口语 part2

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Part3 9 种必考题型



 What are the advantages and disadvantages of …..?

 Are there any advantages or disadvantages about….?


1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?

There is no doubt that studying abroad has numerous advantages. First and foremost, it helps
students to perfect their foreign language skill. In addition, students would be exposed to a new
foreign culture which would definitely broaden their horizons. However, on the other hand, the
disadvantages are as follows. First of all, it costs students a great deal of money which means a
burden to their parents. Besides, it makes students face cultural shock and other life pressure
such as language deficiency and homesickness, which might sometimes twist one’s character if
he/she cannot properly deal with these problems.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at restaurants?

Well, eating at restaurants has a lot of advantages. The first one is the eating atmosphere is
impressive, which can relieve me of pressure from work. Another advantage I can think of is it
can save you plenty of time when you otherwise will have to cook. However, its disadvantages,
in a sense, also cannot be neglected. The first thing I would say is also what other customers
are worrying about: the hygiene at restaurants. I think eating at a restaurant with all the dishes
cooked with the illegal cooking oil would be the very last thing I want to do. Another demerit
that appears in my mind is food at some restaurants is highly-priced, which is kind of
unaffordable to someone.

3. What do you think of e-shopping and what are the advantages and disadvantages of it?

Generally speaking I think E-shopping is quite good because it has the following advantages.
To start with, it gives us more choices since it could bring sellers all over the world to your
computer screen. What’s more, it makes shopping a simpler process. Instead of driving all the
way to a mall then pay the bill for your goods and get them back, you now only need to click on
a few buttons then your purchases would be delivered to your door. However, everything has
its downside and so dose E-shopping. To begin with, it might be dangerous to pay your bill for
E-shopping with accredit card. With this so-called “Cyber Crime” hackers might steal money
from your credit card account. In addition, customers are easily cheated by sellers since anyone
could sell something online as long as they know how to operate, and therefore some swindlers
might try to sell you something fake, or even worse.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?

I’ll start with the advantages. First of all, being famous could bring you money. The more
famous you are the more influential you are and doing advertisements can then boost your
income. In addition, fame could bring you more attention so people would listen to what you
say and with that kind of influence you could create a trend or change the world. However, on
the other hand, being a celebrity is like living under a microscope. The biggest problem is no
privacy. Another disadvantage is being a celebrity could be quite tiring. With a hectic schedule,
a famous person could not possibly live casual life.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology?

Our life becomes more colorful and convenient because of technology. For instance, some
appliances like the TV, mobile phone and digital cameras enrich our leisure life; and the
invention of trains and planes makes it possible to travel a long distance in a short time. But on
the other hand, the world is becoming more polluted and dangerous because of high
technology. Vehicles create air and noise pollution. Nuclear and biochemical weapons make
wars become more cruel and disastrous.




1. Why many young people like to spend a lot on famous brands?

From my point of view, there are many reasons for young people to buy famous brands. In
first place, they think famous brands could guarantee good quality and after-sale service. In
addition, famous brand commodities always catch up with fashion and trend, which they
believe can show one’s social status and social position. Personally speaking, I don’t think
buying famous brands is necessary, because you could always find something you like at a lower
price. What I need is a good product not a brand name.

2. Why do people like going to places with a lot of water?

Well, there are no fewer than two reasons. First and foremost, people go to places with a lot of
water to take part in water-related activities such as swimming, fishing, water-rafting, canoeing,
sailing, surfing and scuba diving. You see, there are many activities for people to enjoy. Another
reason, I guess, is to get closer to nature. You know, nowadays people have more stress. They
need to find a way to relax and unwind.

3. Why is DIY so popular nowadays?

In fact, I think that’s just because we lack DIY toady. Almost all the things are made by machines.
They look similar and there is no individuality in them. Now people have realized the important
of DIY. It adds fun to life and more people take it as hobby.

4. Why do people want to change their jobs?

I suppose people want to change their jobs for many different reasons. One reason could be
some employees can’t stand long hours’ commuting to work every day. They live far away from
their company so the go home too late every night. What’s more, the bottom line is often the
salary of an employee. If they are conscious of the fact that they are underpaid, then they might
say bye-bye to their bosses.



 Can you compare A and B?

 What are the differences between A and B?
 How has a changed since…?


1. What are the differences of shopping habits between women and men?

Well, I have to say there are many differences in terms of shopping habits between women
and men. First of all, males pay less attention to price and they bargain little, while females
focus more on price and are good at bargaining. In addition, women are more likely to be
shopping freaks! However, men tend to spend little time on shopping. It seems quite interesting!
But I think this is a natural result of their different natures. It is hard to explain, just like
women love girly stuff, say, flowers, cosmetics and nice outfits and men are big fans of sports,
computer games and car models.

