traffic jams, where to park, and so on. However, the bicycle is not without its shortcomings. Firstly, its speed is limited.
In addition, when we want to travel a long distance, the bike is of little use because it’s rather energy consuming.

Despite its defects, I like riding a bicycle because, as a student, I can afford one. Beside, riding a bike brings me a sense
of safety on the road. So I really enjoy it.

Describe your favorite animal.

You should say:
What it is
How you know it
What you know about it
And explain why it is an interesting animal.

Well, I would like to talk about the animal that I’m most interested in. that’s panda-the national symbol of China. The
first time I saw this lovely animal was about 5 years ago when I was traveling with family in the southwest of China,
Sichuan Province, which is the inhabiting area of pandas. I guess what attracts me most about this animal is that it is
chubby and quite lovely with black fur on its ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders. The rest of the animal’s coat
is white. Another reason for my preference is that it is unique within China, which is home to that animal. Pandas have
been sent to several countries and regions such the USA and Taiwan as a symbol of friendship and love. That’s why the
animal is so adorable to me. But on the other hand, people are worried because in the past few years, pandas have
become an endangered species due to the environmental problems such as contamination and global warming. So I
suppose, first of all, urgent measures should be taken before these animals disappear on the earth.
Even/Experience 事件/经历的描述


1. 说明经历是什么句型
 One journey I went on that was very long indeed was my trip around ________ travelling by ________
 Here I’d like to talk about a birthday party of ________.
 I’d like to describe a happy event in my childhood.
 Speaking of the traffic problem that I have experienced, it reminds me of the awful traffic jam that happened
________ .
 I would like to discuss a wedding I once attended when ________ got married with ________ who fell in love
with her (him) for nearly ________ years.
2. 介绍经历发生的时间和地点的句型
 ________ took place in the summer of ________. It was held in ________.
 We had ________ in a western-styled restaurant.
3. 描述经历细节的句型
 After ________, I went to ________ with ________.
 We had planned long before to hold a birthday party for ________ because ________.
 We prepared ________ and ordered ________.
 You know, I had to submit to an unchangeable situation and started to ________.
4. 解释经历的意义和影响的句型
 I cannot forget the event. It teaches me the value of persistence.
 Although ________ is hard, I think it worthwhile. I have had more understanding about ________.
 Anyway, that was my ________ experience from which I learned ________.
 Through ________, I learned that if you were patient and careful enough, you would succeed eventually.


引言描述(基本介绍 ):what is it? What is it like now? What are the effects and results?

一般描述(外观&用途):what activities do people do? What attitudes do people have?

重点描述(特别影响):what’s your opinion? Why do you have such an opinion?


Describe a festival that is important in your country.

You should say:
What it is
How people celebrate it
How you feel about it
And explain what is special about it.

There’s nothing more special than the Spring Festival to Chinese people. The Spring Festival is the beginning of the
Chinese Lunar New Year. People usually get up very early on the first day of New Year and pray for good luck. To some
extent, this is more like a children’s festival. Because most of the memories I had about it were left in childhood. Before
the celebration of the festival, every family is busy decorating and cleaning the house and preparing New Year food. We
treat this festival as a family reunion day. Generally speaking, no matter how far you are from your home, you should go
back to celebrate it with family members. The Spring Festival lasts fifteen days. Comparatively speaking, the New Year’s
Eve is more important to celebrate. Family members stay together and wait to see the New Year coming. Making jiaozi is
a very important part of this festival; it is really a sign of family reunion. Moreover, jiaozi also means good luck. After
New Year dinner, the happiest moment for children is to come – fireworks time. And after that, children will get lucky
money from their parents, grandparents and some other relatives. A new day is on the way.


Describe a birthday party.

You should say:
When it was
Who attended it
How people celebrated
And explain how special it was.

Here I’d like to talk about a birthday party of my best friend, XXXX. It was held on a summer evening.

After finish work/study, I went to a nearby restaurant with several friends to hold a birthday party. The restaurant was
particular for its unique decoration and flavorful food.

We had planned long before to hold a birthday party for XXXX because it would be his XXX birthday. The age of XXX is
thought to be an important stage in China because one is expected to have set clear goals in work/study and life at this
age. We wanted to celebrate this day and give him our sincere wishes. We prepared a birthday cake and ordered a
bottle of wine and several favorite dishes. At the party we talked much about joys, regrets and wishes. We seldom
talked about these things.

I enjoyed the party very much because it offered us an opportunity to communicate among friends. After the party, we
felt we were much closer. XXXX was also moved deeply and said he would treasure our love and friendship forever. I
hope I will have such a birthday party when I am XXX years old.
The ways of Celebrating Birthday (高分)

A birthday is a meaningful day to everyone and is worth celebrating. These days, many students invite friends out for
dinner at restaurants/pubs/KTVs to celebrate. In my opinion, this is not a good idea since students don’t have a lot of
extra cash on hand. Celebrating your birthday doesn’t have to be an expensive event. In fact, it doesn’t have to cost
anything at all. The most important part of the celebration is being with your friends and family. As far as I am
concerned, an ideal way to celebrate one’s birthday is to have a picnic in the park where everyone brings a snack.
Another way is to have your friends come to your house to watch a movie or play games. Birthdays are about coming
together with the people you care about, not about spending money.


Describe a wedding that you attended.

You should say:
When it was
Who got married
Who attended it
And explain how you felt at this wedding.

