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Degrees of Comparison



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Adapted from: Popular Science, Aug. 2004.

1. (Ufrs 2005) Considere a frase "This program teaches FASTER THAN any other language
program". A alternativa que apresenta o significado antônimo da expressão destacada é
a) less faster than.
b) more slowly than.
c) as slow as.
d) as fast as.
e) the slowest.

2. (Pucpr 2001) About adjectives, choose the alternative that completes the sentences

I- Is this___1___ one you have?

II- Celine Dion sings___2___ Madonna, but Madonna dances ___3___.
III- I wish I was___4___ Sean Connery.
IV- The church is ___5___ monument of the town.
a) 1-the better; 2-best than; 3-well; 4-so handome as; 5-the more ancient
b) 1-the best; 2-so well as; 3-best; 4-more handsome than; 5-the ancienter
c) 1-the worst; 2-worse than; 3-better; 4-most handsome than; 5-the most ancient
d) 1-the best; 2-as well as; 3-better; 4-as handsome as; 5-the most ancient
e) 1-the worse; 2-better than; 3-best; 4-as handsome than; 5-the least ancient

3. (Mackenzie 2001) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence.

"The more I read this book, ________."

a) the less I understand it.
b) most is what he doesn't know.
c) the least do I understand it.

Degrees of Comparison

d) more I like.
e) the most I can understand.


When you check into a Hershey Resort, you and your people get something no other
convention center gives.
The assurance of Hershey quality. The same fine quality that you've come to expect from
Hershey Foods Corp. over the last 67 years. The very same quality that makes our other
Hershey Resorts outstanding convention centers.
With 1thoroughly professional staffs. The best and the newest facilities. Country locations easy
to reach by highways, interstates and airports. (Dozens of flights daily and free limousine
serpresidente vice-presidentes.)
Pick the Hershey that's best for you. You'll get 2unbeatable facilities for work and play. But
above all, you'll find all those things you can still trust, alive and well and living in Hershey

Fonte:Meetings and Conventions, April 1980

4. (Ufrs 2001) Os antônimos corretos das partes destacadas da

expressão "THE BEST and THE NEWEST facilities"
são, respectivamente,
a) the most good - the youngest
b) the baddest - the oldest
c) the worst - the most old
d) the poorest -the most recent
e) the worst - the oldest


At one level, the computer is a tool. It helps us write, keep track of our accounts, and
communicate with others. Beyond this, the computer offers us both new models of mind and a
new medium on which to project our ideas and fantasies. Most recently, the computer has
become even more than tool and mirror. We are able to step through the looking glass. We are
learning to live in virtual worlds. We may find ourselves alone as we navigate virtual oceans,
unravel virtual mysteries, and engineer virtual skyscrapers. But increasingly, when we step
through the looking glass, other people are there as well.
The use of the term "cyberspace" to describe virtual worlds grew out of science fiction,
but for many of us, cyberspace is now part of the routines of everyday life. When we read our
electronic mail or send postings to an electronic bulletin board or make an airline reservation
over a computer network, we are in cyberspace. In cyberspace, we can talk, exchange ideas,
and assume personae of our own creation. We have the opportunity to build new kinds of
communities, virtual communities, in which we participate with people from all over the world,
people with whom we converse daily, people with whom we may have fairly intimate
relationships but whom we may never physically meet.
(Sherry Turkle, 1995. Life on the screen: identity in the age of the Internet. Touchstone.)

5. (Unesp 2001) Depending on the situation, having a computer may be ___________ having a
a) easier
b) more useful
c) more convenient than
d) the most difficult

Degrees of Comparison

e) useful than


The World We Live In

1 If I was to choose a word for the present state of the world, one quickly comes to mind:
2bad! That's right. Bad! We're living in a bad world. Nowadays, kids are killing kids. Kids have

real guns with real bullets that bring real death.

