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Muralles 1

Meleny Muralles

Argumentative Essay

1 February 2018

Mrs. Van Hill

Single Gender Classrooms

Everyday, as I go to school, I observe how both girls and boys get distracted during

lecture due to being taught in the same classroom. This makes me believe that both genders

should be taught in separate classrooms because it will benefit them educationally , and that will

make them more prosperous. According to Affo it is stated that,”this is sure to bring howls of

protest from groups dedicated to integrating the sexes, whether or not integrating them makes

sense or, in fact, even fair.” Affo knows that the separation of both sexes will create conflict

since some people believe that it is unethical and morally wrong to separate boys and girls.

Single gender classrooms will benefit both genders because teachers will be able to focus on

academics, kids will learn how to develop and improve social skills, and a higher percentage of

kids will be sent to college.

In the article written by Affo, he describes his point of view based on single sex

classrooms and how they can positively impact students academic progress. His point of view is

clearly stated through “consider that private schools, which are often single-sex institutions, send

a higher percentage of their students to college than do public schools” In other words students

academic performance on single gender schools is way better than public schools because more

students are prepared to attend college to further pursue their education. Evidence like this shows

the reader that they should take these schools into consideration because it will benefit both

sexes in various ways. This is clearly stated in the article When Affo wrote,” but many educators

contend that boys and girls both do better when taught separately. Teachers can focus on

academics and let kids develop social skills outside the classroom”. This verifies that the

expansion of these institutions is something people should approve upon because other ways kids

will reap benefits from this is by encouraging the kids in participation on non traditional subjects,

building up their confidence in the classroom, and reduce class disruption.

To continue, single sex classrooms are being considered an option in Washington D.C

due to them wanting to change the educational policy and reach their objective which is to help

both genders reach their full potential by improving education. Affo states, “ perhaps close the

gap that is growing as more women than men go on to college.” This evidence clearly illustrates

that males are falling behind and that they aren’t performing as good as females which proves

that if both genders are taught in the same classroom they will not fully obtain knowledge or

process the information that is being provided to them during lecture.

On the other hand, some people believe that there should not be any separation of genders

because they think integrating the sexes would be inequality due to the thought of whether it

would be fair or that some people might believe that one gender is more superior than the other.

However the fact remains that, “Making single gender classrooms will go a long way toward

improving education.” This is true because it’s been proven how kids perform better

academically when attending single gender classrooms and according to statistics these

institutions have advance academic scores.

In conclusion, I believe that single gender classrooms will benefit students . This will

allow us to students to use our time wisely and have no distractions. Along with that we will

improve drastically not only educationally but it will also benefit our confidence . Single gender

institutions is the way to improve education and prepare students for college.

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