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kAfi§ class and home problems )

The object of thi s column is to enhance our readers' collections of interesting and novel
problems in chemical engineering. Problems of the type that can be used to motivate the student
by presenting a particular principle in class, or in a new light, or that can be assigned as a novel
home problem, are requested, as well as those that are more traditional in nature and that
elucidate difficult concepts. Manuscripts should not exceed ten double-spaced pages if possible
and should be accompanied by the originals of any figures or photographs. Please submit them to
Professor James 0 . Wilkes (e-mail:, Chemical Engineering Depart-
ment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2136.


King Saud University • Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia

ontinuous processes show dynamic behavior during simulated, each type being represented by a different model.

C start-up, shutdown, and when upsets occur during

steady-state operation. Mathematical modeling, simu-
lation, and control of these processes is relatively difficult
The models treated A and B as if they were in a total feed
flow. In the present study, however, the models are modified
to account for separate feed flows, because each feed flow is
because of the nonlinear nature of these processes and the used here as a manipulated variable. Also, instead of us-
activation and tuning difficulties of the controllers. ing different models , the equations are grouped here in
This paper applies proportional plus integral (Pl) control one general form :
to start up a non-isothermal CSTR. PI eliminates offsets and
maintains an acceptable speed of response. Simple and
dd~ = F1 + F2 for V < Yr, otherwise ~~ = 0 (1)
straightforward schemes of activation are tried to start up the
CSTR smoothly and to get the maximum attainable con-
version. The importance of this control problem lies in Aziz M. Abu-Khalaf has educational inter-
ests that include developing new objectives
the difficulty of triggering the controller and the retuning and improving the performance of laborato-
of the PI settings. ries at the Chemical Engineering Department
at King Saud University. Research interrests
include controlled release systems and cor-
PROBLEM STATEMENT rosion . He can be reaced by e-mail at
We will consider the start-up of a non-isothermal CSTR,
which has been studied in detaiJ.fl ·21 A reaction of the form
A+ B • C + D and of known kinetics has been considered.
The CSTR has an overflow and two feed streams, one for
Emad M. Ali is an assistant professor at King Saud University. He
pure A and the other for pure B. Mathematical models along recerived his PhD ion Chemical Engineering from the University of
with analytical and numerical solutions have been devel- Maryland in 1996. His research interests are in process control. (Photo
not available.
oped. Various types of start-up have been modeled and

© Copyright ChE Division of ASEE 2000

246 Chemical Engineering Education

dVCA 3. To perform start-up successfully, we need to tune
_d_t_ = F1C Af -rV (2) and activate the controller. Use the modified Ziegler-Nichols131
(Z-N) tuning method to find out the best settings, and then
-- = F2 C 8 r - rV (3) suggest different schemes to activate the controller.

Simulation of the model equations (Eqs. 1-6) was per-
dVCo = (F1 + F2)(Cor )+ rV (5) formed using the package DASSL. This is a differential/
dt algebraic system solver that uses the backward differentia-
tion formulas of orders one through five. Figure 1 shows an
open-loop simulation of the models for two different values
of F 1 and F2 • As shown, a lower yield is obtained at a higher
flow rate. Thus, the CSTR needs to be operated at lower
flow rates. Specifically, F 1 = F 2 = 0.1 I/min, which produces
where Cc = C 0 = 0.0327 mole/I , is considered as the desired operat-
ing condition (set point) in this work.
9.3 1 ( -48.32 )
k = 10 expl ~ ) The manipulated variables are the positions of the valves,
where the feedback control law 141 is given by
The values of the parameters and the initial conditions are
listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. k I

Required v1(t) = V1 0 +kc1[C~ -Cc(t)]+ ,:~: J[c~-Cc(t)]ctt (7)

