Using Mullins Library To Find Articles Gmontoya

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Gabriela Montoya

CIED 1003
February 1, 2019

Using Mullins Library to Find Articles

Part A:
Gabriela Montoya
CIED 1003
February 1, 2019

Part B:

Name of U of A class: HDFS 2483: Family Financial Management

Instructor: Dr. Shari Moxley
Gabriela Montoya
CIED 1003
February 1, 2019

Part C:
Step 2:
1. Nicole Lee Coury

2. Consumer Perceptions of Apparel Fit Satisfaction and Sizing Based Upon 3D Body Scanning
and Block Garment Assessment

3. 2015

4. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

5. Purpose of the Study: “Fit is a major issue in the apparel industry and poor fit can lead to unsatisfied
customers. In order to better serve their customers, Walmart, Inc. has been interested in researching
consumers’ perceptions of the fit of clothing for Walmart, Inc., as well as determining how 3D
technology can improve Walmart, Inc.’s business. The purpose of this study was to determine
consumers’ fit satisfaction levels of the current standard block garments based on general consumer
perceptions, visual aids, and background characteristics. The study also investigated consumers’
perceptions of their body size and perceptions of self.”

6. Conclusion: “A majority of respondents self-reported purchasing the incorrect size, which could result
in dissatisfaction with garment fit. This supports the previous research that has shown that consumers
often do not accurately know their garment size…Research question two asked, “Do consumers
perceptions of fit satisfaction of Walmart, Inc. clothing improve after the consumer tries on the standard
block garments?” Based on the data the answer is yes, their fit satisfaction did increase after trying on
the garments. This could indicate that consumers’ perceptions of Walmart, Inc. clothing are negatively
skewed, but that if consumers actually try on the clothing, their perceptions could be positively
influenced. If perceived quality is increased, brand perception will be improved…Overall, the variable ‘fit
satisfaction of shirts’ was impacted by the three independent variables tested, which were age, size, and
garment type.”

7. This particular study is important because it shows the behaviors and perceptions of consumers. This
study is specifically about clothes and the perception of fit that people might have. How clothes fit is
important in helping consumers determine the quality and comfort of the product. This student paired
up with Walmart to do the study. This study could really help Walmart to help their costumers find the
right fit of clothing for their body, or to create clothes that fit better, and have higher quality. According
to the study if the quality is improved than the consumers perception of the brand will improve.

8. I really like the topic of this study and I think that the student did really well in writing this thesis,
however instead of working with Walmart to do this study I’d pair up with a more well-known clothing
company. When I think of Walmart I don’t think of clothes I think of food, they do sell everything
though, but I would pair up with Dillard’s instead. Dillard’s main product is clothing so I think that
partnering with them would be ideal for this study. One of the main purposes of this study is to
determine if consumers purchase clothing that is their correct size or a good fit for them. Something I
would change in this thesis would be to write at the beginning of this thesis what the definition of a
Gabriela Montoya
CIED 1003
February 1, 2019

“good fit” is according to the body scanner they use. Also, besides trying to figure out what size clothing
consumers typically buy at Walmart, what is the end goal? The student states that now that she knows
consumers typically buy the incorrect size that they need to be more educated, but that seems like a
goal that is out of reach. I would probably instead talk to the company and either try and create more
options of sizes or try and edit the already built patterns for the sizes if that is the problem. If this is
something that would please more consumers than this would help the store increase their profits in the
long run.

Step 3:
1. Nancy Harris Buckley

2. 2016

3. Culinary Competence: Skills and Knowledge Assessment for dietetic Students

4. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

5. “This study was conducted to determine if developing and incorporating experiential learning
targeted to the FCP DPG core competencies would increase the students, culinary skills and knowledge.
Graduates of didactic programs in dietetics are entering internships with little cooking experience. …The
results of the study show that using experiential learning theory as a teaching method and the FCP DPG
core competencies as a guide, was an effective method for teaching students culinary skills and

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