Chapter-3 Research Methodology: Reseach Design

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Research Methodology is a way to find out the result of a given problem on a specific
matter or problem that is also referred as research problem. In Methodology, researcher
uses different criteria for solving/searching the given research problem. Different sources
use different type of methods for solving the problem. If we think about the word
“Methodology”, it is the way of searching or solving the research problem. (Industrial
Research Institute, 2010).

In Research Methodology, researcher always tries to search the given question

systematically in our own way and find out all the answers till conclusion. If research does
not work systematically on problem, there would be less possibility to find out the final
result. For finding or exploring research questions, a researcher faces lot of problems that
can be effectively resolved with using correct research methodology (Industrial Research
Institute, 2010).


According to David J Luck and Ronald S Rubin, “A research design is the determination
and statement of the general research approach or strategy adopted for the particular
project. It is the heart of planning. If the design adheres to the research objective, it will
ensure that the client’s need will be served”.

In This Research, I have used Descriptive Research, because it provides an accurate

portrayal of characteristics of a particular individual, situation, or group. This method,
means of discovering new meaning, describing what exists, determining the frequency
with which something occurs, and categorizing information

Descriptive research methods are used when the researcher wants to describe specific
behaviour as it occurs in the environment. There are a variety of descriptive research
methods available, and once again, the nature of the question that needs to be answered
drives which method is used. Traditionally, descriptive research involves three main
categories: observation, case studies, and surveys. Let's take a closer look at each of these


There are two types of data are primary and secondary data.


Data that has been collected from first-hand-experience is known as primary data.
Primary data has not been published yet and is more reliable, authentic and objective.
Primary data has not been changed or altered by human beings; therefore its validity is
greater than secondary data.


Data collected from a source that has already been published in any form is called as
secondary data. The review of literature in nay research is based on secondary data.
Mostly from books, journals and periodical

The information for the study is obtained from both sources namely.

1. Primary Sources
2. Secondary Sources


It is the information collected directly without any references. It is mainly through

interactions with concerned officers & staff, either individually or collectively; some of the
information has been verified or supplemented with personal observation. These sources
a. Thorough interactions with the various department Managers of “PARADEEP

b. Guidelines given by the Project Guide, Mr. SRIRAM TRIPATHY, Dy. Manager,
Budget Section, F & A.


This data is from the number of books and records of the company, the annual reports
published by the company and other magazines. The secondary data is obtained from the

a. Collection of required data from annual records, monthly record, internal Published
book or profile of “PARADEEP PHOSPHATES LTD”.
b. Other books and Journals and magazines
c. Annual Reports of the company

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