1. Operating conditions during start-up have been
k I
found to affect the product quality. For example, changes in v2(t) = v 20 + kc2 [c~- Cc(t)] + ,:~: J[c~-Cc(t)]ctt (8)
pressure drop in the head tanks produce changes in feed 0
flows . Perform an open-loop simulation of the model and
find the effect of changing the flow rate on the yield. These laws will be implemented in a discrete time fashion
with sampling time of l min . Note that these control loops
2. Operate the system starting from an empty tank
form a split-range control scheme, because there are two
with no inlet flows up to a fully filled tank with the maxi-
manipulated variables to control one variable, with the con-
mum product concentration . Perform start-up once without
trol signal being split into equal parts, each affecting one
disturbances and then with disturbances in the feed flows
valve. Although this is not the common split-range configu-
and in the input reactant concentration. Use a standard feed-
ration, it simplifies the problem. Alternatively, v2 can be
back PI control system, with the controlled variable being
driven by the error signal of C 0 , which will result in the same
the concentration of product C.

TABLE 1 0.10 0.05

Process Parameters
~ 0.07 '5 0.03
0 0
Parameter Value Parameter Value
s s
Tf 24°c CpA 75.25 J/mol°C U 0.04 U 0.02
29°c Cps I 75.3 J/mol°C

T 11mb

Yr 2.8 I Cpc 78.2 J/mo1°C 0.01 i ~r-- I ' -j 0.00

2.5 J/m 2°C min 30 .0

-1.5 kJ/mol
15 cm
c s,
103.8 J/mo1°C
0. 1 mol/l
0. 1 mol/1
28 .0

24°c 0.0 mol/1 8_ 26.0

T,., c c, E -----------
c o, 0.0mol/1 ~
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
TABLE2 Tim e (min) Time (min)
Initial and Starting Conditions

F, F, CA CB cc CD V T
Figure 1. Open-loop simulation:
solid lines, F1 = F2 = 0.1 I/min;
0.0 I/min 0.0 I/min 0.1 mo l/1 0. 1 mol/1 0.0 mol/1 0.0 mol/1 0.0 I 24 °C
dashed lines, F1 = F2 = 0.5 I/min.

Summer2000 247
control performance because the reaction has a constant using the IMC-type controller, kci kp = 't / A
stoichiometric ratio of one and identical valve dynamics.
Notice that for Strategy 1, a large value of kci might cause
Note that feed flows are taken as linearly proportional to the
vi to remain zero for any value of via in its allowable range
valve positions of
of [0, 1]. The maximum allowable magnitude of kci in this
F, =C v1V1 (9) case is lk cd<vio IC~. Thus, a value of0.1 for vio and -2.0
F2 =C v2 Y2 (10) for kci are used in Strategy I. As for Strategy II, the larger
value of kci obtained by the Z-N method can be used with
Here, Cv1 = Cv 2 = 1.0 mole/min. vio =0 .1 and the controller can be triggered one sampling
Controller Tuning time later.
Tuning determines the best settings for the adjustable pa- In Strategy III, the controller gain will be adapted on-line
rameters of a feedback controller. Closed-loop testing that according to kc/t) = kc0 kp)kp(t), where kco and ~ are con-
produces constant output cycling is used in selecting these stant reference values. In this investigation, ~ 0 is taken equal
values. The desired values for kci and 'ti are determined to -76, which is found by the Z-N method, and kP0 as the
static gain corresponding to F 1 = F 2 =0.1 I/min. Values of
based on the modified Z-N tuning criterion. The original Z-
kp(t) can be estimated from Table 3, which lists different
Nc5J method is based on the quarter decay ratio, which might
values for the static gain at various operating conditions.
result in oscillatory feedback response. The modified Z-N
Values of kPfor F 1>0 were computed using the exact linear-
method gives more conservative settings. The purpose of
ization of the process model and using the reaction-curve
the controller tuning is to obtain an initial value for the
method. Both methods gave almost identical results. Ini-
PI settings, which will be adapted on-line in a gain-
tially, with F 1=0, the operation behaves like an integrator
scheduling formulation .
process; hence kp(0) was found by the pulse testing_l71
Tuning of the feedback control using an ultimate gain
For Strategy IV, the controller gain will also be adapted
methods, i.e. , Z-N, is based on continuous incrementation of
on-line with a changing process gain (~) and time constant
kci and observation of the resulting closed-loop response.
(_'A,) according to kci ='t(t)/['A,kp(t)] where 'A, is the IMC
The proportional gain that produces sustained oscillation is
filter parameter or closed-loop time constant used to adjust
known as the ultimate gain from which the Pl settings can be
the speed of the closed-loop response. Usually, an IMC-type
inferred.[61Since the zero steady state is an unstable one, this
tuning is used to determine fixed PI settings using identified
method cannot be applied at this operating point. Thus, the
process parameters. In addition, robustly tuned PI settings
PI settings are obtained by applying the Z-N as
can be obtained by conducting an adequate robustness analy-
kcl =k c2 =-76.0 sis.c81 Here, we allow the IMC-type controller gain to vary in
't11 = 't 12 = 1.0 min order to adapt to the process changing gain.
The negative controller gain is an indication of the reverse The gain-scheduling approaches (Strategies III and IV)
action mode, because the process has a negative static gain, are conducted as follows :
kP (see Figure 1). • At t = 0
Controller Activation set ~(0) = kp(F 1=0) and 't(0)='tav
Consider Eqs. (7) and (8). In order to start up the reactor at
• At t > 0
t=0, the following condition must be satisfied:
set ~(t) = kp,av or interpolate kP from the various values
(1 I) of kPin the range F1E(0.01,1.0]

