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Gaby Montoya

February 7, 2019


Name of Class: HDFS 2483: Family Financial Management
Name of Topic: Family Financial Management
Name of Article: Determinants of Role Structure in Family Financial Management
Name of author of the article: Dennis L. Rosen, Donald H. Granbois
Year article was published: 1983

Summary: With the changes in the economy family financial management has assumed
great importance. However, over time families have been changing, including the
attitudes of both men and women and towards the proper roles for husbands and
wives. This article takes all these factors into consideration when discussing family
financial management, but their focus are the roles of husbands and wives in saving and
in money management. According to this article attitudes towards gender roles and the
level of education of a person were the most important factors in determining the role
structure in the home. In the past husbands made the decisions of how much money to
save but now it is more popular that both the husband and the wife make the decision
together. In the end the research shows that socioeconomic and demographic variables
are less predicative of which spouse handles financial matters.

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