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call sachin sawarkar

svn - client server model

distributed version control systems do not rely on a central server. it allows one
to clone the repository on their own hard drive with entire history of the project

so version control is also available on local system

it work even if you are not connect to internet on remote side
one can do checkin and checkout as repository are replicated on local system
so developer works with localrepository

push and pull from master repository to local repository

git can be used for code review also..

git add will add file from working directory to staging area
git commit will commit file to local repository (which is usually called head)
git hub is web based git repository provide feature like code comparision, code
sync and git shell

create repository and then publish

to update commit from local to server we have to say sync

git config --help

git status

touch .gitignore and add file extension like dot file which you want git to ignore

git add filename --- place file to staging area

git add -A -- add everything to staging area

to remove file from staging area

git reset filename

this file will be untracked

git commit -m "initial commit"

git log -- will show commit done

cloning a remote repository

git clone <url> <where to clone>

git diff -- will show the changes

before push, you have to pull -- to pull anychanges exist since last time pulled

git branch branchname -- it will create branch

git checkout branchname -- switch to branch

git merge branchname -- merge to current

git stash --
break your branch completely and store it differently.... and when you want to go
back to then you can say
git stash apply and reattach ...

git merge branchname -- it will merge to checkout master branch

git checkout branchname -- to switch to branchname

git pull -- actually pulls all new files and changed files in master branch

git fetch -- same + git merge....

git checkout "first eight digit of commit" filename

it will revert the file with that version

without continuous integration --- late identification of bug as code is built very
locating entire source code and fixing waste lot of time\

after continuous integration --- every commit made in the source code is built and
jenkins has lot of plugins for maven, git, selenium etc

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