Obviously, this cannot be satisfied for a negative controller set 't( t) = 't av or interpolate 't from the various values
gain and a zero value of initial valve position. In order to of 't in the range F1 E(0.01,1.0]
overcome this problem, we examine four strategies of start-
Strategy I Perturb the inflows manually and trigger the PI
algorithm simultaneously. Start-Up Without Upsets
Strategy II Perturb the inflows manually and trigger the PI Closed-loop simulation for c~ =0.0327 using the pro-
algorithm after a specific time interval.
posed activation strategies is depicted in Figure 2, which
Strategy III Trigger the PI algorithm with gain-scheduling shows the time response of the product concentration, Cc,
according to kcikp = constant. and the inlet flow of pure A, F 1• In all cases the controller
Strategy IV Trigger the PI algorithm with gain-scheduling was able to bring the product concentration to the desired

248 Chemical Engineering Education

eters gave a smoother closed-loop. A value of A = 2 pro-
TABLE3 duced a less aggressive performance, which took Strategy
Identified Process Gain and Time Constant
IV to a slightly slower response than that of Strategy III.
at Various Operating Conditions

Step Change in Operating Start-Up with Upset in the Feed Flow

F, (I/min) t(min) Condition kp
We next examine the change in the set point with a step of
0.01 8 Y=0 0.01 11 -0.05 in the feed flows at t=5 min during start-up (see Figure
0.05 6.5 Y= 2.8, F 1 = 0.0 1 -0. 1382 3). The associated response of the valve openings is demon-
0.1 5 V = 2.8, F , = 0.1 -0.0338 strated in Figure 4. Obviously, the upset in the feed flows
0.2 3.5 V = 2.8, F, = 0.2 -0.02 has marginal effect on feedback response of the product
0.4 2.5 V = 2.8, F , = 0.4 -0.0108 concentration for all cases except for Strategy I with vio = 0.1 ,
0.6 2.0 V = 2.8, F 1 = 0.6 -0.007 1 where a larger overshoot is observed. Unlike the previous
0.8 1.5 V = 2.8, F 1 = 0.8 -0.0051 case, the valve response differs from that of the feed flow
1.0 1.35 V = 2.8, F 1 = 1.0 -0.0039 since the disturbance affects the latter only. In this case, the

