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Preventing the Influenza in the Workplace

COMM 2710 - Business Writing Strategies

Shannon Holmlund, Meaghan O’Reilly, Ursula Hiltz
Table of Contents
Introduction – The Flu 2
Method 1 – Handwashing 3
Method 2 – Vaccination 5
Method 3 – Staying at Home 6
Conclusion 8
Bibliography 9

Introduction – The Flu
The flu is a contagious respiratory illness that can quickly spread around the
workplace. People sick with the flu often experiences symptoms that last from one to
two weeks but are often contagious for one day before showing any symptoms of the
flu at all. These symptoms include but are not limited too:

➢ Fever
➢ Chills
➢ Runny Nose
➢ Nausea and vomiting
➢ Coughing
➢ Sore Throat

There are many different ways to help prevent the spread of germs and the flu virus.
Some of these methods are to practice proper hygiene by washing your hands, get the
flu vaccination every year, and to stay at home when you are sick. The purpose of this
report is to to demonstrate the most effective ways to provide a flu free work
environment and to educate and encourage all companies to take action and
implement these methods in the workplace. There are many companies that don’t
have proper knowledge or understanding on how to prevent illness in the workplace.
Companies must be more open to being educated on the flu so that there is less
illness in the office.

Method 1 – Handwashing
A great and simple way to help prevent the Flu is by ensuring proper handwashing.
Regular handwashing is a sure way to remove and prevent the spreading of germs. To
effectively wash your hands, you may follow these five simple steps.
1. Wet your hands with warm water.
2. Lather your hands with soap.
3. Scrub your hands, between your fingers and on your wrists.
4. Rinse under running water
5. Dry your hands.

Following these simple steps will help stop from catching or spreading germs.

Providing proper education about the benefits and steps of handwashing will help
provide an environment with less illnesses. In cases where you can’t access running
water, alcohol-based hand sanitizers which contain 60-95% alcohol will be a suitable
substitute until you can wash your hands.
To use hand sanitizer properly, follow these simple steps.
1. Apply the hand sanitizer to the palm of your hand.
2. Rub your hands together, covering your entire hand. Do not use water.
3. Rub your fingertips on your opposite hands palm.
4. Rub your hands until dry.

Many types of hand sanitizers will kill most bacteria while alcohol-based hand
sanitizers with at least 70% alcohol will kill up to 99.9% of bacteria. Hand sanitizers will
only stop some viruses which is why, hand washing is still the most important method
in Flu prevention.
There are many cost-effective liquid soaps and hand sanitizers available. On average
one bottle of liquid soaps cost $2 dollars plus taxes, and a bottle of hand sanitizer will
cost on average $5 dollars.
Using proper handwashing and hand sanitizers as a preventative method against the
Flu is accessible to all Canadians. Washrooms with running water is provided in most
homes, workplaces, and public areas, and the cost of liquid soap is efficient for the
amount you purchase.
In cases where running water and liquid soap are not available, hand sanitizer can be
used to help reduce of catching the Flu. Both liquid soap and hand sanitizer are
available for purchase in most convenience stores, supermarkets and drugstores.

Method 2 – Vaccination
Another effective method to combat the flu is to get the flu vaccination. The flu vaccine
effectiveness is also based on the similarity between the actual virus as the virus
changes and evolves every year. There are some years when the vaccine is not as
much of a match with the virus as opposed to others year when the match is very

60% – 80% of people who receive the flu shot will be protected from the flu, but it is
only effective after a few weeks of receiving the shot. The flu vaccine’s effectiveness
also varies from person to person.
It is not as effective for seniors but there is a high dose vaccination available for
anyone 65 or older as it is just as important for seniors to get the vaccination. Seniors
are most likely to be hospitalized or even die from the flu. The vaccination is most
effective for adults younger than 65. The flu is not recommended for infants who are
not yet 6 months old or people who have an allergic reaction to the shot.

