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Mason Overby

UWRT 1104

Nicole Kauffman

10 FEB 2019

Writerly Identity

I first began to write in my dorm room, my home for the past half year, my most

comfortable place. Riddled with distractions such as the TV, my phone, my guitar’s, and

roommates, it is still the most comfortable and convenient place I like to write. To start writing I

begin by turning on some of my favorite tunes like Led Zeppelin, I can block out the distractions

and get into the “zone”. I prefer to write on the couch. It soft cushions are the most comfortable

and a change of just sitting in a chair. Then I open my laptop and being to write. I will admit it is

harder to focus and I justify taking breaks way more often than I should. However, I can get back

on topic and continue to write it might just take awhile. The next place I choose to write in was

the “study room” on my building floor. It's a decent sized room with chairs and tables and that's

it. No TV, no roommates, and less distractions. I still bring my phone for music to break the eerie

silence I feel and to keep me motivated. The study room is a good tool to use to really box

myself in and write. There are less distractions and thus less chances of me getting off topic. I

definitely felt that it was easier to write in the study room. Its secluded nature keeps me focused

and on track. But my dorm room is much more convenient and I like writing on the couch.

However, as far as getting it done the study room definitely wins.

This activity taught me that my writing process is flawed, depending on my location. But

once I can get the words on the paper it is easier to edit and revise to get my thoughts in a

cohesive manner. I do believe writing can help people understand the world or at least try to.

Depending on what style you are writing in, writing can cause reflection. Reflection so that we

can figure out who we are and who we want to be. Reflecting so that we can look back to see

what went wrong and what went right, we can use the past to guide the future. In my experience

when I get “lost” reflecting helps me remember why I am here and what I need to focus on so

that I can accomplish my goals.

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