2. Are there many differences between the education today and in the past?

Absolutely, to my knowledge, there are two tremendous differences. The biggest difference is
that education today encourages students to learn by themselves through reading books and
doing experiments. By contrast, the students could only be taught by their teachers in the past.
In addition to this, new technologies are applied in education today such as computers, videos,
etc. while there was nothing but boos used in past education. (online teaching, distance learning)

3. Can you compare Chinese wedding and Western wedding?

Well, there are many obvious differences between Chinese wedding and Western wedding.
The first and biggest difference I have to say is the theme color; say, Chinese wedding is
featured as red, a color representing auspiciousness and happiness. However, Western wedding
is more likely to be white featured. As white for them is color meaning purity and sanctity.
Another difference is the place where wedding ceremony is held; Chinese wedding is usually
held at a restaurant; however, western wedding is usually held in a church.

4. What are the differences between domestic animals and wild animals?

Well, to be honest, there are a number of tremendous differences between domestic animals
and wild animals. Among these distinctions, I would like to highlight two aspects. The first one
would be that domestic animals are fed by humans while the wild animals need to find food
themselves. Moreover, I think domestic animals are more fragile than wild animals because
domestic animals are born with the protection of humans, while wild animals don’t have this



What do you think of …..?/ How do you think about….?

What’s your opinion on….? / What’s your attitude to….?

Do you think people should…? / do you think it is necessary to …?

In your opinion, should….?


1. Do you think newspapers and magazines will disappear with the popularity of the

No, I don’t think so. Although the internet is fast and immediate, it cannot replace newspapers
and magazines, which are more easily accessible. Besides, newspapers and magazines are
convenient to carry and read. They are not restricted by places or time. I think there are still a
lot of people who don’t like reading on the screen for a long time. So in my opinion, newspapers
and magazines will exist along with the internet.

2. What do you think of modern biological technology?

Biotechnology is one of the hottest fields today. In 2003, we had SARS disaster. With modern
biological technology, people found the virus that caused the disease quickly. This saved a lot of
people’s lives. This is only one example of the benefit of biological technology. What’s more,
people can use this technology to create new plants and animals to meet people’s needs. For
example, scientists can create plates that can grow fast in the desert in order to solve the
problem of desertification, or create flowers that can bloom in winter. I think biological
technology shows people’s ability to create, and it will bring more benefits to human beings in
the future.

3. What do you think of the food culture in China?

In my opinion, the culture of Chinese food is part of traditional Chinese culture. For example,
table manners often represent respect for elderly people. What is more, Chinese food is usually
famous for its shape, taste, color, and smell, which show Chinese aesthetics towards food, and
towards the world. For example, many foods have very beautiful names, which represent the
best wishes towards life, and there are even beautiful legends and stores concerning foods. So I
think the culture of Chinese food is a representation of traditional Chinese culture, and it will
always be preserved by our Chinese people.

4. Do you think a vegetarian diet is better than a diet that includes meat?

As most people have noticed, vegetables are pretty good for our health. Many vegetables
contain many vitamins which are necessary for people’s health, and they hardly have any fat.
However, on the other hand, it is known to all that meat is also necessary for human beings
because it contains proteins that vegetable usually lack. So in my opinion, people should have
a balanced diet which contains many different vitamins and minerals. Say, I prefer to have a diet
that includes both vegetables and meat.

5. What is your opinion of globalization?

Nowadays, globalization is a hot topic. On the one hand, I think globalization is the trend of
word development. Because of the fast development of international communication, people
can share information and materials all over the world. Many people do business in many
different countries as easily as they do business in their own country. On the other hand,
however, I do not think it is beneficial all the time. Globalization connects economies of
different countries together, so one country’s economic crisis will affect the economy of other
countries or even the economy of the whole world. The most famous example is Asian
economic crisis in 1997, which affected the whole world.

6. Do you agree that happiness comes with satisfactory interpersonal relationships?

Yes, I agree that happiness comes with satisfactory interpersonal relationships. If you cannot
get along well with others, you can’t share your sorrows or joys with them. You will feel isolated
and, most probably, lonely. On the other hand, if you have developed a network of close
relationships, you’ll feel satisfied with yourself when you do what you can for your friends and
they can also five you help, encouragement and love when necessary.



How do you …? / How to…? / How would you…?

Can you suggest some ways to…? / What do you think is the best way to …?


1. How does the government support people in housing in your country?

In my country, the government has taken many effective measures to improve people’s
housing conditions. First and foremost, more high buildings have been built to provide
residence for the inhabitants. Some of them are particularly for the families with low income. At
the same time the government invests a lot to improve the living environment. There are more
lawns and sports facilities in many communities.

2. How should the society treat the elder people?

Well, the first priority is the government should provide some social security benefits for elder
people, such as medical care, health insurance, housing allowance, pension benefits, etc.
Another way is establishing an organization which is mainly responsible for solving the problems
for elder people. One more way is our citizens should also show their care and love to them
which they could see, hear and feel!

3. How can a person be called “successful”?

Well, there are obviously millions of ways to become successful. For me, the most important
aspect is being happy. A good mentality is half way to be successful. Another factor contributing
to success is being financially independent. I am not saying all the successful people are making
big bucks, but I don’t think there is any successful person who is making no money. Besides, as
the saying goes:“a person without love is a person without soul!” So one more thing I can think
of is successful people must have a loving heart.