value. The feed flow s varied initially and then settled at their
0.05 1 ,,,,, ---------
expected values of 0.1 I/min; however, the smooth re- 1E: 0.03 1· ;,',11". -',_.-,_:;==cc..= ""·==;a.,;;.;a==.=~-...,s,--,ra-,e-gy-;1- ---1

sponse for Strategy II was only achieved by de-tuning ~ ,I -gytt

the PI settings to kc1 = kc2 = -9.1, whereas the feedback u
u 0.0 2 7 S1rategy Ill

response using the original values of the PI settings was 0.00 - + - - - - - - ~ -

S1rategy IV

found to be very aggressive . 0.15 -r- - - - - -

It is clear from Figure 2 that Strategy I has the slowest '2

response due to a small controller gain. A larger value of ~i ::::, 0.05 -1 Strategy I
and consequently a faster response of Strategy I can be Strategy II

achieved using a larger initial perturbation value. With re- ,-

spect to the responses, Strategy III outperformed other strat-
egies where the closed-loop response using a constant aver-
~-~ 0 _65
1.00 z7'
-0 .05 - ~ -

1··•-,, · - S1ra1egy Ill

age value and a variable interpolated value of kP are almost ':: 1 ···· Strategy IV I

ti \fr·- --
the same. Initially, F 1 varies for a few samples, then settles ::: 0.30 1
down to a constant value, giving a constant process gain. For "'" -005 _ L _._ _ _ --~--
-- - -- ---- --- ----- ~I
. ,
strategy IV, the use of average values for the process param-
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (min)

0.05 ,---- -----, Figure 3. Closed-loop response for Cc =0.0327 mole/]

i 0.03 ~ / , 7.::;
-. - ~--------- -- -------~ = - = - = ~ - ~....,s;:-,ra-,-,e-gy- ;I_I with -0.05 step change in both feeds starting at t=5 min.
_§, j .' Slrategy II
u 0.02 Strategy Ill 0.15
Strategy IV
0.00 ~-~-----· - I <u 0 .10

f"'r~ --
0.15 ~
<u 0.05 Strategy I
Strategy II

:::a O 05 - I ----
._,, 7 ' .. ___ _ - -- - - - - . Strategy I ;"" -0 .05 -r--- -r--r--,-

-0 .05 .l_
Strategy II
~ 1.00 J:
i 0.65 11: Strategy Ill

I~:: ~jlh
-=-_ o.3o I·'i', ,
Strategy Ill

Strategy IV i 0.30
;:-- -0 .05
-1 :
-+ ':::_:.____,-
~·~ ~-- - ·- · - -- -· -
Strategy IV

"'" J'I _·__,.

-.. ________ ··-···-··- -- ·· -· ·- ··· -··- -- ·· 0 20 40 60 80
-0 .05 -f.:-'~ -~ - ~ - - Time (min)
0 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 4. Tim e response of valve position for C~ =0.0327
Time (min)
mole/I with -0.05 step change in both feeds starting at t=5
Figure 2. Closed-loop response for C~ =0.0327 mole/I. min .

Summer2000 249
valve position settles at a steady-state point higher than
that in Figure 2. This increase in the valve opening was 0.04 - -- --
made by the controller to balance reduction in the feed ~ 0.03 1 ·,--;:-~=-··- . -
, Strategy I
flows produced by the disturbances. 0
E 0.02
.__, I '. Strategy II

Start-Up with Upset in the Feed Concentration cJ 0.01 Strategy Ill

Strategy IV
In order to illustrate the efficiency of the feedback 0.00
control scheme, all of the control activation strategies 0.15 -
were tested for the same set point as above, but with a ?
disturbance in Csr· A step change of -0.02 mole/I start- ]e,0.05
ing at t=lO min was considered (see Figure 5). Obvi-
Strategy I
ously, the proposed feedback schemes maintained
Strategy II
the product quality at the desired value despite the -0.05 - + - -~ - ~----

sudden reduction in the inlet concentration, Csr· Ul- ,.-.. 1.00 if

timately, the inlet flows reached a value lower than C: ~ }-.
- Strategy Ill
'§ 0.65 11 •..
that without upsets . ::::: ~'I • S1rategy IV