This topic reminds me of my cousin’s wedding ceremony. She and her husband were university classmates. They got
married about 2 years ago. The wedding ceremony was held at a luxury hotel, with many guests in attendance. On the
wedding day, red decorations are used to bring luck to the couple. The bride was wearing a red Chinese wedding dress
that made her look very elegant. The groom was handsome and traditionally dressed as well. On the wedding ceremony,
the couple bowed to Heaven and Earth and expressed gratitude to the parents. When these rituals were finished, they
toasted and drank with each of us and in return, we give gift or money to the new couple. Every guest wished the new
couple good luck, happiness and eternal love.

This kind of wedding is very common in China, and marriage is viewed as a strong bond between two people and a new
beginning of their life.


Describe pollution in you region.

You should say:
What the sources of pollution are
What influence it has on people’s life
What measures should be taken to solve it
And explain why it is necessary to solve it.

As many modern cities, my city is polluted in many ways. The main source of pollution is transportation. The number of
vehicles is increasing every year. When exhaust is emitted, the air gets polluted. People inhaling polluted air can develop
respiratory disease. Another polluting factor is household waste. Unrecycled garbage not only spoils our lives, but also
causes environmental pollution. At present, some measures have been taken to prevent pollution. For example, the
government has made great efforts to develop public transportation, which is more environmentally-friendly than
private cars. Private Citizens are learning to separate their garbage, part of which can then be collected and recycled.
The public is also encouraged to use paper instead of plastic products. I know we have a long way to go, but some day in
the future, we will succeed.

Describe a new law in your country.

You should say:
What the law is
When it came into effect
What the content is
And explain what people think about this new law.

The plastic-bag usage law which was issued on July 1st 2008 is the latest law that I’ve learned. So now when you go
shopping, you’d better bring your own shopping bag. Otherwise, you need to pay at least 20 cents for a plastic bag
offered in shops. I remember the day when the law took effect. It was the weekend and I was at the supermarket buying
food for the week. After getting all the food I need, I went to the check-out counter. The cashier asked if I had a bag or if
I wanted to purchase a bag. I got completely confused! Then, she briefly explained to me why I needed to make a choice.
Finally, I bought a reusable canvas bag although it was more expensive. I have used the same bag every time I go
shopping since then. People in china are quite supportive about this new law. More and more people bring their own
shopping bags with them to the supermarket now. The best thing about this new law is that it will help reduce white


A valuable lesson

Last mid-autumn day was an unforgettable day for me. Partly because I ate too many moon cakes and partly because
the moon cakes had spoilt, I had a bad stomachache. Not only did I vomit, but I had the runs. Subsequently, I was sent to
the hospital.

This unfortunate experience taught me a valuable lesson. That is one should eat moderately. As the old saying goes,
“Don’t bite off more than you can chew.” You can be sure that I will keep that in mind from now on.


That unforgettable day

I will always remember New Year’s Day in 2001. Early that morning my family and I received a phone call. We were told
Grandma had fainted and was being taken to a hospital in Hexi district. The moment we received the message, my dad
drove us to the hospital as fast as he could. It was a long journey from my home.

While we were on the road, holiday bumper-to-bumper traffic slowed us down to a snail’s pace and a car accident the
previous day made the congestion worse. Consequently, we got stuck for more than 4 hours on the highway. We were
worries about Grandma the whole time. As soon as we arrived at the highway Rest Area, we anxiously phoned home.
However Grandma had died of heart failure just half an hour before we called.

Traffic jam: There are too many trucks and vans on the roads. They’re the cause of the problem. I think they should
keep trucks out of the city during rush hour. That’s why we have traffic congestion problem. And also there are too
many private cars on the roads. And most of them have only one person in them. They should only allow people to drive
into the city if they have a full car. It’s ridiculous to have all these cars driving around with only one person in them. (结
合 carpooling 说)

Dangerous crosswalks: It’s very difficult to cross the streets because there aren’t enough of crosswalks on the
major road, especially downtown. People risk their lives trying to cross the street whenever there’s a break in the traffic.
The government should put in a lot more crosswalks. And if drivers don’t stop when people are trying to cross, they
should get a huge fine. Lots of drivers just go straight through them, even when people are trying to cross. But there’s
no deny that most of Chinese people disregard traffic signals, they cross the road whenever they want to cross. It’s crazy!
No wonder there are so many accidents.


Traffic problem is not like something that can be improved in a couple of days and by a couple of guys. So I think that
both the government and individual should do something. From the government perspective, a series of systematic and
reasonable regulations and rules should be carried out. As far as individual is concerned, I think I will strictly obey the
regulations and rules so that I can set a good example to other citizens.

Traffic safety is everybody's business. Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents. Some of the
accidents are due to mechanical problems. However, most of them are the results of careless and reckless driving, and
could be avoided. A lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules. They drive regardless of speed limits, run through
red lights, drive in the wrong direction, talk and laugh while driving, and turn as they wish without giving signals. They
don't slow down while approaching crossroads. So many people violate traffic regulations that we cannot put too much
emphasis on the importance of traffic safety. Only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we
be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.

莽驾驶的结果, 并且可以避免的. 许多人无视于交通号志和规则. 他们驾驶时不管车速、闯红灯、逆向行驶、开车
时交谈,并且不打灯号就任意转弯.他们接近十字路口时不减速. 如此多的人违犯交通规则以致于我们再怎么样强调
交通安全的重要性也不为过.唯有当每个人皆认为交通安全是众人的事时, 我们在路上开车、在行人道上走路才安

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