2 Jobs, drugs, violence, AIDS, war, corruption, racism, education, street children, the
environment: these are the issues today. Issues that we have to take an initiative on. Does
anybody feel our politicians will do something concrete to solve these problems? I don't. You
know and I know what politicians do in the long run. Nothing.
3 So, what are we going to do? What can we do to ensure this planet's survival? I can
only come up with one solution: everyone should get involved. So, let's all pray to the highest
heavens for a 3better world:
4 "Dear Lord, deliver us from the evils of the world, the evil people in this world. Please,
wipe out all diseases, especially AIDS. Give everybody a job so that they can make a
comfortable living. No more wars. Give us all education and homes for the poor. Please give us
the intelligence to save what's left of our environment. And Lord, if you take care of that, my
children and their children can have those endless summers like we all had. Let 1them be able
to run and play and eat ice cream. Let them not have to worry about whether they might get
killed by a stray bullet in school trying to get an education. Finally, Dear Lord, please, once and
for all, deliver us from sexism, racism, and all the other bad ism's. Dear Lord, if you can take
care of that, I promise we'll take care of the rest. Peace,
Spike Lee
September 13, 1992.

(Source: Adapted from a text by filmmaker Spike Lee, Rolling Stone Magazine, Issue 643, Nov.
12, 1992)

6. (Ufv 2001) The adjective forms "bad" (ref. 2) and "better" (ref. 3) have as their superlative
forms, respectively:
a) worse and the best.
b) the worst and the best.
c) the best and worse.
d) good and better.
e) better and the best.

7. (Mackenzie 2000) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence.

"The most ______ material for _______ consumer goods ____________ cardboard."
a) used - package - are
b) used - packing - are
c) widely used - packaging - is
d) widest used - package - has been
e) used - packaging - could be

8. (Pucpr 1999) Which is the option that completes the sentences correctly?

I - English is not ____________ as Portuguese.

II - Australia is ___________ island in the world.
III - In my opinion, Frank Sinatra was _________ singer of this century.

Degrees of Comparison

IV - São Paulo is ______________ as New York.

V - Europe is ___________ from Brazil than EUA.
a) so difficult - bigger - the best - more noisier - as farther
b) difficultest - biggest - the good - as noisier - farther
c) as difficult - the biggest - the best - as noisy - farther
d) as difficult - the bigger - the best - so noisy - farther
e) difficulter - most big - better - noisiest - so farther


It's a Miracle

Tourists traveling to Israel to mark a certain 2,000th birthday will be able to celebrate in New
Testament style. In September, the National Parks Authority is planning to open a 1$4.5 million
submerged, crescent-shaped bridge in the Sea of Galilee. On it, as many as 280 pilgrims at a
time will be able to walk on water - or at least wade in two inches of 3it. Bubbles rising at the
edges of the 12-foot-wide transparent platform will be 4the only markers preventing pilgrims
from taking a 5plunge. Is the structure sacrilegious? The Roman Catholic Church says no. "It will
not improve faith, hope and love," ------says Pietro Sambi, 6the pope's ambassador to
Jerusalem. "But from the touristic point of view, it could be just a nice idea."

Newsweek, March 99.

9. (Pucrs 1999) The expression "as many as 80" (ref.2) expresses a capacity of
a) not more than 80.
b) at least 80.
c) over 80.
d) less than 80.
e) close to 80.



Movie star Paul Newman has unveiled his I project - but it's II a new film, as one
might assume. In fact, the actor has long gained respect III the film industry with a
philanthropic food business called Newman's Own. IV worldwide, his products, ranging from
salad dressing to pasta sauces, have generated more V $82 million for various educational
and charitable causes. His new venture, Newman's Own Cookbook is a collection of favorite
recipes from friends and family. Royalties from this IV will be donated to a Newman-founded
charity for children with cancer, Hole in the Wall Gang Camp.

10. (Uel 1999) Preenche corretamente a lacuna (I) a alternativa:

a) the latest
b) latest
c) latter
d) later
e) late

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