The flu vaccination does prevent the flu and studies have shown it has prevented
around 5.3 million influenza illnesses and 85,000 associated visits to the hospital, and
that is only from 2016-2017. The cost of the flu shot is only about $10 - $15 and the
vaccine is eligible under Ontario health benefits.
It is very easy to access as it is available to get from most doctors, nurse practitioners
and many pharmacies. Anyone between the ages of 2 – 17 is also eligible to receive
the vaccination through a nasal spray for added convenience. The flu vaccine must be
administered every single year in order for it to be effective each flu season.

Method 3 – Staying at Home

Another effective way to prevent the flu is to stay at home when you are sick. When it
comes to the cost of working from home, the company truly benefits if the employee
stays at home sick but continues to work. If the sick employee stays home, it prevents
other employees from getting sick and costing the company more in sick days. When

an employee is sick and working from home it still allows the employee to stay on top
and on track of their work.
When the employee takes a few sick days, it allows for that employee to fall behind on
their work and causes the company to pay more in expenses. The company would
need to cover the employee’s sick days but either pay someone overtime to finish off
the work. Or they would need to hire a temp, on top of paying for the employee to stay
home. So, the company and the employee would benefit from this, as some
companies only pay you a percentage of your pay when you take a sick day.
Most companies in the office administration field have most of the options to allow a
person to work from home. Working from home would be beneficial and accessible to
almost everyone in the field. There may only be an issue when it comes down to
having the software to allow employees to clock in and clock out from home.
Also, you run into the issue if employees are being truthful about the amount of time,
they are truly putting in. Once all of the kinks are worked out and if the company has all
of the right software and programming, it should be fairly easy and beneficial for the
employee to stay home and work for the day.
The Pros and Cons of Staying at Home
Pros Cons
Employees will be able to keep up with Not every position allows for the employee
their work and not fall behind to work from home

Will prevent other employees from getting May not have the proper equipment at
sick and passing it around the office home such as a computer, specific
computer programs or other office
The employee is available if needed

The employee can work at their own pace

and in a relaxed environment
The employee can also look terrible and
not have to worry about looking
presentable to work in the office
Keeps up office morals
Allows the employee to get better without
having to take even more time off work

The three methods mentioned above are all effective in preventing the Flu. To ensure
you are fully prepared for Flu season it is best to use all three methods together, but if
you are limited with time and or resources the effectiveness of each method will vary,
these are the recommendation for the best, moderate and least effective ways of

Best Method: Vaccinations

Vaccination is the number one preventive measure against the Flu as it is giving your
body an immunization to the illness. It is recommended to get your vaccination at the
start of the Flu season to ensure you are ready for when you do come in contact with
someone who is caring the Flu.

Moderate Method: Handwashing and Hand Sanitizers

Washing your hands regularly with liquid soap and running water, as well as, using
hand sanitizers, are the average methods in preventing the Flu. When you come in
contact with people that may be ill or have been using a common work area, it is
effective to wash your hands and use hand sanitizers to reduce your chances of
catching those germs. However, you may not always be able to wash your hands or
use hand sanitizer in time to fully take advantage of its preventive measures.

Last Method: Staying at Home

Staying at home is a good method to prevent yourself from spreading germs to other
people, as well as ensuring you have a speedy recovery. This is the least effective
preventative measure due to the fact that you already have the Flu and now you are
trying to ensure you do not make others sick or get worse yourself.

CDC. (2019). Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives. Retrieved from Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention:
CDC. (2018, October 26). Influenza. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and
CDC. (2019). When and How to Use Hand Sanitizer. Retrieved from Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention:
David L. Dyer, P. (2000, May 01). Clinical Interventions - Hand Hygiene. Retrieved
from Infection Control Today:
Gibson, R. (n.d.). Connecting Generations . We are here to help develop next
generation leaders. Retrieved April 1, 2019, from
Government, V. S. (2015, February). Handwashing - why it's important. Retrieved from
Better Health:
Inc, M. (2019). Should my child get a flu shot? Retrieved from Shoppers Drug Mart:
Shoppers Drug Mart. (2019). This year, Get Your Flu Shot at Shoppers Drug Mart.
Retrieved from Shoppers Drug Mart:
Unit, S. M. (2017). Hand Hygiene. Retrieved from Simcoe Muskoka Health:

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