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 Effect of voltage freq on surface discharge

Partial discharge (PD) caused by coupled electro-thermal stresses is the main reason of insulation aging and premature failure under high
frequency voltage.

Some researchers proposed that high temperature would promote the occurrence of PDs [8], 8] K. Cao, G. N. Wu, Y. Luo, et ai, "Partial discharge
characteristics of insulation used in inverter-fed traction motor under high frequency impulse, " High Voltage Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 1376-1382,

Dipaper ini dibilangin juga kalo temperatur juga bisa mempengaruhi PD. Paper ini cara deteksinya pake Therefore, variation of surface discharge
characteristics under high frequency voltage ranging from 5 kHz to 30 kHz is discussed in this paper, as well as the correlation between
lifetime and discharge characteristic parameters of polyimide (PI) films using sphere-to-plane electrode arrangement, in
order to reveal the failure mechanism of insulation material under high frequency voltage. Surface discharge characteristics
discussed involves phase resolved PD, maximum and average PD amplitude, total PD number and PD amplitude per cycle or

Oleh karena itu, variasi karakteristik pelepasan permukaan di bawah tegangan frekuensi tinggi mulai dari 5 kHz hingga 30 kHz dibahas dalam
makalah ini, serta korelasi antara parameter karakteristik seumur hidup dan pelepasan film polimida (PI) menggunakan pengaturan elektroda
sphere-to-plane, untuk mengungkapkan mekanisme kegagalan bahan isolasi di bawah tegangan frekuensi tinggi. Karakteristik pelepasan
permukaan yang dibahas meliputi PD yang diselesaikan fase, amplitudo PD maksimum dan rata-rata, jumlah PD total dan amplitudo PD per
siklus atau detik

 Experience with Monitoring and Location of Partial Discharges Inside

of High Voltage Oil Power Transformers
Occurrence of partial discharges inside insulation in high voltage transformers can influence lifetime
of the transformer and can even result in the serious failure in case of increased partial discharges
activity [2, 3]. One of ways how to prevent the failure is continuous or periodical (P. Roman, “Maintaining
Electrical Equipment for Peak Performance, “IEEC Conference, Sept., 1997 [3] J. Moubray, Reliability-centered Maintenance,
Industrial Press Inc.,

 The Effect of Aging on Electrical Lifetime of Oil

Immersed Pressboard Under Partial Discharge
Insulation paper immersed with transformer oil is used as an electrical insulation medium in transformer
for its high breakdown field strength. In the normal operation state of higher voltage power transformers,
the defects in insulation medium can cause partial discharge(PD). PD is harmful for insulation materials,
and shortens their life. PD activities are related with the applied voltage, which therefore decides the life
being shortened. In this paper, the average electrical life of oil immersed paper under different AC
voltage is studied. The PD tests were performed on a specimen of oilimmersed paper placed between the
needle-to-plane electrodes. Feature parameters of PD are acquired by PDCheck and the discharge pulse
waveforms are recorded by an oscilloscope. The duration of specimen under AC voltage is considered to
be its electrical life. Relationship between average electrical life and applied voltage is analyzed and
fitted. Test results indicated the life of insulation paper tended to decrease exponentially with increase in
applied voltage, and there is a threshold voltage to the electrical aging of insulation material.
Dipaper ini dijelaskan kalo emang The research on thermal lifetime of the insulation
material began in 1930. Thermal lifetime of insulating materials exposed to high temperatures was
studied by Montsinger[1], and the relationship between temperature and time to failure was found. He
pointed out that the remaining lifetime of insulation material decreased exponentially with the rise of

Oleh karena itu, distribusi fase pelepasan tidak teratur, dan besarnya debit relatif kecil. Pada tahap
pengembangan, pelepasan mulai terjadi di permukaan papan press. Besarnya debit meningkat
dengan cepat menjadi 5000 pC di awal dan mereka selalu terjadi di kuadran pertama dan ketiga.
Sejumlah besar gelembung akan dihasilkan oleh pelepasan. Karena struktur porositas isolasi papan
yang tinggi, gelembung akan menumpuk di papan press, membentuk kekosongan udara internal.
Therefore, the phase distribution of
discharges is irregular, and the discharge magnitude is
relatively small. In the develop stage, discharge begins to
take place on the surface of pressboard. The discharge
magnitude rapidly increases to 5000 pC at the beginning and
they always happen in the first and third quadrant. Large
number of bubbles will be generated by discharge. Because
of the high porosity structure of insulation pressboard,
bubbles will accumulate in the pressboard, forming internal
air void. These air voids will continuously discharge,

 Effect of voltage waveform on PD (kasus yang pd itu beda 180 derajat)

It is obvious that discharges mainly congregate at the rising and falling edges of voltage where
applied voltage has larger changing rate, while there is few discharges at other phases. Besides,
under sinusoidal and triangle wave, discharge clusters like rabbit ear will appear at the reversal
moment of voltage polarity. Before the
voltage polarity reversal, a reverse discharge occurs when the
difference between the charge-induced voltage and the applied
voltage exceeds PDIV. The reason why the same polarity
discharge can cover the entire voltage rising edge especially
the voltage zero crossing is that the residual charge generated
in the first half cycle can enhance the applied electric field
after the voltage polarity is reversed. The asymmetry of the
discharge spectrum in positive and negative half cycle is
related to the asymmetry of the electrode structure.

Experiment results prove that there is a strong negative

correlation between total PD amplitude per cycle and lifetime,
which verify the partial discharge is indeed the main reason
for insulation aging.


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