Start-Up with Different Set Point '::o.3o k

· •·
. .
=I ··::::.,,,._
Another advantage of the feedback scheme is its -0 .05 . __, · ·:·---..:.: ······· · --=-- .-:-:-:-:-.:.. : :-:-.. :.......~·-.. _~-~-
ability to maintain desired specifications without the 0 20 40 60 80
knowledge of the optimal operating conditions before- Time (min)
hand. For example, in order to maximize the product
yield, a larger set point for the product concentration Figure 5. Closed-loop response for C~ =0.0327 mole/I
can be specified for the controller. Figure 6(a,b), for with -0.02 step change in C81 starting at t=10 min .
example, illustrates the feedback response of the pro-
cess for c~ =0.04 mole/I. Although simulation indi-
cates that such a yield is achievable, it operates the 0.05 j
process at a very low throughput of 0.03 1/min. Simi- ,.-.. (a) /·c:~·-:v<..~=·= ~- - - - - - - - - - - ;
:::: ,. Strategy I
larly, Figure 6(c,d) demonstrates the process dynamic 1; o.o3 7 _I/ Strategy II
behavior for c~ = 0.05 mole/I. Obviously, the reaction s I/ Strategy Ill
u 0.02
can be brought to such a high yield, but this would be at U Strategy IV
the expense of operating the process in a semi-batch 0.00 - + - -~ T
mode as the feed flows approached zero at steady state.
,.-., 1.00 JP(b)
c:: IL
CONCLUSIONS ·ao.65 ,jl
Automatic start-up of a non-isothermal CSTR using c !j:
a conventional PI control algorithm was considered.
_o.3o I·
>I.; ·I
Four controller activation/adaptation schemes were -0.05 .J!::~~~"""",-
- ==--::::..-'.°"-~
-~ -
0.06 ~ -- - -
tested and compared. Overall, Strategy III presented
superior performance, full automation, and ease of ~ 0.04
implementation. Strategy I had the most sluggish re- 0
sponse since the maximum allowable controller gain is u 0.02
restricted by the value of the initial valve opening. u
Strategy II lacks full automation and requires re-tuning 0.00

for stability. On the other hand, Strategy IV requires ,.-.,

1.00 Ip (d)
proper adjustment of the IMC filter for good perfor- .5 I,J
E 0.65
mance. Nevertheless, the performance of gain-schedul- c I:
ing approaches (Strategies III and IV) depends on the
identified process parameters. ...
.I :'
-0.05 r---i
A theoretical model should be developed or identifi-
0 20 40 60 80
cation methods be used along with these approaches. Time (min)
Another practical operation of the process is to maxi-
mize the yield and throughput. This issue can be ad-
Figure 6. Closed-loop response for C¢ =0.04 mole/ I {a,b)
dressed through implementation of optimal control
and C~= 0.05 mole/I (c,d).