4. In what way should we protect old buildings? Why?

From my perspective, I guess, first and foremost, a specific law should be made and enforced
effectively to look after all the valuable old buildings. What’s more, it is also essential to protect
old buildings in urban planning. It is one part of urban development. But I would have to say, in
some cities, urbanization means pulling down old buildings. It is pathetic. Finally, some people
are not well-mannered. While visiting, they may litter or spit or even scribble their names and
do graffiti on old buildings. So the awareness of taking care of old buildings among the public
ought to be promoted.



What do you usually do when…? / How often do you usually do…?

Have you …? / Do you…?


1. How do people treat animals?

On the one hand, many people now keep animals as pets. Some people have cats and dogs in
their houses. Other people have pet fish, caged birds, tortoises and even snakes or monkeys.
Millions of dollars and much time are spent every year on pet food, equipment, taming and
medical treatment. In contrast to this love of pets is the fact that inhumane activities still exist
in many countries. People hunt foxes, elephants, pandas, wild ducks, rabbits, pheasants and
other animals for pleasure, fur or tusks.

2. What would you do if you were a famous person?

I do not know whether I can become a famous person or not, so I have never thought of this
question before. Well, if I were a famous person, the first thing I’d like to do was using my
influence in society to do something for people who need help. I would also persuade people to
help those handicapped, orphans, or the aged people. In addition, I would use my own
experience to tell others the key to success, to encourage them to persist in what they are
pursuing. Last but not least, I would do my best to encourage people to protect the
environment we are living in.

3. What should the government do to prevent the worsening of the climate?

First, I think the government can help to solve environmental problems by encouraging and
working with big companies to promote the development of renewable energy. Furthermore, it
is also useful to input money to help the environment research and the development of high
technologies. I think the government needs to establish some sorts of reward fund to attract
more scientists to come and help in the research fields.

生用英语表达事物发展趋势的能力,这类问题的提问中通常有“in the future”这样的词汇。

What do you think of … in the future? / What do you think of the future of …?

How would …change in the near future?


1. Do you think that Chinese films will be replaced by Western films in the future?

I don’t think so. I have to admit that more and more Western movies are shown in the cinemas,
and more and more people prefer to see them. But there is a lot of room for Chinese films to
develop. Chinese movies are about China, while Western movies are about foreign countries. I
think most Chinese people would like to see movies about the culture that they are most
familiar with. More importantly, there are a lot of people working hard to improve Chinese
movies, so I believe that there is a bright future for Chinese movies.

2. Do you think environmental problems will be solved in the future?

Yes, people have already realized the importance of environment. For example, we use
recycled paper and save water as much as possible. We are discouraged from using plastic bags
which will stay forever in the earth or sea. We encourage people to use public transport. More
importantly, there are many environment organizations who always work hard to protect our
planet. So I am sure everything will change in a good way.

3. What will be the changes for the automobiles in the future?

There will be many changes for the automobile industry. I would like to start off by saying
their changes in functions. I believe future automobiles must be very environment-friendly,
probably using green fuels such as solar energy. Another big feature of future automobiles is
their trendy design. I am sure there will be more cars with innovative designs on the road.



What role does …play in…? / What’s the importance of …? / How important is…?


1. What role do you think old building play in society?

Old buildings symbolize ancient culture and civilization. They remind us of ancient people’s
wisdom and craft. From the old buildings we learn about people’s life style, customs and even
social structure in the past.

2. What role do toys play in the process of children’s growth?

Toys’ role in children’s growth is just like the role of science labs for scientists. Toys provide
children with not only amusement but also a way to practice what they’ve learned about
everyday life. They accelerate children’s intellectual development, broaden their vision and
exercise their idea.

3. What is the role of animals in China?

I think there is no big difference in the role of animals between China and any other countries.
Animals have been used to help and to serve man in many ways. For example, sheep and goats
were bred to provide wool and meat. Large animals like oxen and horses were used to pull
ploughs and carry heavy loads. The dog, known as “man’s best friend”, is one of the most
versatile animals. Dogs have been bred to hunt, to guard, to herd sheep and cattle, to find
people in the snow or in the rubble of an earthquake, to lead the blind, and to sniff for illegal



Do you prefer to…or…? / Which do you think is more important, or …? / Which…would you like
to choose, …or…?


1. Which do you think is more important, water or oil?

Actually, it’s hard to compare. If I have to, I would say water is more important because we
don’t have anything to replace it. As for oil, it has been proven that we can use other energy
sources to replace it, such as solar energy and earth heat.

2. Where do you usually go shopping, big shopping malls or corner shops?

It is known to all that corner shops can offer us a chance to get some really nice bargains.
However, I would say big shopping malls are my preference because they can offer us a
wonderful shopping environment and you can get everything you could possibly imagine. Beside,
goods in a big shopping mall always got good quality and long-term warranty.
3. What kind of camera do you prefer, digital cameras or traditional cameras?

I prefer digital cameras since they have so many advantages. First of all, they are easy to
operate and all we need to do is to press the button. Besides, they can save you much time
because you don’t need to wait until the film is developed to see the photos. Pictures are shown
on screens immediately after you take your shot. Finally, they are small and easy to carry in
your pocket. For all these advantages, I definitely prefer digital cameras.

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