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(a quick guide)

“Hackerspace” and “Makerspace” can
be used interchangeably.
These spaces are simply areas dedicated to all forms of making. The
key is that users make a product, digital or physical. Coding, sewing,
making robots, nailing wood — it’s all theoretically fair game at a
(Materials and rules, of course, vary among spaces.)
Created by Alison Baitz for LIS488, Spring 2019

---- Tip:
Despite the name, a “Hackerspace”
has nothing to do with malicious hacking.

What might you find at a Makerspace/Hacker-

space? Things like:
qCardboard tubes q3D printers qPipecleaners

qSewing machines qLaptop computers qLaser cutters

qGoogly eyes qKnitting needles qButton makers

qCircuit kits qLEGO sets

Tip: The possibilities are endless.

4 F A Q 4
Q: How can I establish one at my Q: What’s the coolest way an institution has
institution? engaged with making? Can I use their idea?
A: However you want! If you have lots of cash, A: There are many great examples of using
you can go wild with laser cutters and 3D Hackerspace/Makerspace tech and principles
printers. If your budget is tight, start smaller within the library/museum/archives area. The
with low-cost materials and machinery for your way the British Museum made 3D scans of
population. LEGO and recycled cardboard their artifacts available was, issues of
would make sense for a school library Mak- ownership aside, pretty cool.
erspace, while donated, secondhand sewing
machines may make sense for a public library.
---- Tip:
---- Yes, borrow these ideas, but also
Tip: ask patrons what they want to make! come up with your own!
B i b l i o g r a p h y

“A Librarian’s Guide to Makerspaces: 16 Resources.” OEDb,

ans-guide-to-makerspaces/. Accessed 16 March 2019.

Brewer, Bailey. “Making It in the Academic World: Makerspaces in University Librar-

ies.” American Libraries Magazine, 16 September 2015, americanlibrariesmagazine.
org/2015/09/16/making-it-academic-world/. Accessed 16 March 2019.

Gonzalez, Jennifer. “What Is the Point of a Makerspace?” Cult of Pedagogy, 20 May 2018, Accessed 16 March 2019.

Jones, Gwyneth A. “Makerspace Starter Kit Updated,” The Daring Librarian, 25 August
2018. Accessed 16
March 2019.

Lister, Heather. “Create an Amazing Low-tech Library Makerspace with These Easy Ideas.”
Demco Ideas & Inspiration, 15 September 2016,
low-tech-library-makerspace-easy-ideas/. Accessed 16 March 2019.

Moorefield-Long, Heather and Kitzie, Vanessa. “Makerspaces for All: Serving LGBTQ Mak-
ers in School Libraries.” Knowledge Quest, vol. 47, no. 1, 2018, pp. 46-50.

Passehl-Stoddart, et. al. History in the Making: Outreach and Collaboration between Special
Collections and Makerspaces. Collaborative Librarianship, vol. 10, no. 2, 2018, pp. 133-149.

“What Is a Makerspace? Is It a Hackerspace or a Makerspace?”, 15

March 2017, Accessed 16 March 2019.

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