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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction — Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Mr.Kool

Date Subject/ Topic/ Theme Drawing Polygons Grade 7th

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
This is the 3rd lesson in a unit of drawing polygons. This lesson will specifically talk to the importance of a triangle’s measures and the importance of the locations of
those measures.

cognitive- physical socio-

Learners will be able to: R U Ap An E C* development emotional
 Understand the importance of adjacency. x
 Realize that if you mix up the order of measures in a triangle, it changes the triangle. x
 Apply their previous knowledge of polygons to analyze triangles. x

Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed: 7.G.A.2
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite Students will need to have prerequisite knowledge of angles and polygon concepts covered previously
knowledge and skills. in this unit.

Pre-assessment (for learning): The pre-assessment will be the lesson summary from the previous lesson,
checking that students understand the previous polygon concepts.

Formative (for learning): During the lesson, the teacher will pose group discussions and intentionally seek if
students are understanding the concepts.
Outline assessment
activities Formative (as learning): Students will experiment with the activities to see if the triangles are identical, and will
(applicable to this lesson) see there progress while doing so.

Summative (of learning): The practice problems at the end of the lesson will serve as the summative
assessment for this lesson.

What barriers might this Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Action
lesson present? Engagement Representation and Expression
Provide options for self-regulation- Provide options for comprehension- Provide options for executive
expectations, personal skills and activate, apply & highlight functions- coordinate short & long-
strategies, self-assessment & Students will look at different term goals, monitor progress, and
What will it take –
reflection triangles and use trace paper to modify strategies
neurodevelopmentally, Students will have to use their The teacher will see how the
experientially, trace triangles to see if they are
personal skills and strategies to progress of the students is going
emotionally, etc., for your identical to other ones or not.
reflect on what they notice about through group discussions and
students to do this lesson? the triangles in the warm up. student time for discovery.
Provide options for sustaining Provide options for language, Provide options for expression and
effort and persistence- optimize mathematical expressions, and communication- increase medium
challenge, collaboration, mastery- symbols- clarify & connect of expression
oriented feedback language Students will be able to defend
Students will work in groups The teacher will lead group arguments through talking to
and collaborate to see what discussions after activities to shoulder partners and through
triangles identical and which clarify and use mathematical whole group discussions.
ones are are not. language about the polygon

Provide options for recruiting Provide options for perception- Provide options for physical action-
interest- choice, relevance, value, making information perceptible increase options for interaction
authenticity, minimize threats Students will be able to use Students will be tracing
The students will have a chance trace paper to see how some triangles with given conditions,
to defend their own arguments triangles are identical and why. so they will be hands on be
in group discussions with working with the triangles.
minimal threats.
Materials-what materials The materials needed for this lesson is the unit packet that contains the lesson and tracing paper for
(books, handouts, etc) do two activities.
you need for this lesson
and are they ready to

The classroom will be set up into 7 tables of groups of 4 so that students may collaborate in groups.

How will your classroom

be set up for this lesson?

III. The Plan

Describe teacher activities AND student activities
Time Components for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
10-15 The teacher will first lead the students through the The students will follow along with the teacher
min Motivation previous lesson summary to make sure students through the previous lesson summary. After the
(opening/ understand the content from the previous lesson. lesson summary, students will take time to think
introduction/ After the lesson summary, the teacher will lead the about the warm up activity for the new lesson.
engagement) students through the warm up activity, facilitating a When the teacher asks for volunteers the students
group discussion about what the students notice will give what they noticed and wondered about the
and wonder. groups of triangles.
30 Development
min (the largest After the warm up activity, the teacher will lead the The students after the warm up will then move on
component or students through the first activity. The teacher will to the next activity by listening to the instructions
main body of explain the directions of looking at the group of to the teacher. The students will first make
the lesson) triangles with two side lengths and one angle to see predictions as to what is the same and different
what is the same and different, and also how many about the triangles, and also how many different
different triangles there are. Before the teacher lets kind of triangles there are. After the predictions
the students loose, the teacher will model how to have been made, the students will use tracer paper
use trace paper, a resource for the students to use to like the teacher modeled to see if the triangles are
see if any two triangles are the same just by actually identical or not. After the activity is
overlapping. After the activity, the teacher will completed, the students will partake in a group
facilitate a group discussion asking how the discussion about there discoveries.
students would explain the triangles are different.

After the first activity, the teacher will lead the After the first activity, students will move on to the
students on to the next activity, which is very next activity, which is very similar to the first

similar to the previous lesson, but this time there activity so they will know what the expectations
are two angles and one side. The teacher will are. Students will make their predictions about the
explain the expectations are the same as the triangles, and then check their predictions by using
previous lesson, so the teacher does not need to trace paper. After the activity, students will partake
model anything. After the students have finished in a group discussion talking about their
the activity, the teacher will lead a group discussion discoveries.
discussing what the students discovered, keying in
on all about order.

10 Closure The teacher will then let the students work on the The students will then work on practice problems
min (conclusion, practice problems or khan academy if there is left or khan academy if there is left over time.
culmination, over time.

Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
I was not able to teach this lesson, however my teacher told me when she taught it went very well. The students did not need to know
what order makes a specific triangle, they were only supposed to see that sometimes certain conditions make a unique triangle and
some don’t. Me and my mentor teacher brainstormed on a way for students to check if triangles match up, so we came up with trace
paper so that students could try and overlap the triangles.


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