250 Chemical Engineering Education

theory. Q rate of heat loss to the surrounding, kl/min
r reaction rate, mole/I min
Questions for Further Study
R gas constant, 0.008314 kJ/mole K
[I Question #1: Derive the model equations considering one T reactor temperature, °C
mode of start-up, e.g., adding both reactants simulta- Tamb ambient temperature, °C
neously, until the reactor overflows. Tr feed temperature, °C
T,,r reference temperature, °C
[I Question #2: Consider an emergency shutdown in which t time, min
the feed flows are suddenly stopped and the reactor is V fluid volume, 1
to be drained. Would the equations for this case be vi valve i position
different from those representing start-up? How? vio initial position for valve i
Y, reactor volume, 1
[I Question #3: Repeat the above calculations using a first-
'). _ IMC filter (closed-loop time constant)
order reaction_L9J Is it going to affect the controller
't process time constant
settings and activation?
't av average time constant
[I Question #4: What would be the effect of adding a de-
't I integral time for PI controller
rivative action to the controller (i.e., using a PID) on
the start-up of the process? REFERENCES
1. Abu-Khalaf, A.M., "Start-Up of a Non-Isothermal CSTR:
NOMENCLATURE Mathematical Modeling," Chem. Eng. Ed., 31(4), 250 (1997)
Ci concentration of species i, mole/I 2. Abu-Khalaf, A.M., "Mathematical Modeling of an Experi-
Cir feed concentration of species i, mole/I mental Reaction System," Chem. Eng. Ed., 28(1), 48 (1994)
3. Seborg, D.E. , T.F . Edgar, and D.A. Mellicharnp, Process
qp concentration set point for species i, mole/I Dynamics and Control, John Wiley, New York, NY (1989)
Cpi heat capacity of species i, ]/mole °C 4. Stephanopoulos, G. , Chemical Process Control, Prentice-
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1984)
C VI. characteristic constant for valve i
5. Ziegler, J.G., and N .B. Nichols, "Optimum Settings for Au-
D reactor diameter, m tomatic Controllers," Trans. ASME, 64, 759 (1942)
F1 feed flow rate of pure component A, I /min 6. Ogunnaike, B., and W. Ray, Process Dynamics, Modeling,
F2 feed flow rate of pure component B, I/min and Control, Oxford University Press, New York, NY (1994)
hair heat transfer coefficient for air, kJ/m 2°C min 7. Luyben, W. , Process Modeling, Simulation, and Control for
L'iH standard heat of reaction, kJ/mole Chemical Engineers, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY (1990)
K reaction rate constant, I/mole min 8. Morari, M., and E . Zafiriou, Robust Process Control, Prentice-
kci controller gain for loop i Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1989)
9. Abu-Khalaf, A.M. , "Dynamic and Steady-State Behavior of
kP process gain
a CSTR," Chem. Eng. Ed., 30(2), 132 (1996) 0
kP,av average process gai n

.ta....53._,_e_t_te_r_t_o_th_e_ e_d_it_o_r____)

To the Editor: sorption experiment. (Table 2 refers, correctly, to this ex-

In the Winter 2000 issue of Chemical Engineering Educa- periment as an adsorption process.)
tion there was an interesting paper by S.H. Munson-McGeel'l From my point of view, it is important to correct this type
that presented a laboratory sequence with the objective of of typographical error where two very similar words refer to
developing abilities in chemical engineering students ac- two very different processes, in order to prevent confusion
cording to EC 2000 criteria.f2 1 The author describes a four- and conceptual mistakes among students. This is especially
course sequence, beginning with the study of the theoretical important in journals such as Chemical Engineering Educa-
aspects of experimental design and data analysis and finish- tion because of its content, which is very readable by chemi-
ing with a unit operations laboratory. cal engineering undergraduates.
Table 1 of that paper shows a short description of each of Amparo Gomez Siurana
the nine experiments that can be carried out by the students Universidad de Alicante
with the Process Instrumentation Laboratory course. Unfor-
tunately, the mentioned Table 1 contains a typographical 1. Munson-McGee, S.H., "An Introductory ChE Laboratory In-
mistake and the simple change of a "d" for a "b" causes a corporating EC 2000 Criteria," Chem. Eng. Ed., 34( 1), 80
considerable conceptual effect: effectively, the experiment, 2. "Engineering Criteria 2000," Accreditation Board for Engi-
titled "Absorption by activated carbon. Blue food coloring neering and Technology, Inc., 111 Market Place, Suite 1050,
was absorbed from aqueous solutions ... " is actually an ad- Baltimore, MD (1998) 0

Summer 2000 25 1

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